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Chitin, after cellulose, is the second most abundant natural polymer. With a 200-year history of scientific research, chitin is beginning to see fruitful application in the fields of stem cell and tissue engineering. To date, however, research in chitin as a biomaterial appears to lag far behind that of its close relative, chitosan, due to the perceived difficulty in processing chitin. This review presents methods to improve the processability of chitin, and goes on further to discuss the unique physicochemical and biological characteristics of chitin that favor it as a biomaterial for regenerative medicine applications. Examples of the latter are presented, with special attention on the qualities of chitin that make it inherently suitable as scaffolds and matrices for tissue engineering, stem cell propagation and differentiation.  相似文献   
Invasive house mice Mus musculus are known to impact on seabird, invertebrate and plant communities on temperate and subantarctic islands, particularly where they are the sole rodent species. Steeple Jason, in the Falkland Islands, is an island which supports globally important seabird populations as well as introduced mice. To evaluate the prospects for mouse eradication, we investigated mouse ecology and undertook bait uptake trials on Steeple Jason in late winter. Mice were present in all habitats but were most abundant in tussac Poa flabellata where they occurred at 20–35 mice ha?1. From 58 mature perforate females, 16 % were pregnant, with litters of 4–8 pups. The first lactating female was caught at the end of August, suggesting that breeding had recently begun. Bait trials replicating an aerial eradication were undertaken on two trapping grids of 7.7 and 6.8 ha, with non-toxic pellets containing the biomarker pyranine spread at 7.5–7.7 kg ha?1. All 447 mice captured after baiting had consumed bait. The relatively low winter density, distribution and biology of house mice on Steeple Jason are similar to those observed before other successful mice eradications, and the study indicated 100 % bait acceptance. Before an eradication attempt, we suggest investigating whether breeding ceases completely earlier in the winter and urge careful consideration of non-target species.  相似文献   
Light treatment has been used as a non-pharmacological tool to help mitigate poor sleep quality frequently found in older people. In order to increase compliance to non-pharmacological light treatments, new, more efficacious light-delivery systems need to be developed. A prototype personal light-treatment device equipped with low brightness blue light-emitting diodes (LEDs) (peak wavelength near 470 nm) was tested for its effectiveness in suppressing nocturnal melatonin, a measure of circadian stimulation. Two levels of corneal irradiance were set to deliver two prescribed doses of circadian light exposure. Eleven older subjects, between 51 and 80 yrs of age who met the selection criteria, were exposed to a high and a low level of light for 90 min on separate nights from the personal light-treatment device. Blood and saliva samples were collected at prescribed times for subsequent melatonin assay. After 1 h of light exposure, the light-induced nocturnal melatonin suppression level was about 35% for the low-light level and about 60% for the high-light level. The higher level of blue light suppressed melatonin more quickly, to a greater extent over the course of the 90 min exposure period, and maintained suppression after 60 min. The constant exposure of the low-light level resulted in a decrease in nocturnal melatonin suppression for the last sampling time, whereas for the high-light level, suppression continued throughout the entire exposure period. The present study performed with healthy adults suggests that the tested personal light-treatment device might be a practical, comfortable, and effective way to deliver light treatment to those suffering from circadian sleep disorders; however, the acceptance and effectiveness of personal light-treatment devices by older people and by other segments of the population suffering from sleep disorders in a real-life situation need to be directly tested. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   
Vascular occlusions are common structural modifications made by many plant species in response to pathogen infection. However, the functional role(s) of occlusions in host plant disease resistance/susceptibility remains controversial. This study focuses on vascular occlusions that form in stem secondary xylem of grapevines (Vitis vinifera) infected with Pierce’s disease (PD) and the impact of occlusions on the hosts’ water transport and the systemic spread of the causal bacterium Xylella fastidiosa in infected vines. Tyloses are the predominant type of occlusion that forms in grapevine genotypes with differing PD resistances. Tyloses form throughout PD-susceptible grapevines with over 60% of the vessels in transverse sections of all examined internodes becoming fully blocked. By contrast, tylose development was mainly limited to a few internodes close to the point