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Because homosporous pteridophytes (Psilotophyta, Arthrophyta, most Microphyllophyta and Pteridophyta) produce bisexual gametophytes, it was maintained that high levels of inbreeding would characterize these plants. Electrophoretic evidence was used to estimate the frequency of intragametophytic selfing in Equisetum arvense (Arthrophyta). A total of 669 samples from 17 populations was examined from western North America. Although some populations exhibited as many as seven or eight genotypes, 10 populations were each characterized by only a single genotype; eight of these populations were heterozygous for one or more loci. For most populations, estimates of intragametophytic self-fertilization are 0.000, indicating that virtually all matings involve different gametophytes. Genetic data corroborate predictions based on earlier field and laboratory investigations of Equisetum gametophytes. These detailed studies demonstrated that in many species, including E. arvense, gametophytes are initially either male or female; only later and in the absence of fertilization do some gametophytes become bisexual. Our findings join a growing electrophoretic data base which demonstrates that homosporous pteridophytes are not highly inbreeding as previously suggested.  相似文献   
The genetic structure of two epiphytic species, Tillandsia ionantha and T. recurvata, was investigated using enzyme electrophoresis. Electrophoretic data suggest that T. ionantha and T. recurvata differ in breeding system, in agreement with predictions based on their strikingly different floral morphologies. Electrophoretic data suggest extremely high levels of inbreeding for T. recurvata, whereas Tillandsia ionantha exhibits characteristics of an outcrossing species. Values of P, H, and mean number of alleles per locus are much higher in T. ionantha than in T. recurvata. The mean value of FIS for T. ionantha is low (0.056), closely approaching expectations at Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. In contrast, the mean value of FIS in T. recurvata (1.000) indicates a complete absence of heterozygotes. The two species also differ in genetic structure. Low FST values for T. ionantha indicate little variation in allele frequencies among populations. In contrast, FST values are high for T. recurvata, suggesting substantial genetic heterogeneity among populations. In addition, the mean value of I is higher in T. ionantha (0.995) than in T. recurvata (0.931). Population genetic data are in agreement with the suggestion of Benzing (1978), who proposed that extreme epiphytes such as T. recurvata, would be characterized by increased autogamy ensuring high seed set. Due to high chromosome numbers in Bromeliaceae (most taxa have x = 25), the family has been considered polyploid. However, with the exception of an additional isozyme for PGM in T. recurvata, the two species are isozymically diploid.  相似文献   
Allium douglasii comprises four, allopatric varieties confined to the northwestern United States: var. columbianum, var. constrictum, var. douglasii, and var. nevii. Although no apparent karyotypic differences distinguish the four taxa, evidence from starch gel electrophoresis indicates that they are very distinct at genes coding for enzymes. The mean genetic identity for pairwise comparisons of populations of all four varieties is 0.84. This value is lower than identity values generally observed for subspecific taxa, and may be indicative of a long period of geographic separation and subsequent lack of gene flow among the varieties. However, a higher genetic identity of 0.93 was observed between var. constrictum and var. columbianum relative to other varietal comparisons. In addition, var. constrictum exhibited two biochemical autapomorphies: 1) loss of expression for the gene coding for Tpi-3, and 2) duplication or reactivation of an ADH gene. These data indicate that var. constrictum may be a recent derivative of var. columbianum. The distribution of genetic variation within and among populations of the putative progenitor/derivative pair also supports this hypothesis.  相似文献   
Myosin light-chain expression during avian muscle development   总被引:11,自引:7,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Monoclonal antibodies to adult chicken myosin light chains were generated and used to quantitate the types of myosin light-chain (MLC) isoforms expressed during development of the pectoralis major (PM), anterior latissimus dorsi (ALD), and medial adductor (MA) muscles of the chicken. These are muscles which, in the adult, are composed predominantly of fast, slow, and a mixture of fiber types, respectively. Three distinct phases of MLC expression characterized the development of the PM and MA muscles. The first identifiable pase occurred during the period of 5-7 d of incubation in ovo. Extracts of muscles from the pectoral region (which included the presumptive PM muscle) contained only fast MLC isoforms. This period of exclusive fast light-chain synthesis was followed by a phase (8- 12 d of incubation in ovo) in which coexpression of both fast and slow MLC isoforms was apparent in both PM and MA muscles. During the period, the composition of both fast and slow MLC isoforms in the PM and MA muscles was identical. Beginning at day 12 in ovo, the ALD was also subjected to immunochemical analyses. The proportion of fast and slow MLCs in this muscle at day 12 was similar to that present in the other muscles studied. The third development phase of MLC expression began at approximately 12 d of incubation in ovo and encompassed the transition in MLC composition to the isoform patterns incubation in ovo and encompassed the transition in MLC composition to the isoform patterns typical of adult muscle. During this period, the relative proportion of slow MLC rose in both the MA and ALD and fell in the PM. By day 16, the third fast light chain, LC(3f), was apparent in extracts of both the PM and MA. These results show that there is a developmental progression in the expression of MLC in the two avian muscles studied from day 5 in ovo; first, only fast MLCs are accumulated, then both fast and slow MLC isoforms are expressed. Only during the latter third of development in ovo is the final MLC isoform pattern characteristic of a particular muscle type expressed.  相似文献   
