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Nonpolar nitroaromatic compounds have been considered resistant to attack by oxygenases because of the electron withdrawing properties of the nitro group. We have investigated the ability of seven bacterial strains containing toluene degradative pathways to oxidize nitrobenzene. Cultures were induced with toluene vapor prior to incubation with nitrobenzene, and products were identified by high-performance liquid chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Pseudomonas cepacia G4 and a strain of Pseudomonas harboring the TOL plasmid (pTN2) did not transform nitrobenzene. Cells of Pseudomonas putida F1 and Pseudomonas sp. strain JS150 converted nitrobenzene to 3-nitrocatechol. Transformation of nitrobenzene in the presence of 18O2 indicated that the reaction in JS150 involved the incorporation of both atoms of oxygen in the 3-nitrocatechol, which suggests a dioxygenase mechanism. P. putida 39/D, a mutant strain of P. putida F1, converted nitrobenzene to a compound tentatively identified as cis-1,2-dihydroxy-3-nitrocyclohexa-3,5-diene. This compound was rapidly converted to 3-nitrocatechol by cells of strain JS150. Cultures of Pseudomonas mendocina KR-1 converted nitrobenzene to a mixture of 3- and 4-nitrophenol (10 and 63%, respectively). Pseudomonas pickettii PKO1 converted nitrobenzene to 3- and 4-nitrocatechol via 3- and 4-nitrophenol. The nitrocatechols were slowly degraded to unidentified metabolites. Nitrobenzene did not serve as an inducer for the enzymes that catalyzed its oxidation. These results indicate that the nitrobenzene ring is subject to initial attack by both mono- and dioxygenase enzymes.  相似文献   
A rapid and economical method is reported for the preparation of an immobilized enzyme reactor (IMER) using silica-encapsulated equine butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE) as a model system. Peptide-mediated silica formation was used to encapsulate BuChE, directly immobilizing the enzyme within a commercial pre-packed column. The silica/enzyme nanocomposites form and attach simultaneously to the metal affinity column via a histidine-tag on the silica-precipitating peptide. BuChE-IMER columns were integrated to a liquid chromatography system and used as a rapid and reproducible screening method for determining the potency of cholinesterase inhibitors. The IMER preparation method reported herein produces an inert silica-encapsulation matrix with advantages over alternative systems, including ease of preparation, high immobilization efficiency (70-100%) and complete retention of activity during continuous use.  相似文献   
Standardized protocols for maintaining near-normal glycemic levels in diabetic rodent models for testing therapeutic agents to treat disease are unavailable. We developed protocols for 2 common models of spontaneous type 1 diabetes, the BioBreeding diabetes-prone (BBDP) rat and nonobese diabetic (NOD) mouse. Insulin formulation, dose level, timing of dose administration, and delivery method were examined and adjusted so that glycemic levels remained within a normal range and fluctuation throughout feeding and resting cycles was minimized. Protamine zinc formulations provided the longest activity, regardless of the source of insulin. Glycemic control with few fluctuations was achieved in diabetic BBDP rats through twice-daily administration of protamine zinc insulin, and results were similar regardless of whether BBDP rats were acutely or chronically diabetic at initiation of treatment. In contrast, glycemic control could not be attained in NOD mice through administration of insulin twice daily. However, glycemic control was achieved in mice through daily administration of 0.25 U insulin through osmotic pumps. Whereas twice-daily injections of protamine zinc insulin provided glycemic control with only minor fluctuations in BBDP rats, mice required continuous delivery of insulin to prevent wide glycemic excursions. Use of these standard protocols likely will aid in the testing of agents to prevent or reverse diabetes.Abbreviations: BBDP, BioBreeding diabetes-prone; BBDR, BioBreeding diabetes-resistant; NOD, nonobese diabetic; PZI, protamine zinc insulin; T1D, type 1 diabetes; VAF, viral-antibody–free; ZT, Zeitgeber timeClinical trials to prevent or reverse type 1 diabetes (T1D) are predicated on preclinical study data obtained from animal models of the disease to determine agents that exhibit efficacy and