of inoculation in PD-resistant grapevines, impacting only 20% or less of the vessels. The extensive vessel blockage in PD-susceptible grapevines was correlated to a greater than 90% decrease in stem hydraulic conductivity, compared with an approximately 30% reduction in the stems of PD-resistant vines. Despite the systemic spread of X. fastidiosa in PD-susceptible grapevines, the pathogen colonized only 15% or less of the vessels in any internode and occurred in relatively small numbers, amounts much too small to directly block the vessels. Therefore, we concluded that the extensive formation of vascular occlusions in PD-susceptible grapevines does not prevent the pathogen’s systemic spread in them, but may significantly suppress the vines’ water conduction, contributing to PD symptom development and the vines’ eventual death.Pierce’s disease (PD) of grapevines (Vitis vinifera), currently jeopardizing the wine and table grape industries in the southern United States and California, as well as in many other countries, is a vascular disease caused by the xylem-limited bacterium Xylella fastidiosa (Hopkins, 1989; Varela et al., 2001). The pathogen is transmitted mostly via xylem sap-feeding sharpshooters (e.g. Homalodisca vitripennis; Redak et al., 2004) and inhabits, proliferates, and spreads within the vessel system of a host grapevine (Fry and Milholland, 1990a; Hill and Purcell, 1995). PD symptom development in grapevines depends on the interactions between the pathogen and the host vine’s xylem tissue, through which the pathogen may achieve its systemic spread (Purcell and Hopkins, 1996; Krivanek and Walker, 2005; Pérez-Donoso et al., 2010; Sun et al., 2011). Since the path for this spread is the host’s xylem system, xylem tissue and its vessels have become the major focus for studying potential X. fastidiosa-host vine interactions at the cellular or tissue levels (Fry and Milholland, 1990b; Stevenson et al., 2004a; Sun et al., 2006, 2007; Thorne et al., 2006).One major issue related to this host-pathogen interaction is the relationship of a vine’s xylem anatomy to the X. fastidiosa population’s spread. Sun et al. (2006) did a detailed anatomical analysis of the stem secondary xylem, especially the vessel system. Stevenson et al. (2004b) described xylem connection patterns between a stem and the attached leaves. Other studies reported the presence of open continuous vessels connecting stems and leaves, which represent conduits that might facilitate the pathogen’s stem-to-leaf movement (Thorne et al., 2006; Chatelet et al., 2006, 2011). Chatelet et al. (2011) also suggested that vessel size and ray density were the two xylem features that were most relevant to the restriction of X. fastidiosa’s movement. These studies indicate the importance of understanding the grapevine’s xylem anatomy in order to characterize the grapevine host’s susceptibility or resistance to PD.Another focus of PD-related xylem studies is the tylose, a developmental modification that has important impacts on a vessel’s role in water transport and, potentially, its availability as a path for X. fastidiosa’s systemic spread through a vine. Tyloses are outgrowths into a vessel lumen from living parenchyma cells that are adjacent to the vessel and can transfer solutes into the transpiration stream via vessel-parenchyma (V-P) pit pairs (Esau, 1977). Tylose development involves the expansion of the portions of the parenchyma cell’s wall that are shared with the neighboring vessels, specifically the so-called pit membranes (PMs). Intensive tylose development may eventually block the affected vessel (Sun et al., 2006). Since tyloses occur in the vessel system of PD-infected grapevines (Esau, 1948; Mollenhauer and Hopkins, 1976; Stevenson et al., 2004a; Krivanek et al., 2005) that is also the avenue of X. fastidiosa’s spread and water transport, a great deal of effort has been made to understand tyloses and their possible relations to grapevine PD as well as to diseases caused by other vascular system-localized pathogens. One major aspect is to clarify the process of tylose development itself, in which an open vessel may be gradually sealed (Sun et al., 2006, 2008). Our investigations of the initiation of tylose formation in grapevines have identified ethylene as an important factor (Pérez-Donoso et al., 2007; Sun et al., 2007). In terms of the relationship of tyloses to grapevine PD, studies have so far led to several controversial viewpoints that are discussed below (Mollenhauer and Hopkins, 1976; Fry and Milholland, 1990b; Stevenson et al., 2004a; Krivanek et al., 2005). However, more convincing evidence is still needed to support any of them.Another issue potentially relevant to PD symptom development is the possibility that X. fastidiosa cells and/or their secretions contribute to the blockage of water transport in host vines. The bacteria secrete an exopolysaccharide (Roper et al., 2007a) that contributes to the formation of cellular aggregates. Accumulations of X. fastidiosa cells embedded in an exopolysaccharide matrix (occasionally identified as biofilms, gums, or gels) have been reported in PD-infected