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Circular RNAs (circRNAs) are a new class of RNAs, and many studies have identified thousands of circRNAs in tumor cells. Fibronectin type III domain-containing protein 3B (FNDC3B) circular RNA (circFNDC3B, circBase ID: hsa_circ_0006156) circularizes with exons 5 and 6. Gibson Assembly DNA technology was used to construct a circFNDC3B expression vector without a splice site and restriction enzyme site. We showed that circFNDC3B increased migration and invasion in gastric cancer (GC). Ectopic expression of circFNDC3B reduced the level of E-cadherin protein to promote the epithelial–mesenchymal transition in GC. RNA immunoprecipitation assays and RNA pull-down assays confirmed that circFNC3B increased CD44 expression, which was associated with cell adhesion, via the formation of a ternary complex of circFNDC3B-IGF2BP3-CD44 mRNA. These results indicated that circFNDC3B was associated with the degree of malignancy to highlight the specific characteristics of cell invasion.  相似文献   
Stem cells from apical papilla (SCAP) are a novel population of multipotent stem cells that, although similar to dental pulp stem cells, are a discrete source of dental stem cells. SCAP have potential roles in root development, apexogenesis, pulp/dentin regeneration, and bioroot engineering. However, procedures to store and preserve SCAP for future clinical applications have not been explored. In this study, we compared human freshly isolated SCAP (fSCAP) with cryopreserved SCAP (cSCAP) in terms of cell viability, colony‐forming efficiency, cell proliferation rate, multilineage differentiation potential, profiles of mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) markers, karyotype analysis, and immunological assays. cSCAP showed a similar viable cell ratio, colony‐forming efficiency, cell proliferation rate, multilineage differentiation potential, MSC surface markers, apoptotic rate, and G‐banded karyotype when compared to fSCAP. There was no significant difference between fSCAP and cSCAP with regard to immune properties. In addition, cSCAP of miniature pig possessed the similar proliferation rate, differentiation potential, and immunomodulatory function as seen in fSCAP. This study demonstrates that cryopreservation does not affect the biological and immunological properties of SCAP, supporting the feasibility of SCAP cryopreservation in nitrogen. J. Cell. Physiol. 223: 415–422, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Spotted Halibut (Verasper variegatus) is a commercially important marine fish species. In the present study, to isolate sex-specific markers in Spotted Halibut, we screened the genomes of Spotted Halibut by AFLP technique with 64 different primer combinations. Two primer combinations, MseI-CAG/EcoRI-ACC and MseI-CAT/EcoRI-AGG, produced a female-specific fragment in all females (n = 88) and in no males (n = 60, except 3 individuals), respectively. Both fragments were excised from the gel, cloned and characterized. The first fragment (named VevaF533) was 533 bp long, while the length of the second one (named VevaF218) was 218 bp. The two sequences showed no similarity to each other, and to the known sequences existing in the GenBank database using BLASTn. Cross-species amplification showed that the marker VevaF218 is a species-specific marker which is present in Spotted Halibut females but absent in Barfin Flounder (Verasper moseri). So this marker could be used for discriminating unambiguously between Spotted Halibut females and Barfin Flounder. Examination of the patterns of inheritance of VevaF218 in an interspecific hybrid family (V. variegatus ♂×V. moseri ♀) showed a female-specific pattern of inheritance from mother to daughter, implying that the marker VevaF218 is located on the female sex chromosome. This study provides a reliable AFLP-based genetic sexing of Spotted Halibut that could be useful for genetic mapping of the sex chromosomes and identification of sex-linked genes.  相似文献   
