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Data from polytene chromosome studies on the Anopheles gambiae complex in Mali were reviewed. The banding pattern was successfully scored in 17,705 specimens from 76 sampling sites representing the main ecological strata of the country. Two members of the complex, namely An. arabiensis and An. gambiae, were found widespread and frequently sympatric, with the latter prevalent in most localities. Population genetic analysis of the inversion polymorphisms indicated the existence of panmictic conditions for An. arabiensis only, whereas the parallel study of An. gambiae supported its splitting into at least three reproductive units, characterized by different 2R chromosome arrangements, designated Bamako, Mopti and Savanna. The chromosomal evidence was consistent with the hypothesis of complete reproductive isolation between Bamako and Mopti. Partial isolation between these two taxa and Savanna was suggested by the scoring of hypothetical hybrid 2R heterokaryotypes in various samples, but the actual hybrid origin of these specimens was not confirmed. Different patterns of geographical and seasonal distribution were shown as follows. An. arabiensis prevails in arid savannas (Sahel and Northern Sudan savanna) out of the flooded or irrigated zones; it is able to withstand the most arid conditions of Saharan localities and its breeding might extend throughout the dry season. An. gambiae Savanna and Bamako prevail in relatively humid savannas (Southern Sudan savanna) and their breeding generally occurs only during the rainy season. The Savanna taxon was almost absent in flooded or irrigated zones and in riverine localities; the Bamako taxon is distributed along the upper river Niger and its tributaries. An. gambiae Mopti extends its range in all ecological zones present in Mali including the Sahel and predesertic areas, showing high relative frequencies up to absolute dominance in flooded or irrigated areas; its breeding is highly successful also during the dry season. Rainfall at the sampling sites was found to correlate positively with the frequency of Savanna and negatively with the frequency of Mopti. The remarkable ecological flexibility of the latter was found associated with wide seasonal and geographical variations in its 2R inversion polymorphism bc/u. Higher frequencies of the bc arrangement were recorded both in the Southern localities during the dry season and in the Northern more arid localities during the rainy season. The absence or scarcity of An. arabiensis and An. gambiae Savanna in most flooded or irrigated zones suggests their competitive exclusion by An. gambiae Mopti.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: As a result of the widespread resistance to chloroquine and sulphadoxinepyrimethamine, artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) (including artemetherlumefantrine and artesunate-amodiaquine) has been recommended as a first-line antimalarial regimen in Senegal since 2006. Intermittent preventive treatments with antimalarial drugs based on sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine are also given to children or pregnant women once per month during the transmission season. Since 2006, there have been very few reports on the susceptibility of Plasmodium falciparum to antimalarial drugs. To estimate the prevalence of resistance to several anti-malarial drugs since the introduction of the widespread use of ACT, the presence of molecular markers associated with resistance to chloroquine and sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine was assessed in local isolates at the military hospital of Dakar. METHODS: The prevalence of genetic polymorphisms in genes associated with anti-malarial drug resistance, i.e., Pfcrt, Pfdhfr, Pfdhps and Pfmdr1, and the copy number of Pfmdr1 were evaluated for a panel of 174 isolates collected from patients recruited at the military hospital of Dakar from 14 October 2009 to 19 January 2010. RESULTS: The Pfcrt 76 T mutation was identified in 37.2% of the samples. The Pfmdr1 86Y and 184 F mutations were found in 16.6% and 67.6% of the tested samples, respectively. Twenty-eight of the 29 isolates with the 86Y mutation were also mutated at codon 184. Only one isolate (0.6%) had two copies of Pfmdr1. The Pfdhfr 108 N/T, 51I and 59R mutations were identified in 82.4%, 83.5% and 74.1% of the samples, respectively. The double mutant (108 N and 51I) was detected in 83.5% of the isolates, and the triple mutant (108 N, 51I and 59R) was detected in 75.3%. The Pfdhps 437 G, 436 F/A and 613 S mutations were found in 40.2%, 35.1% and 1.8% of the samples, respectively. There was no double mutant (437 G and 540E) or no quintuple mutant (Pfdhfr 108 N, 51I and 59R and Pfdhps 437 G and 540E). The prevalence of the quadruple mutant (Pfdhfr 108 N, 51I and 59R and Pfdhps 437 G) was 36.5%. CONCLUSIONS: Since 2004, the prevalence of chloroquine resistance had decreased. The prevalence of isolates with high-level pyrimethamine resistance is 83.5%. The prevalence of isolates resistant to sulphadoxine is 40.2%. However, no quintuple mutant (Pfdhfr 108 N, 51I and 59R and Pfdhps 437 G and 540E), which is associated with a high level of sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine resistance, has been identified to date. The resistance to amodiaquine remains moderate.  相似文献   
We examined growth rates and reproductive characteristics of Sardinella aurita off Senegal and other coastal areas over a 20 year period (1995–2014) to determine how they relate to variations in environmental characteristics of coastal waters. Based on fish length-frequency data and a coastal upwelling index, we found that S. aurita recruitment tends to occur during the periods of most intensive upwelling (March–April off Senegal). Peak reproduction corresponds to periods of low sea-surface temperature (in February or March). The sex ratio was remarkably consistent during the 30 year study period and so was not affected by environmental changes. We hypothesise that S. aurita takes advantage of the higher zooplankton productivity that occurs in coastal waters when upwelling brings nutrient-rich water to the surface (i.e., it increases its growth rate and accumulates energy reserves for spawning). Growth performance appears to be strongly dependent on environmental conditions. The timing of spawning seems to occur when food (zooplankton) is most available for supplying the energy requirements needed by adults for spawning and early development of larvae. Environmental changes seem to have a significant effect on S. aurita growth and reproduction, which endorses their high phenotypic plasticity.  相似文献   