grapevines (Mollenhauer and Hopkins, 1974; Fry and Milholland, 1990a; Newman et al., 2003; Stevenson et al., 2004b). However, a more detailed investigation is still needed to clarify if and to what extent these aggregates affect water transport in infected grapevines.The xylem tissue in which X. fastidiosa spreads can be classified as primary xylem or secondary xylem, being derived from procambium or vascular cambium, respectively. Primary xylem is located in and responsible for material transport and structural support in young organs (i.e. leaves, young stems, and roots), while secondary xylem is the conductive and supportive tissue in more mature stems and roots (Esau, 1977). It should be noted that most of the earlier experimental results have been based on examinations of leaves (petioles or veins) or young stems of grapevines, which contain mostly primary xylem with little or no secondary xylem. However, X. fastidiosa’s systemic spread generally occurs after introduction during the insect vector’s feeding from an internode of one shoot. The pathogen then moves upward along that shoot and also downward toward the shoot base. The downward movement allows the bacteria to enter the vine’s other shoots via the shared trunk and then move upward (Stevenson et al., 2004a; Sun et al., 2011). These upward and downward bacterial movements occur through stems that contain significant amounts of secondary xylem but relatively dysfunctional primary xylem. Secondary and primary xylem show some major differences in the structure and arrangement of their cell components (Esau, 1977). In terms of the vessel system that is the path of X. fastidiosa’s spread, the secondary xylem has a large number of much bigger vessels with scalariform (ladder-like) PMs (and pit pairs) as the sole intervessel (I-V) PM type, compared with the primary xylem, which contains only a limited number of smaller vessels with multiple types of I-V PMs (Esau, 1948; Sun et al., 2006). Vessels in secondary xylem are also different from those in primary xylem in forming vessel groups and in the number of parenchyma cells associated with a vessel (as seen in transverse sections of xylem tissue). These features of secondary xylem can affect the initial entry and subsequent I-V movement of the pathogen and the formation of vascular occlusions, respectively, in stems containing significant amounts of secondary xylem. Recently, the X. fastidiosa population size only in stems with secondary xylem was found to correlate with the grapevine’s resistance to PD (Baccari and Lindow, 2011), indicating an important role of stem secondary xylem in determining a host vine’s disease resistance. Despite these facts, little is known about the pathogen-grapevine interactions in the stem secondary xylem and their possible impacts on disease development.This study addresses X. fastidiosa-grapevine interactions in stem secondary xylem and examines the resulting impacts on overall vine physiology, with a primary focus on vine water transport. We have made use of grapevine genotypes displaying different PD resistances and explored whether differences in the pathogen’s induction of vascular occlusions occur among the genotypes and, if so, how the differences impact X. fastidiosa’s systemic spread. Our overall, longer-term aim is to elucidate the functional role of vascular occlusions in PD development, an understanding that we view to be essential for identifying effective approaches for controlling this devastating disease.  相似文献   
Polyomaviruses have repeating sequences at their origins of replication that bind the origin-binding domain of virus-encoded large T antigen. In murine polyomavirus, the central region of the origin contains four copies (P1 to P4) of the sequence G(A/G)GGC. They are arranged as a pair of inverted repeats with a 2-bp overlap between the repeats at the center. In contrast to simian virus 40 (SV40), where the repeats are nonoverlapping and all four repeats can be simultaneously occupied, the crystal structure of the four central murine polyomavirus sequence repeats in complex with the polyomavirus origin-binding domain reveals that only three of the four repeats (P1, P2, and P4) are occupied. Isothermal titration calorimetry confirms that the stoichiometry is the same in solution as in the crystal structure. Consistent with these results, mutation of the third repeat has little effect on DNA replication in vivo. Thus, the apparent 2-fold symmetry within the DNA repeats is not carried over to the protein-DNA complex. Flanking sequences, such as the AT-rich region, are known to be important for DNA replication. When the orientation of the central region was reversed with respect to these flanking regions, the origin was still able to replicate and the P3 sequence (now located at the P2 position with respect to the flanking regions) was again dispensable. This highlights the critical importance of the precise sequence of the region containing the pentamers in replication.  相似文献   
