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G-protein-coupled receptor kinases (GRK) regulate the function of G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCR). Previously, we found that GPCR (CXCR4)-mediated astrocytoma growth was dependent upon abnormally sustained CXCR4 signaling and was correlated with decreased GRK-mediated receptor phosphorylation. As CXCR4 has also been implicated in the stimulation of high-grade glioma growth, we sought to determine whether dysregulation of GRK expression and/or function might also be present in high-grade gliomas. In an analysis of data from The Cancer Genome Atlas, we found that GRK3 expression is frequently decreased in glioblastoma (GBM) of the classical subtype, which possesses signature amplification or mutational activation of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor. We tested the correlation between GRK3 expression and GBM subtypes, as well as the relationship between the activation of the EGF and other growth factor receptor pathways and GRK expression. In analyses of primary GBM tissue and RNA specimens, we found that GRK3 expression is correlated with established criteria for GBM subtyping including expression of EGF receptor, platelet-derived growth factor receptor (PDGFR)α, NF1, PTEN, CDKN2A, and neurofilament. We also found that established drivers of gliomagenesis, the EGF, PDGF, and TGF-β pathways, all regulate GRK expression. Coculture experiments, designed to mimic critical interactions between tumor and brain microvascular endothelial cells, showed that specifically increasing GRK3 expression reduced the trophic effect of endothelial cells on tumor cells. Together, these experiments show that GRK3 is a negative regulator of cell growth whose expression is preferentially reduced in GBM of the classical subtype as a consequence of activity in primary gliomagenic pathways.  相似文献   
Micro fabricated fluidic devices provide an accessible micro-environment for in vivo studies on small organisms. Simple fabrication processes are available for microfluidic devices using soft lithography techniques 1-3. Microfluidic devices have been used for sub-cellular imaging 4,5, in vivo laser microsurgery 2,6 and cellular imaging 4,7. In vivo imaging requires immobilization of organisms. This has been achieved using suction 5,8, tapered channels 6,7,9, deformable membranes 2-4,10, suction with additional cooling 5, anesthetic gas 11, temperature sensitive gels 12, cyanoacrylate glue 13 and anesthetics such as levamisole 14,15. Commonly used anesthetics influence synaptic transmission 16,17 and are known to have detrimental effects on sub-cellular neuronal transport 4. In this study we demonstrate a membrane based poly-dimethyl-siloxane (PDMS) device that allows anesthetic free immobilization of intact genetic model organisms such as Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans), Drosophila larvae and zebrafish larvae. These model organisms are suitable for in vivo studies in microfluidic devices because of their small diameters and optically transparent or translucent bodies. Body diameters range from ~10 μm to ~800 μm for early larval stages of C. elegans and zebrafish larvae and require microfluidic devices of different sizes to achieve complete immobilization for high resolution time-lapse imaging. These organisms are immobilized using pressure applied by compressed nitrogen gas through a liquid column and imaged using an inverted microscope. Animals released from the trap return to normal locomotion within 10 min.We demonstrate four applications of time-lapse imaging in C. elegans namely, imaging mitochondrial transport in neurons, pre-synaptic vesicle transport in a transport-defective mutant, glutamate receptor transport and Q neuroblast cell division. Data obtained from such movies show that microfluidic immobilization is a useful and accurate means of acquiring in vivo data of cellular and sub-cellular events when compared to anesthetized animals (Figure 1J and 3C-F4).Device dimensions were altered to allow time-lapse imaging of different stages of C. elegans, first instar Drosophila larvae and zebrafish larvae. Transport of vesicles marked with synaptotagmin tagged with GFP (syt.eGFP) in sensory neurons shows directed motion of synaptic vesicle markers expressed in cholinergic sensory neurons in intact first instar Drosophila larvae. A similar device has been used to carry out time-lapse imaging of heartbeat in ~30 hr post fertilization (hpf) zebrafish larvae. These data show that the simple devices we have developed can be applied to a variety of model systems to study several cell biological and developmental phenomena in vivo.  相似文献   
