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The aim of this study was to assess and monitor airway exhalation and deposition of particulate matter (PM). After standardizing inspiratory/expiratory flow and volumes, a novel device was tested on a group of 20 volunteers and in a field study on workers exposed to cristobalite. Both male and female subjects showed a higher percentage of deposition in the 0.5?μm channel than in the 0.3?μm channel on a laser particle counter, but it was higher in the males because of their higher exhaled lung volumes. The device was tested on a wider range of particles (0.3–0.5–1.0–2.5?μm) in the cristobalite productive division. The device has low intrasubject variability and good reproducibility, with geometric mean of %CV?相似文献   
Calmodulin (CaM) modulates intracellular calcium signalling and acts on several metabolic pathways and gene expression regulation in many eukaryotic organisms including human fungal pathogens, such as Candida albicans and Histoplasma capsulatum. The temperature-dependent dimorphic fungus Paracoccidioides brasiliensis is the aetiological agent of paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM). The mycelium (M) to yeast (Y) transition has been shown to be essential for establishment of the infection, although the precise molecular mechanisms of dimorphism in P. brasiliensis are still unknown. In this work, several inhibitory drugs of the Ca(2+)/calmodulin signalling pathway were tested to verify the role of this pathway in the cellular differentiation process of P. brasiliensis. EGTA and the drugs calmidazolium (R24571), trifluoperazine (TFP), and W7 were able to inhibit the M-Y transition. We have cloned and characterized the calmodulin gene from P. brasiliensis, which comprises 924 nucleotides and five introns that are in a conserved position among calmodulin genes.  相似文献   
Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis of 35 Paracoccidioides brasiliensis isolates was carried out to evaluate the correlation of RAPD profiles with the virulence degree or the type of the clinical manifestations of human paracoccidioidomycosis. The dendrogram presented two main groups sharing 64% genetic similarity. Group A included two isolates from patients with chronic paracoccidioidomycosis; group B comprised the following isolates showing 65% similarity: two non-virulent, six attenuated, five virulent, eight from patients with chronic paracoccidioidomycosis and two from patients with acute paracoccidioidomycosis. The virulent Pb18 isolate and six attenuated or non-virulent samples derived from it were genetically indistinguishable (100% of similarity). Thus, in our study, RAPD patterns could not discriminate among 35 P. brasiliensis isolates according to their differences either in the degree of virulence or in the type of the clinical manifestation of this fungal infection.  相似文献   
Four strains of endophytic microorganisms isolated from carrot root were able to carry out the reduction of the carbonyl group with diverse degree of enantio-, and diasteroselectivity. Furthermore, biotransformation in the presence of bacterial inhibitor affects the stereochemical outcome of the reaction, and the concomitant addition of a yeast inhibitor results in a large decrease in the conversion percentage. These results indicate that endophytic microorganisms might be involved in the enantioselective reduction of ketones and ketoesters with fresh carrot root pieces.  相似文献   
Activation of the γ-class carbonic anhydrase (CAs, EC from the pathogenic bacterium Burkholderia pseudomallei (BpsγCA) with a series of natural and non-natural amino acids and aromatic/heterocyclic amines has been investigated. The best BpsγCA activators were d-His, l-DOPA, d-Trp, 4-amino-l-Phe, dopamine, 2-(2-aminoethyl)pyridine, 2-aminoethyl-piparazine/morpholine and l-adrenaline, which showed activation constants ranging between 9 and 86 nM. The least effective activators were l-His, l-Phe and 2-pyridyl-methylamine, with KAs in the range of 1.73–24.7 μM. As little is known about the role of γ-CAs in the lifecycle and virulence of this saprophytic bacterium, this study may shed some light on such phenomena. This is the first CA activation study of a γ-CA from a pathogenic bacterium, the only other such study being on the enzyme discovered in the archaeon Methanosarcina thermophila, Cam.  相似文献   
Yeast piD261/Bud32 and its homologues are present in eukaryotes and in archaea but not in bacteria and are believed to make up a primordial branch of the eukaryotic protein kinase superfamily. Here, we show that, at variance with the majority of Ser/Thr protein kinases which recognize phosphoacceptor sites specified by basic and/or proline residues, piD261 phosphorylates in vitro a number of acidic proteins and peptides, and it recognizes seryl residues specified by carboxylic side chains. These data suggest that recognition of acidic sites might have been a primordial trait of protein kinases, which was modified during evolution to cope with the increasing complexity of protein phosphorylation in eukaryotes.  相似文献   
Cutaneous mucormycosis is a rare opportunistic infection caused by zygomycetes that can be rapidly fatal if unrecognized. We describe the clinical, histopathological, fungal and molecular features of a case of gangrenous cutaneous mucormycosis. The patient presented with great necrosis on his right forearm at the site of detained intravenous cannula needle. He had type II diabetes and chronic renal insufficiency. KOH mount of black eschar showed many broad, aseptate fungal hyphae with right-angle branching. PAS staining of the tissue sample revealed similar broad hyphae in the dermis and cutis. Fungal culture and ITS sequence analysis identified this fungus as Rhizopus oryzae. As no organ involvement was detected, the patient was diagnosed with primary cutaneous mucormycosis. Considering the poor state of the patient, complete excision of the infectious tissue was performed without skin graft instead of amputation. At the same time, intravenous liposomal amphotericin B was given, starting from a small dosage and increased to a total dosage amount of 5.45 g. The wound recovered well with granulation. We emphasize that early recognition and prompt therapy including the control of the primary diseases were important. In this article, we also reviewed the features of primary cutaneous mucormycosis reported in China over the last 20 years.  相似文献   
Multigene transformation (MGT) is becoming routine in plant biotechnology as researchers seek to generate more complex and ambitious phenotypes in transgenic plants. Every nuclear transgene requires its own promoter, so when coordinated expression is required, the introduction of multiple genes leads inevitably to two opposing strategies: different promoters may be used for each transgene, or the same promoter may be used over and over again. In the former case, there may be a shortage of different promoters with matching activities, but repetitious promoter use may in some cases have a negative impact on transgene stability and expression. Using illustrative case studies, we discuss promoter deployment strategies in transgenic plants that increase the likelihood of successful and stable multiple transgene expression.  相似文献   
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