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We studied the influences of food type, food quantity, water currents, starvation and light on growth and reproduction of the sea hareaplysia oculifera (Adams and Reeve, 1850) under laboratory conditions. Out of five species of algae served as food,Enteromorpha intestinalis promoted the fastest growth ofA. oculifera, Ulva spp. slower growth,Cladophora sp. allowed maintenance spp. slower growth,Cladophora sp. allowed maintenance of steady body mass, and the brown algaeColpomenia sp. andPadina pavonia were rejected by the sea hares. When sea hares were exposed to four levels of water currents, growth rates decreased as water currents increased. Sea hares fed on 50% ration grew slower than those fed on 100% ration (ad libitum). During 10 days of starvation sea hares lost weight, but when subsequently fed 100% ration they recovered and grew at a rate similar to those fed continuously with 100% ration. Under shade and under natural sunlight sea hares grew at the same rates. Whenever growth rates decreased, sea hares began to spawn at a smaller body size.A. oculifera demonstrated physiological plasticity that adapted them to varied and unpredictable environmental conditions. At different conditions of food availability they applied different tactics of resource allocation between growth and reproduction.  相似文献   
We sought to determine the effects of different host cells on human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection in vitro. First, 17 primary viruses of various phenotypes were examined for replicative capacity in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from 10 healthy donors. While the range of infection was variable over a 40-fold range, it was substantially less than that previously reported (L. M. Williams and M. W. Cloyd, Virology 184:723-728, 1991). In particular, no donor cells demonstrated total resistance to HIV-1 infection. We next cocultured PBMC from an HIV-1-infected patient with stimulated PBMC from three healthy donors to determine the effect of host cells on selection for a particular HIV-1 quasispecies. By using DNA sequencing, it was found that the dominant quasispecies (AD30-15) after culture was nearly identical in the cells of different donors. Furthermore, after 6 months in vivo, the patient developed a dominant proviral population in PBMC that was most closely related to the quasispecies preferentially selected in vitro, although this quasispecies was only a minor fraction of the sequences present earlier in PBMC. In subsequent biological characterizations, it was found that AD30-15 grew much better in PBMC and macrophages than did other related quasispecies. Hence, we conclude that the primary mechanism of in vitro selection for a particular HIV-1 variant in this case is mediated by the phenotypic properties of the virus and is less dependent on host cell origin. The findings reported here have important practical implications for studies of HIV-1 replication in primary cells derived from healthy donors.  相似文献   
The results of a randomised trial of polyadenylic-polyuridylic acid given as adjuvant treatment for operable breast cancer were reviewed after a mean follow up period of 87 months. Of the 300 patients included in the original trial, 145 had been allocated to conventional treatment alone and served as controls. At the time of review the overall survival of the group given polyadenylic-polyuridylic acid was significantly improved (p less than 0.05) as compared with that of the controls given conventional treatment alone. Significant benefit (p less than 0.02) was also observed among patients with evidence of disease in lymph nodes, the best results occurring in those with up to three invaded nodes, who showed a significant increase in both overall and relapse free survival. No evidence of toxicity was recorded. These findings confirm the value of polyadenylic-polyuridylic acid as adjuvant treatment for operable breast cancer. Results in an experimental model and in patients receiving the adjuvant suggested a possible role of interferon and natural killer (NK) cells in the mechanism of action.  相似文献   
The pathological study of all placentas from women smoking at least five cigarettes daily during pregnancy (248 cases) and of those placentas from a corresponding control group randomised among all the non-smokers (196 cases) has been set up at the maternity hospital of Haguenau (France) since 1974. The systematic histological examination has shown among smokers a higher frequency of abonormal trophoblast and especially of nuclear clumps in the syncytiotrophoblast. On the other hand, according to a standard protocol, the grouping of various abnormalities has shown, among smokers, a higher frequency of "signs of hypoxia". The lack of relationship between these "signs of hypoxia" and the well-known decreased birthweight among smokers suggests that smoking during pregnancy could always go with a decreased birthweight without a corresponding decreased placental weight, and seldom with an intra-uterine hypoxia. These two effects are independent.  相似文献   
The reconstruction of a functioning esophagus with a free groin flap was performed successfully in 10 rats. A technique is described for the experimental anastomosis of vessels with a diameter of 0.5 mm or less. We also describe a modification of a method to convert a hairy flap before transfer into a hairless one.  相似文献   
Trout testis cells were separated into various developmental classes by velocity sedimentation in bovine serum albumin gradients and were identified morphologically with particular stages of the process of spermatogenesis. The stage of testis cell differentiation at which protamine mRNA appears in the cell cytoplasm for the first time was determined by hybridization of RNA populations extracted from the separated cells to radioactively labeled protamine cDNA. Primary spermatocytes represent the earliest stage of differentiation at which protamine mRNA can be detected in large quantities in the cell cytoplasm, establishing that the synthesis of this class of mRNA occurs at a much earlier stage than the time of its translation at the spermatid stage. Protamine mRNA sequences were found in both the polysomes and postribosomal supernatant of the spermatid cells which are involved in the synthesis of protamine, while primary and secondary spermatocytes contained the mRNA sequences only in their postribosomal supernatant fractions. These findings strongly suggest that protamine mRNA is synthesized, accumulated, and stored in the cell sap of primary and secondary spermatocytes in the form of “inactive” messenger ribonucleoprotein particles, which are “activated” and translated at the spermatid stage.  相似文献   
The present investigation evaluates the effects of long-term, local delivery of insulin, insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), and basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) on fat-graft survival using a poly (lactic-co-glycolic-acid)-polyethylene glycol (PLGA/PEG) microsphere delivery system. Twelve-micrometer PLGA/PEG microspheres incorporated separately with insulin, IGF-1, and bFGF were manufactured using a double-emulsion solvent-extraction technique. Inguinal fat from Sprague Dawley rats was harvested, diced, washed, and mixed with (1) insulin microspheres, (2) insulin-like growth factor-1 microspheres, (3) basic fibroblast growth factor microspheres, (4) a combination of the insulin and IGF-1 microspheres, and (5) a combination of insulin, IGF-1, and bFGF microspheres. The treated fat grafts were implanted autologously into subdermal pockets in six animals for each group. Animals receiving untreated fat grafts and fat grafts treated with blank microspheres constituted two external control groups (six animals per external control group). At 12 weeks, all fat-graft groups were compared on the basis of weight maintenance and a histomorphometric analysis of adipocyte area percentage, indices of volume retention and cell composition, respectively. Weight maintenance was defined as the final graft weight as a percent of the implanted graft weight. All growth factor treatments significantly increased fat-graft weight maintenance objectively, and volume maintenance grossly, in comparison with the untreated and blank microsphere-treated controls. Treatment with insulin and IGF-1, alone or in combination, was found to increase the adipocyte area percentage in comparison with fat grafts treated with bFGF alone or in combination with other growth factors. In conclusion, the findings of this study indicate that long-term, local delivery of growth factors with PLGA/PEG microspheres has the potential to increase fat-graft survival rates. Further, the type of growth factor delivered may influence the cellular/stromal composition of the grafted tissue.  相似文献   
Organic Lake is a shallow, marine-derived hypersaline lake in the Vestfold Hills, Antarctica that has the highest reported concentration of dimethylsulfide (DMS) in a natural body of water. To determine the composition and functional potential of the microbial community and learn about the unusual sulfur chemistry in Organic Lake, shotgun metagenomics was performed on size-fractionated samples collected along a depth profile. Eucaryal phytoflagellates were the main photosynthetic organisms. Bacteria were dominated by the globally distributed heterotrophic taxa Marinobacter, Roseovarius and Psychroflexus. The dominance of heterotrophic degradation, coupled with low fixation potential, indicates possible net carbon loss. However, abundant marker genes for aerobic anoxygenic phototrophy, sulfur oxidation, rhodopsins and CO oxidation were also linked to the dominant heterotrophic bacteria, and indicate the use of photo- and lithoheterotrophy as mechanisms for conserving organic carbon. Similarly, a high genetic potential for the recycling of nitrogen compounds likely functions to retain fixed nitrogen in the lake. Dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) lyase genes were abundant, indicating that DMSP is a significant carbon and energy source. Unlike marine environments, DMSP demethylases were less abundant, indicating that DMSP cleavage is the likely source of high DMS concentration. DMSP cleavage, carbon mixotrophy (photoheterotrophy and lithoheterotrophy) and nitrogen remineralization by dominant Organic Lake bacteria are potentially important adaptations to nutrient constraints. In particular, carbon mixotrophy relieves the extent of carbon oxidation for energy production, allowing more carbon to be used for biosynthetic processes. The study sheds light on how the microbial community has adapted to this unique Antarctic lake environment.  相似文献   


