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目的 通过对小鼠摄食、摄水量及蛋白质代谢相关基因的功能研究 ,为今后的营养学和营养疾病学的分子生物学水平研究提供一定的依据。方法 利用反义核酸技术与动物行为学实验方法相结合 ,从动物整体水平上研究与动物膳食和营养代谢相关的基因功能。从课题组以往研究得到的摄食量与对照组有显著差异的基因中选出 4个 ,用BALB c小鼠进行实验。结果 实验结果表明 :D1、Pe和Tr实验组小鼠的摄食量、摄水量与对照组有明显的差异 ,D1和Tr实验组的蛋白质代谢与对照组有明显的差异。D1实验组小鼠的摄食量和摄水量明显高于对照组并呈下降趋势 ,但其表观消化率小于对照组 ,说明其蛋白质代谢功能有所下降 ;Tr实验组小鼠的摄食量和摄水量也明显高于对照组但呈上升趋势 ,其表观消化率大于对照组 ,说明其蛋白质代谢功能有所上升。结论 预测D1基因可能与促进营养代谢功能有关 ,Tr基因可能与抑制营养代谢功能有关。D1、Pe和Tr与移动、痛觉、记忆等其他行为学有相关性 ,P3与其他行为学无相关性。  相似文献   
通过光学显微镜和扫描电镜对葛藤的雌雄蕊发育进行观察,结果表明:葛藤雌雄蕊的发育及结构基本上符合蝶形花科的胚胎学特征,其花粉粒为2-细胞型,胚囊发育为蓼型。  相似文献   
Some effects of disconnecting the cerebral hemispheres   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过外观形态观察,结合石蜡切片技术,同时检测气象数据,研究了文冠果花性别分化过程外部形态变化、内部解剖结构以及与气象因子之间的对应关系。结果显示:(1)文冠果的雄能花和雌能花在顶、侧花序上的分布差异极显著。(2)2种花在前期的形态结构无差异;雄蕊发育包括花药壁发育和小孢子母细胞时期(20 d)、小孢子发生(11 d),对应的外部形态分别为芽膨大至露出芽体、花序迅速伸长;雌蕊发育包括胚珠发育(30 d)、大孢子发生(11 d),对应外部形态为花序伸长、花蕾增大至萼片开裂。(3)雄能花和雌能花在雌、雄配子体形成期出现差异;雄能花大孢子母细胞四分体时期细胞停止分裂,外观为花蕾绿色,横径2.05~4.54 mm,纵径2.99~5.32 mm,此时≥K(生物学零度)有效积温230.6 ℃;雌能花雄蕊发育异常比雄能花雌蕊发育异常出现时间晚4 d。单核花粉粒在有丝分裂期呈液泡化衰败,花蕾横径12.25~18.3 mm,纵径8.3~10.98 mm,此时≥K有效积温264 ℃。研究认为,根据花芽外部形态变化,结合气象因子数据反映花芽内部结构变化,可以判断性别分化时期。研究发现,文冠果2种花都同时具有雌雄蕊,是后期雌雄蕊发育程度不同导致性别分化,故建议从功能角度分别定义为“雌能花”和“雄能花”更准确。  相似文献   
Physiological, biochemical and histological indices in Clarias gariepinus broodstock, and teratogenic indices in embryos exposed to sublethal concentrations of naphthalene, phenanthrene and pyrene were investigated in 2014 using a static-renewal bioassay protocol. Phenanthrene (1.41 mg l?1) was the most toxic, followed by pyrene (1.53 mg l?1) and naphthalene (7.21 mg l?1), based on 96 h LC50 values. Hepatosomatic indices were significantly higher in naphthalene- and pyrene-treated males compared with solvent controls, whereas fecundity in females was significantly lower by factors of 2.4 (naphthalene), 2.8 (phenanthrene) and 2.4 (pyrene), compared with controls. Catalase levels were lower in female phenanthrene-treated fish compared with controls. Histological alterations observed in PAH-treated fish include oedema, inflammatory cells, epithelial lifting and hyperplasia in the gills, vacuolation, haemosiderin pigments and sinusoidal congestion in the liver, and degenerated zona radiata in the ovary. Teratogenic effects were not observed, as evidenced by the lack of histological alterations in embryos spawned from pre-exposed broodstock. Sex-specific responses and the utility of biomarkers at cellular and individual levels of organisation are therefore demonstrated for holistic evaluations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in ecotoxicological studies.  相似文献   
Two distinct nuclear androgen receptors (ARs) were identified in brain and ovarian tissues of kelp bass, Paralabrax clathratus, termed kbAR1 and kbAR2, which correspond to the two nuclear ARs we have previously characterized in Atlantic croaker, Micropogonias undulatus, termed acAR1 and acAR2. Scatchard analysis of nuclear fractions of whole brain tissue demonstrated that kbAR1 had a single class of high-affinity binding sites for testosterone (T; K(d) of 1. 