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Cytoskeletal components were visualized in epimastigote forms of Trypanosoma cruzi by double immunofluorescence microscopy using monospecific antibodies against tubulin and against actin. Intense staining of the flagellum and the edges of the cell body was observed when the cells were stained with anti-tubulin, reflecting the presence of the basal bodies, the flagellar axoneme and the subpellicular microtubules. A less intense staining was seen in the cell body of epimastigotes stained with anti-actin. However, an intense staining was observed with this antibody in the flagellum, in a pattern similar to that observed with anti-tubulin. It is suggested that the paraxial structure, which is formed by a complex array of 6-nm-thick microfilaments is composed, at least in part, of actin.  相似文献   
We examined the incorporation of [3H]methylenedioxyamphetamine ([3H]MDA) and [3H]amphetamine into rat brain synaptosomes. Saturation studies, using increasing concentrations of nonradioactive ligand, revealed that [3H]-MDA interacted with two saturable sites that were sensitive to boiling of the tissue. Eadee-Scatchard plots of [3H]MDA saturation data were curvilinear; nonlinear curve-fitting analysis of these data suggested the presence of high- and low-affinity [3H]MDA sites of association: KD high = 295 nM, Bmax high = 32 pmol/mg of protein; KD low = 45 microM, Bmax low = 5.2 nmol/mg of protein. Association of [3H]MDA to the low-affinity site was dependent on the presence of isotonic sucrose in the incubation medium. The high capacities of these sites argue against a bimolecular interaction of [3H]MDA with monovalent protein binding sites. [3H]MDA incorporation was reduced under conditions that disrupt the integrity of plasma membranes, such as sonication, incubation in hypotonic media, and incubation in the presence of the detergent digitonin. These data indicate that [3H]MDA incorporation into synaptosomes may represent an internalization and sequestration phenomenon. [3H]MDA incorporation was also reduced by preincubation of the synaptosomal preparation at 37 degrees C or in hypotonic buffer at 4 degrees C, a result suggesting that this sequestration is maintained by an intrasynaptosomal component that is lost under the preincubation conditions described above. [3H]MDA incorporation was pH dependent (maximal at pH 7.5) and temperature sensitive (maximal incorporation occurred at 21 degrees C and was substantially reduced at 37 degrees C). [3H]Amphetamine was also incorporated into synaptosomes, and this incorporation was sensitive to the same physical manipulations of the tissue preparation as [3H]MDA incorporation. The synaptosomal sequestration of both [3H]MDA and [3H]amphetamine was inhibited by permeant cations, such as sodium and potassium, a result suggesting that the proposed intrasynaptosomal component that maintains the sequestration is anionic. Preliminary pharmacological profiles of [3H]MDA and [3H]amphetamine sequestration were identical. The rank order of inhibitor potencies for the incorporation of both ligands was desipramine greater than amphetamine greater than MDA greater than methylphenidate. This order of potency does not correspond to the lipophilicity of the test drugs. The synaptosomal incorporation and sequestration of [3H]MDA, [3H]methylenedioxymethamphetamine, and [3H]amphetamine described in the present report may be important in the molecular mechanism of action of monoamine release induced by the amphetamines.  相似文献   
Electrocyte membranes of Electrophorus electricus exhibit high ATPase activity, as demonstrated by cytochemical and biochemical techniques. This activity is visualized as electron-dense deposits in electron micrographs, and appears to be localized only at the innervated face of the electrocyte. ATP hydrolysis can be detected cytochemically or biochemically only in the presence of calcium or magnesium. The effects of Ca or Mg on ATPase activity can be described by Michaelis-like functions with similar apparent Km values for Ca and Mg (0.41 mM and 0.23 mM, respectively). Vmax, however, is fivefold higher in the presence of Mg. The effects of the two cations are not additive, and pH dependence of ATP hydrolysis is identical in the presence of Ca or Mg (maximal at pH 8-9). Therefore, it can be concluded that Ca and Mg activate the same enzyme, the differences in Vmax being attributable to influences in kcat.  相似文献   
The participation of cell surface anionic sites on the interaction between tachyzoites of Toxoplasma gondii and macrophages and the process of phagosome-lysosome fusion were analyzed using cationized ferritin as a marker of cell surface anionic sites and albumin-colloidal gold as a marker for secondary lysosomes. Incubation of either the macrophages or the parasites with cationized ferritin before the interaction increased the ingestion of parasites by macrophages. Anionic sites of the macrophage's surface, labeled with cationized ferritin before the interaction, were internalized together with untreated parasites. However, after interaction with glutaraldehyde-fixed or specific antibody-coated parasites, the cationized ferritin particles were observed in endocytic vacuoles which did not contain parasites. Macrophages previously labeled with albumin-gold at 37 degrees C, were incubated in the presence of cationized ferritin at 4 degrees C and then incubated with untreated or specific antibody-coated parasites. After interaction with opsonized parasites, the colloidal gold particles were observed in the parasitophorous vacuoles while the cationized ferritin particles were observed in cytoplasmic vesicles. However, when the interaction was carried out with untreated parasites, the parasitophorous vacuoles exhibited ferritin particles while the colloidal gold particles were observed in cytoplasmic vesicles. These observations, in association with studies previously reported, suggest that the state of the parasite surface determines the mechanism of parasite entry into the macrophage, the composition of the membrane lining the parasitophorous vacuole and the ability of lysosomes to fuse with the vacuoles.  相似文献   
