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The high mortality rate associated with epithelial ovarian carcinoma (EOC) reflects diagnosis commonly at an advanced stage, but improved early detection is hindered by uncertainty as to the histologic origin and early natural history of this malignancy.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Here we report combined molecular genetic and morphologic analyses of normal human ovarian tissues and early stage cancers, from both BRCA mutation carriers and the general population, indicating that EOCs frequently arise from dysplastic precursor lesions within epithelial inclusion cysts. In pathologically normal ovaries, molecular evidence of oncogenic stress was observed specifically within epithelial inclusion cysts. To further explore potential very early events in ovarian tumorigenesis, ovarian tissues from women not known to be at high risk for ovarian cancer were subjected to laser catapult microdissection and gene expression profiling. These studies revealed a quasi-neoplastic expression signature in benign ovarian cystic inclusion epithelium compared to surface epithelium, specifically with respect to genes affecting signal transduction, cell cycle control, and mitotic spindle formation. Consistent with this gene expression profile, a significantly higher cell proliferation index (increased cell proliferation and decreased apoptosis) was observed in histopathologically normal ovarian cystic compared to surface epithelium. Furthermore, aneuploidy was frequently identified in normal ovarian cystic epithelium but not in surface epithelium.


Together, these data indicate that EOC frequently arises in ovarian cystic inclusions, is preceded by an identifiable dysplastic precursor lesion, and that increased cell proliferation, decreased apoptosis, and aneuploidy are likely to represent very early aberrations in ovarian tumorigenesis.  相似文献   


Silica particles cationized by dioctadecyldimethylammonium bromide (DODAB) bilayer were previously described. This work shows the efficiency of these particulates for antigen adsorption and presentation to the immune system and proves the concept that silica-based cationic bilayers exhibit better performance than alum regarding colloid stability and cellular immune responses for vaccine design.  相似文献   
We report on the identification, molecular cloning, and characterization of an alpha1,3 fucosyltransferase (alpha1,3FT) expressed by the nematode, Caenorhabditis elegans . Although C. elegans glycoconjugates do not express the Lewis x antigen Galbeta1-- >4[Fucalpha1-->3]GlcNAcbeta-->R, detergent extracts of adult C.elegans contain an alpha1,3FT that can fucosylate both nonsialylated and sialylated acceptor glycans to generate the Lexand sialyl Lexantigens, as well as the lacdiNAc-containing acceptor GalNAcbeta1-->4GlcNAcbeta1-- >R to generate GalNAcbeta1-->4 [Fucalpha1-->3]GlcNAcbeta1-->R. A search of the C.elegans genome database revealed the existence of a gene with 20-23% overall identity to all five cloned human alpha1,3FTs. The putative cDNA for the C.elegans alpha1,3FT (CEFT-1) was amplified by PCR from a cDNA lambdaZAP library, cloned, and sequenced. COS7 cells transiently transfected with cDNA encoding CEFT-1 express the Lex, but not sLexantigen. The CEFT-1 in the transfected cell extracts can synthesize Lex, but not sialyl Lex, using exogenous acceptors. A second fucosyltransferase activity was detected in extracts of C. elegans that transfers Fuc in alpha1,2 linkage to Gal specifically on type-1 chains. The discovery of alpha-fucosyltransferases in C. elegans opens the possibility of using this well-characterized nematode as a model system for studying the role of fucosylated glycans in the development and survival of C.elegans and possibly other helminths.   相似文献   
目的:建立丙型肝炎病毒NS3/4A丝氨酸蛋白酶体内活性评价模型。方法:利用NS4A/B是NS3/4A丝氨酸蛋白酶作用底物的特性,构建融合基因NS3/NS4A/B-SEAP,底物片段NS4A/B插在NS3/4A和人分泌性碱性磷酸酶(SEAP)之间,融合基因表达后SEAP的分泌依赖于有活性的NS3/4A在NS4A/B位点的切割。将含融合基因的质粒NS3/4A(△4AB)SEAP通过水动力转染技术转染到小鼠体内,检测小鼠血清中SEAP的活性,高活性的SEAP是该评价体系成立的证据。结果与结论:在瞬时表达NS3/4A的小鼠血清中检测到了高活性的SEAP,建立了可用于评价抗NS3/4A的小鼠体内瞬时模型。  相似文献   
Camarodont sea urchins possess a rapidly evolving actin gene family whose members are expressed in distinct cell lineages in a developmentally regulated fashion. Evolutionary changes in the actin gene family of echinoids include alterations in number of family members, site of expression, and gene linkage, and a dichotomy between rapidly and slowly evolving isoform-specific 3' untranslated regions. We present sequence comparisons and an analysis of the actin gene family in two congeneric sea urchins that develop in radically different modes, Heliocidaris erythrogramma and H. tuberculata. The sequences of several actin genes from the related species Lytechinus variegatus are also presented. We compare the features of the Heliocidaris and Lytechinus actin genes to those of the the actin gene families of other closely related sea urchins and discuss the nature of the evolutionary changes among sea urchin actins and their relationship to developmental mode.   相似文献   