translational potential. However, according to findings published over the past several years (summarized in references 2, 17, and 31), not all preclinical T1D studies are created equal. Without a standardized screening process, the hundreds of candidate therapeutic agents in development cannot be evaluated critically for translational potential. One parameter that varies considerably from report to report in T1D reversal studies is the insulin treatment provided to diabetic NOD mice. To address the need for standardized preclinical screening of new therapeutics, the National Institute for Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases has developed the Type 1 Diabetes Preclinical Testing Program.2,35 Under this program, a central contract testing facility (Biomedical Research Models) bridged the gap between discovery of potential therapeutics and clinical testing for efficacy in prevention or reversal of T1D. Using 2 of the best characterized models of T1D, the BioBreeding diabetes-prone (BBDP) rat and the nonobese diabetic (NOD) mouse, we sought to develop standardized protocols for the treatment of diabetes with insulin to provide the best glycemic control throughout the fed and nonfed states. We began by housing these models in a viral-antibody–free (VAF) barrier facility, we created study designs approved by a scientific advisory board consisting of leaders in the field, and we performed studies by using standard operation procedures.The standard of care in patients with T1D is to attempt to maintain near-normal glucose levels, by providing exogenous insulin therapy several times daily via injection or pump after rigorous monitoring of glycemic levels and by appropriately coordinating insulin dosing with food intake. Current blood glucose control in diabetic rodent models focuses on maintaining the diabetic animal in a state of moderate hyperglycemia, with normal weight gain in the absence of severe ketonuria. This state is achieved by once-daily injections of titrated insulin doses or by implantation of continuous release insulin pellets;38 however, insulin types and methods can vary widely between institutions and laboratories, yielding a wide range of glycemic control. Therefore there is marked difference between the stringent glycemic control targeted by humans with diabetes as compared with the relatively loose glycemic control afforded to rodents with diabetes. Despite the many physiologic differences between humans and rodents, glycemic control potentially can be addressed by making insulin treatment in rodents more comparable in terms of glycemic control to what is achieved currently in humans, especially given that patients with T1D will continue to administer insulin during treatment with therapeutic agents (for example, antiCD3).11 The lessening of the frequency, duration, and severity of hyperglycemic events is anticipated to provide the best chance for β cells to rest (function properly) while interventions are tested.21 Ideally, for these studies, animals should receive sufficient insulin to maintain glycemic levels close to the normal range in control nondiabetic animals.For these studies, we focused on the 2 most widely used spontaneous rodent models of T1D: the BioBreeding diabetes-prone (BBDP) rat and the nonobese diabetic (NOD) mouse.1,12 The BBDP strain originated from a colony of outbred Wistar rats that developed spontaneous diabetes at the BioBreeding Laboratories in the 1970s. In the 1980s, the strain was acquired by the University of Massachusetts Medical School. During inbreeding, the BioBreeding diabetes- resistant (BBDR) control strain was established. Both strains are maintained at our facility and represent the most fully inbred (more than 110 generations) and characterized colonies available. BBDP rats develop T1D at 50 to 90 d of age at a frequency of approximately 85% to 90%, with equal frequency in male and female rats; the disease in BBDP rats results from autoimmune insulitis that is mediated primarily by CD4+ and CD8+ T cells and the development of autoantibodies to islet antigen. This insulitis is similar to that in human patients.18 Insulin therapy is required shortly after onset of hyperglycemia or death will occur due to ketoacidosis.19 The Gimap5 mutation in BBDP rats results in a T-cell lymphopenia and is necessary for development of T1D in BBDP rats (along with expression of a MHC class II RT1 B/Du allele); adoptive transfer of splenocytes or regulatory T cells