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During V(D)J recombination, recombination activating gene proteins RAG1 and RAG2 generate DNA double strand breaks within a paired complex (PC) containing two complementary recombination signal sequences (RSSs), the 12RSS and 23RSS, which differ in the length of the spacer separating heptamer and nonamer elements. Despite the central role of the PC in V(D)J recombination, little is understood about its structure. Here, we use fluorescence resonance energy transfer to investigate the architecture of the 23RSS in the PC. Energy transfer was detected in 23RSS substrates in which the donor and acceptor fluorophores flanked the entire RSS, and was optimal under conditions that yield a cleavage-competent PC. The data are most easily explained by a dramatic bend in the 23RSS that reduces the distance between these flanking regions from >160 Å in the linear substrate to <80 Å in the PC. Analysis of multiple fluorescent substrates together with molecular dynamics modeling yielded a model in which the 23RSS adopts a U shape in the PC, with the spacer located centrally within the bend. We propose that this large bend facilitates simultaneous recognition of the heptamer and nonamer, is critical for proper positioning of the active site and contributes to the 12/23 rule.  相似文献   
Many populations live in environments subject to frequent biotic and abiotic changes. Nonetheless, it is interesting to ask whether an evolving population''s mean fitness can increase indefinitely, and potentially without any limit, even in a constant environment. A recent study showed that fitness trajectories of Escherichia coli populations over 50 000 generations were better described by a power-law model than by a hyperbolic model. According to the power-law model, the rate of fitness gain declines over time but fitness has no upper limit, whereas the hyperbolic model implies a hard limit. Here, we examine whether the previously estimated power-law model predicts the fitness trajectory for an additional 10 000 generations. To that end, we conducted more than 1100 new competitive fitness assays. Consistent with the previous study, the power-law model fits the new data better than the hyperbolic model. We also analysed the variability in fitness among populations, finding subtle, but significant, heterogeneity in mean fitness. Some, but not all, of this variation reflects differences in mutation rate that evolved over time. Taken together, our results imply that both adaptation and divergence can continue indefinitely—or at least for a long time—even in a constant environment.  相似文献   
The N-glycans of membrane glycoproteins are mainly exposed to the extracellular space. Human tyrosinase is a transmembrane glycoprotein with six or seven bulky N-glycans exposed towards the lumen of subcellular organelles. The central active site region of human tyrosinase is modeled here within less than 2.5 Å accuracy starting from Streptomyces castaneoglobisporus tyrosinase. The model accounts for the last five C-terminus glycosylation sites of which four are occupied and indicates that these cluster in two pairs - one in close vicinity to the active site and the other on the opposite side. We have analyzed and compared the roles of all tyrosinase N-glycans during tyrosinase processing with a special focus on the proximal to the active site N-glycans, s6:N337 and s7:N371, versus s3:N161 and s4:N230 which decorate the opposite side of the domain. To this end, we have constructed mutants of human tyrosinase in which its seven N-glycosylation sites were deleted. Ablation of the s6:N337 and s7:N371 sites arrests the post-translational productive folding process resulting in terminally misfolded mutants subjected to degradation through the mannosidase driven ERAD pathway. In contrast, single mutants of the other five N-glycans located either opposite to the active site or into the N-terminus Cys1 extension of tyrosinase are temperature-sensitive mutants and recover enzymatic activity at the permissive temperature of 31°C. Sites s3 and s4 display selective calreticulin binding properties. The C-terminus sites s7 and s6 are critical for the endoplasmic reticulum retention and intracellular disposal. Results herein suggest that individual N-glycan location is critical for the stability, regional folding control and secretion of human tyrosinase and explains some tyrosinase gene missense mutations associated with oculocutaneous albinism type I.  相似文献   
Leaf-derived suspension cultures of sweet basil, Ocimum basilicum L. accumulated rosmarinic acid up to 10 mg g–1 dry wt, a value up to 11 times higher than in callus cultures or in leaves of donor plants. Immobilized cells accumulated less than 15 g rosmarinic acid g–1.  相似文献   
Mass spectrometry is being used to find disease-related patterns in mixtures of proteins derived from biological fluids. Questions have been raised about the reproducibility and reliability of peak quantifications using this technology. We collected nipple aspirate fluid from breast cancer patients and healthy women, pooled them into a quality control sample, and produced 24 replicate SELDI spectra. We developed a novel algorithm to process the spectra, denoising with the undecimated discrete wavelet transform (UDWT), and evaluated it for consistency and reproducibility. UDWT efficiently decomposes spectra into noise and signal. The noise is consistent and uncorrelated. Baseline correction produces isolated peak clusters separated by flat regions. Our method reproducibly detects more peaks than the method implemented in Ciphergen software. After normalization and log transformation, the mean coefficient of variation of peak heights is 10.6%. Our method to process spectra provides improvements over existing methods. Denoising using the UDWT appears to be an important step toward obtaining results that are more accurate. It improves the reproducibility of quantifications and supplies tools for investigation of the variations in the technology more carefully. Further study will be required, because we do not have a gold standard providing an objective assessment of which peaks are present in the samples.  相似文献   