The phytochrome nuclear gene family encodes photoreceptor proteins that mediate developmental responses to red and far red light throughout the life of the plant. From studies of the dicot flowering plant Arabidopsis, the family has been modeled as comprising five loci, PHYA- PHYE. However, it has been shown recently that the Arabidopsis model may not completely represent some flowering plant groups because additional PHY loci related to PHYA and PHYB of Arabidopsis apparently have evolved independently several times in dicots, and monocot flowering plants may lack orthologs of PHYD and PHYE of Arabidopsis. Nonetheless, the phytochrome nucleotide data were informative in a study of organismal evolution because the loci occur as single copy sequences and appear to be evolving independently. We have continued our investigation of the phytochrome gene family in flowering plants by sampling extensively in the grass family. The phytochrome nuclear DNA data were cladistically analyzed to address the following questions: (1) Are the data consistent with a pattern of differential distribution of phytochrome genes among monocots and higher dicots, with homologs of PHYA, B, C, D, and E present in higher dicots, but of just PHYA, B, and C in monocots, and (2) what phylogenetic pattern within Poaceae do they reveal? Results of these analyses, and of Southern blot experiments, are consistent with the observation that the phytochrome gene family in grasses comprises the same subset of loci detected in other monocots. Furthermore, for studies of organismal phylogeny in the grass family, the data are shown to provide significant support for relationships that are just weakly resolved by other data sets.   相似文献   
Sowalsky  RA; Noble  AC 《Chemical senses》1998,23(3):343-349
The separate effects of concentration, pH and anion species on intensity of sourness and astringency of organic acids were evaluated. Judges rated sourness and astringency intensity of lactic, malic, tartaric and citric acid solutions at three levels of constant pH varying in normality and at three levels of constant concentration varying in pH. To assess the comparative sourness and astringency of the organic acid anions of study, binary acid solutions matched in pH and titratable acidity were also rated. As pH was decreased in equinormal solutions, both sourness and astringency increased significantly (P < 0.001). By contrast, as the normality of the equi-pH solutions was increased, only sourness demonstrated significant increases (P < 0.001) while astringency remained constant or decreased slightly. At the lowest normality tested, all solutions were more astringent than sour (P < 0.05). Although lactic acid was found to be significantly more sour than citric acid (P < 0.05), no other sourness or astringency differences among the organic acid anions were noted. This study demonstrates for the first time that astringency elicited by acids is a function of pH and not concentration or anion species, and confirms that sourness is independently influenced by concentration, pH and anion species of the acid.   相似文献   
During implantation the embryo attaches to the endometrial surface and trophoblast traverses the uterine epithelium, anchoring in the uterine connective tissue. To determine whether trophoblast can facilitate invasion of the uterus by degrading components of normal uterine extracellular matrix, mouse blastocysts were cultured on a radio-labeled extracellular matrix that contained glycoproteins, elastin, and collagen. The embryos attached to the matrix, and trophoblast spread over the surface. Starting on day 5 of culture there was a release of labeled peptides into the medium. The radioactive peptides released from the matrix by the embryos had molecular weights ranging from more than 25,000 to more than 200. By day 7 there were areas where individual trophoblast cells had separated from one another, revealing the underlying substratum that was cleared of matrix. When trophoblast cells were lysed with NH(4)OH on day 8, it was apparent that the area underneath the trophoblast outgrowth had been cleared of matrix. Scanning electron microscopy and time-lapse cinemicrography confirmed that the digestion of matrix was highly localized, taking place only underneath the trophoblast, with no evidence of digestion of the matrix beyond the periphery of the trophoblast outgrowth. The sharp boundaries of degredation observed may be due to localized proteinase secretion by trophoblast, to membrane proteinases on the surface of trophoblast, or to endocytosis. Digestion of the matrix was not dependent on plasminogen, thus ruling out a role for plasminogen activator. Digestion was not inhibited by a variety of hormones and inhibitors, including progesterone, 17β-estradiol, leupeptin, EDTA, colchicine, NH(4)Cl, or ε-aminocaproic acid. This system of culturing embryos on extracellular matrix may be useful in determining the processes that regulate trophoblast migration and invasion into the maternal tissues during implantation.0  相似文献   
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