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The role of Ab deposition and complement activation, especially the membrane attack complex (MAC), in the mediation of injury in experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE) is not resolved. The course of active EAE in normal PVG rats was compared with that in PVG rats deficient in the C6 component of complement (PVG/C6(-)) that are unable to form MAC. Following immunization with myelin basic protein, PVG/C6(-) rats developed significantly milder EAE than PVG/C rats. The anti-myelin basic protein response was similar in both strains, as was deposition of C3 in spinal cord. C9 was detected in PVG/C rats but not in PVG/C6(-), consistent with their lack of C6 and inability to form MAC. In PVG/C6(-) rats, the T cell and macrophage infiltrate in the spinal cord was also significantly less than in normal PVG/C rats. There was also reduced expression of P-selectin on endothelial cells, which may have contributed to the reduced cellular infiltrate by limiting migration from the circulation. Assay of cytokine mRNA by RT-PCR in the spinal cords showed no differences in the profile of Th1 or Th2 cytokines between PVG/C and PVG/C6(-) rats. PVG/C rats also had a greater increase in peripheral blood white blood cell, neutrophil, and basophil counts than was observed in the PVG/C6(-). These findings suggest that the MAC may have a role in the pathogenesis of EAE, not only by Ig-activated MAC injury but also via induction of P-selectin on vascular endothelium to promote infiltration of T cells and macrophages into the spinal cord.  相似文献   
It has become increasingly apparent that the high molecular mass glycosaminoglycan, hyaluronan (HA), is required for many morphogenetic processes during vertebrate development. This renewed understanding of the various developmental roles for HA, has come about largely through the advent of gene targeting approaches in the mouse. To date, mutations have been engineered in the enzymes responsible for biosynthesis and degradation and for those proteins that bind to HA within the extracellular matrix and at the cell surface. Collectively, the phenotypes resulting from these mutations demonstrate that HA is critical for normal mammalian embryogenesis and for various processes in postnatal and adult life (Table 1). In this article we will review our progress in understanding the biological functions for HA through targeted mutagenesis of the HA synthase 2 (Has2) and 3 (Has3) genes. Data that has been obtained from a conventional targeted disruption of the Has2 gene, is presented in an accompanying review by Camenisch and McDonald. More specifically, in this review we will provide an overview of the conditional gene targeting strategy being used to create tissue-specific deficiencies in Has2 function, along with our progress in understanding the role for Has3-dependent HA biosynthesis. Published in 2003.  相似文献   
Mice lacking NHE3, the major absorptive Na(+)/H(+) exchanger in the intestine, are the only animal model of congenital diarrhea. To identify molecular changes underlying compensatory mechanisms activated in chronic diarrheas, cDNA microarrays and Northern blot analyses were used to compare global mRNA expression patterns in small intestine of NHE3-deficient and wild-type mice. Among the genes identified were members of the RegIII family of growth factors, which may contribute to the increased absorptive area, and a large number of interferon-gamma-responsive genes. The latter finding is of particular interest, since interferon-gamma has been shown to regulate ion transporter activities in intestinal epithelial cells. Serum interferon-gamma was elevated 5-fold in NHE3-deficient mice; however, there was no evidence of inflammation, and unlike conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease, levels of other cytokines were unchanged. In addition, quantitative PCR analysis showed that up-regulation of interferon-gamma mRNA was localized to the small intestine and did not occur in the colon, spleen, or kidney. These in vivo data suggest that elevated interferon-gamma, produced by gut-associated lymphoid tissue in the small intestine, is part of a homeostatic mechanism that is activated in response to the intestinal absorptive defect in order to regulate the fluidity of the intestinal tract.  相似文献   
Previous molecular phylogenetic studies have examined the taxonomic relationships among a number of typical emberizid sparrow genera. To help clarify these relationships, we sequenced a 1673 base pair fragment for the complete sequence of three mitochondrial genes: adenosine triphosphatase (Atp8 and Atp6) and cytochrome oxidase subunit III (COIII) for 38 sparrow species, along with Passerina amoena (Cardinalidae) and Piranga ludoviciana (Thraupidae) which were selected as the outgroups. Our analysis confirms the monophyly of traditional genera such as Junco, Melospiza, and Zonotrichia. Although Calcarius and Plectrophenax are often thought to be putative emberizids, all our analyses placed these genera basal to all other sparrows examined. As observed with Calcarius, Spizella did not form a monophyletic group, with S. arborea being the sister-taxon to Passerella iliaca. Our analyses also suggest that Aimophila ruficeps is probably more closely related to the "brown towhees" (Pipilo aberti, P. crissalis, and P. fuscus) than its putative congeners. The genus Ammodramus was also not monophyletic, since it appears that Passerculus sandwichensis is more closely related to A. henslowii and A. leconteii then either one is related to its congener A. savannarum. Finally, our analyses exhibited other unsuspected associations, such as the sister-taxon relationships between Amphispiza bilineata and the Chondestes grammacus/Calamospiza melanocorys clade, and Amphispiza belli and Pooecetes gramineus.  相似文献   