Factors explaining the greater susceptibility of preterm infants to severe lower respiratory infections with respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) remain poorly understood. Fetal/newborn lambs are increasingly appreciated as a model to study key elements of RSV infection in newborn infants due to similarities in lung alveolar development, immune response, and susceptibility to RSV. Previously, our laboratory demonstrated that preterm lambs had elevated viral antigen and developed more severe lesions compared to full-term lambs at seven days post-infection. Here, we compared the pathogenesis and immunological response to RSV infection in lungs of preterm and full-term lambs.


Lambs were delivered preterm by Caesarian section or full-term by natural birth, then inoculated with bovine RSV (bRSV) via the intratracheal route. Seven days post-infection, lungs were collected for evaluation of cytokine production, histopathology and cellular infiltration.


Compared to full-term lambs, lungs of preterm lambs had a heightened pro-inflammatory response after infection, with significantly increased MCP-1, MIP-1α, IFN-γ, TNF-α and PD-L1 mRNA. RSV infection in the preterm lung was characterized by increased epithelial thickening and periodic acid-Schiff staining, indicative of glycogen retention. Nitric oxide levels were decreased in lungs of infected preterm lambs compared to full-term lambs, indicating alternative macrophage activation. Although infection induced significant neutrophil recruitment into the lungs of preterm lambs, neutrophils produced less myeloperoxidase than those of full-term lambs, suggesting decreased functional activation.


Taken together, our data suggest that increased RSV load and inadequate immune response may contribute to the enhanced disease severity observed in the lungs of preterm lambs.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: There have been no major advances in tuberculosis (TB) drug development since the first East African/British Medical Research Council short course chemotherapy trial 35 years ago. Since then, the landscape for conducting TB clinical trials has profoundly changed with the emergence of HIV infection, the spread of resistant TB bacilli strains, recent advances in mycobacteriological capacity, and drug discovery. As a consequence questions have arisen on the most appropriate approach to design and conduct current TB trials. To highlight key issues discussed: Is a superiority, equivalence, or non-inferiority design most appropriate? What should be the primary efficacy outcome? How to consider re-infections in the definition of the outcome? What is the optimal length of patient follow-up? Is blinding appropriate when treatment duration in test arm is shorter? What are the appropriate assumptions for sample size calculation? METHODS: Various drugs are currently in the development pipeline. We are presenting in this paper the design of the most recently completed phase III TB trial, the OFLOTUB project, which is the pivotal trial of a registration portfolio for a gatifloxacin-containing TB regimen. It is a randomized, open-label, multicenter, controlled trial aiming to evaluate the efficacy and safety of a gatifloxacin-containing 4-month regimen (trial registration: ClinicalTrial.gov database: NCT00216385). RESULTS: In the light of the recent scientific and regulatory discussions, we discuss some of the design issues in TB clinical trials and more specifically the reasons that guided our choices, in order to best answer the trial objectives, while at the same time satisfying regulatory authority requirements. CONCLUSION: When shortening TB treatment, we are advocating for a non-inferiority, non-blinded design, with a composite unfavorable endpoint assessed 12 months post treatment completion, and added trial procedures specifically aiming to: (1) minimize endpoint unavailability; and (2) distinguish between relapse and re-infection.  相似文献   


Demographic and health surveys, immunization coverage surveys and administrative data often divergently estimate vaccination coverage, which hinders pinpointing districts where immunization services require strengthening. We assayed vaccination coverage in three regions in Ethiopia by coverage surveys and linked serosurveys.


Households with children aged 12–23 (N = 300) or 6–8 months (N = 100) in each of three districts (woredas) were randomly selected for immunization coverage surveys (inspection of vaccination cards and immunization clinic records and maternal recall) and linked serosurveys. IgG-ELISA serologic biomarkers included tetanus antitoxin ≥ 0.15 IU/ml in toddlers (receipt of tetanus toxoid) and Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) anti-capsular titers ≥ 1.0 mcg/ml in infants (timely receipt of Hib vaccine).


Coverage surveys enrolled 1,181 children across three woredas; 1,023 (87%) also enrolled in linked serosurveys. Administrative data over-estimated coverage compared to surveys, while maternal recall was unreliable. Serologic biomarkers documented a hierarchy among the districts. Biomarker measurement in infants provided insight on timeliness of vaccination not deducible from toddler results.


Neither administrative projections, vaccination card or EPI register inspections, nor parental recall, substitute for objective serological biomarker measurement. Including infants in serosurveys informs on vaccination timeliness.  相似文献   
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