Abstract Breeding-system data have been available for a large number and diverse array of angio-sperms for a relatively long time. In contrast, breeding systems of ferns and their allies (pteridophytes) have only recently been examined, and breeding-system data from natural populations of sporophytes are still lacking for pteridophytes representing many life-history strategies. Few studies, for example, have examined breeding systems of tropical pteridophytes, and no breeding-system data are available for tree ferns. We therefore examined the breeding systems of three species of tree ferns from Costa Rica, Alsophila firma (Cyatheaceae), Cyathea stipularis (Cyatheaceae), and Lophosoria quadripinnata (Lophosoriaceae) using enzyme electro-phoresis. Genetic data were used to estimate intragametophytic self-fertilization and F , the fixation index. Analysis of genetic data indicates that the gametophytes of these three species predominantly cross-fertilize; all three species would be characterized as outcrossers. However, some population-to-population variation in breeding system was detected in all three species. Outcrossing also typifies a diverse array of temperate ferns. Thus, despite the potential for self-fertilization, outcrossing appears to characterize the majority of pteridophytes representing a variety of evolutionary lineages, life-history strategies, and environments.  相似文献   
Soltis DE  Soltis PS  Ranker TA  Ness BD 《Genetics》1989,121(4):819-826
Few studies of cpDNA have provided evolutionary and/or phylogenetic information at the intraspecific level. We analyzed restriction site variation using 19 endonucleases in 37 populations representing both diploid (2n = 14) and autotetraploid (2n = 28) Tolmiea menziesii. Seven restriction site mutations and five length mutations were observed. Although diploid and tetraploid Tolmiea have been intensively studied using nuclear markers, cpDNA variation provided additional evolutionary insights not revealed previously. The chloroplast genomes of diploid and tetraploid Tolmiea are as distinct as those of many pairs of congeneric species of angiosperms. Based on outgroup comparisons, the primitive chloroplast genome is present in tetraploid rather than diploid Tolmiea. These findings suggest that either: (1) diploid and tetraploid Tolmiea may have diverged since the origin of the autotetraploid, (2) the original diploid donor of the cytoplasm present in the tetraploid subsequently became extinct, or (3) the diploid was actually derived from the tetraploid via polyhaploidy. cpDNA variation also revealed that despite their close geographic proximity, diploid and tetraploid Tolmiea do not experience cytoplasmic gene flow. Last, three cytoplasmically distinct groups of diploid populations exist, two of which occupy distinct geographic areas. These findings demonstrate that, at least in some plant species, restriction fragment analysis of cpDNA can provide important evolutionary and phylogenetic information at low taxonomic levels.  相似文献   
Chrysosplenium (Saxifragaceae) consists of 57 species widely distributed in temperate and arctic regions of the Northern Hemisphere, with two species restricted to the southern part of South America. Species relationships within the genus are highly problematic. The genus has traditionally been divided into two groups, sometimes recognized as sections (Oppositifolia and Alternifolia), based on leaf arrangement, or, alternatively, into 17 series. Based on morphological features, Hara suggested that the genus originated in South America and then subsequently migrated to the Northern Hemisphere. We conducted phylogenetic analyses of DNA sequences of the chloroplast gene matK for species of Chrysosplenium to elucidate relationships, test Hara's biogeographic hypothesis for the genus, and examine chromosomal and gynoecial diversification. These analyses revealed that both sections Oppositifolia and Alternifolia are monophyletic and form two large sister clades. Hence, leaf arrangement is a good indicator of relationships within this genus. Hara's series Pilosa and Macrostemon are each also monophyletic; however, series Oppositifolia, Alternifolia, and Nepalensia are clearly not monophyletic. MacClade reconstructions suggest that the genus arose in Eastern Asia, rather than in South America, with several independent migration events from Asia to the New World. In one well-defined subclade, species from eastern and western North America form a discrete clade, with Old World species as their sister group, suggesting that the eastern and western North American taxa diverged following migration to that continent. The South American species forms a clade with species from eastern Asia; this disjunction may be the result of ancient long-distance dispersal. Character mapping demonstrated that gynoecial diversification is dynamic, with reversals from inferior to half-inferior ovaries, as well as to ovaries that appear superior. Chromosomal evolution also appears to be labile with several independent origins of n = 12 (from an original number of n = 11) and multiple episodes of aneuploidy.  相似文献   
Cotton‐top tamains (Saguinus oedipus) are a critically endangered primate found only in Colombia. Efforts to conserve this species are centered on developing effective management plans that integrate biological information regarding population dynamics and factors that influence their survival. This study documented infants born to wild cotton‐top tamarin females from 1994–2008 at two distinct field sites in northern Colombia. Our studies have shown that wild cotton‐top tamarins typically give birth to one litter each year and infant survival to 6 months of age was greater in the wild than has been reported in captive colonies. However, similar to reports from captive colonies, litter size of wild cotton‐top tamarins ranges from 1–3 infants, with twin litters most common. Here we report the first occurrence of triplet litters in nearly 20 years of observing wild cotton‐top tamarin groups. Over the first 3 months of life, wild‐born infants exhibited highest mortality during the first week of life, similar to reports from captive colonies. Infant survival in the wild also increases with successive litters as it does in captivity. However, inter‐birth interval, group size, and the number of adult males in the group did not appear to influence infant survival in the wild. The value of such long‐term data from field studies aids in the information that can be used to model future population trends and develop effective conservation plans for this critically endangered primate. Am. J. Primatol. 71:707–711, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
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