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Carbonate and total organic carbon stable isotope analyses of the Upper Permian and Lower Triassic succession in the Masore section in western Slovenia indicate a high storage of organic matter during the Upper Permian, as well as the well known worldwide light carbon isotope event across the P/Tr boundary. The perturbations in the global carbon cycle observed in the investigated section span an approximately 50 cm thick interval (from –11 cm below to +41 cm above the lithostratigraphically determined P/Tr boundary), and coincide more or less with changes in lithology, as well as with an abrupt disappearance of Upper Permian marine fauna. In this section changes in the sedimentary environment are most probably related to Upper Permian—Lower Triassic sea level changes. The carbonate and organic carbon negative peak anomaly could be explained by accelerated changes in the end Permian carbon cycle, due to some co-occurring events, such as pronounced erosion and oxidation of organic carbon, a possible release of methane from stored hydrates, and volcanic activity, as well as by a sudden reduction in primary productivity triggered by not yet completely satisfactorily explained mechanisms.  相似文献   
p27 controls cell proliferation by binding and regulating nuclear cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs). In addition, p27 interacts with other nuclear and cytoplasmic targets and has diverse biological functions. We seek to understand how the structural and dynamic properties of p27 mediate its several functions. We show that, despite showing disorder before binding its targets, p27 has nascent secondary structure that may have a function in molecular recognition. Binding to Cdk2-cyclin A is accompanied by p27 folding, and kinetic data suggest a sequential mechanism that is initiated by binding to cyclin A. p27 regulates CDK-cyclin complexes involved directly in cell cycle control and does not interact with other closely related CDKs. We show that p27-cyclin interactions are an important determinant of this specificity and propose that the homologous cell cycle regulators p21 and p57 function by a similar sequential, folding-on-binding mechanism.  相似文献   
Despite their homology and analogous function, the Hox gene clusters of vertebrates and invertebrates are subject to different constraints on their structural organization. This is demonstrated by a drastically different distribution of repetitive DNA elements in the Hox cluster regions. While gnathostomes have a strong tendency to exclude repetitive DNA elements from the inside of their Hox clusters, no such trend can be detected in the Hox gene clusters of protostomes. Repeats "invade" the gnathostome Hox clusters from the 5' and 3' ends while the core of the clusters remains virtually free of repetitive DNA. This invasion appears to be correlated with relaxed constraints associated with gene loss after cluster duplications.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: Oral lichen planus (OLP) is chronic inflammatory disease of the oral mucosa, presenting in various clinical forms. The etiology of OLP is still unknown but mounting evidence points to the immunologic basis of this disorder. AIM: Our study was undertaken to quantify the salivary levels of pro-inflammatory tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) in the reticular and the erosive/atrophic forms of OLP, compared with age-matched healthy control volunteers. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Whole saliva from 40 patients with active lesions of OLP, as well as from 20 healthy persons, was investigated for the presence of TNF-alpha by enzyme immunoassay. RESULTS: Salivary TNF-alpha levels were significantly increased in patients with OLP in comparison with healthy subjects. The presence of TNF-alpha showed positive correlation to clinical forms of OLP, being significantly higher in the erosive/atrophic type than in the reticular type of disease. CONCLUSION: Saliva provides an ideal medium for the detection of pro-inflammatory markers of the oral cavity. In patients with OLP, TNF-alpha levels in saliva are elevated, correlating with the severity of illness. Salivary TNF-alpha analysis may be a useful diagnostic tool and a potential prognostic marker in OLP.  相似文献   
During systemic inflammation, recruitment and activation of leukocytes in the pulmonary microcirculation may result in a potentially life-threatening acute lung injury. We elucidated the role of the poly(ADP-ribose) synthetase (PARS), a nucleotide-polymerizing enzyme, in the regulation of leukocyte recruitment within the lung with regard to the localization in the pulmonary microcirculation and in correlation to hemodynamics in the respective vascular segments and expression of intercellular adhesion molecule 1 during endotoxemia. Inhibition of PARS by 3-aminobenzamide reduced the endotoxin-induced leukocyte recruitment within pulmonary arterioles, capillaries, and venules in rabbits as quantified by in vivo fluorescence microscopy. Microhemodynamics and thus shear rates in all pulmonary microvascular segments remained constant. Simultaneously, inhibition of PARS with 3-aminobenzamide suppressed the endotoxin-induced adhesion molecules expression as demonstrated for intercellular adhesion molecule 1 by immunohistochemistry and Western blot analysis. We confirmed this result with the use of PARS knockout mice. The inhibitory effect of 3-aminobenzamide on leukocyte recruitment was associated with a reduction of pulmonary capillary leakage and edema formation. We first provide evidence that PARS activation mediates the leukocyte sequestration in pulmonary microvessels through upregulation of adhesion molecules. As reactive oxygen species released from leukocyte are supposed to cause an upregulation of adhesion molecules we conclude that PARS inhibition contributes to termination of this vicious cycle and inhibits the inflammatory process.  相似文献   
