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Gelatinase B/matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9), a key regulator and effector of immunity, contains a C-terminal hemopexin domain preceded by a unique linker sequence of approximately 64 amino acid residues. This linker sequence is demonstrated to be an extensively O-glycosylated (OG) domain with a compact three-dimensional structure. The OG and hemopexin domains have no influence on the cleavage efficiency of MMP-9 substrates. In contrast, the hemopexin domain contains a binding site for the cargo receptor low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein-1 (LRP-1). Furthermore, megalin/LRP-2 is identified as a new functional receptor for the hemopexin domain of MMP-9, able to mediate the endocytosis and catabolism of the enzyme. The OG domain is required to correctly orient the hemopexin domain for inhibition by TIMP-1 and internalization by LRP-1 and megalin. Therefore, the OG and hemopexin domains down-regulate the bioavailability of active MMP-9 and the interactions with the cargo receptors are proposed to be the original function of hemopexin domains in MMPs.  相似文献   
In all vertebrate animals, CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) are controlled by major histocompatibility complex class I (MHC-I) molecules. These are highly polymorphic peptide receptors selecting and presenting endogenously derived epitopes to circulating CTLs. The polymorphism of the MHC effectively individualizes the immune response of each member of the species. We have recently developed efficient methods to generate recombinant human MHC-I (also known as human leukocyte antigen class I, HLA-I) molecules, accompanying peptide-binding assays and predictors, and HLA tetramers for specific CTL staining and manipulation. This has enabled a complete mapping of all HLA-I specificities (“the Human MHC Project”). Here, we demonstrate that these approaches can be applied to other species. We systematically transferred domains of the frequently expressed swine MHC-I molecule, SLA-1*0401, onto a HLA-I molecule (HLA-A*11:01), thereby generating recombinant human/swine chimeric MHC-I molecules as well as the intact SLA-1*0401 molecule. Biochemical peptide-binding assays and positional scanning combinatorial peptide libraries were used to analyze the peptide-binding motifs of these molecules. A pan-specific predictor of peptide–MHC-I binding, NetMHCpan, which was originally developed to cover the binding specificities of all known HLA-I molecules, was successfully used to predict the specificities of the SLA-1*0401 molecule as well as the porcine/human chimeric MHC-I molecules. These data indicate that it is possible to extend the biochemical and bioinformatics tools of the Human MHC Project to other vertebrate species.  相似文献   
Summary A series of experiments has established the molecular defect in the medium-chain acyl-coenzyme A (CoA) dehydrogenase (MCAD) gene in a family with MCAD deficiency. Demonstration of intra-mitochondrial mature MCAD indistinguishable in size (42.5-kDa) from control MCAD, and of mRNA with the correct size of 2.4 kb, indicated a point-mutation in the coding region of the MCAD gene to be disease-causing. Consequently, cloning and DNA sequencing of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplified complementary DNA (cDNA) from messenger RNA of fibroblasts from the patient and family members were performed. All clones sequenced from the patient exhibited a single base substitution from adenine (A) to guanine (G) at position 985 in the MCAD cDNA as the only consistent base-variation compared with control cDNA. In contrast, the parents contained cDNA with the normal and the mutated sequence, revealing their obligate carrier status. Allelic homozygosity in the patient and heterozygosity for the mutation in the parents were established by a modified PCR reaction, introducing a cleavage site for the restriction endonuclease NcoI into amplified genomic DNA containing G985. The same assay consistently revealed A985 in genomic DNA from 26 control individuals. The A to G mutation was introduced into an E. coli expression vector producing mutant MCAD, which was demonstrated to be inactive, probably because of the inability to form active tetrameric MCAD. All the experiments are consistent with the contention that the G985 mutation, resulting in a lysine to glutamate shift at position 329 in the MCAD polypeptide chain, is the genetic cause of MCAD deficiency in this family. We found the same mutation in homozygous form in 11 out of 12 other patients with verified MCAD deficiency.  相似文献   
Mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation deficiencies are due to genetic defects in enzymes of fatty acid beta-oxidation and transport proteins. Genetic defects have been identified in most of the genes where nearly all types of sequence variations (mutation types) have been associated with disease. In this paper, we will discuss the effects of the various types of sequence variations encountered and review current knowledge regarding the genotype-phenotype relationship, especially in patients with acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiencies where sufficient material exists for a meaningful discussion. Because mis-sense sequence variations are prevalent in these diseases, we will discuss the implications of these types of sequence variations on the processing and folding of mis-sense variant proteins. As the prevalent mis-sense variant K304E MCAD protein has been studied intensively, the investigations on biogenesis, stability and kinetic properties for this variant enzyme will be discussed in detail and used as a paradigm for the study of other mis-sense variant proteins. We conclude that the total effect of mis-sense sequence variations may comprise an invariable--sequence variation specific--effect on the catalytic parameters and a conditional effect, which is dependent on cellular, physiological and genetic factors other than the sequence variation itself.  相似文献   
The molecular pathways for fluid transport in pulmonary, oral,and nasal tissues are still unresolved. Here we use immunocytochemistry and immunoelectron microscopy to define the sites of expression of fouraquaporins in the respiratory tract and glandular epithelia, where theyreside in distinct, nonoverlapping sites. Aquaporin-1 (AQP1) is presentin apical and basolateral membranes of bronchial, tracheal, andnasopharyngeal vascular endothelium and fibroblasts. AQP5 is localizedto the apical plasma membrane of type I pneumocytes and the apicalplasma membranes of secretory epithelium in upper airway and salivaryglands. In contrast, AQP3 is present in basal cells of tracheal andnasopharyngeal epithelium and is abundant in basolateral membranes ofsurface epithelial cells of nasal conchus. AQP4 resides in basolateralmembranes of columnar cells of bronchial, tracheal, and nasopharyngealepithelium; in nasal conchus AQP4 is restricted to basolateralmembranes of a subset of intra- and subepithelial glands. These sitesof expression suggest that transalveolar water movement, modulation ofairway surface liquid, air humidification, and generation ofnasopharyngeal secretions involve a coordinated network of aquaporinwater channels.

Cushman R  Holm S 《Bioethics》1990,4(3):237-252
The Danish Council of Ethics...believed that the brain-death criterion should not be accepted without public education and debate. Following the introduction of a spectrum of educational and related activites, a Gallup poll found that 98% of the survey population was aware of the debate over brain-vs-heart criteria and that 80% favoured the adoption of a supplemental brain-death standard... This raises the fundamental question of decisionmaking in pluralist democratic societies, of the limits of democratic involvement in such choices, and of the role of bodies like the Danish Council of Ethics... It must be part of the mission of a governmental bioethical body to use its peculiar expertise to teach and to lead -- to build a popular consensus out of confusion. But in doing so, such a Commission will be steering a dangerous course....  相似文献   
The ‘Moran effect’ predicts that dynamics of populations of a species are synchronized over similar distances as their environmental drivers. Strong population synchrony reduces species viability, but spatial heterogeneity in density dependence, the environment, or its ecological responses may decouple dynamics in space, preventing extinctions. How such heterogeneity buffers impacts of global change on large‐scale population dynamics is not well studied. Here, we show that spatially autocorrelated fluctuations in annual winter weather synchronize wild reindeer dynamics across high‐Arctic Svalbard, while, paradoxically, spatial variation in winter climate trends contribute to diverging local population trajectories. Warmer summers have improved the carrying capacity and apparently led to increased total reindeer abundance. However, fluctuations in population size seem mainly driven by negative effects of stochastic winter rain‐on‐snow (ROS) events causing icing, with strongest effects at high densities. Count data for 10 reindeer populations 8–324 km apart suggested that density‐dependent ROS effects contributed to synchrony in population dynamics, mainly through spatially autocorrelated mortality. By comparing one coastal and one ‘continental’ reindeer population over four decades, we show that locally contrasting abundance trends can arise from spatial differences in climate change and responses to weather. The coastal population experienced a larger increase in ROS, and a stronger density‐dependent ROS effect on population growth rates, than the continental population. In contrast, the latter experienced stronger summer warming and showed the strongest positive response to summer temperatures. Accordingly, contrasting net effects of a recent climate regime shift—with increased ROS and harsher winters, yet higher summer temperatures and improved carrying capacity—led to negative and positive abundance trends in the coastal and continental population respectively. Thus, synchronized population fluctuations by climatic drivers can be buffered by spatial heterogeneity in the same drivers, as well as in the ecological responses, averaging out climate change effects at larger spatial scales.  相似文献   
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