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The translation release factors (RFs) RF1 and RF2 of Escherichia coli are methylated at the N5-glutamine of the GGQ motif by PrmC methyltransferase. This motif is conserved in organisms from bacteria to higher eukaryotes. The Saccharomyces cerevisiae RFs, mitochondrial Mrf1p and cytoplasmic Sup45p (eRF1), have sequence similarities to the bacterial RFs, including the potential site of glutamine methylation in the GGQ motif. A computational analysis revealed two yeast proteins, Mtq1p and Mtq2p, that have strong sequence similarity to PrmC. Mass spectrometric analysis demonstrated that Mtq1p and Mtq2p methylate Mrf1p and Sup45p, respectively, in vivo. A tryptic peptide of Mrf1p, GGQHVNTTDSAVR, containing the GGQ motif was found to be approximately 50% methylated at the glutamine residue in the normal strain but completely unmodified in the peptide from mtq1-Delta. Moreover, Mtq1p methyltransferase activity was observed in an in vitro assay. In similar experiments, it was determined that Mtq2p methylates Sup45p. The Sup45p methylation by Mtq2p was recently confirmed independently (Heurgue-Hamard, V., Champ, S., Mora, L., Merkulova-Rainon, T., Kisselev, L. L., and Buckingham, R. H. (2005) J. Biol. Chem. 280, 2439-2445). Analysis of the deletion mutants showed that although mtq1-Delta had only moderate growth defects on nonfermentable carbon sources, the mtq2-Delta had multiple phenotypes, including cold sensitivity and sensitivity to translation fidelity antibiotics paromomycin and geneticin, to high salt and calcium concentrations, to polymyxin B, and to caffeine. Also, the mitochondrial mit(-) mutation, cox2-V25, containing a premature stop mutation, was suppressed by mtq1-Delta. Most interestingly, the mtq2-Delta was significantly more resistant to the anti-microtubule drugs thiabendazole and benomyl, suggesting that Mtq2p may also methylate certain microtubule-related proteins.  相似文献   
Protein function prediction is very important in establishing the roles of various proteins in bacteria; however, some proteins in the E. coli genome have their function assigned based on low percent sequence homology that does not provide reliable assignments. We have made an attempt to verify the prediction that E. coli genes ygiC and yjfC encode proteins with the same function as glutathionylspermidine synthetase/amidase (GspSA). GspSA is a bifunctional enzyme that catalyzes the ATP-dependent formation and hydrolysis of glutathionylspermidine (G-Sp), a conjugate of glutathione (GSH) and spermidine. YgiC and YjfC proteins show 51% identity between themselves and 28% identity to the synthetase domain of the GspSA enzyme. YgiC and YjfC proteins were expressed and purified, and the properties of GspSA, YgiC, and YjfC were compared. In contrast to GspSA, proteins YgiC and YjfC did not bind to G-Sp immobilized on the affinity matrix. We demonstrated that all three proteins (GspSA, YgiC and YjfC) catalyze the hydrolysis of ATP; however, YgiC and YjfC cannot synthesize G-Sp, GSH, or GSH intermediates. gsp, ygiC, and yjfC genes were eliminated from the E. coli genome to test the ability of mutant strains to synthesize G-Sp conjugate. E. coli cells deficient in GspSA do not produce G-Sp while synthesis of the conjugate is not affected in ΔygiC and ΔyjfC mutants. All together our results indicate that YgiC and YjfC are not glutathionylspermidine synthetases as predicted from the amino acid sequence analysis.  相似文献   
Lipophilic persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are ubiquitous in the environment and suspected to interfere with hormone activities and reproduction. In previous studies we demonstrated that POP exposure can affect sperm DNA integrity and differences between Inuits and Europeans in sperm DNA integrity and xenobiotic activity were observed. The aim of this study was to investigate possible relations between human sperm chromatin integrity and the xenobiotic serum activity of lipophilic POPs assessed as effects on the estrogen (ER), androgen (AR), and/or aryl hydrocarbon (AhR) receptors. Human sperm chromatin integrity was assessed as DNA fragmentation index (%DFI) and high DNA stainability (%HDS) using the flow cytometric sperm chromatin structure assay (SCSA). Xenobiotic receptor activities were determined using chemically activated luciferase gene expression (CALUX) assay. The study included 53 Greenlandic Inuits and 247 Europeans (Sweden, Warsaw (Poland) and Kharkiv (Ukraine)). A heterogeneous pattern of correlations was found. For Inuits, ER and AhR activities and %DFI were inversely correlated, whereas a positive correlation between AR activity and %DFI was found for Europeans. In contrast, no correlation between receptor activities and %HDS was observed for Inuits but for Europeans positive and negative correlations were observed between ER and AR activities and %HDS, respectively. We suggest that the different patterns of xenobiotic serum activities, in combination with diet associated factors and/or genetics, might be connected to the observed differences in sperm chromatin integrity between the Inuits and Europeans.  相似文献   
Salmonella Typhi, an exclusive human pathogen and the cause of typhoid fever, expresses a functional cytolethal distending toxin for which only the active subunit, CdtB, has been identified. Here, we show that PltA and PltB, which are encoded in the same pathogenicity islet as cdtB, associate with CdtB to form a multipartite toxin. PltA and PltB are homologs of components of the pertussis toxin, including its ADP-ribosyl transferase subunit. We also show that PltA and PltB are required for the delivery of CdtB from an intracellular compartment to target cells via autocrine and paracrine pathways. We hypothesize that this toxin, which we have named "typhoid toxin," and its delivery mechanism may contribute to S. Typhi's unique virulence properties.  相似文献   

Key message

Citrus tristeza virus encodes a unique protein, p23, with multiple functional roles that include co-option of the cytoplasmic glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase to facilitate the viral infectious cycle.


The genome of citrus tristeza virus (CTV), genus Closterovirus family Closteroviridae, is a single-stranded (+) RNA potentially encoding at least 17 proteins. One (p23), an RNA-binding protein of 209 amino acids with a putative Zn-finger and some basic motifs, displays singular features: (i) it has no homologues in other closteroviruses, (ii) it accumulates mainly in the nucleolus and Cajal bodies, and in plasmodesmata, and (iii) it mediates asymmetric accumulation of CTV RNA strands, intracellular suppression of RNA silencing, induction of some CTV syndromes and enhancement of systemic infection when expressed as a transgene ectopically or in phloem-associated cells in several Citrus spp. Here, a yeast two-hybrid screening of an expression library of Nicotiana benthamiana (a symptomatic experimental host for CTV), identified a transducin/WD40 domain protein and the cytosolic glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) as potential host interactors with p23. Bimolecular fluorescence complementation corroborated the p23-GAPDH interaction in planta and showed that p23 interacts with itself in the nucleolus, Cajal bodies and plasmodesmata, and with GAPDH in the cytoplasm (forming aggregates) and in plasmodesmata. The latter interaction was preserved in a p23 deletion mutant affecting the C-terminal domain, but not in two others affecting the Zn-finger and one internal basic motif. Virus-induced gene silencing of GAPDH mRNA resulted in a decrease of CTV titer as revealed by real-time RT-quantitative PCR and RNA gel-blot hybridization. Thus, like other viruses, CTV seems to co-opt GAPDH, via interaction with p23, to facilitate its infectious cycle.
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