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Resistance to re-infection of rainbow trout to Loma salmonae, a microsporidian gill parasite has been previously documented and this study examined how rapidly this resistance develops. Naive rainbow trout were inoculated intraperitoneally (IP) with an inactivated spore-based vaccine and were then given an oral challenge with a high dose of L. salmonae spores at various weeks after being vaccinated. Non-vaccinated naive fish (exposed group) were challenged alongside of each group of vaccinated fish to ensure that the challenges were relatively standardised. In each group of fish, four weeks after the challenge, numbers of xenomas were counted on a gill arch for all fish. Vaccinated trout were completely resistant to a L. salmonae challenge six weeks after vaccination, although the onset of resistance began at approximately week 3, as observed with a reduction in the percent infected and xenoma intensity. The maximum percent infected for the vaccinated fish was 83% following a challenge two weeks following vaccination, whereas for the exposed group the maximum prevalence of 100% was reached several times. With continued research, a spore-based vaccine for L. salmonae has the potential to become the first commercially available parasite vaccine for fish.  相似文献   
1. The way light stress controls the recruitment of aquatic plants (phanerogams and charophytes) is a key process controlling plant biodiversity, although still poorly understood. Our aim was to investigate how light stress induced by phytoplankton, that is, independent from the aquatic plants themselves, determines the recruitment and establishment of plant species from the propagule bank. The hypotheses were that an increase in light stress (i) decreases abundance and species richness both of established aquatic plants and of propagules in the bank and (ii) decreases the recruitment success of plants from this bank. 2. These hypotheses were tested in 25 shallow lakes representing a light stress gradient, by sampling propagule banks before the recruitment phase and when the lakes are devoid of actively growing plants (i.e. at the end of winter), established vegetation at the beginning of the summer and phytoplankton biomass (chlorophyll a) during the recruitment and establishment phase. 3. The phytoplankton biomass was negatively correlated with the richness and abundance of established vegetation but was not correlated with the propagule bank (neither species richness nor propagule abundance). The similarity between the propagule bank and established vegetation decreased significantly with increasing phytoplankton biomass. 4. The contrast in species composition between the vegetation and the propagule bank at the highest light stress suggests poor recruitment from the propagule bank but prompts questions about its origin. It could result from dispersal of propagules from neighbouring systems. Propagules could also originate from a persistent propagule bank formerly produced in the lake, suggesting strong year‐to‐year variation in light stress and, as a consequence, in recruitment and reproductive success of plants.  相似文献   
Spread of the amphibian chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) has caused the decline and extinction of frogs, but the distribution of Bd is not completely known. This information is crucial to implementing appropriate quarantine strategies, preparing for outbreaks of chytridiomycosis due to introduction of Bd, and for directing conservation actions towards affected species. This survey protocol provides a simple and standard method for sampling all frog populations in Australia to maximise the chances of detecting Bd. In order to structure and prioritise the protocol, areas are divided by bioregion and frog species are allocated depending on the water bodies they utilize into 3 groups representing different levels of risk of exposure to Bd. Sixty individuals per population need to be tested to achieve 95% certainty of detecting 1 positive frog, based on the minimum apparent prevalence of > or =5% in infected Australian frog populations and using a quantitative real-time TaqMan PCR test. The appropriate season to sample varies among bioregions and will ideally incorporate temperatures favourable for chytridiomycosis (e.g. maximum air temperatures generally <27 degrees C). Opportunistic collection and testing of sick frogs and tadpoles with abnormal mouth-parts should also be done to increase the probability of detecting Bd. The survey priorities in order are (1) threatened species that may have been exposed to Bd, (2) bioregions surrounding infected bioregions/ecological groups, and (3) species of frogs of unknown infection status in infected bioregions. Within these priority groups, sampling should first target ecological groups and species likely to be exposed to Bd, such as those associated with permanent water, and areas within bioregions that have high risk for Bd as indicated by climatic modelling. This protocol can be adapted for use in other countries and a standard protocol will enable comparison among amphibian populations globally.  相似文献   
Prior exposure of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss juveniles to the low-virulence variant of Loma salmonae, L. salmonae SV, spores resulted in a xenoma intensity in the gill filaments fourteen times lower (0·044 v. 0·641 xenomas per filament; P=0·0001) than that observed in the naive controls, challenged with L. salmonae spores, as determined morphometrically by in situ hybridization at the peak of the disease (between 4 and 6 weeks post exposure). The marked degree of reduction in numbers of xenomas that formed after challenge suggests that use of the low-virulence variants should be further considered as a means to protect fish in regions where the parasite is endemic, to protect them during grow out periods.  相似文献   
We present results from modelling studies, which suggest that, at most, only about 10–20% of recently observed soil carbon losses in England and Wales could possibly be attributable to climate warming. Further, we present reasons why the actual losses of SOC from organic soils in England and Wales might be lower than those reported.  相似文献   


Colorectal cancer is the second most common cause of cancer related death in the developed world. To date, no blood or stool biomarkers with both high sensitivity and specificity for potentially curable early stage disease have been validated for clinical use. SELDI and MALDI profiling are being used increasingly to search for biomarkers in both blood and urine. Both techniques provide information predominantly on the low molecular weight proteome (<15 kDa). There have been several reports that colorectal cancer is associated with changes in the serum proteome that are detectable by SELDI and we hypothesised that proteomic changes would also be detectable in urine.