Adenovirus (Ad) vectors are promising candidates for both gene transfer and vaccine applications. In this study, we investigated the role of TLR2 in innate and adaptive immune responses to Ad and/or the transgene it expresses following systemic injection. We found that Ad directly activates ERK1/2 in vivo, but that initiation of ERK1/2 activation is primarily a MyD88/TLR2-independent, but Kupffer cell-dependent, event. The complexity of Ad-induced innate immune responses was confirmed when we also found that both TLR2 and MyD88 functions are required for the sustained activation of ERK1/2. Although we found that the initial activation of NF-kappaB by Ads is dependent upon MyD88, but independent of TLR2 in (non-Kupffer cells) the liver, TLR2 significantly influenced the Ad-induced late phase NF-kappaB activation. These very rapid responses were positively correlated with subsequent innate immune responses to the Ad vector, as our results confirmed that the induction of several cytokines and chemokines, and the expression of innate immune response genes following Ad injection were TLR2 dependent in vivo. The requirement of TLR2 in Ad-induced innate responses also correlated with significantly altered adaptive immune responses. For example, our results demonstrate that the generation of Ad-neutralizing Abs, and anti-transgene-specific Abs elicited subsequent to Ad vector treatments, are both dependent upon TLR2 functionality. Finally, we found that several Ad-induced innate immune responses are dependent on both TLR2 and TLR9. Therefore, this study confirms that several (but not all) Ad-induced innate and adaptive immune responses are TLR dependent.  相似文献   
Reduced derivatives of folic acid (folates) play a critical role in the development, function and repair of the CNS. However, the molecular systems regulating folate uptake and homeostasis in the central nervous system remain incompletely defined. Choroid plexus epithelial cells express high levels of folate receptor α (FRα) suggesting that the choroid plays an important role in CNS folate trafficking and maintenance of CSF folate levels. We have characterized 5-methyltetrahydrofolate (5-MTHF) uptake and metabolism by primary rat choroid plexus epithelial cells in vitro . Two distinct processes are apparent; one that is FRα dependent and one that is independent of the receptor. FRα binds 5-MTHF with high affinity and facilitates efficient uptake of 5-MTHF at low extracellular folate concentrations; a lower affinity FRα independent system accounts for increased folate uptake at higher concentrations. Cellular metabolism of 5-MTHF depends on the route of folate entry into the cell. 5-MTHF taken up via a non-FRα -mediated process is rapidly metabolized to folylpolyglutamates, whereas 5-MTHF that accumulates via FRα remains non-metabolized, supporting the hypothesis that FRα may be part of a pathway for transcellular movement of the vitamin. The proton-coupled folate transporter, proton-coupled folate transporter (PCFT), mRNA was also shown to be expressed in choroid plexus epithelial cells. This is consistent with the role we have proposed for proton-coupled folate transporter in FRα-mediated transport as the mechanism of export of folates from the endocytic compartment containing FRα.  相似文献   
Tuberization in potato ( Solanum tuberosum L.) is a developmental process that serves a double function, as a storage organ and as a vegetative propagation system. It is a multistep, complex process and the underlying mechanisms governing these overlapping steps are not fully understood. To understand the molecular basis of tuberization in potato, a comparative proteomic approach has been applied to monitor differentially expressed proteins at different development stages using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE). The differentially displayed proteomes revealed 219 protein spots that change their intensities more than 2.5-fold. The LC-ES-MS/MS analyses led to the identification of 97 differentially regulated proteins that include predicted and novel tuber-specific proteins. Nonhierarchical clustering revealed coexpression patterns of functionally similar proteins. The expression of reactive oxygen species catabolizing enzymes, viz., superoxide dismutase, ascorbate peroxidase and catalase, were induced by more than 2-fold indicating their possible role during the developmental transition from stolons into tubers. We demonstrate that nearly 100 proteins, some presumably associated with tuber cell differentiation, regulate diverse functions like protein biogenesis and storage, bioenergy and metabolism, and cell defense and rescue impinge on the complexity of tuber development in potato.  相似文献   
The insertion of viral DNA into the host chromosome is an essential step in the replication of HIV-1, and is carried out by an enzyme, HIV-1 integrase (IN). Since the latter has no human cellular counterpart, it is an attractive target for antiviral drug design. Several IN inhibitors having activities in the micromolar range have been reported to date. However, no clinically useful inhibitors have yet been developed. Recently reported diketo acids represent a novel and selective class of IN inhibitors. These are the only class which appear to selectively target integrase and two of the inhibitors, L-708,906 and L-731,988, are the most potent inhibitors of preintegration complexes described to date.The X-ray crystal structure of the IN catalytic domain complexed with a diketo acid derivative inhibitor, 5CITEP, has recently been determined. Although the structure is of great value as a platform for drug design, experimental data suggest that crystal packing effects influence the observed inhibitor position. This has been confirmed by computational docking studies using the latest version (3.0) of the AutoDock program, which has been shown to give results largely consistent with available experimental data. Using AutoDock 3.0 and SYBYL6.6 we have modeled the complexes of IN with the diketo acid inhibitors so as to identify the enzyme binding site. In the quest for novel, potent and selective small molecule inhibitors, we present here a new approach to peptide inhibitor design using a, b- unsaturated (dehydro) residues, which confer a unique conformation on a peptide sequence. Based on the above models, we selected a tetrapeptide sequence containing a dehydro-Phe residue, which was found to have an open conformation as ascertained from its X-ray crystal structure. Docking results on this peptide led us to propose a modification at the C-terminal end. The modified peptide was found to dock in a similar position as the diketo acid inhibitors and was predicted to have a comparable potency.  相似文献   