from BBDR rats before 35 d of age prevents the onset of diabetes in BBDP rats.9,28,38 Alternatively, depletion of regulatory T cells from BBDR rats (which are nonlymphopenic) induces T1D in that strain.The NOD mouse strain originated from selective inbreeding of the Cataract Shionogi mouse strain and was imported from Japan to The Joslin Diabetes Center in 1984. NOD mice are now the most widely used preclinical model of T1D, in part due to the availability of genetic analysis and manipulation as well as the wide array of reagents available for mechanistic studies. The most commonly cited source for NOD mice is The Jackson Laboratory (Bar Harbor, ME), where female NOD mice develop disease at a frequency of 65% to 100% by 30 wk of age, whereas male NOD mice develop disease at a frequency of 35% to 85% (inbred for more than 83 generations). The incidence can vary from year to year34 and from facility to facility depending on several factors, the most important being housing conditions.15,26 The incidence of T1D in female NOD mice at our VAF barrier facility has been 65% to 80% over the past 3 y; this frequency can be far lower in nonVAF facilities. Diabetic NOD mice exhibit mild ketoacidosis, which allows them to survive for as long as several weeks after the onset of hyperglycemia without supportive insulin treatment. NOD mice also present with insulin resistance and a distinct stage of insulitis, referred to as peri-insulitis, that is not found in either human T1D or in diabetic BBDP rats.5,18 Although both NOD mouse and BBDP rat models of T1D have particular advantages and disadvantages, a prudent path of drug development would include the examination of the therapeutic efficacy of novel agents in both models.2,31To standardize and improve current testing protocols, we developed insulin treatment regimens that maintain blood glucose levels near normal levels throughout day and night activities over prolonged periods, as would be expected to occur in interventional clinical trials. We show here that whereas 2 daily injections of insulin to diabetic BBDP rats were sufficient to achieve our goal, diabetic NOD mice required continuous delivery of insulin through the implantation of osmotic pumps.  相似文献   
CL-20 (2,4,6,8,10,12-hexanitro-2,4,6,8,10,12-hexaazaisowurtzitane) (C6H6N12O12), a future-generation high-energy explosive, is biodegradable by Pseudomonas sp. strain FA1 and Agrobacterium sp. strain JS71; however, the nature of the enzyme(s) involved in the process was not understood. In the present study, salicylate 1-monooxygenase, a flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD)-containing purified enzyme from Pseudomonas sp. strain ATCC 29352, biotransformed CL-20 at rates of 0.256 ± 0.011 and 0.043 ± 0.003 nmol min−1 mg of protein−1 under anaerobic and aerobic conditions, respectively. The disappearance of CL-20 was accompanied by the release of nitrite ions. Using liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry in the negative electrospray ionization mode, we detected a metabolite with a deprotonated mass ion [M − H] at 345 Da, corresponding to an empirical formula of C6H6N10O8, produced as a result of two sequential N denitration steps on the CL- 20 molecule. We also detected two isomeric metabolites with [M − H] at 381 Da corresponding to an empirical formula of C6H10N10O10. The latter was a hydrated product of the metabolite C6H6N10O8 with addition of two H2O molecules, as confirmed by tests using 18O-labeled water. The product stoichiometry showed that each reacted CL-20 molecule produced about 1.7 nitrite ions, 3.2 molecules of nitrous oxide, 1.5 molecules of formic acid, and 0.6 ammonium ion. Diphenyliodonium-mediated inhibition of salicylate 1-monooxygenase and a comparative study between native, deflavo, and reconstituted enzyme(s) showed that FAD site of the enzyme was involved in the biotransformation of CL-20 catalyzed by salicylate 1-monooxygenase. The data suggested that salicylate 1-monooxygenase catalyzed two oxygen-sensitive single-electron transfer steps necessary to release two nitrite ions from CL-20 and that this was followed by the secondary decomposition of this energetic chemical.  相似文献   
