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Sindbis and vesicular stomatitis viruses were grown in a line (termed 15B) of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells that is deficient in a specific UDP-N-acetylglucosamine:glycoprotein N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase. Both viruses replicated normally in the cell line, but the glycoproteins of the released virus migrated faster on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels than did glycoproteins of virus grown in parent CHO cells. Digestion of the viral glycoproteins with Pronase followed by gel filtration demonstrated that the glycopeptides of Sindbis-15B virus were much smaller than the glycopeptides of Sindbis-CHO virus. In addition, Sindbis-15B viral glycopeptides but not Sindbis-CHO viral glycopeptides contained terminal α-mannose residues as shown by their susceptibility to α-mannosidase digestion. These findings demonstrate that the oligosaccharide units of the glycoproteins of vesicular stomatitis and Sindbis viruses are altered when the viruses are grown in 15B cells. We conclude that the N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase that is missing in 15B cells normally participates in the biosynthesis of the oligosaccharide units of the viral glycoproteins, and in the absence of this enzyme incomplete oligosaccharide chains are produced. Viruses released from 15B cells appear to retain full infectivity; Sindbis-15B virus, however, showed a significant decrease in hemagglutination titer compared with that of Sindbis-CHO virus.  相似文献   
Summary A peritrophic membrane (PM) has been demonstrated in the gut of feeding larvae, nymphs, and adults of the tick Ixodes dammini. This is the first report of a PM in ticks. This temporary structure divides the lumen of the gut into two compartments, an endoperitrophic space, the lumen proper, and an ectoperitrophic space located between the PM and the epithelial cells of the gut wall. The PM is a mechanical barrier and even such small particles as ribosomes derived from ingested reticulocytes are retained in the lumen proper; they are never found in the ectoperitrophic compartment. In Ixodes dammini fed on hamsters infected with Babesia microti some of the parasites are found in the ectoperitrophic space. This passage is accomplished by a highly specialized organelle, the arrowhead, which develops in some Babesia during their metamorphosis in the gut of the vector. The arrowhead, while passing through the PM, changes its fine structure and loses its internal organization as if releasing some of its contents. Its disintegration continues and it disappears shortly after the Babesia have entered the epithelial cells. Only Babesia equipped with the arrowhead structure are able to cross the PM. This is the first documented case of a parasite traversing a solidified PM.Supported by Research Grant AI-15886 from the United States Public Health ServiceIt is a great pleasure to acknowledge the excellent technical assistance of Mrs. Ellen Lanners. Special thanks are extended to Dr. Alex S. Raikhel for the courtesy of translating from Russian to English his Chapter 3, Intestine, from the book, An Atlas of Electron Microscopical Anatomy of Ixodid Ticks. We are indebted to Mrs. Liubov Lyandvert for the translation from Russian of selected other parts of the same book  相似文献   
The movement of bipartite geminiviruses such as squash leaf curl virus (SqLCV) requires the cooperative interaction of two essential virus-encoded movement proteins, BR1 and BL1. While the viral coat protein AR1 is not essential for systemic infection, genetic studies demonstrate that its presence masks the defective phenotype of certain BR1 missense mutants, thus suggesting that coat protein does interact with the viral movement pathway. To further examine the mechanism of this interaction, we have constructed alanine-scanning mutants of AR1 and studied them for the ability to mask the infectivity defects of appropriate BR1 mutants, for the ability to target to the nucleus and to bind viral single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) and multimerize, and for effects on the accumulation of replicated viral ssDNA. We identified a specific region of AR1 required for masking of appropriate BR1 mutants and showed that this same region of AR1 was also important for ssDNA binding and the accumulation of viral replicated ssDNA. This region of AR1 also overlapped that involved in multimerization of the coat protein. We also found that the accumulation in protoplasts of single-stranded forms of a recombinant plasmid that included the SqLCV replication origin but was too large to be encapsidated was dependent on the presence of AR1 but did not appear to require encapsidation. These findings extend our model for SqLCV movement, demonstrating that coat protein affects viral movement through its ability to induce the accumulation of replicated viral ssDNA genomes. They further suggested that encapsidation was not required for the AR1-dependent accumulation of viral ssDNA.  相似文献   
The ecological impacts of natural estrogens and xenoestrogens in treated wastewater include altered sexual development and sex ratios among continuously exposed organisms. The primary sources of estrogenic activity in wastewater are natural estrogens such as estrone, 17β-estradiol and estriol and synthetic compounds like 17α-ethinylestradiol, alkylphenols and alklphenol ethoxylates. Precursors in raw wastewater can yield estrogenic intermediates during wastewater treatment. All these compounds can be destroyed by biochemical processes, albeit at significantly different rates or under different conditions. That is, estrogenic compounds can be, but are not always, destroyed by conventional wastewater treatment processes, suggesting that conventional processes can be optimized for removal of estrogenic activity from wastewater. Sorption to sludges derived from wastewater treatment affects the fates of hydrophobic xenoestrogens such as nonylphenol, in part because the biodegradability of sorbed contaminants is limited. It may also be possible to tailor sludge stabilization processes to remove trace contaminants, including estrogens. For example, there are significant differences in the efficiencies of aerobic and anaerobic digestion for destruction of alkylphenols and probably other estrogenic compounds with aromatic moieties. Because advanced wastewater treatment is not economically feasible for most communities, there is ample incentive to develop accurate relationships between operational parameters and removal of estrogenic compounds during secondary wastewater treatment.  相似文献   
