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Two cationic proteins, C1 and C3, were purified to homogeneity from the hemolytic fraction of the venom of Bunodosoma caissarum sea anemone. The purification processes employed gel filtration followed by ion exchange chromatography, being the purity and molecular mass confirmed by SDS-PAGE and mass spectrometry. Protein C1 represented the second major peak of the hemolytic fraction and was previously believed to be a cytolysin belonging to a new class of hemolysins. The C1 protein has a molecular mass of 15495 Da and was assayed for hemolysis, PLA2 activity and acute toxicity in crabs and mice, showing no activity in these assays. It has an amino terminal with no similarity to all known hemolysins and, therefore, should not be considered a toxin, being its function completely unknown. The protein C3 (19757 Da), that also lacks PLA2 activity, was recognized by antiserum against Eqt II and presented high hemolytic activity to human erythrocytes (ED50 of 0.270 microg/ml), being named Caissarolysin I (Bcs I). Its activity was inhibited by pre-incubation with sphingomyelin (SM) and also when in presence of erythrocytes pre-treated with the SMase P2, a phospholipase D from the brown spider Loxosceles intermedia, indicating that SM is the main target of Bcs I. Caissarolysin I is the first hemolysin purified from a sea anemone belonging to the genus Bunodosoma and belongs to the Actinoporin family of sea anemone hemolysins.  相似文献   
We have recently shown that the predominant hypertriglyceridemia in human apolipoprotein C1 (APOC1) transgenic mice is mainly explained by apoCI-mediated inhibition of the lipoprotein lipase (LPL)-dependent triglyceride (TG)-hydrolysis pathway. Since the very-low-density lipoprotein receptor (VLDLr) and apoCIII are potent modifiers of LPL activity, our current aim was to study whether the lipolysis-inhibiting action of apoCI would be dependent on the presence of the VLDLr and apoCIII in vivo. Hereto, we employed liver-specific expression of human apoCI by using a novel recombinant adenovirus (AdAPOC1). In wild-type mice, moderate apoCI expression leading to plasma human apoCI levels of 12-33 mg/dl dose-dependently and specifically increased plasma TG (up to 6.6-fold, P < 0.001), yielding the same hypertriglyceridemic phenotype as observed in human APOC1 transgenic mice. AdAPOC1 still increased plasma TG in vldlr(-/-) mice (4.1-fold, P < 0.001) and in apoc3(-/-) mice (6.8-fold, P < 0.001) that were also deficient for the low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDLr) and LDLr-related protein (LRP) or apoE, respectively. Thus, irrespective of receptor-mediated remnant clearance by the liver, liver-specific expression of human apoCI causes hypertriglyceridemia in the absence of the VLDLr and apoCIII. We conclude that apoCI is a powerful and direct inhibitor of LPL activity independent of the VLDLr and apoCIII.  相似文献   
Three phenolic glycosides 5-O-{[5′′-O-E-(4′′′-O-threo-guaiacylglycerol)-feruloyl]-β-apiofuranosyl-(1→2)-β-xylopyranosyl} gentisic acid, 5-O-[(5′′-O-vanilloyl)-β-apiofuranosyl-(1→2)-β-xylopyranosyl] gentisic acid and 1-O-[E-(4′′′-O-threo-guaiacylglycerol)-feruloyl]-3-O-β-galacturonopyranosyl glycerol were isolated and identified from the roots of Medicago truncatula together with four known 5-O-β-xylopyranosyl gentisic acid, vicenin-2, hovetrichoside C and pterosupin identified for the first time in this species. Structural elucidation was carried out on the basis of UV, mass, 1H and 13C NMR spectral data.  相似文献   
Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a monogenic disease due to mutations in the CFTR gene. Yet, variability in CF disease presentation is presumed to be affected by modifier genes, such as those recently demonstrated for the pulmonary aspect. Here, we conduct a modifier gene study for meconium ileus (MI), an intestinal obstruction that occurs in 16–20% of CF newborns, providing linkage and association results from large family and case–control samples. Linkage analysis of modifier traits is different than linkage analysis of primary traits on which a sample was ascertained. Here, we articulate a source of confounding unique to modifier gene studies and provide an example of how one might overcome the confounding in the context of linkage studies. Our linkage analysis provided evidence of a MI locus on chromosome 12p13.3, which was segregating in up to 80% of MI families with at least one affected offspring (HLOD = 2.9). Fine mapping of the 12p13.3 region in a large case–control sample of pancreatic insufficient Canadian CF patients with and without MI pointed to the involvement of ADIPOR2 in MI (p = 0.002). This marker was substantially out of Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium in the cases only, and provided evidence of a cohort effect. The association with rs9300298 in the ADIPOR2 gene at the 12p13.3 locus was replicated in an independent sample of CF families. A protective locus, using the phenotype of no-MI, mapped to 4q13.3 (HLOD = 3.19), with substantial heterogeneity. A candidate gene in the region, SLC4A4, provided preliminary evidence of association (p = 0.002), warranting further follow-up studies. Our linkage approach was used to direct our fine-mapping studies, which uncovered two potential modifier genes worthy of follow-up.  相似文献   
