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The biodegradation of chlorinated alkanes was studied under oxic conditions with the objective of identifying favorable and unfavorable intramolecular chlorination sequences with respect to the enzymes studied. Several dehalogenating bacterial strains were screened for their ability to degrade middle-chain polychlorinated alkanes as well as a commercial mixture. Of the organisms tested, the most promising was Pseudomonas sp. strain 273, which possesses an oxygenolytic dehalogenase. The effects of carbon chain length (C6–C16), halogen position, and overall chlorine content (14–61% w/w) were examined using both commercially available compounds and molecules synthesized in our laboratory. The effects of co-substrates, solvents, and inducing agents were also studied. The results with pure chlorinated alkanes showed that the relative positions of the chlorine atoms strongly influenced the total amount of dehalogenation achieved. The greatest dehalogenation yields were associated with terminally chlorinated alkanes. The α- and α,ω-chlorinated compounds yielded similar results. Vicinal chlorination had the most dramatic impact on degradation. When present on both ends or at the center of the molecule, no dehalogenation was detected. Although partial dehalogenation of 1,2-dichlorodecane was observed, it was likely due to a combination of β-oxidation and an abiotic mechanism. Cereclor S52 was appreciably dehalogenated in shake flasks only when 1,10-dichlorodecane was present as a co-substrate and after increasing the oil surface area through mechanical emulsification, demonstrating the importance of abiotic factors in degrading commercial polychlorinated alkane mixtures.  相似文献   
QPX (Quahog Parasite Unknown) is a protistan parasite affecting hard clams (Mercenaria mercenaria) along the Northeast coast of the United States. The fact that QPX disease epizootics are usually observed in field sites with high salinities led to the general assumption that salinity represents an important factor for disease distribution. This study was designed to investigate the effect of salinity on QPX disease development as well as constitutive and QPX-induced defense factors in M. mercenaria. Naïve and QPX-infected (both experimentally and naturally) clams were submitted to 17 and 30 psu for 4 months. Standard and QPX-specific cellular and humoral defense parameters were assessed after 2 and 4 months. These included total and differential hemocyte counts, reactive oxygen species production, phagocytic activity of hemocytes, lysozyme concentration in plasma, anti-QPX activity in plasma and resistance of hemocytes to cytotoxic QPX extracellular products. Results demonstrated higher QPX-associated mortality in naturally infected clams maintained at high salinity compared to those held at 17 psu. Our findings also showed an increase in mortality following experimental challenge with QPX in clams submitted to 30 psu but not in those held at 17 psu. Constitutive clam defense factors and the response to QPX challenge were also affected by salinity. QPX challenge caused significant but transitory changes in hemolymph parameters that were obvious at 2 months but disappeared at 4 months. Overall, our results show that salinity modulates clam immunity and the progress of QPX disease although its impact appears secondary as compared to findings we reported earlier for temperature.  相似文献   
Aberrant glycosylation of mucins and other extracellular proteins is an important event in carcinogenesis and the resulting cancer associated glycans have been suggested as targets in cancer immunotherapy. We assessed the role of O-linked GalNAc glycosylation on antigen uptake, processing, and presentation on MHC class I and II molecules. The effect of GalNAc O-glycosylation was monitored with a model system based on ovalbumin (OVA)-MUC1 fusion peptides (+/− glycosylation) loaded onto dendritic cells co-cultured with IL-2 secreting OVA peptide-specific T cell hybridomas. To evaluate the in vivo response to a cancer related tumor antigen, Balb/c or B6.Cg(CB)-Tg(HLA-A/H2-D)2Enge/J (HLA-A2 transgenic) mice were immunized with a non-glycosylated or GalNAc-glycosylated MUC1 derived peptide followed by comparison of T cell proliferation, IFN-γ release, and antibody induction. GalNAc-glycosylation promoted presentation of OVA-MUC1 fusion peptides by MHC class II molecules and the MUC1 antigen elicited specific Ab production and T cell proliferation in both Balb/c and HLA-A2 transgenic mice. In contrast, GalNAc-glycosylation inhibited the presentation of OVA-MUC1 fusion peptides by MHC class I and abolished MUC1 specific CD8+ T cell responses in HLA-A2 transgenic mice. GalNAc glycosylation of MUC1 antigen therefore facilitates uptake, MHC class II presentation, and antibody response but might block the antigen presentation to CD8+ T cells.  相似文献   
Obesity has been linked to the human gut microbiota; however, the contribution of gut bacterial species to the obese phenotype remains controversial because of conflicting results from studies in different populations. To explore the possible dysbiosis of gut microbiota in obesity and its metabolic complications, we studied men and women over a range of body mass indices from the Old Order Amish sect, a culturally homogeneous Caucasian population of Central European ancestry. We characterized the gut microbiota in 310 subjects by deep pyrosequencing of bar-coded PCR amplicons from the V1-V3 region of the 16S rRNA gene. Three communities of interacting bacteria were identified in the gut microbiota, analogous to previously identified gut enterotypes. Neither BMI nor any metabolic syndrome trait was associated with a particular gut community. Network analysis identified twenty-two bacterial species and four OTUs that were either positively or inversely correlated with metabolic syndrome traits, suggesting that certain members of the gut microbiota may play a role in these metabolic derangements.  相似文献   
