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Major technical progress in the development of computer-based image analysis systems has made possible the entry of autoradiographic and immunohistochemical techniques into a new era where quantification via densitometry and morphometry has become easily accessible. In this context, quantitative biochemical data can be adapted to anatomical and histological resolution. This adaptation is most efficient in the neuroscience fields because of the huge importance of cellular communication via neuronal networks in the nervous system. Therefore, any experimental approach to the brain which considers the brain as a 'black box' appears now as very crude. In fact, subtle heterogeneity in the distribution of biochemical markers can now be demonstrated, as illustrated here by the use of quantitative autoradiography of D1 and D2 dopaminergic receptors in the striatum of the mammalian brain. Also, local adaptive changes resulting from chronic blockade of the dopaminergic input can be detected after repeated treatments with dopaminergic antagonists selective for D1 or D2 receptors or with surgical lesioning of the dopaminergic nigrostriatal pathway. The resulting plastic changes are unevenly distributed throughout the striatal target organ and vary according to the mode of suppressing the dopaminergic flow: direct destruction of the dopaminergic pathway or selective pharmacological manipulation without physical elimination of the dopaminergic cells themselves. All these results are discussed and reviewed in light of the most recent reports in this field.  相似文献   
Elemental composition and feeding rate of hydromedusae Phialidium sp. on copepods were studied in the laboratory. Regression equations for both mature and immature medusae allowed the estimation of their dry weight (DW), total C and N content as a function of their diameter. The mean C content as percentage of the DW varied from 13.13% ( ) for the immature to 19.38% (5.68) for the mature individuals. The mean N content is 4.03% (2.49) of DW of immatures and 5.85% (2.70) of the matures. Ingestion rate of Phialidium sp. fed on copepods (200–500 μm) increased with prey density but reached a maximum at high prey concentrations. A maximum ingestion rate of 8.55 (1.6) copepods · medusa −1 · h−1 was reached for prey concentrations of > 140 copepods · 1 −1 for both immature and mature medusae. Maximum daily consumption of prey weight varied from 1.41 to 978% C body weight for mature medusae and from 2.90 to 975% for the immature individuals.  相似文献   
The effect of a new PAF antagonist BN 50739 was studied on PAF-induced [3H]-serotonin release from washed rabbit platelets in vitro and on PAF-induced hypotension in vivo. BN 50739 competitively inhibited PAF-induced [3H]-serotonin release from the platelets in a dose-dependent manner. In the presence of 4, 10 and 50 nM of BN 50739, the concentration of PAF inducing 50% maximal [3H]-serotonin release from the platelets (EC50) increased from 2.15 nM to 5.10, 45.10 and 900 nM, respectively. The IC50 of BN 50739 for PAF (10 nM) induced [3H]-serotonin release was 3.67 nM. Under the same experimental condition, the IC50s of BN 50726, BN 50730, BN 50741, WEB 2086, SRI 63-441 and BN 52021 were 5.40, 4.61, 6.88, 5.98, 40.90 nM and 14.90 microM, respectively. PAF-induced hypotension in conscious rats was also inhibited dose-dependently by i.p. pretreatment of BN 50739 (3 and 10 mg/kg). PAF-induced hypotension was diminished both in magnitude and duration in rats pretreated with BN 50739. These data taken together indicate that BN 50739 is a most potent PAF antagonist in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   
The process of myoblast fusion during skeletal myogenesis is calcium regulated. Both dihydropyridine receptor and ryanodine receptor are already present on muscle precursors, at the prefusional stage, before they are required for excitation–contraction coupling. Previous pharmacological studies have shown the need for a special pool of Ca2+associated with the membrane for the fusion process to occur. We hypothesized that this pool of Ca2+is mobilized via a machinery similar to that involved in excitation–contraction coupling. The process of fusion in rat L6 muscle precursors was either totally or partially abolished in the presence of the L-type calcium channel inhibitors SR33557 and nifedipine (half inhibition towards 2 μM), respectively. The inhibition was reversible and dose-dependent. Drugs