Abscisic acid (ABA) is a phytohormone regulating important functions in higher plants, notably responses to abiotic stress. Recently, chemical or physical stimulation of human granulocytes was shown to induce production and release of endogenous ABA, which activates specific cell functions. Here we provide evidence that ABA stimulates several functional activities of the murine microglial cell line N9 (NO and tumor necrosis factor-α production, cell migration) through the second messenger cyclic ADP-ribose and an increase of intracellular calcium. ABA production and release occur in N9 cells stimulated with bacterial lipopolysaccharide, phorbol myristate acetate, the chemoattractant peptide f-MLP, or β-amyloid, the primary plaque component in Alzheimer disease. Finally, ABA priming stimulates N9 cell migration toward β-amyloid. These results indicate that ABA is a pro-inflammatory hormone inducing autocrine microglial activation, potentially representing a new target for anti-inflammatory therapies aimed at limiting microglia-induced tissue damage in the central nervous system.Microglial cells are the monocyte/macrophage equivalent of the central nervous system and represent the first line of defense in the brain, by removing infectious agents and damaged cells (1). Microglia can also release a variety of trophic factors and cytokines able to regulate the communication between neuronal and other glial cells and can contribute to tissue repair and neuroprotection (24). Pathologic microglial activation, however, confers neurotoxic properties to these cells, thereby causing neuronal degeneration (5). Excessive activation of microglia, under conditions of chronic inflammation, can contribute to the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases, such as multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer and Parkinson diseases, by producing and releasing a number of potentially cytotoxic substances, including pro-inflammatory cytokines and NO (4, 68). Therefore, identification of the molecular mechanisms underlying microglial activation might lead to the development of new anti-inflammatory drugs for the treatment of these diseases.Abscisic acid (ABA)2 is a plant hormone regulating important biological functions in higher plants, including response to abiotic stress, control of stomatal closure, regulation of seed dormancy, and germination (9). Recently, ABA was shown to behave as an endogenous pro-inflammatory hormone in human granulocytes (10), stimulating several functional activities of these cells (migration, phagocytosis, reactive oxygen species, and NO production) through a signaling cascade that involves a protein kinase A-mediated ADP-ribosyl cyclase phosphorylation and consequent overproduction of the universal Ca2+ mobilizer cyclic ADP-ribose (cADPR) (11). This mechanism leads to an increase of the intracellular Ca2+ concentration, which is ultimately responsible for granulocyte activation (10).The facts that microglial cells play a defensive role in the central nervous system similar to that of granulocytes in other tissues and that cADPR has been described as the second messenger involved in the activation of microglia induced by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) (12) prompted us to investigate the effect of ABA in these cells.Indeed, exogenous ABA, at concentrations ranging from 250 nm to 20 μm, elicits functional activation of murine N9 cells, stimulating TNF-α release and cell migration through activation of the ADP-ribosyl cyclase CD38 and overproduction of cADPR. Moreover, N9 cells produce and release ABA when stimulated with LPS, amyloid β-peptide (βA), phorbol myristate acetate (PMA), or the chemoattractant peptide f-MLP. These results indicate that ABA behaves as an endogenous, pro-inflammatory hormone in murine microglia and provide a new target for future investigations into the role of this hormone in inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the central nervous system accompanied by microglial activation.  相似文献   
The anaerobic bacterium Finegoldia magna is part of the human commensal microbiota, but is also an important opportunistic pathogen. This bacterium expresses a subtilisin-like serine proteinase, SufA, which partially degrade the antibacterial chemokine MIG/CXCL9. Here, we show that MIG/CXCL9 is produced by human keratinocytes in response to inflammatory stimuli. In contrast to the virulent human pathogen Streptococcus pyogenes, the presence of F. magna had no enhancing effect on the MIG/CXCL9 expression by keratinocytes, suggesting poor detection of the latter by pathogen-recognition receptors. When MIG/CXCL9 was exposed to SufA-expressing F. magna, the molecule was processed into several smaller fragments. Analysis by mass spectrometry showed that SufA cleaves MIG/CXCL9 at several sites in the COOH-terminal region of the molecule. At equimolar concentrations, SufA-generated MIG/CXCL9 fragments were not bactericidal against F. magna, but retained their ability to kill S. pyogenes. Moreover, the SufA-generated MIG/CXCL9 fragments were capable of activating the angiostasis-mediating CXCR3 receptor, which is expressed on endothelial cells, in an order of magnitude similar to that of intact MIG/CXCL9. F. magna expresses a surface protein called FAF that is released from the bacterial surface by SufA. Soluble FAF was found to bind and inactivate the antibacterial activity of MIG/CXCL9, thereby further potentially promoting the survival of F. magna. The findings suggest that SufA modulation of the inflammatory response could be a mechanism playing an important role in creating an ecologic niche for F. magna, decreasing antibacterial activity and suppressing angiogenesis, thus providing advantage in survival for this anaerobic opportunist compared with competing pathogens during