Neurofilaments subunits (NF-H, NF-M, NF-L) and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) were investigated in the hippocampus of rats after distinct periods of reperfusion (1 to 15 days) following 20 min of transient global forebrain ischemia in the rat. In vitro [14Ca]leucine incorporation was not altered until 48 h after the ischemic insult, however concentration of intermediate filament subunits significantly decreased in this period. Three days after the insult, leucine incorporation significantly increased while the concentration NF-H, NF-M, and NF-L were still diminished after 15 days of reperfusion. In vitro incorporation of32P into NF-M and NF-L suffered immediately after ischemia, but returned to control values after two days of reperfusion. GFAP levels decreased immediately after ischemia but quickly recovered and significantly peaked from 7 to 10 days after the insult. These results suggest that transient ischemia followed by reperfusion causes proteolysis of intermediate filaments in the hippocampus, and that proteolysis could be facilitated by diminished phosphorylation levels of NF-M and NF-L.  相似文献   
Summary Fe (III) and Cu (II) each at 50 M in four commercial strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae induced an increase of NAD(P)+ reduction in one strain (Turkish), but two others (Chilean and Brazilian), the presence of Fe(III) and/or Cu(II) diminished NAD(P)+ reduction presumably due to free radicais formation inside these living cells. Suprisingly, in the American strain, Fe(III) induced a decrease and Cu (II) an increase of NAD(P)+ reduction.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to investigate the pyrogenic activity of factor(s) released by rat peritoneal macrophages following a brief stimulation with LPS. The effect of this factor on the number of circulating leukocytes and serum Fe, Cu and Zn levels, was also evaluated. The possibility that the content of interleukin (IL)-1beta, IL-6 and tumour necrosis factor (TNF) in the supernatant could explain the observations was investigated. Supernatant produced over a period of 1 h by peritoneal macrophages, following a 30 min incubation with LPS at 37 degrees C, was ultrafiltered through a 10 000 MW cut-off Amicon membrane, sterilized, and concentrated 2.5, 5, 10 and 20 times. The intravenous (i.v.) injection of this supernatant induced a concentration-dependent fever in rats with a maximal response at 2 h. The pyrogenic activity was produced by macrophages elicited with thioglycollate and by resident cells. The supernatants also induced neutrophilia and reduction in Fe and Zn 6 h after the injection. Absence of activity in boiled supernatants, or supernatants from macrophages incubated at 4 degrees C with LPS, indicates that LPS was not responsible for the activity. In vitro treatment with indomethacin (Indo), dexamethasone (Dex), or cycloheximide (Chx) did not modify the release of pyrogenic activity into the supernatant or its effects on the reduction in serum metal levels. Although Chx abolished the production of mediator(s) inducing neutrophilia, and Dex reduced the induction of IL-1beta, TNF and IL-6, injection of the highest concentration of these cytokines detected in the supernatants did not induce fever. In vivo treatment with Dex, but not Indo, abolished the fever induced by the supernatant. These results suggest that macrophages contain pre-formed pyrogenic mediator(s), not related to IL-1beta, IL-6 or TNF, that acts indirectly and independently of prostaglandtn. It also seems likely that the pyrogenic activity is related to the factor responsible for the reduction of serum Fe and Zn levels, but not the neutrophilia.  相似文献   
Riparian forests play an important role in stream ecosystems, as they support biodiversity, reduce water erosion, and provide litter that fuels aquatic biota. However, they are affected by great array of anthropogenic threats (e.g., fire, logging, and organic pollution), which alter species composition and their physical structure. Although forest recovery after disturbance such as logging can take decades, the legacy of forest clear-cut logging on key processes in tropical riparian ecosystems is mostly unknown. Here, we investigated how litter inputs (leaves, twigs, and reproductive parts) and storage, key processes for carbon and nutrient recycling and for forest and stream biota, are influenced by riparian vegetation undergoing succession (after 28 years from logging) through the comparison of reference and logged forest sites in the Cerrado biome. Litterfall was overall similar between forest types, but litterfall of twigs was twofold higher at logged than reference sites. Similarly, litter inputs from the bank to the stream (i.e., lateral inputs) and streambed storage were 50–60% higher at logged than reference sites. The higher litterfall observed in logged forests could be related to higher proportion of tree species that are characteristic of primary and secondary successional stages, including fast-growing and liana species, which often are more productive and common in anthropogenic areas. Our results showed that the legacy impact of clear-cut logging, even if residual woody vegetation is maintained in riparian buffers, can shift the type, quantity, and seasonality of litter subsidies to tropical streams. This knowledge should be considered within the context of management and conservation of communities and ecosystem processes in the forest-stream interfaces.  相似文献   
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