able to deplete internal calcium stores (caffeine, ryanodine, and thapsigargin) were also tested on the fusion. Both caffeine and thapsigargin drastically inhibited fusion whereas ryanodine had no effect. This suggests that fusion may be controlled by internal pools of Ca2+but that its regulation may be insensitive to ryanodine. We presumed that an early form of the ryanodine receptor may exist, with different pharmacological properties than the adult forms. Indeed, Western blot analysis of pre- and postfusional L6 cells demonstrated the presence, at the prefusional stage, of a transient form of the ryanodine receptor protein with an apparent molecular weight slightly different from those of the classical skeletal and cardiac forms. Taken together, these results support the hypothesis that the fusion process is driven by a mechanism involving both the dihydropyridine receptor (α1 subunit of the L-type Ca2+channel) and the internal stores of Ca2+. The machinery underlying this mechanism might consist of slightly different forms of the classic molecules that in adult muscle ensure excitation–contraction coupling. It remains to be seen, however, whether the mobilization of the internal pool of Ca2+is triggered by the type of mechanism already described in skeletal muscle.  相似文献   
We conducted three experiments to examine the influence of ultraviolet-B radiation (UV-B; 280–320 nm) exposure on reproduction in Brassica rapa (Brassicaceae). Plants were grown in a greenhouse under three biologically effective UV-B levels that simulated either an ambient stratospheric ozone level (control), 16% (“low enhanced”), or 32% (“high enhanced”) ozone depletion levels at Morgantown, WV, USA in mid-March. In the first experiment, we examined whether UV-B level during plant growth influenced in vivo pollen production and viability, and flower production. Pollen production and viability per flower were reduced by ≈50% under both enhanced UV-B levels relative to ambient controls. While plants under high-enhanced UV-B produced over 40% more flowers than plants under the two lower UV-B treatments, whole-plant production of viable pollen was reduced under high-enhanced UV-B to 17% of that of ambient controls. Whole-plant production of viable pollen was reduced under low-enhanced UV-B to 34% of ambient controls. In the second experiment, we collected pollen from plants under the three UV-B levels and examined whether source-plant UV-B exposure influenced in vitro pollen germination and viability. Pollen from plants under both enhanced-UV-B treatments had initially lower germination and viability than pollen from the ambient level. After in vitro exposure to the high-enhanced UV-B levels for 6 h, viability of the pollen from plants grown under ambient UV-B was reduced from 65 to 18%. In contrast, viability of the pollen from plants grown under both enhanced UV-B treatments was reduced to a much lesser extent: only from ≈43 to 22%. Thus, ambient source-plant pollen was more sensitive to enhanced UV-B exposure. In the third experiment, we used pollen collected from source plants under the three UV-B levels to fertilize plants growing under ambient-UV-B levels, and assessed subsequent seed production and germination. Seed abortion rates were higher in plants pollinated with pollen from the enhanced UV-B treatments, than from ambient UV-B. Despite this, seed yield (number and mass) per plant was similar, regardless of the UV-B exposure of their pollen source. Our findings demonstrate that enhanced UV-B levels associated with springtime ozone depletion events have the capacity to substantially reduce viable pollen production, and could ultimately reduce reproductive success of B. rapa.  相似文献   
Two new species of Argulus Müller, 1785 (Crustacea: Branchiura) are described from Africa. A. fryeri n. sp., parasitic on an unknown fish species collected from Lake Turkana, Kenya, is characterised by: deep antero-lateral depressions which delimit a pronounced frontal region; robust, square second maxillae ornamented with numerous small, simple scales; and the shape of the respiratory areas. The most distinctive features of A. gracilis n. sp., parasitic on Auchenoglanis occidentalis var. tanganicanus collected from Lake Tanganyika, are the anterior spines on the first antennae and the shape of the respiratory areas. A. brachypeltis Fryer, previously known only from the female, is characterised by: a narrow, elongate body with foreshortened carapace lobes; small, slender terminal spines on the first antennae; and short terminal segments on the second maxillae with minute claws. The identity of the male described as A. ambloplites Wilson is discussed and renamed A. confusus nom. nov.  相似文献   