An epoxyalkane:coenzyme M (CoM) transferase (EaCoMT) enzyme was recently found to be active in the aerobic vinyl chloride (VC) and ethene assimilation pathways of Mycobacterium strain JS60. In the present study, EaCoMT activity and genes were investigated in 10 different mycobacteria isolated on VC or ethene from diverse environmental samples. In all cases, epoxyethane metabolism in cell extracts was dependent on CoM, with average specific activities of EaCoMT between 380 and 2,910 nmol/min/mg of protein. PCR with primers based on conserved regions of EaCoMT genes from Mycobacterium strain JS60 and the propene oxidizers Xanthobacter strain Py2 and Rhodococcus strain B-276 yielded fragments (834 bp) of EaCoMT genes from all of the VC- and ethene-assimilating isolates. The Mycobacterium EaCoMT genes form a distinct cluster and are more closely related to the EaCoMT of Rhodococcus strain B-276 than that of Xanthobacter strain Py2. The incongruence of the EaCoMT and 16S rRNA gene trees and the fact that isolates from geographically distant locations possessed almost identical EaCoMT genes suggest that lateral transfer of EaCoMT among the Mycobacterium strains has occurred. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis revealed large linear plasmids (110 to 330 kb) in all of the VC-degrading strains. In Southern blotting experiments, the strain JS60 EaCoMT gene hybridized to many of the plasmids. The CoM-mediated pathway of epoxide metabolism appears to be universal in alkene-assimilating mycobacteria, possibly because of plasmid-mediated lateral gene transfer.  相似文献   
Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes JS52 grows on nitrobenzene via partial reduction of the nitro group and enzymatic rearrangement of the resultant hydroxylamine. Cells and cell extracts of nitrobenzene-grown JS52 catalyzed the transient formation of 4-hydroxylamino-2,6-dinitrotoluene (4HADNT), 4-amino-2,6-dinitrotoluene (4ADNT), and four previously unidentified metabolites from 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT). Two of the novel metabolites were identified by liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry and (sup1)H-nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy as 2,4-dihydroxylamino-6-nitrotoluene (DHANT) and 2-hydroxylamino-4-amino-6-nitrotoluene (2HA4ANT). A polar yellow metabolite also accumulated during transformation of TNT by cells and cell extracts. Under anaerobic conditions, extracts of strain JS52 did not catalyze the production of the yellow metabolite or release nitrite from TNT; moreover, DHANT and 2HA4ANT accumulated under anaerobic conditions, which indicated that their further metabolism was oxygen dependent. Small amounts of nitrite were released during transformation of TNT by strain JS52. Sustained transformation of TNT by cells required nitrobenzene, which indicated that TNT transformation does not provide energy. Transformation of TNT catalyzed by enzymes in cell extracts required NADPH. Transformation experiments with (sup14)C-TNT indicated that TNT was not mineralized; however, carbon derived from TNT became associated with cells. Nitrobenzene nitroreductase purified from strain JS52 transformed TNT to DHANT via 4HADNT, which indicated that the nitroreductase could catalyze the first two steps in the transformation of TNT. The unusual ability of the nitrobenzene nitroreductase to catalyze the stoichiometric reduction of aromatic nitro compounds to the corresponding hydroxylamine provides the basis for the novel pathway for metabolism of TNT.  相似文献   
Two closely related cDNA clones, pSpec1 and pSpec2, specifying two developmentally regulated tissue specific mRNAs from sea urchin embryos were used to probe a sea urchin genomic lambda library. Screening 10,000 phage by plaque hybridization yielded several hundred positive signals. With more stringent wash procedures, only two to three phage were positive. Three of these phage, one isolated by stringent wash procedures and two isolated by standard wash procedures were further investigated by restriction analysis, RNA gel blots, and DNA sequencing. The phage isolated by the stringent wash procedure appears to be a gene coding for the Specl mRNA. The other phage contain only partial homology to pSpec1 and pSpec2, 150 to 200 base pairs of the 3' untranslated region of the Spec1 and Spec2 mRNAs. It is concluded that the Spec1 and Spec2 mRNAs contain a highly repetitive element near their 3' end. The element is present at 2000 to 3000 copies per genome and may be transcribed at some sites other than those coding for the Spec1 and Spec2 genes. The possible function and evolutionary origin of the repetitive element is discussed.  相似文献   
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