The reaction of N-acetylmethionine (N-AcMet) with the complex [Pt(Et(2)en)(D(2)O)(2)](2+) (Et(2)en=N,N-diethylethylenediamine) was studied by NMR spectroscopy and molecular mechanics calculations. Complexes containing two methionine residues coordinated to the platinum atom were calculated to be relatively high in energy unless the bulk of the methionine residues was directed away from the diethyl group of the Et(2)en ligand. In contrast, sulfur-oxygen chelates were found to be relatively free of steric clashes. Experimentally, two sets of NMR resonances were observed when [Pt(Et(2)en)(D(2)O)(2)](2+) was reacted with N-AcMet; variable temperature experiments indicated intermediate chemical exchange between the two sets of resonances. NMR studies indicated that the resonances corresponded to [Pt(Et(2)en)(N-AcMet-S,O)](+) complexes with the sulfur atom trans to the diethyl group of the Et(2)en ligand. No product with the sulfur atom cis to the diethyl group was observed experimentally even though molecular mechanics calculations suggested that such forms have few steric clashes. The NMR results suggested that the chemical exchange was a result of sulfur chirality inversion. In early stages of the reaction, a [Pt(Et(2)en)(N-AcMet-S)(D(2)O)](+) complex was observed, indicating that coordination of the oxygen to form the chelate is relatively slow.  相似文献   
DNA viruses can modulate the activity of cellular acetyltransferases to regulate virus gene expression and to affect cell cycle progression in order to support virus replication. A role for protein acetylation in regulating the nuclear export of the bipartite geminivirus DNA genome was recently suggested by the findings that the viral movement protein NSP, which shuttles the viral genome between the nucleus and the cytoplasm, interacts with a novel Arabidopsis acetyltransferase, AtNSI, and the increased expression of AtNSI enhances susceptibility to Cabbage leaf curl virus infection. To further investigate the interaction of NSP and AtNSI and to establish the importance of this interaction in virus infections, we used a reverse yeast two-hybrid selection and deletion analysis to identify NSP mutants that were impaired in their ability to bind AtNSI. These mutants identified a 38-amino-acid region of NSP, to which no function had so far been assigned, as being necessary for NSP-AtNSI interaction. Three NSP missense mutants were analyzed in detail and were found to be comparable to wild-type NSP in their levels of accumulation, nucleocytoplasmic shuttling, DNA binding, and cooperative interaction with the viral cell-to-cell movement protein MP. Despite this, Cabbage leaf curl virus that expressed each mutated NSP was defective in its ability to infect Arabidopsis, exhibiting lower levels of infectivity than the wild-type virus, and delayed systemic spread of the virus and attenuated disease symptoms. Our data demonstrate the importance of the interaction of NSP with AtNSI for virus infection and pathogenicity.  相似文献   
Experiments investigated a Pavlovian conditioning situation where the presence and absence of the stimulus are reversed temporally with respect to the presentation of a reward. Instead of a conditioned stimulus (e.g. odor) signaling the presence of a reward, the stimulus (e.g. odor) is present in the environment except just prior to the presence of the reward. Thus, the absence of the stimulus, or offset of the stimulus (e.g. absence of odor), serves as a conditioned stimulus and is the reward cue. Honey bees (Apis mellifera) were used as a model invertebrate system, and the proboscis‐conditioning paradigm was used as the test procedure. Using both simple Pavlovian conditioning and discrimination‐learning protocols, animals learned to associate the onset of an odor as conditioned stimuli when paired with a sucrose reward. They could also learn to associate the onset of a puff of air with a sucrose reward. However, bees could not associate the offset of an order stimulus with the presentation of a sucrose reward in either a simple conditioning or a discrimination‐learning situation. These results support the model that a very different cognitive architecture is used by invertebrates to deal with certain environmental situations, including signaled avoidance.  相似文献   
RNA viruses as vectors for the expression of heterologous proteins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
RNA viruses comprise a wide variety of infectious agents, some of which are the cause of disease in humans, animals, and plants. Recombinant DNA technology is now making it feasible to modify these genomes and engineer them to express heterologous proteins. Several different schemes are being employed that depend on the genome organization of the virus and on the strategy of replication of the particular virus. Several different examples are illustrated and potential uses as well as possible problems are discussed. In the future reverse genetics may convert some of these viruses from agents of disease to agents of cure.  相似文献   
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