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Inorganic phosphorus uptake and regeneration in the OkhotskSea waters were investigated in July–August 1994 withthe use of radioisotopic techniques. The rates of PO4-P uptakeby microplankton in the upper mixed layer were between 1.5 and6.6 µg P l-1 day-1 (average 2.75) in areas of diatom dominance,and between 0.68 and 1.68 µg P l-1 day-1 (average 1.16)in areas of intense warming and summer phytoplankton minimum.The residence time of PO4-P standing stock in water at differentstations varied between 1.5 and 24 days (mean 9 days). The shareof bacterioplankton contributing to total PO4-P uptake was 50%in areas of the summer phytoplankton minimum and 20–30%in areas of diatom dominance. The PO4-P regeneration rate wasmeasured first time experimentally in the temperate sea. Itsrates varied from 0.30 to 1.65 µg P l-1 day-1. In areasof diatom dominance, it compensated with 30–60% of PO4-Puptake. In zones of summer phytoplankton minimum and in thelayers of deep chlorophyll maxima at 10–25 m depths, thePO4-P regeneration rate often exceeded its uptake. Primary phytoplanktonproduction correlated well with PO4-P uptake values in the uppermixed layer, while no correlation was found between primaryproduction and the ambient PO4-P content in water.  相似文献   
The kinetics of hybridization on the oligonucleotide microchip with gel pads is studied both theoretically and experimentally. The monitoring of kinetics was performed with the measurements of fluorescence intensity produced by the labeled target oligonucleotides. As is shown, the hybridization time depends on the stability of the formed duplexes, the concentrations of target and probe oligonucleotides, and the diffusion of target oligonucleotides in solution and gel pad. The initial stage of hybridization is determined by the flow of target oligonucleotides from solution, then, followed by the diffusive propagation with approximately constant concentration of oligonucleotides at the boundary of gel pad and, finally, by the exponential saturation. The theoretical predictions of hybridization kinetics reveal a good correspondence with the experimental results and may be used for the choice of the optimal hybridization conditions. The possible applications of kinetic hybridization curves to the discrimination problems and assessment of diffusion coefficients in gel pads are briefly discussed. Finally, we discuss the relationships between the binding kinetics and the general functioning of biomolecular microchips.  相似文献   
Recurrent mammary hyperplasia: current concepts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: After studying this article, the participant should be able to: 1. Understand the factors leading to undesirable long-term reduction mammaplasty results. 2. Delineate the differential diagnosis of recurrent hypermastia. 3. Understand the significance of preoperative counseling, particularly with regard to expected postoperative outcome. 4. Understand short-term and long-term expected and undesirable postoperative results. 5. Understand safe and effective surgical planning for revision reduction mammaplasty. A large majority of patients who undergo reduction mammaplasty are satisfied with their aesthetic outcome and resolution of preoperative symptoms. Occasionally, patients present with postoperative concerns; these are usually aesthetic in nature and caused by breast scarring, breast asymmetry, and/or breast shape. Inadequate excision and recurrent hypermastia are more complex concerns, which require careful evaluation and treatment. Analysis of both the presenting deformity and the original surgical approach is critical in determining an operative plan. This article discusses the safe approach to revision reduction mammaplasty. Current concepts are discussed and presented. An algorithm for decision-making is presented and discussed.  相似文献   
Transgenic mice carrying bovine satellite DNA IV were obtained. The size of the transgene integrated into the mouse genome was approximately 390 kb (about 100 transgene copies) as determined by a semiquantitative PCR. Restriction analysis with isoschizomeric restrictases HpaII and MspI, showed that the alien DNA was methylated. In the genome of a transgenic founder male, two integration sites for satellite DNA IV were revealed by in situ hybridization and in situ PCR. These sites are situated on two different chromosomes: in pericentromeric heterochromatin and within a chromosomal arm. In transgenic mice, de novo formation of heterochromatin regions (C-block and the CMA3 disk within the centromeric heterochromatin of another chromosome) was revealed by C-banding and staining with chromomycin A3. This formation is not characteristic of mice, because their chromosomes normally contain no interstitial C-blocks or sequences intensely stained by chromomycin A3.  相似文献   
