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We present a new computationally efficient method for large-scale polypeptide folding using coarse-grained elastic networks and gradient-based continuous optimization techniques. The folding is governed by minimization of energy based on Miyazawa-Jernigan contact potentials. Using this method we are able to substantially reduce the computation time on ordinary desktop computers for simulation of polypeptide folding starting from a fully unfolded state. We compare our results with available native state structures from Protein Data Bank (PDB) for a few de-novo proteins and two natural proteins, Ubiquitin and Lysozyme. Based on our simulations we are able to draw the energy landscape for a small de-novo protein, Chignolin. We also use two well known protein structure prediction software, MODELLER and GROMACS to compare our results. In the end, we show how a modification of normal elastic network model can lead to higher accuracy and lower time required for simulation.  相似文献   


The Mycobacterium tuberculosis genome encodes two peptide transporters encoded by Rv3665c-Rv3662c and Rv1280c-Rv1283c. Both belong to the family of ABC transporters containing two nucleotide-binding subunits, two integral membrane proteins and one substrate-binding polypeptide. However, little is known about their functions in M. tuberculosis. Here we report functional characterization of the Rv1280c-Rv1283c-encoded transporter and its substrate-binding polypeptide OppAMTB.

Methodology/Principal Findings

OppAMTB was capable of binding the tripeptide glutathione and the nonapeptide bradykinin, indicative of a somewhat broad substrate specificity. Amino acid residues G109, N110, N230, D494 and F496, situated at the interface between domains I and III of OppA, were required for optimal peptide binding. Complementaton of an oppA knockout mutant of M. smegmatis with OppAMTB confirmed the role of this transporter in importing glutathione and the importance of the aforesaid amino acid residues in peptide transport. Interestingly, this transporter regulated the ability of M. tuberculosis to lower glutathione levels in infected compared to uninfected macrophages. This ability was partly offset by inactivation of oppD. Concomitantly, inactivation of oppD was associated with lowered levels of methyl glyoxal in infected macrophages and reduced apoptosis-inducing ability of the mutant. The ability to induce the production of the cytokines IL-1β, IL-6 and TNF-α was also compromised after inactivation of oppD.