To estimate the bioleaching performance of chalcopyrite for various hydraulic residence times (HRTs), laboratory-scale bioleaching of chalcopyrite concentrate was carried out in a continuous bubble column reactor with three different HRTs of 120, 80 and 40 h, respectively. An extraction rate and ratio of 0.578 g Cu l−1 h−1 and 39.7%, respectively, were achieved for an HRT of 80 h at a solids concentration of 10% (w/v). Lower bioleaching performances than this were obtained for a longer HRT of 120 h and a shorter HRT of 40 h. In addition, there was obvious competition between Leptospirillum ferriphilum and Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans to oxidize ferrous iron, causing large compositional differences between the microbial communitys obtained for the different HRTs. Leptospirillum ferriphilum and Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans were found to be the dominant microbes for the longer HRT (120 h). Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans became the dominant species when the HRT was decreased. The proportion of Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans was comparatively constant in the microbial community throughout the three process stages.  相似文献   
为建立一套适合于牡丹试管苗茎基部蛋白的双向电泳技术,以便更好地利用蛋白质组技术研究牡丹试管苗不定根的发生机理,本研究比较了三种不同蛋白质提取方法对双向电泳结果的影响,并在蛋白质上样量方面进行了比较。结果表明,乙酸铵/甲醇酚提取法所得2-DE图谱的蛋白点很少,仅检测到45个,且较模糊,有明显的拖尾现象,分辨率很低;乙醇/乙醚丙酮法所得的蛋白点也较少(101个),较模糊,且横竖纹干扰较大;三氯乙酸/丙酮法所得蛋白点数较多,可检测到434个清晰的蛋白点,且形状规则,重复性好,适合后续分析,操作也较为简便。用三氯乙酸/丙酮法提取蛋白,采用800μg、1000μg和1200μg三个不同的上样量进行双向电泳,在上样量为1200μg时(IPGpH3~10,24cm),蛋白质在12%SDS-PAGE胶上得到了较好的分离,在2-DE图谱上可分辨出562个蛋白点。因此,三氯乙酸/丙酮法是较适合于牡丹试管苗茎基部蛋白质提取的方法,1200μg是较为合适的上样量。  相似文献   
The treatment of most patients with head and neck cancer includes ionizing radiation (IR). Salivary glands in the IR field suffer significant and irreversible damage, leading to considerable morbidity. Previously, we reported that adenoviral (Ad)-mediated transfer of the human aquaporin-1 (hAQP1) cDNA to rat [C. Delporte, B.C. O'Connell, X. He, H.E. Lancaster, A.C. O'Connell, P. Agre, B.J. Baum, Increased fluid secretion after adenoviral-mediated transfer of the aquaporin-1 cDNA to irradiated rat salivary glands. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U S A. 94 (1997) 3268-3273] and miniature pig [Z. Shan, J. Li, C. Zheng, X. Liu, Z. Fan, C. Zhang, C.M. Goldsmith, R.B. Wellner, B.J Baum, S. Wang. Increased fluid secretion after adenoviral-mediated transfer of the human aquaporin-1 cDNA to irradiated miniature pig parotid glands. Mol. Ther. 11 (2005) 444-451] salivary glands approximately 16 weeks following IR resulted in a dose-dependent increase in salivary flow to > or =80% control levels on day 3. A control Ad vector was without any significant effect on salivary flow. Additionally, after administration of Ad vectors to salivary glands, no significant lasting effects were observed in multiple measured clinical chemistry and hematology values. Taken together, the findings show that localized delivery of AdhAQP1 to IR-damaged salivary glands is useful in transiently increasing salivary secretion in both small and large animal models, without significant general adverse events. Based on these results, we are developing a clinical trial to test if the hAQP1 cDNA transfer strategy will be clinically effective in restoring salivary flow in patients with IR-induced parotid hypofunction.  相似文献   