The mRNA of the precursor of laminin-binding protein (LBP) was isolated from a human embryo kidney cell line and cloned. The determined sequence of the LBP gene showed complete identity with the LBP genes isolated from human lung and large intestine cells. The human LBP was expressed by E. coli cells, and it was purified using Ni-NTA-Sepharose chromatography. The mobility of the homogeneous recombinant human laminin-binding protein on SDS-PAGE was 43 kD. A mixture of eight murine monoclonal antibodies, the MPLR Pool against LBP, reacted with the recombinant LBP in Western blot. The interaction of the antiidiotypical antibodies 10H10 and E6B provided evidence that the epitope binding to protein E of the tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) virus is also preserved on the human recombinant LBP. Enzyme immunoassay confirmed the ability of the recombinant LBP to interact with protein E of TBE virus. The biological activity of the recombinant LBP allowed us to perform X-ray analysis of the spatial arrangement of the LBP molecule using the recombinant protein. For this purpose, crystals of the human LBP were obtained by the standing drop version of the pore diffusion technique. The crystals appropriate for X-ray structural analysis were 0.3 x 0.1 x 0.05 mm in size. The X-ray diffraction field of the crystal extended to 2.5 A.  相似文献   
Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPRs) form a recently characterized type of prokaryotic antiphage defense system. The phage-host interactions involving CRISPRs have been studied in experiments with selected bacterial or archaeal species and, computationally, in completely sequenced genomes. However, these studies do not allow one to take prokaryotic population diversity and phage-host interaction dynamics into account. This gap can be filled by using metagenomic data: in particular, the largest existing data set, generated from the Sorcerer II Global Ocean Sampling expedition. The application of three publicly available CRISPR recognition programs to the Global Ocean metagenome produced a large proportion of false-positive results. To address this problem, a filtering procedure was designed. It resulted in about 200 reliable CRISPR cassettes, which were then studied in detail. The repeat consensuses were clustered into several stable classes that differed from the existing classification. Short fragments of DNA similar to the cassette spacers were more frequently present in the same geographical location than in other locations (P, <0.0001). We developed a catalogue of elementary CRISPR-forming events and reconstructed the likely evolutionary history of cassettes that had common spacers. Metagenomic collections allow for relatively unbiased analysis of phage-host interactions and CRISPR evolution. The results of this study demonstrate that CRISPR cassettes retain the memory of the local virus population at a particular ocean location. CRISPR evolution may be described using a limited vocabulary of elementary events that have a natural biological interpretation.Prokaryotes are highly diverse (33). One of the explanations of this diversity is the high extinction rate, due to genetic aggression, which leads to the clearance of ecological niches and, as a result, may allow new prokaryotic species to emerge. In the absence of host defense, viral infection of prokaryotic colonies results in colony extinction or the fixation of a fraction of the invader''s genetic material in the host genome, profoundly affecting the life cycle of the host (32). Thus, bacteria and archaea have developed various kinds of defense mechanisms to resist this pressure; the best studied of these mechanisms is restriction-modification systems (4).Along with well-known prokaryotic defense mechanisms, such as rapid evolution of cell receptors or the use of restriction-modification or toxin-antitoxin systems (see, e.g., references 6, 21, and 25), newly discovered clustered regularly interspaced palindromic repeat (CRISPR) systems seem to play an important role in protecting the cell from archaeal virus or bacteriophage assaults (reviewed in reference 36). A typical CRISPR system is a genetic locus comprising CRISPR-associated (cas) genes coding for proteins of several distinct functional classes (8, 19, 29) and a CRISPR cassette. A CRISPR cassette is formed by almost identical direct repeats with an average length of 32 nucleotides (nt), which are separated by similarly sized, unique spacers. A considerable proportion of spacers is similar to known phage or virus sequences, suggesting that the system is involved in antivirus defense (8, 29, 31). This involvement was experimentally demonstrated when a CRISPR system was shown to be essential for cell survival after invasion by foreign DNA (5). The mechanism is thought to be analogous to eukaryotic RNA interference (29), but it has not been characterized in detail yet.CRISPR cassettes retain information that could be used to reveal the evolutionary history of individual systems. First, it has been shown that CRISPR-associated genes could be divided into eight subtypes according to operon organization and gene phylogeny (19). Second, the repeats of different CRISPR cassettes may be similar, which might indicate a common origin of such cassettes. The first attempt to cluster CRISPR cassettes by the similarity of repeat sequences resulted in 12 clusters (27). In that