C-erbB and retinoid receptor signaling control mammary epithelial cell proliferation, differentiation, and morphology. Here, we examined the morphogenetic activities of c-erbB specific ligands such as heregulin and of retinoids on non-malignant (primary, MTSV1-7) and malignant (T47D, SKBR-3) human mammary epithelial cells (HMEC) cultivated in 3D collagen type I gels. These cells are positive for both c-erbB and retinoid receptors. Non-malignant primary HMEC spontaneously formed branched structures in collagen, whereas SV40 large T antigen-immortalized non-tumorigenic MTSV1-7 spontaneously formed balls and required heregulin or retinoid X receptor alpha-selective retinoid Ro 25-7386 for branching, which was further stimulated by combination of both types of agents. In malignant cells, heregulin alone induced ball formation and cooperated either with Ro 25-7386 (T47D) or with retinoic acid receptor alpha-selective AM580 (SKBR-3) for branching morphogenesis, which was accompanied by changes in the subcellular distribution of alpha(2)beta(1)-integrin and E-cadherin, and by down-regulation of c-erbB-2, -3, or -4. Heregulin and/or retinoids correspondingly increased the integrin-dependent adhesion of malignant cells to type I collagen. Our data demonstrate cooperative signaling of c-erbB and retinoid receptor pathways at the levels of morphogenesis and immunophenotypic differentiation.  相似文献   
Cryopreservation increases the rate of apoptotic spermatozoa withdecreased capability to fertilise oocytes. In order to optimise thefertilisation rates, especially in assisted reproduction the use of apoptoticsperms should be avoided. Early events of apoptosis in cryopreservedspermatozoaare not detectable by conventional methods. However, the surface of apoptoticspermatozoa is characterised by externalisation of phosphatidylserine (PS),which has a high affinity to Annexin V. Therefore, colloid paramagneticAnnexin-V-conjugated microbeads (AN-MB) were tested fortheir ability to eliminate apoptotic spermatozoa from a total of 40 fresh andinTEST yolk buffer cryopreserved semen samples which were provided by 15 healthyvolunteers. By passing through a magnetic field (MiniMACS, Miltenyi Biotec) thesperm suspensions were divided into 2 sperm fractions depending on boundmagnetic Annexin V-microbeads (AN-MB) to spermatozoa. Asadditional markers of apoptosis CD95 (Fas, APO-1) on the sperm surfaceand activated caspases in the cytosol were detected in both fractions.Supplementary investigations comprised eosin-supravital staining andcomputer assisted sperm motion analysis. The separation was supervised by flowcytometric analysis of spermatozoa labelled with FITC-conjugated antiAnnexin V-antibodies.Analyses of the magnetic inactive sperm fraction (AN-MB-negative)showed CD95 on 0.6 ± 0.3% (X ± SEM) of spermatozoa andonly3.2 ± 0.5% were stainable with eosin, whereas, 40.6 ±6.7% of the remaining cells in the column appeared to be CD95 positiveand 99.8 ± 0.1% stainable with eosin after cryopreservation.Indeed the overall amount of CD95 positive spermatozoa did not significantlyincrease after cryopreservation (2.5 ± 0.5% vs. 4.3 ±1.2%; p > 0.05). Activated caspases were found in 21.8 ±2.6% of the spermatozoa in fresh and in 47.7 ± 5.8% ofcryopreserved semen samples (p < 0.01). The separation procedure of thecryopreserved spermatozoa reduced significantly the quantity of thosecontainingactivated caspases to 9.3 ± 2.2% within theAN-MB-negative fraction. In contrast 89.1 ± 2.3% ofAN-MB-positive sperms showed activation of these proteolyticenzymes. Flow cytometric analyses using FITC-conjugated anti AnnexinV-antibodies for monitoring of AN-MB-binding to spermatozoashowed 5.2 ± 1.0% labelled spermatozoa in the AN-MBnegative fraction and 72.6 ± 2.7% labelled spermatozoa in theAN-MB positive one. There was no significant influence of the separationcolumn and the magnetic field on the sperm functions. The passage through thecolumn led to a sperm loss of 0.8 ± 1.2%.Conclusion: The binding of paramagnetic AnnexinV-conjugated microbeads is an excellent method to eliminate spermatozoaat early apoptotic stages from cryopreserved semen samples. A deleteriousinfluence of the separation column and the magnetic field on the spermatozoawasnot observed.  相似文献   
An important mechanism in stabilizing tightly linked host-parasitoid and prey-predator interactions is the presence of refuges that protect organisms from their natural enemies. However, the presence and quality of refuges can be strongly affected by the environment. We show that infection of the host plant Silene latifolia by its specialist fungal plant pathogen Microbotryum violaceum dramatically alters the enemy-free space of a herbivore, the specialist noctuid seed predator Hadena bicruris, on their shared host plant. The pathogen arrests the development of seed capsules that serve as refuges for the herbivore's offspring against the specialist parasitoid Microplitis tristis, a major source of mortality of H. bicruris in the field. Pathogen infection resulted both in lower host-plant food quality, causing reduced adult emergence, and in twofold higher rates of parasitism of the herbivore. We interpret the strong oviposition preference of H. bicruris for uninfected plants in the field as an adaptive response, positioning offspring on refuge-rich, high-quality hosts. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration that plant-inhabiting micro-organisms can affect higher trophic interactions through alteration of host refuge quality. We speculate that such interference can potentially destabilize tightly linked multitrophic interactions.  相似文献   
Few resources are available to guide public health officials in investigations of reported birth defects clusters. The majority of published resources focus on the investigation of cancer and infectious disease clusters and do not address clinical and epidemiologic concerns specific to birth defects research. This document aims to address these concerns, discuss the needs of the affected community, and provide suggestions for the development of a standardized protocol to be used as a guide in the investigation of birth defects clusters. We suggest that health departments and birth defects registries that may receive reports of birth defects clusters establish a protocol for responding that includes the following steps: develop a proactive plan for future birth defects cluster reports (step I), receive report of a birth defects cluster (step II), verify diagnoses and complete case ascertainment (step III), compare the observed rate to a reference rate (step IV), ascertain exposures among cases from available records (step V), interview case mothers (step VI), initiate further epidemiologic study-selection of controls (step VII), and communicate results to the community (step VIII). Specific criteria for continuing or terminating an investigation should be established before receiving cluster reports. The recommendations in this report should be carefully considered to ensure that the specific needs of the region, agency and affected community are met.  相似文献   
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