Cumin is an annual, aromatic, herbaceous, medicinal, spice plant, most widely used as a food additive and flavoring agent in different cuisines. The study is intended to comprehensively analyse physiological parameters, biochemical composition and metabolites under salinity stress. Seed germination index, rate of seed emergence, rate of seed germination, mean germination time, plant biomass, total chlorophyll and carotenoid contents decreased concomitantly with salinity. In contrast, total antioxidant activity, H2O2, proline and MDA contents increased concurrently with stress treatments. Total phenolic and flavonoid contents were decreased initially about 1.4-fold at 50 mM, and thereafter increased about 1.2-fold at 100 mM NaCl stress. Relative water content remained unchanged up to 50 mM NaCl stress, and thereafter decreased significantly. About 2.8-fold electrolyte leakage was found in 50 mM, which increases further 4-fold at 100 mM NaCl stress. Saturated fatty acids (FAs) increased gradually with salinity, whereas unsaturation index and degree of unsaturation change arbitrarily along with the percent quantity of unsaturated FAs. Total lipid and fatty acid composition were significantly influenced by salinity stress. A total of 45 differentially expressed metabolites were identified, including luteolin, salvianolic acid, kaempferol and quercetin, which are phenolic, flavonoid or alkaloids in nature and contain antioxidant activities. Additionally, metabolites with bioactivity such as anticancerous (docetaxel) and antimicrobial (megalomicin) properties were also identified. The study evidenced that plant shoots are a rich source of metabolites, essential amino acids, phenolic compounds and fatty acids, which unveil the medicinal potential of this plant, and also provide useful insight about metabolic responses under salinity stress.  相似文献   
Human gut microbiota (GM) includes a complex and dynamic population of microorganisms that are crucial for well-being and survival of the organism. It has been reported as diverse and relatively stable with shared core microbiota, including Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes as the major dominants. They are the key regulators of body homeostasis, involving both intestinal and extra-intestinal effects by influencing many physiological functions such as metabolism, maintenance of barrier homeostasis, inflammation and hematopoiesis. Any alteration in GM community structures not only trigger gut disorders but also influence other organs and cause associated diseases. In recent past, the GM has been defined as a ‘vital organ’ with its involvement with other organs; thus, establishing a link or a bi- or multidirectional communication axis between the organs via neural, endocrine, immune, humoral and metabolic pathways. Alterations in GM have been linked to several diseases known to humans; although the exact interaction mechanism between the gut and the organs is yet to be defined. In this review, the bidirectional relationship between the gut and the vital human organs was envisaged and discussed under several headings. Furthermore, several disease symptoms were also revisited to redefine the communication network between the gut microbes and the associated organs.  相似文献   
Multiple laboratory studies have evolved hosts against a nonevolving pathogen to address questions about evolution of immune responses. However, an ecologically more relevant scenario is one where hosts and pathogens can coevolve. Such coevolution between the antagonists, depending on the mutual selection pressure and additive variance in the respective populations, can potentially lead to a different pattern of evolution in the hosts compared to a situation where the host evolves against a nonevolving pathogen. In the present study, we used Drosophila melanogaster as the host and Pseudomonas entomophila as the pathogen. We let the host populations either evolve against a nonevolving pathogen or coevolve with the same pathogen. We found that the coevolving hosts on average evolved higher survivorship against the coevolving pathogen and ancestral (nonevolving) pathogen relative to the hosts evolving against a nonevolving pathogen. The coevolving pathogens evolved greater ability to induce host mortality even in nonlocal (novel) hosts compared to infection by an ancestral (nonevolving) pathogen. Thus, our results clearly show that the evolved traits in the host and the pathogen under coevolution can be different from one‐sided adaptation. In addition, our results also show that the coevolving host–pathogen interactions can involve certain general mechanisms in the pathogen, leading to increased mortality induction in nonlocal or novel hosts.  相似文献   
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