The evolutionary interplay between myxoma virus (MYXV) and the European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) following release of the virus in Australia in 1950 as a biological control is a classic example of host-pathogen coevolution. We present a detailed genomic and phylogeographic analysis of 30 strains of MYXV, including the Australian progenitor strain Standard Laboratory Strain (SLS), 24 Australian viruses isolated from 1951 to 1999, and three isolates from the early radiation in Britain from 1954 and 1955. We show that in Australia MYXV has spread rapidly on a spatial scale, with multiple lineages cocirculating within individual localities, and that both highly virulent and attenuated viruses were still present in the field through the 1990s. In addition, the detection of closely related virus lineages at sites 1,000 km apart suggests that MYXV moves freely in geographic space, with mosquitoes, fleas, and rabbit migration all providing means of transport. Strikingly, despite multiple introductions, all modern viruses appear to be ultimately derived from the original introductions of SLS. The rapidity of MYXV evolution was also apparent at the genomic scale, with gene duplications documented in a number of viruses. Duplication of potential virulence genes may be important in increasing the expression of virulence proteins and provides the basis for the evolution of novel functions. Mutations leading to loss of open reading frames were surprisingly frequent and in some cases may explain attenuation, but no common mutations that correlated with virulence or attenuation were identified.  相似文献   
We previously demonstrated that vaccination of lactating rhesus monkeys with a DNA prime/vector boost strategy induces strong T-cell responses but limited envelope (Env)-specific humoral responses in breast milk. To improve vaccine-elicited antibody responses in milk, hormone-induced lactating rhesus monkeys were vaccinated with a transmitted/founder (T/F) HIV Env immunogen in a prime-boost strategy modeled after the moderately protective RV144 HIV vaccine. Lactating rhesus monkeys were intramuscularly primed with either recombinant DNA (n = 4) or modified vaccinia virus Ankara (MVA) poxvirus vector (n = 4) expressing the T/F HIV Env C.1086 and then boosted twice intramuscularly with C.1086 gp120 and the adjuvant MF59. The vaccines induced Env-binding IgG and IgA as well as neutralizing and antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) responses in plasma and milk of most vaccinated animals. Importantly, plasma neutralization titers against clade C HIV variants MW965 (P = 0.03) and CAP45 (P = 0.04) were significantly higher in MVA-primed than in DNA-primed animals. The superior systemic prime-boost regimen was then compared to a mucosal-boost regimen, in which animals were boosted twice intranasally with C.1086 gp120 and the TLR 7/8 agonist R848 following the same systemic prime. While the systemic and mucosal vaccine regimens elicited comparable levels of Env-binding IgG antibodies, mucosal immunization induced significantly stronger Env-binding IgA responses in milk (P = 0.03). However, the mucosal regimen was not as potent at inducing functional IgG responses. This study shows that systemic MVA prime followed by either intranasal or systemic protein boosts can elicit strong humoral responses in breast milk and may be a useful strategy to interrupt postnatal HIV-1 transmission.  相似文献   
Coinfection of a cell by two different strains of a segmented virus can give rise to a “reassortant” with phenotypic characteristics that might differ from those of the parental strains. Bluetongue virus (BTV) is a double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) segmented virus and the cause of bluetongue, a major infectious disease of livestock. BTV exists as at least 26 different serotypes (BTV-1 to BTV-26). Prompted by the isolation of a field reassortant between BTV-1 and BTV-8, we systematically characterized the process of BTV reassortment. Using a reverse genetics approach, our study clearly indicates that any BTV-1 or BTV-8 genome segment can be rescued in the heterologous “backbone.” To assess phenotypic variation as a result of reassortment, we examined viral growth kinetics and plaque sizes in in vitro experiments and virulence in an experimental mouse model of bluetongue disease. The monoreassortants generated had phenotypes that were very similar to those of the parental wild-type strains both in vitro and in vivo. Using a forward genetics approach in cells coinfected with BTV-1 and BTV-8, we have shown that reassortants between BTV-1 and BTV-8 are generated very readily. After only four passages in cell culture, we could not detect wild-type BTV-1 or BTV-8 in any of 140 isolated viral plaques. In addition, most of the isolated reassortants contained heterologous VP2 and VP5 structural proteins, while only 17% had homologous VP2 and VP5 proteins. Our study has shown that reassortment in BTV is very flexible, and there is no fundamental barrier to the reassortment of any genome segment. Given the propensity of BTV to reassort, it is increasingly important to have an alternative classification system for orbiviruses.  相似文献   
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