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Several species of arthropods inhabiting forest fragments interact with managed areas. The importance of such areas to biodiversity conservation, however, is not well established. Communities of solitary wasps and bees (Insecta: Hymenoptera) play a key role in agroecosystem functioning and they have been used in studies of biodiversity assessment in different land‐use types. We aimed to assess patterns of species richness and composition of solitary wasps and bees over a 1‐yr period in a gradient of decreasing land‐use intensity formed by pastures, alley croppings, young fallows, and old fallows using trap nests. Old fallows had the highest species richness of wasps and bees, harboring all bee species and 86 percent of wasp species occurring in the region, while the remaining land‐uses had similar species richness. Vegetation structure (tree richness) and relative humidity explained most of the variance for the species richness of wasps. For bees, however, there was no influence of environmental factors on the community among land‐use types, indicating better adaptability of this group to environmental variations related to land‐use. The composition of solitary wasp communities (but not those of bees) differed among land‐use types, and the occurrence of rare species in most cases was restricted to old fallow sites. In conclusion, the community of solitary wasps and bees is contingent on land‐use, with solitary wasps more sensitive to anthropized areas. For both groups, less anthropized areas harbor a greater richness and number of rare species while more intensively managed land‐use types harbor higher abundances.  相似文献   
The human population at large is exposed to many critical factors (e.g. bad food habits, chemical substances, and stress) leading to the development of serious diseases. Colon or colorectal cancer is one of the most prevalent types of cancer in many countries. Despite being a multi-factorial chronic disease, resulting from the interaction of multiple genetic and environmental factors, the critical factor is mostly a poor diet regimen. Therefore, an accumulation of constant mutations leads to a complex arrangement of events during tumor initiation, development and propagation. It is well known that many plants are rich in polyphenols with anti-oxidant, anti-atherogenic, anti-diabetic, anti-cancer, anti-viral, and anti-inflammatory properties. These compounds are secondary metabolites with the ability to donate electrons to free radicals through different mechanisms. In recent years, a large number of studies have attributed a protective effect to polyphenols and foods containing these compounds (e.g. plants, vegetables, cereals, tea, coffee or chocolate). Polyphenolic compounds have been described to inhibit cancer development and propagation, being used as chemopreventive agents. Some polyphenols reported a preventive action against colon cancer, e.g. curcumin, gallic acid, ellagic acid, and epigallocatechin-3-gallate. The present article focuses on the properties of these molecules as chemopreventive agents and the recent advances on their formulation in nanoparticulate systems for targeted therapy and increased bioavailability.  相似文献   
This work reports a survey of Leptospira spp in pampas deer (Ozotoceros bezoarticus) in the Pantanal wetlands of the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil by serology and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Seventy pampas deer were captured in the dry season and surveyed using PCR, microscopic agglutination test (MAT) (n = 51) and by both techniques (n = 47). PCR detected infections in two pampas deer and MAT detected infections in three. Through sequencing and phylogenetic analyses, the PCR-amplified fragment detected in deer was identified as Leptospira interrogans. Serovars Pomona and Butembo were detected using MAT and the highest titre was 200 for serovar Pomona. Epidemiological aspects of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   
We present an ethogram for golden-backed uakaris (Cacajao melanocephalus), based on observations in the field and on a captive individual. We also provide additional observations on the ecology of the wild animals. We studied 3 free-living groups (maximum counts of 5, 15, and 26 individuals) during two wet-seasons (March–July 2007 and January–June 2008) in the flooded igapó forest of Jaú National Park, Amazonas, Brazil. The groups lived in close proximity but never mixed, because river channels separated them. Groups showed fission-fusion behavior, subgroup sizes varied within groups, and we observed 13 different subgroup compositions. The areas used by the groups were ca. 0.82, 2.35, and 2.45 km2. We defined a total of 9 behavioral categories. In the wild, the amount of time allocated to the behaviors traveling and foraging/feeding differed between months, but we found no difference in the amount of time devoted to behavioral categories across 3 periods of the day, possibly as a result of the patchy and unpredictable distribution or availability of food patches. Further, the activity patterns varied among groups, perhaps as a reflection of the different group sizes and compositions and different range sizes. We recorded 34 feeding items for wild golden-backed uakaris between January and June 2008, mostly fruits and seeds. No significant variation in the number of different food types occurred across months. We recorded 6 primate species in the study areas. The uakaris neither mobbed nor fled from any other primate species, with the exception of white-fronted capuchin monkeys (Cebus albifrons). In addition, golden-backed uakaris sometimes fled when seeing giant otters (Pteroneura brasiliensis), perhaps indicating that the otters are potential predators of the monkeys. The ethogram and behavioral data provided here increase knowledge of the behavioral ecology of the elusive golden-backed uakari, and will facilitate future comparative studies.  相似文献   
One approach to the identification of genetic loci that influence complex diseases is through the study of quantitative risk factors correlated with disease susceptibility. Factor XII (FXII) plasma levels, a related phenotype correlated with thrombosis, is such a risk factor. We conducted the first genomewide linkage screen to localize genes that influence variation in FXII levels. Two loci were detected: one on chromosome 5 and another on chromosome 10 (LOD scores 4.73 and 3.53, respectively). On chromosome 5, the peak LOD score occurred in the 5q33-5ter region, near the FXII gene. Addition of a 46C/T mutation in the FXII gene increased the multipoint LOD score to 10.21 (P=3.6 x 10(-12)). A bivariate linkage analysis of FXII activity and thrombosis further improved the linkage signal (LOD = 11.73) and provided strong evidence that this quantitative-trait locus (QTL) has a pleiotropic effect on the risk of thrombosis (P=.004). Linkage analysis conditional on 46C/T indicated that this mutation alone cannot explain the chromosome 5 signal, implying that other functional sites must exist. These results represent the first direct genetic evidence that a QTL in or near the FXII gene influences both FXII activity and susceptibility to thrombosis and suggest the presence of one or more still unknown functional variants in FXII.  相似文献   