To search for imaging characteristics distinguishing patients with successful from those with futile microbiological pathogen detection by CT-guided biopsy in suspected spondylodiscitis.


34 consecutive patients with suspected spondylodiscitis underwent CT-guided biopsy for pathogen detection. MR-images were assessed for inflammatory infiltration of disks, adjacent vertebrae, epidural and paravertebral space. CT-images were reviewed for arrosion of adjacent end plates and reduced disk height. Biopsy samples were sent for microbiological examination in 34/34 patients, and for additional histological analysis in 28/34 patients.


Paravertebral infiltration was present in all 10/10 patients with positive microbiology and occurred in only 12/24 patients with negative microbiology, resulting in a sensitivity of 100% and a specificity of 50% for pathogen detection. Despite its limited sensitivities, epidural infiltration and paravertebral abscesses showed considerably higher specificities of 83.3% and 90.9%, respectively. Paravertebral infiltration was more extensive in patients with positive as compared to negative microbiology (p = 0.002). Even though sensitivities for pathogen detection were also high in case of vertebral and disk infiltration, or end plate arrosion, specificities remained below 10%.


Inflammatory infiltration of the paravertebral space indicated successful pathogen detection by CT-guided biopsy. Specificity was increased by the additional occurrence of epidural infiltration or paravertebral abscesses.  相似文献   
1. Ontogenesis of the electroretinogram, the mass electrical response of the retina to flash light stimuli, was studied in the guinea pig (Cavia porcellus), a precocial species with visual function at birth. 2. a-Wave components, b-wave, oscillatory potentials, slow PIII, and c-wave responses to flash stimuli developed between 55 and 64 days of gestation (full term is 68-69 days). 3. a-Waves attributable to photoreceptor functions were fully mature at 60 days. 4. ERG development lagged behind the reported critical milestones in retinal development; its prenatal onset indicates that no history of light entrainment is required for initiation of a mature ERG response.  相似文献   
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