8 nM and B(max) of 1.0 pmol/g tissue), whereas cytosolic fractions of kbAR2 ovarian tissue had a single class of high-affinity binding sites for dihydrotestosterone (DHT; K(d) of 0.1 nM and B(max) of 0.5 pmol/g tissue). Competition studies showed that both kbAR1 and kbAR2 were specific for androgens. However, kbAR1 bound only T with high affinity, whereas kbAR2 bound DHT, mibolerone, 17alpha-methyl-testosterone, T, and 11-ketotestosterone with high affinity. In addition, we examined the binding affinities of dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane and its derivatives, several hydroxylated polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners, PCB mixtures, and the fungicide vinclozolin and its two metabolites M1 and M2 for the two ARs in Atlantic croaker ovarian, testicular, and brain tissues and in kelp bass ovarian and brain tissues. Only 4, 4'-PCB-3-OH and 2',5'-PCB-3-OH demonstrated greater than 50% displacement of [(3)H]testosterone from either acAR1 or kbAR1. In contrast, with the exception of vinclozolin, all of the xenobiotics examined demonstrated binding to acAR2 in testicular and ovarian tissues. The binding affinities were highest in the testicular tissue with M2, 2,2'5'-PCB-4-OH, and o,p'-DDD all binding with EC(50)s less than 10 microM. The binding affinities of xenobiotics to kbAR2 in ovarian tissue were similar to their binding affinities for ovarian acAR2. The finding that AR1 and AR2 possess different binding affinities for natural androgens and synthetic steroids, as well as for xenobiotics, suggests that the activities of androgens and of certain xenobiotics will depend upon the type of AR present within the target tissue.  相似文献   
As soil and plant water status decline, decreases in hydraulic conductance can limit a plant's ability to maintain gas exchange. We investigated hydraulic limitations for Artemisia tridentata during summer drought. Water use was quantified by measurements of soil and plant water potential ( Ψ ), transpiration and leaf area. Hydraulic transport capacity was quantified by vulnerability to water stress-induced cavitation for root and stem xylem, and moisture release characteristics for soil. These data were used to predict the maximum possible steady-state transpiration rate ( E crit) and minimum leaf xylem pressure ( Ψ crit). Transpiration and leaf area declined by ~ 80 and 50%, respectively, as soil Ψ decreased to –2·6 MPa during drought. Leaf-specific hydraulic conductance also decreased by 70%, with most of the decline predicted in the rhizosphere and root system. Root conductance was projected to be the most limiting, decreasing to zero to cause hydraulic failure if E crit was exceeded. The basis for this prediction was that roots were more vulnerable to xylem cavitation than stems (99% cavitation at –4·0 versus –7·8 MPa, respectively). The decline in water use during drought was necessary to maintain E and Ψ within the limits defined by E crit and Ψ crit.  相似文献   
陈述性偏好法是当前用于评估环境物品非市场价值的主要方法,包括条件价值评估法(CVM)和选择实验(CE).本文利用陈述性偏好法对三江平原湿地的生态保护价值进行评估,基于随机效用理论构建陈述性偏好方法的支付意愿评价模型,求出基于CVM与CE的三江平原湿地生态保护价值的支付意愿(WTP).结果表明: 基于CE的平均支付意愿为每年379元,不同选择属性的边际支付意愿分别是水源涵养为每年114.00元,湿地面积为每年72.55元,自然景观为每年59.55元,生物多样性为每年37.09元;CVM的平均支付意愿为每年134元.分析支付意愿的影响因素,并对受访者拒绝支付原因进行探讨.CE方法得到受访者的支付意愿显著高于CVM方法,社会经济属性中受教育程度和个人平均年收入与受访者的支付意愿呈显著正相关,而拒绝支付原因没有显著差异.CE可以进行多属性、多水平分析,求出湿地各选择属性的支付意愿,因此CE比CVM更能揭示受访者的偏好信息,其评估结果更接近于实际.  相似文献   
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