We collected urine from 67 patients with colorectal cancer and 72 non-cancer control subjects, diluted to a constant protein concentration and generated MALDI and SELDI spectra. The intensities of 19 peaks differed significantly between cancer and non-cancer patients by both t-tests and after adjusting for confounders using multiple linear regressions. Logistic regression classifiers based on peak intensities identified colorectal cancer with up to 78% sensitivity at 87% specificity. We identified and independently quantified 3 of the discriminatory peaks using synthetic stable isotope peptides (an 1885 Da fragment of fibrinogen and hepcidin-20) or ELISA (β2-microglobulin).


Changes in the urine proteome may aid in the early detection of colorectal cancer.  相似文献   
Blood parasites may act as modulators of their hosts' ecology, life histories and fitness. We studied the prevalence of Plasmodium sp., Haemoproteus sp. and Leucocytozoon sp. and their effects on morphological, biochemical and haematological variables and on breeding effort of Great Tits Parus major . Total prevalence (percentage of individuals infected by any parasite) ranged from 7.7% to 61.1%. There was an overall positive association in prevalence between the three haematozoan parasites. No effect of sex or age on infection status was observed. Negative impacts of infection on physiological condition depended largely on year and/or season and included effects on body condition index, plasma protein and haemoglobin index. There were also indications that parasite infection increased immune response and stress levels and activated antioxidant defence mechanisms. Males with higher fledging success had a higher probability of Haemoproteus infection, and females laying heavier eggs had a higher probability of Plasmodium infection. However, clutch size was negatively associated with the probability of infection by Leucocytozoon and Haemoproteus . Surprisingly, males raising second broods had a lower prevalence of both Haemoproteus and Leucocytozoon . Only 5.7% of first-brood nestlings were infected, but those in infected nestboxes had a lower heterophil/lymphocyte ratio. This study confirms the pathogenicity of blood parasites to the host by demonstrating negative effects of infection on both physiology and breeding performance.  相似文献   
In prion-infected hosts, PrPSc usually accumulates as non-fibrillar, membrane-bound aggregates. Glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchor-directed membrane association appears to be an important factor controlling the biophysical properties of PrPSc aggregates. To determine whether GPI anchoring can similarly modulate the assembly of other amyloid-forming proteins, neuronal cell lines were generated that expressed a GPI-anchored form of a model amyloidogenic protein, the NM domain of the yeast prion protein Sup35 (Sup35GPI). We recently reported that GPI anchoring facilitated the induction of Sup35GPI prions in this system. Here, we report the ultrastructural characterization of self-propagating Sup35GPI aggregates of either spontaneous or induced origin. Like membrane-bound PrPSc, Sup35GPI aggregates resisted release from cells treated with phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C. Sup35GPI aggregates of spontaneous origin were detergent-insoluble, protease-resistant, and self-propagating, in a manner similar to that reported for recombinant Sup35NM amyloid fibrils and induced Sup35GPI aggregates. However, GPI-anchored Sup35 aggregates were not stained with amyloid-binding dyes, such as Thioflavin T. This was consistent with ultrastructural analyses, which showed that the aggregates corresponded to dense cell surface accumulations of membrane vesicle-like structures and were not fibrillar. Together, these results showed that GPI anchoring directs the assembly of Sup35NM into non-fibrillar, membrane-bound aggregates that resemble PrPSc, raising the possibility that GPI anchor-dependent modulation of protein aggregation might occur with other amyloidogenic proteins. This may contribute to differences in pathogenesis and pathology between prion diseases, which uniquely involve aggregation of a GPI-anchored protein, versus other protein misfolding diseases.  相似文献   
1. Resource density can regulate the area that animals use. At low resource density, there is a conflict in terms of balance between costs of foraging and benefits acquired. The foraging of the higher termite Nasutitermes aff. coxipoensis consists of searching throughout trails and a building galleries phase. 2. In this study, a manipulative field experiment was used to test the hypothesis that colonies of N. aff. coxipoensis forage towards a more profitable balance between the establishment of trails and gallery construction at low resource density. 3. The experiment was conducted in north‐eastern Brazil. Seven experimental plots were established with a continuous increase in resource density (sugarcane baits). Entire colonies of N. aff. coxipoensis were transplanted from their original sites to the experimental plot, totalling 35 nests. The number, branches and total length of trails and galleries were quantified. 4. The results show that N. aff. coxipoensis optimises its foraging output, intensifying the establishment of trails at the cost of gallery construction when resource density is low. The number of trails, the number of trail branches and the total length of trails decreased with increasing resource density. Interestingly, at low resource density, the search effort was concentrated on forming longer and a greater number of trails, a small proportion of which were converted into galleries. The opposite relationship was observed at high resource density. 5. These results suggest an optimisation of search efforts during foraging depending on resource density, a mechanism that may help researchers to understand the use of space by higher termite species.  相似文献   
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