Many of the deaths caused by tuberculosis (TB) in the world are due to wrong or late diagnosis. The World Health Organization (WHO) calls for better and cheaper TB tests method for this reason. In this paper, a new multi-channel series piezoelectric quartz crystal (MSPQC) sensor system was developed for rapid growth and detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It is an automatic continuous monitoring system. The system was used to detect TB based on the volatile metabolic products NH(3) and CO(2) during the growth of M. tuberculosis. The metabolic products, diffusing from the medium into the KOH absorbing solution, resulted in the conductance change of the absorbing solution detected by the MSPQC sensitively. The frequency shift versus time response curves were recorded by self-developed software. Frequency detection time (FDT) corresponding to -100Hz in frequency shift value was used as a parameter to quantitatively determine M. tuberculosis H37Ra (an avirulent strain). H37Ra and 40 strains clinic positive samples were detected by the proposed system successfully. As for H37Ra, the FDT had a linear relationship with the logarithm of its initial concentration in the range of 10(2)-10(7) colony forming units (cfu)ml(-1) (R=-0.998) and the detection limit was low to 10cfuml(-1). 4% NaOH solution that can kill contaminating microorganisms and make M. tuberculosis alive was used as pretreatment reagent to provide selectivity to this method. Comparative tests were also carried out by using BACTECtrade mark MGITtrade mark 960 and conventional Lowenstein-Jensen (L-J) slants. The results showed that the proposed system was quicker than BACTECtrade mark MGITtrade mark 960 and it is also cheaper and will be widely used in TB tests in the world.  相似文献   
Li S  Chen L  Wang C  Xia W 《Carbohydrate research》2008,343(17):3001-3004
An endo-chitosanase gene was cloned from Aspergillus sp. CJ22-326 and expressed in Escherichia coli. The purified protein showed an endo-chitosanase activity during viscosimetric assay and TLC analysis. The enzyme had higher chitosanolytic activity than previously reported fungal chitosanases.  相似文献   
根据野外样方调查数据,采用双向种指示分析(TWINSPAN)和典范对应分析(CCA),对珠穆朗玛峰国家级自然保护区小叶金露梅灌丛群落进行分类和排序,并分析物种多样性沿海拔梯度的分布格局。结果表明:(1)该区域24个样地中,记载的维管束植物共有23科45属80种,出现频度较高的种有小叶金露梅(Potentilla parvifolia)、高山嵩草(Kobresia pygmaea)、木根香青(Anaphalis xylorhiza)、垫状点地梅(Androsace tapete)、藏沙蒿(Artemisia wellbyi)、垫状雪灵芝(Arenaria pulvinata)和柴胡红景天(Rhodiola bupleuroides)等。(2)经TWINSPAN等级分类将该区域小叶金露梅灌丛24个样地划分为10个群丛类型。(3)样地和物种CCA二维排序结果表明,海拔和坡位是影响该区域小叶金露梅灌丛群落和物种分布格局的主要环境因子。(4)该区域小叶金露梅灌丛群落物种丰富度、Shannon-Wiener指数和Simpson指数均随海拔升高呈下降的趋势,而Pielou指数呈上升的趋势。(5)样地中优势种小叶金露梅的盖度和高度沿海拔梯度呈显著下降趋势。  相似文献   
Dorsal root ganglia (DRG) neurons spontaneously undergo neurite growth after nerve injury. MicroRNAs (miRNAs), as small, non-coding RNAs, negatively regulate gene expression in a variety of biological processes. The roles of miRNAs in the regulation of responses of DRG neurons to injury stimuli, however, are not fully understood. Here, microarray analysis was performed to profile the miRNAs in L4-L6 DRGs following rat sciatic nerve transection. The 26 known miRNAs were differentially expressed at 0, 1, 4, 7, 14 d post injury, and the potential targets of the miRNAs were involved in nerve regeneration, as analyzed by bioinformatics. Among the 26 miRNAs, microRNA-222 (miR-222) was our research focus because its increased expression promoted neurite outgrowth while it silencing by miR-222 inhibitor reduced neurite outgrowth. Knockdown experiments confirmed that phosphatase and tensin homolog deleted on chromosome 10 (PTEN), a major inhibitor of nerve regeneration, was a direct target of miR-222 in DRG neurons. In addition, we found that miR-222 might regulate the phosphorylation of cAMP response element binding protein (CREB) through PTEN, and c-Jun activation might enhance the miR-222 expression. Collectively, our data suggest that miR-222 could regulate neurite outgrowth from DRG neurons by targeting PTEN.  相似文献   
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