study, the cassettes were obtained by the application of PILER-CR to completely sequenced genomes. Third, pairwise comparison of spacers could also reveal the specific evolutionary history of individual CRISPR cassettes.So far, most large-scale studies of CRISPR systems have been restricted to well-studied organisms with completely sequenced genomes (5, 9, 20, 28, 30). However, the dynamic interaction between viruses or phages and microorganisms in natural environments is of particular interest (2, 10, 15, 23, 35, 38, 40-42). It may be studied using CRISPRs in a metagenome, that is, sequenced DNA fragments collected in one geographical location and therefore representing one ecological niche with all its inhabitants. This approach is interesting for two reasons. First, metagenomic samples provide a common census of coexisting organisms, i.e., in many cases, both the infecting viruses and phages and their victims. Second, most bacteria and archaea from metagenomic samples cannot be cultivated, and hence little is known about their CRISPR systems.To date, three studies have considered host-virus interactions in metagenomes. One study used two thermophilic Synechococcus isolates from microbial mats in hot springs at Yellowstone National Park to demonstrate fast coevolution of the host and phage genomes (22). Two studies described archaeal and bacterial interactions with viruses and phages, respectively, in acidophilic biofilms (2, 39). All environmental communities analyzed so far are extreme and are dominated by few species. Natural samples containing many diverse coexisting organisms may arguably be more interesting.The largest available metagenome, produced by the Sorcerer II Global Ocean Sampling (GOS) expedition, comprises samples of genetic material collected from more than 50 geographical locations of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans (34). This variety provides an opportunity to study the evolution of phage-host interactions reflected in CRISPRs.Three algorithms, PILER-CR (14), the CRISPR recognition tool (CRT) (7), and CRISPRFinder (18), have been developed as tools for the discovery of new CRISPR cassettes. All these algorithms define candidate CRISPR cassette sequences as short direct repeats separated by short unique spacers; they then use a variety of standard repeat-finding techniques. However, the implementation of specific details is different.PILER-CR constructs local alignments of the input sequence to itself; each hit between two close regions is a candidate for an alignment of a repeat with its neighbor copy. In terms of dynamic programming, taking into account the repeat structure of a CRISPR cassette implies looking for hits only within a relatively narrow band around the main diagonal of the dot plot. This process is followed by several refinement steps.CRT does not use alignments to identify candidate repeats; rather, it derives them directly from the analysis of an input sequence. It is based on finding series of short repeats of a specified length (searching for exact k-mer matches) and then extending these repeats (increasing k-mer length) while allowing for a certain level of mismatches.Finally, CRISPRFinder is based on a suffix-tree-based algorithm for repeat discovery, again with additional refinement.All three algorithms were used for the CRISPR cassette search in this study.  相似文献   
This investigation examined the exposure of Egyptian infants to Aflatoxin M1 (AfM1) and of lactating mothers to Aflatoxin B1, using AfM1 in human milk as a biomarker for exposure to AfB1. The presence of ochratoxin A (OA) in human milk was also investigated to determine the levels of infants exposure to OA from human milk. The results indicated that AfM1 was found in 66 (55 %) of 120 human milk samples with a mean of 0.3 ± 0.53 ng/mL (range 0.02 to 2.09 ng/mL). OA was found in 43 (35.8 %) of 120 human milk samples with a mean of 21.1 ± 13.7 ng/mL (range 5.07 to 45.01 ng/mL), which will cause a daily intake of OA from human milk exceeding the suggested tolerable dose of 5 ng/kg-1 of OA body weight. On the other side AfM1 was found in 25 % of blood samples (5 out of 20 samples), at a mean of 1.18 ng/mL, but it was detected only in one urine sample (1 out of 20 samples). OA was detected only in 2 out of 13 blood samples (15.4 %) with an average 3.67 ng/mL. Whereas OA was not detected in all analyzed urine samples.  相似文献   


Loss of arm-hand performance due to a hemiparesis as a result of stroke or cerebral palsy (CP), leads to large problems in daily life of these patients. Assessment of arm-hand performance is important in both clinical practice and research. To gain more insight in e.g. effectiveness of common therapies for different patient populations with similar clinical characteristics, consensus regarding the choice and use of outcome measures is paramount. To guide this choice, an overview of available instruments is necessary. The aim of this systematic review is to identify, evaluate and categorize instruments, reported to be valid and reliable, assessing arm-hand performance at the ICF activity level in patients with stroke or cerebral palsy.


