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BCR signaling regulates the activities and fates of B cells. BCR signaling encompasses two feedback loops emanating from Lyn and Fyn, which are Src family protein tyrosine kinases (SFKs). Positive feedback arises from SFK-mediated trans phosphorylation of BCR and receptor-bound Lyn and Fyn, which increases the kinase activities of Lyn and Fyn. Negative feedback arises from SFK-mediated cis phosphorylation of the transmembrane adapter protein PAG1, which recruits the cytosolic protein tyrosine kinase Csk to the plasma membrane, where it acts to decrease the kinase activities of Lyn and Fyn. To study the effects of the positive and negative feedback loops on the dynamical stability of BCR signaling and the relative contributions of Lyn and Fyn to BCR signaling, we consider in this study a rule-based model for early events in BCR signaling that encompasses membrane-proximal interactions of six proteins, as follows: BCR, Lyn, Fyn, Csk, PAG1, and Syk, a cytosolic protein tyrosine kinase that is activated as a result of SFK-mediated phosphorylation of BCR. The model is consistent with known effects of Lyn and Fyn deletions. We find that BCR signaling can generate a single pulse or oscillations of Syk activation depending on the strength of Ag signal and the relative levels of Lyn and Fyn. We also show that bistability can arise in Lyn- or Csk-deficient cells.  相似文献   
All-trans [11-3H]4,4-difluororetinyl acetate was synthesized by treating methyl all-trans [11-3H]4-oxoretinoate with diethylaminosulfurtrifluoride, followed by reduction and acetylation of the product. After oral administration of the radioactive difluoro analog in oil to rats, difluororetinol, difluororetinyl palmitate and related esters, 4-oxoretinol, 4-oxoretinoic acid and polar conjugated derivatives were identified in the intestine, liver, kidney and / or blood. The major metabolic products were difluororetinyl palmitate and related esters, which were stored in the liver. The presence of the difluoro analog in liver oil from treated rats was confirmed by 19F-NMR spectroscopy. Neither retinol nor retinyl esters were detected as products of the metabolism of the difluoro analog. Nonetheless, all-trans difluororetinyl acetate showed 26 ± 12% of the biological activity of all-trans retinyl acetate in the rat growth assay. Presumably, the difluoro analog is active per se in growth rather than by conversion to retinol or to one of its known growth-promoting metabolites. In general, however, the difluoro analog was metabolized in a manner very similar to vitamin A. The vitamin A moiety of administered difluororetinyl acetate and retinyl acetate was poorly stored (1.8–3.3%) in the liver of vitamin A-depleted rats, confirming and extending past reports that the liver storage mechanism is severely impaired when initial liver stores are very low.  相似文献   
A short, simple extraction procedure and a sensitive reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatographic assay, which utilizes isocratic elution and detection either by a photodiode-array detector or by two detectors set at 300 and 450 nm, have been developed to measure retinol, tocopherols and several carotenoids in human serum simultaneously. By relying on characteristic UV—visible spectra, seventeen carotenoids, retinol and α- and γ-tocopherols were identified in concentrated serum extracts by use of the three-dimensional data mode of a photodiode-array detector. The presence of some recently reported carotenoids in human serum has been confirmed.  相似文献   
We undertook an epidemiologic study for the sensitivity of both Shiga-like toxin (Slt)-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) O157 and non-STEC O157 strains isolated from different patients with diarrhea to hydrochloric acid (HCl) and organic acids such as acetate, propionate, butyrate and lactate, and other pathogenic factors. The E. coli O157 isolates examined showed a wide variety of organic-acid susceptibility patterns. E. coli O157 isolates resistant to HCl or acetate were found more frequently than those resistant to other organic acids. These isolates also showed diverse pathogenicity patterns for the presence of the virulence genes, antibiotic susceptibility and plasmid profile.  相似文献   
The intestines of freshly caught Saccobranchus fossilis (a freshwater fish that contains dehydroretinol) became free from carotenoids and from vitamin A when the fish were starved for about 20 days. When beta-carotene was administered to such fish, retinoic acid could be isolated from the intestines after approx. 4h. When lutein was administered to such fish, dehydroretinol and 3-hydroxyretinol could be isolated from the intestines after approx. 5h.  相似文献   