inflammation.The mucosal surfaces and skin of the human body are colonized by a large number of bacterial species constituting the normal microbiota. In contrast to pathogens, these commensals usually do not elicit any inflammatory responses in epithelial tissues of the healthy host (1). The Gram-positive coccus Finegoldia magna is part of the anaerobic normal microbiota associated with the skin (2), but it also inhabits the oro-pharynx, gastrointestinal, and urogenital tracts (3). During disturbed homeostasis, this bacterium becomes an important opportunistic pathogen; associated with several clinical conditions, such as soft tissue infections, wound infections, bone/joint infections, and vaginosis (35). Among anaerobic cocci of the normal microbiota, F. magna is the species most commonly isolated from clinical conditions (3).Recognition of bacteria and their products by cells residing in the submucosal tissues, for example dendritic cells, triggers an inflammatory response leading to production of host defense molecules, including chemokines. Chemokines comprise a large family of peptides that are key players in inflammation by regulating leukocyte trafficking and activation. They are divided into four groups, XC, CC, CXC, and CX3C, depending on the arrangement of conserved cysteine residues in their NH2 terminus (6). The CXC subfamily can be further divided into ELR-positive and ELR-negative respectively, based on the presence or absence of the sequence motif glutamic acid-leucine-arginine (ELR) NH2 terminal to the first cysteine. IFN-γ, a key cytokine produced during bacterial infection, induces expression of the ELR-negative CXC-chemokine MIG/CXCL9 (Monokine Induced by Gamma-interferon)3 (7). MIG/CXCL9 binds and activates a G-protein-coupled seven transmembrane receptor, CXCR3, which is present on eosinophils, activated T cells (CD8+), and NK cells (8). In addition to its ability to recruit and activate leukocytes, MIG/CXCL9 possesses angiostatic properties through activation of CXCR3 expressed on endothelial cells, and it also exerts potent antibacterial properties (911). Upon IFN-dependent inflammation, for example during bacterial infection, this chemokine is produced by epithelial cells and participates in activities of both innate and adaptive immunity (10, 1214).The finding that epithelial cells recognize important human pathogens, such as Streptococcus pyogenes, leading to an increased MIG/CXCL9 production (10, 12) raised the question whether an opportunistic pathogen like F. magna could be recognized in a similar fashion. In skin F. magna is localized to the epidermis where they adhere to basement membranes through an interaction with the basement membrane protein BM-40 (15). Binding to BM-40 is mediated by the surface protein FAF (F. magna adhesion factor) that is expressed by more than 90% of F. magna isolates (15). Bacteria, both commensals and pathogens, express proteases that are important both during colonization and invasion (16). In the case of F. magna, most strains express a subtilisin-like enzyme, SufA (Subtilase of Finegoldia magna), which is associated with the bacterial surface, but also secreted in substantial amounts during bacterial growth (17). Studies on the proteolytic activity of SufA demonstrated that the enzyme cleaves and inactivates antibacterial molecules like LL-37 and MIG/CXCL9 (17). Here, we show that MIG/CXCL9, produced by human keratinocytes in response to inflammatory stimuli, is degraded by SufA-expressing F. magna. The generated MIG/CXCL9 fragments are still able to activate the MIG/CXCL9 receptor, CXCR3 and kill S. pyogenes, while F. magna is left unaffected. This modulation of the MIG/CXCL9 activities promotes the survival of F. magna during inflammation.  相似文献   
The multicomponent nature of chemical cues and signals are not very well understood. One reason for the often found complexity of chemical blends might be that they provide multiple messages. Burying beetles which use vertebrate carcasses as food for their larvae and defend these carcasses against inter- and intraspecific competitors are able to recognise the sex and breeding status of conspecifics. Studies have shown that the chemical composition of cuticular lipids is correlated with sex and breeding status, but there is no definitive evidence that these chemicals function in recognition. In the present study, we performed behavioural bioassays to directly asses the role of chemical cues in the recognition system of the burying beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides . After finding a carcass, females were more tolerant of dead males than of females. The behaviour was reversed when a solvent extract from the opposite sex was applied. An earlier experiment had shown that females breeding on a carcass treat non-breeding males more aggressively than breeding ones. In the present study, we could trigger the same dichotomous behaviours by presenting a single elytron from a breeding and a non-breeding beetle. In an additional experiment, females tolerated the elytra of non-breeding beetles if we had first applied an extract from a breeding beetle to these elytra. Our study is the first behavioural proof that female burying beetles obtain multiple information from chemical cues.  相似文献   
鸟类鸣唱的功能通常是吸引配偶,对于建立繁殖隔离也是非常重要的。现有的研究认为鸟类鸣唱表演可能受到鸟类喙型变化的影响。达尔文鸣雀是一类用来验证喙型和鸣唱表演关系的模型物种,前人的研究认为较低的元音演奏与更大的喙相关。本文用在Floreana岛屿生活的达尔文小树雀(Camarhynchus parvulus)来验证喙型和元音演奏的关系。结果显示,喙型大小与元音演奏之间无相关性。这个发现与过去对小树雀中的研究结果相似,但却与达尔文鸣雀中更大体型的鸟类研究结果相反。讨论了研究结果在物种的生态分化和生态变异之间的前后关系。  相似文献   
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