Spiridon M  Kanwisher N 《Neuron》2002,35(6):1157-1165
We used fMRI to study the distribution of object category information in the ventral visual pathway. Extending the findings of, we find that categories of stimuli can be distinguished by the pattern of activation they elicit across this entire pathway, even when the stimuli within a category differ in viewpoint, exemplar, or image format. However, regions within the ventral visual pathway are neither interchangeable nor equipotential. Although the FFA and PPA permit excellent discrimination between preferred versus nonpreferred stimuli (e.g., faces-bottles and houses-bottles, respectively), we find that neither region alone permits accurate discrimination between pairs of nonpreferred stimuli (e.g., bottles-shoes). These findings indicate that the ventral visual pathway is not homogeneous, but contains some regions (including FFA and PPA) that are primarily involved in the analysis of a single class of stimulus.  相似文献   
The naturally occurring, non-essential amino acid beta-N-methylamino-L-alanine (BMAA) has been recently found in high concentrations in brain tissues of patients with tauopathies such as the Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis-Parkinsonism-Dementia Complex (ALS/PDC) in the South Pacific island of Guam and in a small number of Caucasian, North American patients with sporadic Alzheimer's disease. BMAA is produced by cyanobacteria that are present in all conceivable aquatic and/or terrestrial ecosystems and may be accumulated in living tissues in free and protein-bound forms through the process of biomagnification. Although its role in human degenerative disease is highly debated, there is mounting evidence in support of the neurotoxic properties of BMAA that may be mediated via mechanisms involving among others the regulation of glutamate. Glutamate-related excitotoxicity is among the most prominent factors in the etiopathogenesis of human neurodegenerative diseases. Due to the wide geographical distribution of cyanobacteria and the possible implications of BMAA neurotoxic properties in public health more research towards this direction is warranted.  相似文献   
A full-length c-DNA encoding a xyloglucan-specific endo -beta-1, 4- glucanase (XEG) has been isolated from the filamentous fungus Aspergillus aculeatus by expression cloning in yeast. The colonies expressing functional XEG were identified on agar plates containing azurine-dyed cross-linked xyloglucan. The cDNA encoding XEG was isolated, sequenced, cloned into an Aspergillus expression vector, and transformed into Aspergillus oryzae for heterologous expression. The recombinant enzyme was purified to apparent homogeneity by anion- exchange and gel permeation chromatography. The recombinant XEG has a molecular mass of 23,600, an isoelectric point of 3.4, and is optimally stable at a pH of 3.4 and temperature below 30 degreesC. The enzyme hydrolyzes structurally diverse xyloglucans from various sources, but hydrolyzes no other cell wall component and can therefore be considered a xyloglucan-specific endo -beta-1, 4-glucanohydrolase. XEG hydrolyzes its substrates with retention of the anomeric configuration. The Kmof the recombinant enzyme is 3.6 mg/ml, and its specific activity is 260 micromol/min per mg protein. The enzyme was tested for its ability to solubilize xyloglucan oligosaccharides from plant cell walls. It was shown that treatment of plant cell walls with XEG yields only xyloglucan oligosaccharides, indicating that this enzyme can be a powerful tool in the structural elucidation of xyloglucans.   相似文献   
Plants and animals have evolved structurally related innate immune sensors, designated NLRs, to detect intracellular nonself molecules. NLRs are modular, consisting of N-terminal coiled-coil (CC) or TOLL/interleukin-1 receptor (TIR) domains, a central nucleotide-binding (NB) domain, and C-terminal leucine-rich repeats (LRRs). The polymorphic barley mildew A (MLA) locus encodes CC-containing allelic immune receptors recognizing effectors of the pathogenic powdery mildew fungus. We report the crystal structure of an MLA receptor's invariant CC domain, which reveals a rod-shaped homodimer. MLA receptors also self-associate in?vivo, but self-association appears to be independent of effector-triggered receptor activation. MLA CC mutants that fail to self-interact impair in planta cell death activity triggered by the CC domain alone and by an autoactive full-length MLA receptor that mimics its ATP-bound state. Thus, CC domain-dependent dimerization of the immune sensor defines a minimal functional unit and implies a role for the dimeric CC module in downstream immune signaling.  相似文献   
A number of herbal plants from Romania widely used as natural food additives or for health promotion in traditional medicine were investigated for their antioxidant activity. Methanol extracts were obtained from plants belonging to the Lamiaceae family (lavender Lavandula angustifolia L.; lemon balm Melissa officinalis; sage Salvia officinalis; oregano Origanum vulgare L.; rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis L.; thyme Thymus vulgaris L.; mullein Verbascum phlomoides; mint Mentha longifolia), Clusiaceae family (St John’s wort Hypericum perforatum L.), and Compositae family (elecampane Inula helenium). Total phenolic concentration was determined using the Folin-Ciocalteu phenol reagent method, while total flavonoids were measured using the aluminium chloride colorimetric method. Relationships between total antioxidant activity and composition of plant extracts were evaluated. Origanum vulgare extract showed the highest antioxidant activity and total phenolic content compared to the other plants extracts. A positive correlation was observed between total antioxidant activity and total phenolic content of the analyzed extracts.  相似文献   
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