Taken together, these studies uncover the novel observations that this peptide transporter modulates the innate immune response of macrophages infected with M. tuberculosis.  相似文献   
The spread of antibiotic resistance, originating from the rampant and unrestrictive use of antibiotics in humans and livestock over the past few decades has emerged as a global health problem. This problem has been further compounded by recent reports implicating the gut microbial communities to act as reservoirs of antibiotic resistance. We have profiled the presence of probable antibiotic resistance genes in the gut flora of 275 individuals from eight different nationalities. For this purpose, available metagenomic data sets corresponding to 275 gut microbiomes were analyzed. Sequence similarity searches of the genomic fragments constituting each of these metagenomes were performed against genes conferring resistance to around 240 antibiotics. Potential antibiotic resistance genes conferring resistance against 53 different antibiotics were detected in the human gut microflora analysed in this study. In addition to several geography/country-specific patterns, four distinct clusters of gut microbiomes, referred to as ‘Resistotypes’, exhibiting similarities in their antibiotic resistance profiles, were identified. Groups of antibiotics having similarities in their resistance patterns within each of these clusters were also detected. Apart from this, mobile multi-drug resistance gene operons were detected in certain gut microbiomes. The study highlighted an alarmingly high abundance of antibiotic resistance genes in two infant gut microbiomes. The results obtained in the present study presents a holistic ‘big picture’ on the spectra of antibiotic resistance within our gut microbiota across different geographies. Such insights may help in implementation of new regulations and stringency on the existing ones.  相似文献   
Clinical data suggests an association between systolic hypertension, renal function and hyperhomocysteinemia (HHcy). HHcy is a state of elevated plasma homocysteine (Hcy) levels and is known to cause vascular complications. In this study, we tested the hypothesis whether Ang II-induced hypertension increases plasma Hcy levels and contributes to renovascular remodeling. We also tested whether folic acid (FA) treatment reduces plasma Hcy levels by enhancing Hcy remethylation and thus mitigating renal remodeling. Hypertension was induced in WT mice by infusing Ang II using Alzet mini osmotic pumps. Blood pressure, Hcy level, renal vascular density, oxidative stress, inflammation and fibrosis markers, and angiogenic- and anti-angiogenic factors were measured. Ang II hypertension increased plasma Hcy levels and reduced renal cortical blood flow and microvascular density. Elevated Hcy in Ang II hypertension was associated with decreased 4, 5-Diaminofluorescein (DAF-2DA) staining suggesting impaired endothelial function. Increased expression of Nox-2, -4 and dihydroethidium stain revealed oxidative stress. Excess collagen IV deposition in the peri-glomerular area and increased MMP-2, and -9 expression and activity indicated renal remodeling. The mRNA and protein expression of asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) was increased and eNOS protein was decreased suggesting the involvement of this pathway in Hcy mediated hypertension. Decreased expressions of VEGF and increased anti-angiogenic factors, angiostatin and endostatin indicated impaired vasculogenesis. FA treatment partially reduced hypertension by mitigating HHcy in Ang II-treated animals and alleviated pro-inflammatory, pro-fibrotic and anti-angiogenic factors. These results suggest that renovascular remodeling in Ang II-induced hypertension is, in part, due to HHcy.  相似文献   
ATP hydrolysis fuels the ability of helicases and related proteins to translocate on nucleic acids and separate base pairs. As a consequence, nucleic acid binding stimulates the rate at which a helicase catalyzes ATP hydrolysis. In this study, we searched a library of small molecule helicase inhibitors for compounds that stimulate ATP hydrolysis catalyzed by the hepatitis C virus (HCV) NS3 helicase, which is an important antiviral drug target. Two compounds were found that stimulate HCV helicase-catalyzed ATP hydrolysis, both of which are amide derivatives synthesized from the main component of the yellow dye primuline. Both compounds possess a terminal pyridine moiety, which was critical for stimulation. Analogs lacking a terminal pyridine inhibited HCV helicase catalyzed ATP hydrolysis. Unlike other HCV helicase inhibitors, the stimulatory compounds differentiate between helicases isolated from various HCV genotypes and related viruses. The compounds only stimulated ATP hydrolysis catalyzed by NS3 purified from HCV genotype 1b. They inhibited helicases from other HCV genotypes (e.g. 1a and 2a) or related flaviviruses (e.g. Dengue virus). The stimulatory compounds interacted with HCV helicase in the absence of ATP with dissociation constants of about 2 μm. Molecular modeling and site-directed mutagenesis studies suggest that the stimulatory compounds bind in the HCV helicase RNA-binding cleft near key residues Arg-393, Glu-493, and Ser-231.  相似文献   
Fluorescence microscopic approaches represent powerful techniques to monitor molecular interactions in the cellular milieu. Measurements of fluorescence lifetime and anisotropy enjoy considerable popularity in this context. These measurements are often performed on live as well as fixed cells. We report here that formaldehyde-induced cell fixation introduces heterogeneities in the fluorescence emission of serotonin1A receptors tagged to enhanced yellow fluorescent protein, and alters fluorescence lifetime and anisotropy significantly. To the best of our knowledge, our results constitute the first report on the effect of formaldehyde fixation on fluorescence parameters of cellular proteins. We conclude that fluorescence parameters derived from fixed cells should be interpreted with caution.  相似文献   
On reaction of 2-benzoylpyridine (Bzpy) with copper(II) ion, different types of copper(II) complexes have been isolated in pure form depending upon the counter anion of the copper(II) salts used as reactant and the pH of the medium. Mono-nuclear copper(II) complexes of formula [Cu(Bzpy)2(ClO4)2] (1) and [Cu(Bzpy)2(H2O)2](NO3)2 (2) were formed with copper(II) perchlorate and nitrate, respectively. On the other hand, following a similar reaction type in presence of alkali, we obtained the dinuclear copper(II) complex [Cu2(Bzpy)2{BzOpy}2(H2O)](ClO4)2 (3) containing the hydroxy-2-pyridylphenylmethanolato (BzOpy) anion, achieved through the nucleophilic addition of the hydroxide to the carbonyl group of Bzpy, which is stabilized by metal complexation. However, this behavior was not recorded with copper(II) nitrate. The complexes were characterized by physicochemical and spectroscopic tools along with structural characterization by single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis. The interaction of dinuclear copper(II) complex 3 with calf thymus DNA (CT-DNA) has been investigated by using absorption and emission spectral studies and the binding constant (Kb) and the linear Stern-Volmer quenching constant (Ksv) have been determined. Complex 3 was active to oxidize the catechol to the corresponding quinone in MeCN medium via complex-catechol intermediate. Magnetic behavior for 3 is typical for uncorrelated spins down even up to 2 K.  相似文献   
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