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Characterization of a cytochalasin D-resistant mutant of the human parasite Entamoeba histolytica capable of growing at 10 μM cytochalasin is described. The mutant cells also show resistance to 5 mM colchicine and 100 μM cytochalasin B, drugs proved deleterious for wild type trophozoites. The mutants show increased osmotic fragility and electric mobility but reduced phagocytic activity, and agglutination by Concanavalin A. On the other hand pinocytic activity remains unaltered when compared with the wild type cells. Polymerized actin, seen by staining with phalloidin, often appears polarized to one end of the trophozoites and forms few of the endocytic invaginations found in wild type amebas. An altered distribution of part of the actin could explain the differences in surface properties and motility observed in the mutant amebas.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Odour responses of parasitic insects, in search of their hosts, can change due to experience. Leptopilina heterotoma (Thomson) (Hymenoptera; Eucoilidae), a parasitic wasp of drosophilid larvae, is known to alter its preference for odours emanating from host food substrates through learning. These kinds of behavioural modifications in insects are assumed to be the result of complex processes in the brain. The results presented in this report, however, suggest that this learning-related behavioural variation is not restricted to brain processes but that it involves changes in sensitivity of olfactory receptor neurones.  相似文献   
Cytospin preparations were made from 102 serous effusions for immunocytochemical staining using a panel of monoclonal antibodies including a new monoclonal antibody Ber-EP4. On cytological examination, 32 fluids were reported to contain tumour cells consistent with metastatic adenocarcinoma; 66 contained benign cells only and three were reported to contain cells suspicious of malignancy. One effusion contained tumour cells consistent with malignant mesothelioma. Positive staining of the tumour cells with Ber-EP4 was observed in the 32 effusions (100%) which contained adenocarcinoma cells. No staining of the mesothelial cells in these 32 specimens was observed. Carcinoembryonic antigen, epithelial membrane antigen Ca2 and CD15 staining of tumour cells was noted in 53%, 50%, 50% and 9% of these cases, respectively. None of the mesothelial cells in the benign effusions stained with Ber-EP4. Nor did the malignant mesothelial cells in the only case of malignant mesothelioma. These findings suggest that Ber-EP4 is a valuable addition to antibodies available for the differential diagnosis of mesothelial cells and adenocarcinoma cells in serous effusions.  相似文献   
Two genetic procedures were used to obtain amino acid replacements in the lacZ-encoded beta-galactosidase in Escherichia coli. Amino acid replacements could be obtained without regard to their effects on lactase activity by selecting spontaneous mutations that relieved the strong polarity of six nonsense mutations. When streaked on MacConkey- lactose indicator plates, approximately 75% of these mutants gave strong red lactose-fermenting colonies, and 25% gave white nonfermenting colonies. Mutants from 11 other nonsense codons were isolated directly using MacConkey-lactose indicator plates, on which positive color indication requires only 0.5% of the wildtype lactase activity. Among the total of 17 codons, 25 variant beta-galactosidases were identified using electrophoresis and thermal denaturation studies. The fitness effects of these variant beta-galactosidases were determined using competition experiments conducted with lactose as the sole nutrient limiting the growth rate in chemostat cultures. Three of the replacements were deleterious, one was selectively advantageous, and the selective effects of the remaining 21 were undetectable under conditions in which the smallest detectable selection coefficient was approximately 0.4%/generation.   相似文献   
Abstract. The effectiveness of a red-light pulse acting through phytochrome in inducing primary leaf expansion in 9-d-old etiolated bean ( Phaseolus vulgaris L. ev. Limburg) seedlings is strongly increased by a continuous far-red light (CFR) pretreatment. This increase in effectiveness of a red pulse is positively correlated with the time and the fluence rate of the CFR pretreatment. Escape from photoreversibility of this red pulse after the CFR pretreatment is extremely slow (more than 3 d). When a dark period is interposed between the end of the CFR pretreatment and the inductive red pulse the photoreversible part of the response to this pulse is highly dependent upon the photostationary state of phytochrome at the onset of the dark period.
The results give strong evidence for the synergistic activity of two components of phytochrome action during leaf growth induction, one of them acting via a very stable Pfr fraction.  相似文献   
Within most island archipelagos, such as the Galápagos, similar ecological gradients are found on geographically isolated islands. Species radiations in response to these ecological gradients may follow different scenarios being (i) a single habitat specialization event followed by secondary colonization of each ecotype on the different islands or (ii) repeated and parallel habitat specialization on each island separately. This latter scenario has been considered less likely as gene flow might hamper such ecotypic differentiation. At least for the Galápagos, the extent to which this process is involved in species radiations remains yet poorly understood. Within the wolf spider genus Hogna, seven species are described that can be divided into three different ecotypes based on general morphology and habitat preference i.e. species that inhabit the pampa vegetation in the highlands, species that occur in coastal dry habitats and one generalist species. Comparison of the species phylogeny based on one mitochondrial (COI) and one nuclear (28S) gene fragment convincingly demonstrates that ‘pampa’ and ‘coastal dry’ species evolved in parallel on the islands Santa Cruz and San Cristóbal. Despite the observation that allozymes analysis indicated that each species forms a distinct genetic cluster, phylogenetic divergence within these species complexes was very low and paraphyletic and most likely due to hybridization rather than incomplete lineage sorting, as demonstrated for the Santa Cruz species complex. This suggests that within‐island speciation occurred under low levels of gene flow. Species phylogeny in general did not follow the progression of island emergence as a molecular clock analysis suggested that island endemic species may have diverged after as well as before the emergence of the islands. This represents the first clear example of parallel and within‐island speciation because of habitat specialization on the Galápagos and that such divergence most likely occurred under historic gene flow.  相似文献   
Partial or whole‐genome duplications have played a major role in the evolution of new species. We have investigated the variation of ploidy level in a panel of domesticated strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae coming from different geographical origins. Segregation studies and crosses with tester strains of different ploidy levels showed that part of the strains were well‐balanced autotetraploids displaying tetrasomic inheritance. The presence of up to four different alleles for various loci is consistent with a polyploidization mechanism relying on the fusion of two nonreduced meiospores coming from two S. cerevisiae strains. Autotetraploidy was also in accordance with karyotype and flow cytometry analyses. Interestingly, most bakery strains were tetraploids, suggesting a link between ploidy level and human use. The null or drastically reduced fertility of the hybrids between tetraploid and diploid strains indicated that domesticated S. cerevisiae strains are composed of two groups isolated by post‐zygotic reproductive barriers.  相似文献   
The Wachstein and Meisel incubation medium was used to detect ATPase activity in epimastigote, spheromastigote (amastigote), and bloodstream trypomastigote forms of Trypanosoma cruzi. Reaction product, indicative of enzyme activity, was associated with the plasma membrane covering the cell body and the flagellum of the parasite. No reaction product was found in the portion of the plasma membrane lining the flagellar pocket. The plasma membrane-associated ATPase activity was not inhibited by ouabain or oligomycin, was detected in incubation medium without K+, was inhibited by prolonged glutaraldehyde fixation, and its activity was diminished when Mg2+ was omitted from the incubation medium. The Ernst medium was used to detect Na+-K+-ATPase activity in T. cruzi. No reaction product indicative of the presence of this enzyme was detected. Reaction product indicative of 5'-nucleotidase was not detected in T. cruzi. Acid phosphatase activity was detected in lysosomes. These results indicate that a Mg2+-activated ATPase is present in the plasma membrane of T. cruzi and that it can be used as an enzyme marker, provided that the mitochondrial and flagellar ATPases are inhibited, to assess the purity of plasma membrane fractions isolated from this parasite.  相似文献   
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