A systematic literature search was performed to identify articles containing instruments assessing arm-hand skilled performance in patients with stroke or cerebral palsy. Instruments were identified and divided into the categories capacity, perceived performance and actual performance. A second search was performed to obtain information on their content and psychometrics.


Regarding capacity, perceived performance and actual performance, 18, 9 and 3 instruments were included respectively. Only 3 of all included instruments were used and tested in both patient populations. The content of the instruments differed widely regarding the ICF levels measured, assessment of the amount of use versus the quality of use, the inclusion of unimanual and/or bimanual tasks and the inclusion of basic and/or extended tasks.


Although many instruments assess capacity and perceived performance, a dearth exists of instruments assessing actual performance. In addition, instruments appropriate for more than one patient population are sparse. For actual performance, new instruments have to be developed, with specific focus on the usability in different patient populations and the assessment of quality of use as well as amount of use. Also, consensus about the choice and use of instruments within and across populations is needed.  相似文献   
Alkaliphilic sulphur-oxidizing bacteria were isolated from samples from alkaline environments including soda soil and soda lakes. Two isolates, currently known as strains AL 2 and AL 3, were characterized. They grew over a pH range 8.0–10.4 with an optimum at 9.5–9.8. Both strains could oxidize thiosulphate, sulphide, polysulphide, elemental sulphur and tetrathionate. Strain AL 3 more actively oxidized thiosulphate and sulphide, while isolate AL 2 had higher activity with elemental sulphur and tetrathionate. Isolate AL 2 was also able to oxidize trithionate. The pH optimum for thiosulphate and sulphide oxidation was between 9–10. Some activity remained at pH 11, but was negligible at pH 7. Metabolism of tetrathionate by isolate AL 2 involved initial anaerobic hydrolysis to form sulphur, thiosulphate and sulphate in a sequence similar to that in other colourless sulphur-oxidizing bacteria. Sulphate was produced by both strains. During batch growth on thiosulphate, elemental sulphur and sulphite transiently accumulated in cultures of isolates AL 2 and AL 3, respectively. At lower pH values, both strains accumulated sulphur during sulphide and thiosulphate oxidation. Both strains contained ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase. Thiosulphate oxidation in isolate AL 3 appeared to be sodium ion-dependent. Isolate AL 2 differed from AL 3 by its high GC mol % value (65.5 and 49.5, respectively), sulphur deposition in its periplasm, the absence of carboxysomes, lower sulphur-oxidizing capacity, growth kinetics (lower growth rate and higher growth yield) and cytochrome composition.  相似文献   
Anaerobic enrichment with pectin at pH 10 and moderate salinity inoculated with sediments from soda lakes of the Kulunda Steppe (Altai, Russia) resulted in the isolation of a novel member of the Bacteroidetes, strain AP1T. The cells are long, flexible, Gram-negative rods forming pink carotenoids. The isolate is an obligate anaerobe, fermenting various carbohydrates to acetate and succinate. It can hydrolyze and utilize pectin, xylan, starch, laminarin and pullulan as growth substrates. Growth is possible in a pH range from 8 to 10.5, with an optimum at pH 9.5, and at a salinity range from 0.1 to 2 M Na+. Phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA sequences placed the isolate into the phylum Bacteroidetes as a separate lineage within the family Marinilabilaceae. On the basis of distinct phenotype and phylogeny, the soda lake isolate AP1T is proposed to be assigned in a new genus and species Natronoflexus pectinivorans (=DSM24179T = UNIQEM U807T).  相似文献   
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