The absolute stereochemistry of the new antifungal and antibacterial antibiotic produced by Streptomyces sp.201 has been established by achieving the total synthesis of the product. A series of analogues have also been synthesized by changing the side chain and their bioactivity assessed against different microbial strains. Among them, 1e (R = C8H17) was found to be the most potent with MIC of 8 microg/mL against Mycobacterium tuberculosis, 12 microg/mL against Escherichia coli and 16 microg/mL against Bacillus subtilis 6 microg/mL against Proteus vulgaris. This was followed by 1b (R = C5H11) with MIC of 10-20 microg/mL range and 1d (R = C7H15) with MIC of 14-24 g/mL, whereas 1a (R = C4H9) and 1f (R = C18H35) were found to be completely inactive. Besides, 1c (R = C6H13) showed certain extent of antibacterial activity in the range of 24-50 microg/mL. Mycobacterium tuberculosis was very sensitive to 1e (R = C8H17) with MIC of 8 microg/mL. Antifungal activity of analogues 1d (R = C7H15) and 1e, (R = C8H17) against Fusarium oxysporum and Rhizoctonia solani were found promising with MFCs in the 15-18 microg/mL range.  相似文献   
Salmonella is a globally widespread food-borne pathogen having major impact on public health. All motile serovars of Salmonella enterica of poultry origin are zoonotic, and contaminated meat and raw eggs are an important source to human infections. Information on the prevalence of Salmonella at farm/holding level, and the zoonotic serovars circulating in layer poultry in the South and South-East Asian countries including Bangladesh, where small-scale commercial farms are predominant, is limited. To investigate the prevalence of Salmonella at layer farm level, and to identify the prevalent serovars we conducted a cross-sectional survey by randomly selecting 500 commercial layer poultry farms in Bangladesh. Faecal samples from the selected farms were collected following standard procedure, and examined for the presence of Salmonella using conventional bacteriological procedures. Thirty isolates were randomly selected, from the ninety obtained from the survey, for serotyping and characterized further by plasmid profiling and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). Results of the survey showed that the prevalence of motile Salmonella at layer farm level was 18% (95% confidence interval 15-21%), and Salmonella Kentucky was identified to be the only serovar circulating in the study population. Plasmid analysis of the S. Kentucky and non-serotyped isolates revealed two distinct profiles with a variation of two different sizes (2.7 and 4.8 kb). PFGE of the 30 S. Kentucky and 30 non-serotyped isolates showed that all of them were clonally related because only one genotype and three subtypes were determined based on the variation in two or three bands. This is also the first report on the presence of any specific serovar of Salmonella enterica in poultry in Bangladesh.  相似文献   
The stochastic integrate and fire neuron is one of the most commonly used stochastic models in neuroscience. Although some cases are analytically tractable, a full analysis typically calls for numerical simulations. We present a fast and accurate finite volume method to approximate the solution of the associated Fokker-Planck equation. The discretization of the boundary conditions offers a particular challenge, as standard operator splitting approaches cannot be applied without modification. We demonstrate the method using stationary and time dependent inputs, and compare them with Monte Carlo simulations. Such simulations are relatively easy to implement, but can suffer from convergence difficulties and long run times. In comparison, our method offers improved accuracy, and decreases computation times by several orders of magnitude. The method can easily be extended to two and three dimensional Fokker-Planck equations.
Fabien MarpeauEmail:
Plant communities are structured by both competition and facilitation. The interplay between the two interactions can vary depending on environmental factors, nature of stress, and plant traits. However, whether positive or negative interactions dominate in regions of high biotic and abiotic stress remains unclear. We studied herbaceous plant communities associated with a dwarf shrub Caragana versicolor in semi-arid, high altitude Trans-Himalayan rangelands of Spiti, India. We surveyed 120 pairs of plots (within and outside shrub canopies) across four watersheds differing in altitude, aspect, and dominant herbivores. Herbaceous communities within shrub canopies had 25% higher species richness, but similar abundance when compared to communities outside the canopy, with the shrub edge having higher diversity than the centre of the canopy. Grasses and erect forbs showed positive associations with the shrub, while prostrate plants occurred at much lower abundance within the canopy. Rare species showed stronger positive associations with Caragana than abundant species. Experimental removal of herbaceous vegetation from within shrub canopies led to 42% increase in flowering in Caragana, indicating a cost to the host shrubs. Our study indicates a robust pattern of a dwarf shrub facilitating local community diversity across this alpine landscape, increasing diversity at the plot level, facilitating rare species, and yet incurring a cost to hosts from the presence of herbaceous plants. Given these large influences of this shrub on the vegetation of these high altitude rangelands, we suggest that the shrub microhabitat be explicitly considered in any analyses of ecosystem health in such rangelands.  相似文献   
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