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Cryptococci survive and replicate within macrophages and can use exogenous arachidonic acid for the production of eicosanoids. Phospholipase B1 (PLB1) has a putative, but uninvestigated, role in these processes. We have shown that uptake and esterification of radiolabeled arachidonic, palmitic, and oleic acids by the Cryptococcus neoformans var. grubii H99 wild-type strain and its PLB1 deletion mutant strain (the Deltaplb1 strain) are independent of PLB1, except under hyperosmolar stress. Similarly, PLB1 was required for metabolism of 1-palmitoyl lysophosphatidylcholine (LysoPC), which is toxic to eukaryotic cell membranes, under hyperosmolar conditions. During both logarithmic and stationary phases of growth, the physiologically relevant phospholipids, dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine (DPPC) and dioleoyl phosphatidylcholine, were taken up and metabolized via PLB1. Exogenous DPPC did not enhance growth in the presence of glucose as a carbon source but could support it for at least 24 h in glucose-free medium. Detoxification of LysoPC by reacylation occurred in both the H99 wild-type and the Deltaplb1 strains in the presence of glucose, but PLB1 was required when LysoPC was the sole carbon source. This indicates that both energy-independent (via PLB1) and energy-dependent transacylation pathways are active in cryptococci. Phospholipase A(1) activity was identified by PLB1-independent degradation of 1-palmitoyl-2-arachidonoyl phosphatidylcholine, but the arachidonoyl LysoPC formed was not detoxified by reacylation. Using the human macrophage-like cell line THP-1, we demonstrated the PLB1-dependent incorporation of macrophage-derived arachidonic acid into cryptococcal lipids during cryptococcus-phagocyte interaction. This pool of arachidonate can be sequestered for eicosanoid production by the fungus and/or suppression of host phagocytic activity, thus diminishing the immune response.  相似文献   
Phospholipase B1 (PLB1), secreted by the pathogenic yeast Cryptococcus neoformans, has an established role in virulence. Although the mechanism of its phospholipase B, lysophospholipase, and lysophospholipase transacylase activities is unknown, it possesses lipase, subtilisin protease aspartate, and phospholipase motifs containing putative catalytic residues S146, D392, and R108, respectively, conserved in fungal PLBs and essential for human cytosolic phospholipase A2 (cPLA2) catalysis. To determine the role of these residues in PLB1 catalysis, each was substituted with alanine, and the mutant cDNAs were expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The mutant PLB1s were deficient in all three enzymatic activities. As the active site structure of PLB1 is unknown, a homology model was developed, based on the X-ray structure of the cPLA2 catalytic domain. This shows that the two proteins share a closely related fold, with the three catalytic residues located in identical positions as part of a single active site, with S146 and D392 forming a catalytic dyad. The model suggests that PLB1 lacks the "lid" region which occludes the cPLA2 active site and provides a mechanism of interfacial activation. In silico substrate docking studies with cPLA2 reveal the binding mode of the lipid headgroup, confirming the catalytic dyad mechanism for the cleavage of the sn-2 ester bond within one of two separate binding tracts for the lipid acyl chains. Residues specific for binding arachidonic and palmitic acids, preferred substrates for cPLA2 and PLB1, respectively, are identified. These results provide an explanation for differences in substrate specificity between lipases sharing the cPLA2 catalytic domain fold and for the differential effect of inhibitors on PLB1 enzymatic activities.  相似文献   
Development of the mammary gland requires the coordinated action of proteolytic enzymes during two phases of remodelling. Firstly, new ducts and side-branches thereof need to be established during pregnancy to generate an extensive ductal tree allowing the secretion and transport of milk. A second wave of remodelling occurs during mammary involution after weaning. We have analysed the role of the cell surface protease aminopeptidase N (Anpep, APN, CD13) during these processes using Anpep deficient and Anpep over-expressing mice. We find that APN deficiency significantly delays mammary gland morphogenesis during gestation. The defect is characterised by a reduction in alveolar buds and duct branching at mid-pregnancy. Conversely over-expression of Anpep leads to accelerated ductal development. This indicates that Anpep plays a critical role in the proteolytic remodelling of mammary tissue during adult mammary development.  相似文献   
Peritoneal macrophages elicited in C3H/HJ mice by the i.p. injection of Corynebacterium parvum were cytotoxic to allogeneic virus-transformed fibroblasts in vitro. Cytotoxicity was demonstrated in a morphologic (plaque) assay, and quantitated by measuring macrophage-mediated inhibition of incorporation of 3H-thymidine by the target cells. The cytotoxic effect was well established by 6 hr of macrophage-fibroblast interaction, and was retained in cultures from which the supernatant was removed before the addition of 3H-thymidine. Cytotoxic activity of macrophages diminished rapidly after 22 hr of cultivation in vitro. Maximal cytotoxic effect could be prolonged by addition of C. parvum, 50 microgram/ml to macrophage monolayers preincubated in vitro for 22 hr. It could neither be retained nor regenerated when C. parvum was added to monolayers greater than 22-hr old. C. parvum-activated macrophages, grown under anaerobic conditions for 8 hr, retained the ability to phagocytize heat-killed Candida albicans and to exclude trypan blue dye. There was a small but significant reduction in the ability of macrophages to inhibit 3H-thymidine incorporation by target fibroblasts under anaerobic conditions. The cytotoxic effect of activated macrophages in air was not altered by the presence of catalase and was enhanced by enzymatically active superoxide dismutase. We conclude that the processes involved in macrophage-mediated cytotoxicity against allogeneic fibroblasts in this system are largely independent of oxygen.  相似文献   