Summary In the search for a functional role for the polarized glycoconjugates of rat collecting duct epithelial cells, the relation between binding of various lectins and expression of cellular transport enzyme profile of the cells was studied. For this purpose, principal and intercalated cells of rat kidney collecting duct were identified by morphological criteria and by their immunocytochemically determined content of (Na++K+)-ATPase and carbonic anhydrase (CA II), respectively. VariousN-acetylgalactosamine-specific lectins such as those fromHelix pomatia andMaclura pomifera revealed heterogeneity among both principal and intercalated cells, whereas -N-acetylgalactosa nine-specific lectin fromDolichos biflorus andVicia villosa bound preferentially to principal cells. Still another lectin fromArachis hypogaea reacted with most collecting duct cells in the cortex and outer medulla, but only with a subpopulation of cells in the inner medulla. Interestingly, some lectins reacted exclusively with the apical aspect of the collecting duct epithelial cells, whereas others revealed both an apical and basolateral distribution of lectin reactive glycoconjugates. The results thus show subtle differences in the glycocalyx structure of principal and intercalated cells and differences in the intracellular polarization of glycoconjugates of these cells. Thus, lectins may be useful tools in the study of the molecular mechanisms which establish and maintain the polarized functions of principal and intercalated cells.  相似文献   
Paraffin sections of submandibular, sublingual, minor salivary, and parotid glands from ten human autopsy cases were stained with a battery of ten lectins conjugated to horseradish peroxidase. Variable affinity for one or another lectin between mucous cells in a gland evidenced cellular heterogeneity in mucin production. Mucous cells of a given type of gland varied among individuals, but for a single individual appeared markedly but not completely similar from one type of salivary gland to another. The individual variation related, in part, to the ABO blood group and secretor status of the individual. For mucous cells in secretors of blood group A and B all antigens stained strongly for the presence of terminal alpha-N-acetylgalactosamine or alpha-galactose, respectively. Mucous cells in AB secretors contained both antigens, whereas those of O (H) secretors lacked both. Mucous cells of three presumed nonsecretors, two of whom were immature infants and possibly too young to produce ABO antigen, failed to stain. Mucous cells in glands from the presumed nonsecretors, however, revealed a staining pattern consistent with the presence of Lea antigen. Mucous cells of nonsecretors stained with Lotus tetragonolobus agglutinin but not with Ulex europeus I agglutinin, whereas mucous cells of ABO secretors stained with both lectins. This difference in lectin binding indicated that sites reactive only with Lotus tetragonolobus agglutinin contain 1----4 linked fucosyl residues and sites stained by both lectins contain fucose linked 1----2 to the oligosaccharide. Staining of mucous cells of nonsecretors with Pisum sativum agglutinin indicate that either the lectin binds to internal N-acetylglucosamine of Lea substance or the mucous cells contain an N-glycosidic glycoprotein of the type thought to bind this lectin. Serous cells stained less strongly than mucous cells and differed in lectin affinities from one type of gland to another in an individual. Staining of serous cells of a given gland varied markedly among different subjects. This individual variability did not relate to blood group as terminal sugars demonstrative of A or B blood group antigens were not detected in any serous cells. Serous cells in the submandibular glands from the two immature infants were unreactive with all lectin conjugates. Secretions in parotid and submandibular serous cells generally contained a higher content of fucose than those in sublingual serous cells, which contained higher levels of a terminal galactose-sialic acid dimer. Some but not other cells of striated and interlobular ducts of submandibular glands of one subject stained for alpha-N-acetylgalactosamine.  相似文献   
Immunolocalization of band 3 protein in normal and cystic fibrosis skin   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Current evidence indicates that the defect in cystic fibrosis (CF) involves chloride transport in various epithelial cells. The sweat gland, one site of altered chloride transport in CF, was examined immunocytochemically for localization of a chloride-channel membrane protein, designated band 3 protein. Immunoreactivity was observed in sweat duct cell membranes of both normal and CF samples, whereas secretory coil regions were entirely unreactive. No difference was observed in the pattern or intensity of immunoreactivity between the two groups at the light microscopic (LM) level of resolution.  相似文献   
A reproducible procedure for the isolation, from human placenta, of a cathepsin B1 in a homogeneous state, demonstrated by electrophoretic, ultracentrifugal and enzymic criteria, was carried out. The pH optimum was near pH5.5. The placental enzyme catalysed the release of acid-soluble u.v.-dense products from haemoglobin and myoglobin. It was inhibited by heavy metals and several compounds which react with the thiol groups. The optimum temperature was between 37° and 42°C. The molecular weight of the enzyme was calculated to be 24250.  相似文献   
Summary The protein human carbonic anhydrase II (HCA II) has been isotopically labeled with 2H, 13C and 15N for high-resolution NMR assignment studies and pulse sequence development. To increase the sensitivity of several key 1H/13C/15N triple-resonance correlation experiments, 2H has been incorporated into HCA II in order to decrease the rates of 13C and 1HN T2 relaxation. NMR quantities of protein with essentially complete aliphatic 2H incorporation have been obtained by growth of E. coli in defined media containing D2O, [1,2-13C2, 99%] sodium acetate, and [15N, 99%] ammonium chloride. Complete aliphatic deuterium enrichment is optimal for 13C and 15N backbone NMR assignment studies, since the 13C and 1HN T2 relaxation times and, therefore, sensitivity are maximized. In addition, complete aliphatic deuteration increases both resolution and sensitivity by eliminating the differential 2H isotopic shift observed for partially deuterated CHnDm moieties.  相似文献   
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