Venoms have evolved over millions of years into potent cocktails of bioactive peptides and proteins. These compounds can be of great value to the pharmaceutical industry for numerous clinical applications. In this study, a novel proteomic - bioinformatic approach was utilised, where chromatography followed by gel electrophoresis was utilised to separate the venom peptides/proteins of Heterometrus longimanus (Asian black scorpion). Purified peptides were analysed by tandem mass spectrometry, de novo sequenced and then homology matched against known peptides in the Swiss-Prot protein database. Numerous potentially biologically active peptide matches were discovered, and a simple scoring system applied to putatively assign functions to the peptides. As a validation of this approach, the functional composition of the experimentally derived proteome is similar to that of other scorpions, and contains a potent mix of toxins, antimicrobials and ionic channel inhibitors.  相似文献   
The evolutionarily conserved kelch-repeat protein muskelin was identified as an intracellular mediator of cell spreading. We discovered that its morphological activity is controlled by association with RanBP9/RanBPM, a protein involved in transmembrane signaling and a conserved intracellular protein complex. By subcellular fractionation, endogenous muskelin is present in both the nucleus and the cytosol. Muskelin subcellular localization is coregulated by its C terminus, which provides a cytoplasmic restraint and also controls the interaction of muskelin with RanBP9, and its atypical lissencephaly-1 homology motif, which has a nuclear localization activity which is regulated by the status of the C terminus. Transient or stable short interfering RNA–based knockdown of muskelin resulted in protrusive cell morphologies with enlarged cell perimeters. Morphology was specifically restored by complementary DNAs encoding forms of muskelin with full activity of the C terminus for cytoplasmic localization and RanBP9 binding. Knockdown of RanBP9 resulted in equivalent morphological alterations. These novel findings identify a role for muskelin–RanBP9 complex in pathways that integrate cell morphology regulation and nucleocytoplasmic communication.  相似文献   
Recent advances in obtaining reduced representation libraries for next-generation sequencing permit phylogenomic analysis of species-rich, recently diverged taxa. In this study, we performed sequence capture with homemade PCR-generated probes to study diversification among closely related species in a large insect genus to examine the utility of this method. We reconstructed the phylogeny of Neptis Fabricius, a large and poorly studied nymphalid butterfly genus distributed throughout the Old World. We inferred relationships among 108 Neptis samples using 89 loci totaling up to 84 519 bp per specimen. Our taxon sample focused on Palearctic, Oriental and Australasian species, but included 8 African species and outgroups from 5 related genera. Maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses yielded identical trees with full support for almost all nodes. We confirmed that Neptis is not monophyletic because Lasippa heliodore (Fabricius) and Phaedyma amphion (Linnaeus) are nested within the genus, and we redefine species groups for Neptis found outside of Africa. The statistical support of our results demonstrates that the probe set we employed is useful for inferring phylogenetic relationships among Neptis species and likely has great value for intrageneric phylogenetic reconstruction of Lepidoptera. Based on our results, we revise the following two taxa: Neptis heliodore comb. rev. and Neptis amphion comb. rev.  相似文献   
Developmentalexpression of aquaporin water transport proteins is not well understoodin respiratory tract or secretory glands; here we define aquaporinprotein ontogeny in rat. Expression of aquaporin-3 (AQP3), AQP4, andAQP5 proteins occurs within 2 wk after birth, whereas AQP1 firstappears before birth. In most tissues, aquaporin protein expressionincreases progressively, although transient high-level expression isnoted in distal lung (AQP4 at postnatal day+2) and trachea (AQP5 at postnatalday +21 and AQP3 at postnatal day+42). In mature animals, AQP5 is abundant in distallung and salivary glands, AQP3 and AQP4 are present in trachea, andAQP1 is present in all of these tissues except salivary glands.Surprisingly, all four aquaporin proteins are highly abundant innasopharynx. Unlike AQP1, corticosteroids did not induce expression ofAQP3, AQP4, or AQP5 in lung. Our results seemingly implicate aquaporinsin proximal airway humidification, glandular secretion, and perinatalclearance of fluid from distal airways. However, the studies underscorea need for detailed immunohistochemical characterizations anddefinitive functional studies.

Multiple physiological fluid movements areinvolved in vision. Here we define the cellular and subcellular sitesof aquaporin (AQP) water transport proteins in human and rat eyes byimmunoblotting, high-resolution immunocytochemistry, and immunoelectronmicroscopy. AQP3 is abundant in bulbar conjunctival epithelium andglands but is only weakly present in corneal epithelium. In contrast, AQP5 is prominent in corneal epithelium and apical membranes of lacrimal acini. AQP1 is heavily expressed in scleral fibroblasts, corneal endothelium and keratocytes, and endothelium covering thetrabecular meshwork and Schlemm's canal. Although AQP1 is plentiful inciliary nonpigmented epithelium, it is not present in ciliary pigmentedepithelium. Posterior and anterior epithelium of the iris and anteriorlens epithelium also contain significant amounts of AQP1, but AQP0(major intrinsic protein of the lens) is expressed in lens fiber cells.Retinal Müller cells and astrocytes exhibit notableconcentrations of AQP4, whereas neurons and retinal pigment epitheliumdo not display aquaporin immunolabeling. These studies demonstrateselective expression of AQP1, AQP3, AQP4, and AQP5 in distinct ocularepithelia, predicting specific roles for each in the complex networkthrough which water movements occur in the eye.

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