Although there are a number of well-characterized genetic defects that lead to increased risk of thrombosis, little information is available on the relative importance of genetic factors in thrombosis risk in the general population. We performed a family-based study of the genetics of thrombosis in the Spanish population to assess the heritability of thrombosis and to identify the joint actions of genes on thrombosis risk and related quantitative hemostasis phenotypes. We examined 398 individuals in 21 extended pedigrees. Twelve pedigrees were ascertained through a proband with idiopathic thrombosis, and the remaining pedigrees were randomly ascertained. The heritability of thrombosis liability and the genetic correlations between thrombosis and each of the quantitative risk factors were estimated by means of a novel variance component method that used a multivariate threshold model. More than 60% of the variation in susceptibility to common thrombosis is attributable to genetic factors. Several quantitative risk factors exhibited significant genetic correlations with thrombosis, indicating that some of the genes that influence quantitative variation in these physiological correlates also influence the risk of thrombosis. Traits that exhibited significant genetic correlations with thrombosis included levels of several coagulation factors (factors VII, VIII, IX, XI, XII, and von Willebrand), tissue plasminogen activator, homocysteine, and the activated protein C ratio. This is the first study that quantifies the genetic component of susceptibility to common thrombosis. The high heritability of thrombosis risk and the significant genetic correlations between thrombosis and related risk factors suggest that the exploitation of correlated quantitative phenotypes will aid the search for susceptibility genes.  相似文献   
Frailty is a health problem that increases the probability of developing adverse health outcomes in the elderly. A frequently used way to operationalize frailty is the construction of a frailty index, which is built from the addition of several health deficits that describe biological aging. However, there is no consensus about the number of health deficits for building a frailty index and about which deficits must be chosen. This lack of a standardized frailty index is assumed to be an obstacle for the advancement of research on frailty. The focus of the present article is to propose a theoretically plausible alternative way of operationalizing frailty by means of frailty indexes composed of deficits selected at a local level. These deficits would therefore be different for each given population. This "anthropological approach" is on the opposite side from current trends in frailty research, which is characterized by the search for a standardized operational definition of frailty. The anthropological approach would generate more reliable data by taking into account the specificity of the population to be studied for selecting frailty deficits. In this approach, emotions, motives, and beliefs are as important to determine individuals' health vulnerability as chronic diseases and physical function. Physiological anthropologists are well positioned to contribute to research on frailty by carrying out studies on the selection of the best deficits to operationalize frailty in different populations, with different socio-cultural determinants of health, and living in different environmental life spaces.  相似文献   
This study was conducted to estimate the prevalence of hepatitis E antibodies (anti-HEV) among individuals exposed to swine in the rural areas of the state of Mato Grosso (MT) in Brazil. The study included 310 participants who had an average age of 39 years. Fifty-one per cent of the participants were female and 26 (8.4%) were anti-HEV-positive. Concomitantly, we studied 101 blood donors from the urban area of the state capital who had never lived in a rural area or handled swine. Four per cent (4%) of these individuals were anti-HEV-positive (p = 0.206). When we compared the anti-HEV-positive participants who had been exposed to swine with the anti-HEV-negative participants, we noticed associations between the presence of anti-HEV and increased age, a history of blood transfusions and contact with other farm animals. However, after a multivariate analysis was performed, this association was not confirmed. Finally, the ratio of anti-HEV-positive individuals who had been exposed to swine in rural MT was similar to that found in previous studies in Brazil. This prevalence did not characterise this type of exposure as a risk factor for HEV infection in this region.  相似文献   
Cerebral edema is a potentially life-threatening complication shared by diseases of different etiology, such as diabetic ketoacidosis, acute liver failure, high altitude exposure, dialysis disequilibrium syndrome, and salicylate intoxication. Pulmonary edema is also habitually present in these disorders, indicating that the microcirculatory disturbance causing edema is not confined to the brain. Both cerebral and pulmonary subclinical edema may be detected before it becomes clinically evident. Available evidence suggests that tissue hypoxia or intracellular acidosis is a commonality occurring in all of these disorders. Tissue ischemia induces physiological compensatory mechanisms to ensure cell oxygenation and carbon dioxide removal from tissues, including hyperventilation, elevation of red blood cell 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate content, and capillary vasodilatation. Clinical, laboratory, and necropsy findings in these diseases confirm the occurrence of low plasma carbon dioxide partial pressure, increased erythrocyte 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate concentration, and capillary vasodilatation with increased vascular permeability in all of them. Baseline tissue hypoxia or intracellular acidosis induced by the disease may further deteriorate when tissue oxygen requirement is no longer matched to oxygen delivery resulting in massive capillary vasodilatation with increased vascular permeability and plasma fluid leakage into the interstitial compartment leading to edema affecting the brain, lung, and other organs. Causative factors involved in the progression from physiological adaptation to devastating clinical edema are not well known and may include uncontrolled disease, malfunctioning adaptive responses, or unknown factors. The role of carbon monoxide and local nitric oxide production influencing tissue oxygenation is unclear.  相似文献   
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