Palindromic units (PU or REP) were defined as 40-nucleotide DNA sequences which are highly repeated in the genome of several members of the Enterobacteriaceae. They were shown to be a constituent of the bacterial interspersed mosaic element (BIME), in which they are associated with other repetitive sequences. We report here that Escherichia coli PU sequences contain three motifs (Y, Z1 and Z2), leading to the definition of two BIME families. The BIME-1 family, highly conserved over 145 nucleotides, contains two PUs (motifs Y and Z1). The BIME-2 family contains a variable number of PUs (motifs Y and Z2). We present evidence, using band shift experiments, that each PU motif binds DNA gyrase with a different affinity. This suggests that the two families are functionally distinct.  相似文献   
Abstract: We developed a rapid and sensitive radioimmunohistochemical method for the quantification of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) at both the anatomical and cellular level. Coronal tissue sections from fresh-frozen rat brains were incubated in the presence of a TH monoclonal antibody. The reaction was revealed with a 35S-labeled secondary antibody. TH content was quantified in catecholaminergic brain areas by measuring optical density on autoradiographic films or silver grain density on autoradiographic emulsion-coated sections. Regional TH concentrations determined in the locus ceruleus (LC), substantia nigra pars compacta (SNC), and ventral tegmental area (VTA) were significantly increased by 45% after reserpine treatment in the LC but unchanged in the SNC and VTA. Microscopic examination of TH radioimmunolabeling showed a heavy accumulation of silver grains over catecholaminergic cell bodies. In the LC, grain density per cell was heterogeneous and higher in the ventral than in the dorsal part of the structure. After reserpine treatment, TH levels were significantly increased (57%) in the neurons of the LC but not in those of the SNC or VTA. The data support the validity of this radioimmunohistochemical method as a tool for quantifying TH protein at the cellular level and they confirm that TH protein content is differentially regulated in noradrenergic and dopaminergic neurons in response to reserpine.  相似文献   
Four families, each with two individuals affectecd by Rett Syndrome (RS), were analysed using restriction fragment lenght polymorphisms and microsatellite markers from the X chromosome. In two of the families, X-linked dominant inheritance of the RS defect from a germinally mosaic mother could be assumed. Therefore, maternal X chromosome markers showing discordant inheritance were used to exclude regions of the X chromosome as locations of the RS gene. Much of the short arm could be excluded, including regions containing three candidate genes, OTC, synapsin 1 and synaptophysin. Although most of the long arm was inherited in common it was possible to exclude a centromeric region. Inheritance of X chromosome markers is also presented for two families with affected aunt-niece pairs, one of which has not been previously studied at the DNA level.  相似文献   
Successful manual synthesis of the TD2.2 peptide acting as a blood–brain barrier shuttle was achieved. TD2.2 was successfully synthesised by sequential condensation of four protected peptide fragments on solid-phase settings, after several unsuccessful attempts using the stepwise approach. These fragments were chosen to minimise the number of demanding amino acids (in terms of coupling, Fmoc removal) in each fragment that are expected to hamper the overall synthetic process. Thus, the hydrophobic amino acids as well as Arg(Pbf) were strategically spread over multiple fragments rather than having them congested in one fragment. This study shows how a peptide that shows big challenges in the synthesis using the common stepwise elongation methodology can be synthesised with an acceptable purity. It also emphasises that choosing the right fragment with certain amino acid constituents is key for a successful synthesis. It is worth highlighting that lower amounts of reagents were required to synthesise the final peptide with an identical purity to that obtained by the automatic synthesiser.  相似文献   
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