Recombinase mediated cassette exchange (RMCE) is a process in which site-specific recombinases exchange one gene cassette flanked by a pair of incompatible target sites for another cassette flanked by an identical pair of sites. Typically one cassette is present in the host genome, whereas the other gene cassette is introduced into the host cell by chemical or biological means. We show here that the frequency of cassette exchange is dependent on the relative and absolute quantities of the transgene cassette and the recombinase. We were able to successfully modify genomic targets not only by electroporation or chemically mediated gene transfer but also by using an adenovirus vector carrying both the transgene cassette to be inserted and the recombinase coding region. RMCE proceeds efficiently in cells in which the adenovirus vector is able to replicate. In contrast, insufficient quantities of the transgene cassette are produced in cells in which the virus cannot replicate. Additional transfection of the transgene cassette significantly enhances the RMCE frequency. This demonstrates that an RMCE system in the context of a viral vector allows the site directed insertion of a transgene into a defined genomic site.  相似文献   
The deoxy form of hemocyanins and tyrosinases from certain species displays a weak low-energy luminescence when solutions of the protein are irradiated with light at approximately 290 nm. The emission most likely results from a copper-to-imidazole charge transfer state as shown by studies with a synthetic copper(I) complex having three imidazole ligands.  相似文献   
Five monoclonal antibodies (MAb), 7D4, 4C3, 6C3, 4D3, and 3C5, were produced in mice immunized with high buoyant density embryonic chick bone marrow proteoglycans (PGs) as antigen. All of these MAb recognized epitopes in native chick bone marrow and cartilage PGs which could be selectively removed by chondroitinase ABC and chondroitinase AC II, indicating that their epitopes were present in chondroitin sulfate glycosaminoglycans (GAGs). These MAb recognized epitopes present in purified cartilage PGs obtained from a wide variety of different vertebrate species. However, none of the new MAb detected epitopes in Swarm rat chondrosarcoma PG. On the basis of these results, we propose that these MAb recognize novel epitopes located in chondroitin sulfate/dermatan sulfate glycosaminoglycan (CS/DS GAG) chains, representing at least four and possibly five different structures. Immunocytochemical studies have shown that the epitopes identified by these new MAb are differentially distributed in tissues. All of these MAb immunocytochemically detected epitopes in embryonic chick cartilage and bone marrow. Three of them (4C3, 7D4, and 6C3) recognized epitopes in adult human skin. All three detected epitopes in the epidermis, one (6C3) strongly detected epitopes in the papillary dermis, and two (4C3, 7D4) detected epitopes in the reticular dermis. Immunostaining patterns in skin using the new MAb directed against native CS/DS structures were distinctly different from those obtained using MAb against the common CS isomers. The distribution of these CS epitopes in functionally distinct domains of different tissues implies that these structures have functional and biological significance.  相似文献   
Abstract Two chronosequences of unsaturated, buried loess sediments, ranging in age from <10,000 years to >1 million years, were investigated to reconstruct patterns of microbial ecological succession that have occurred since sediment burial. The relative importance of microbial transport and survival to succession was inferred from sediment ages, porewater ages, patterns of abundance (measured by direct counts, counts of culturable cells, and total phospholipid fatty acids), activities (measured by radiotracer and enzyme assays), and community composition (measured by phospholipid fatty acid patterns and Biolog substrate usage). Core samples were collected at two sites 40 km apart in the Palouse region of eastern Washington State, near the towns of Washtucna and Winona. The Washtucna site was flooded multiple times during the Pleistocene by glacial outburst floods; the Winona site elevation is above flood stage. Sediments at the Washtucna site were collected from near surface to 14.9 m depth, where the sediment age was approximately 250 ka and the porewater age was 3700 years; sample intervals at the Winona site ranged from near surface to 38 m (sediment age: approximately 1 Ma; porewater age: 1200 years). Microbial abundance and activities declined with depth at both sites; however, even the deepest, oldest sediments showed evidence of viable microorganisms. Same-age sediments had equal quantities of microorganisms, but different community types. Differences in community makeup between the two sites can be attributed to differences in groundwater recharge and paleoflooding. Estimates of the microbial community age can be constrained by porewater and sediment ages. In the shallower sediments (<9 m at Washtucna, <12 m at Winona), the microbial communities are likely similar in age to the groundwater; thus, microbial succession has been influenced by recent transport of microorganisms from the surface. In the deeper sediments, the populations may be considerably older than the porewater ages, since microbial transport is severely restricted in unsaturated sediments. This is particularly true at the Winona site, which was never flooded.  相似文献   
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