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In eukaryotes, mutations in a number of genes that affect DNA damage checkpoints or DNA replication also affect telomere length [Curr. Opin. Cell Biol. 13 (2001) 281]. Saccharomyces cerevisae strains with mutations in the TEL1 gene (encoding an ATM-like protein kinase) have very short telomeres, as do strains with mutations in XRS2, RAD50, or MRE11 (encoding members of a trimeric complex). Xrs2p and Mre11p are phosphorylated in a Tel1p-dependent manner in response to DNA damage [Genes Dev. 15 (2001) 2238; Mol. Cell 7 (2001) 1255]. We found that Xrs2p, but not Mre11p or Rad50p, is efficiently phosphorylated in vitro by immunopreciptated Tel1p. Strains with mutations eliminating all SQ and TQ motifs in Xrs2p (preferred targets of the ATM kinase family) had wild-type length telomeres and wild-type sensitivity to DNA damaging agents. We also showed that Rfa2p (a subunit of RPA) and the Dun1p checkpoint kinase, which are required for DNA damage repair and which are phosphorylated in response to DNA damage in vivo, are in vitro substrates of the Tel1p and Mec1p kinases. In addition, Dun1p substrates with no SQ or TQ motifs are phosphorylated by Mec1p in vitro very inefficiently, but retain most of their ability to be phosphorylated by Tel1p. We demonstrated that null alleles of DUN1 and certain mutant alleles of RFA2 result in short telomeres. As observed with Xrs2p, however, strains with mutations of DUN1 or RFA2 that eliminate SQ motifs have no effect on telomere length or DNA damage sensitivity.  相似文献   


Epilepsy is a neurological disorder, characterized by recurrent unprovoked seizures which have a high impact on the individual as well as on society as a whole. In addition to the economic burden, epilepsy imposes a substantial burden on the patients and their surroundings. Patients with uncontrolled epilepsy depend heavily on informal care and on health care professionals. About 30% of patients suffer from drug-resistant epilepsy. The ketogenic diet can be a treatment of last resort, especially for children. The beneficial effect of the ketogenic diet has been proven, but information is lacking about its cost-effectiveness. In the current study we will evaluate the (cost-) effectiveness of the ketogenic diet in children and adolescents with intractable epilepsy.  相似文献   
Neotropical genera of Cephenniini characterized by an additional leg ‘segment’ (‘trochantellus’) are revised, and the following new taxa are described: Shyri gen.n. , Shyri pichincha sp.n. (type species of Shyri) (Ecuador), Shyri perversus sp.n. (Ecuador), Shyri quitu sp.n. (Ecuador), Shyri microphthalmus sp.n. (Ecuador), Monstrophennium gen.n. (type species: Cephennium spinicolle Schaufuss), Furcodes gen.n. , Furcodes apicalis sp.n. (type species of Furcodes) (Mexico), Furcodes tutule sp.n. (Honduras), Paracephennium pumilio sp.n. (Costa Rica), Pseudocephennium iwokramanum sp.n. (Guyana), Pseudocephennium trilineatum sp.n. (Guyana), Pseudocephennium araguanum sp.n. (Venezuela), Pseudocephennium maximum sp.n. (Venezuela), Pseudocephennium peruvianum sp.n. (Peru), Pseudocephennium cochabambanum sp.n. (Bolivia), Pseudocephennium saramaccanum sp.n. (Suriname) and Pseudocephennium brokopondonum sp.n. (Suriname). Pseudocephennium spinicolle (Schaufuss) is transferred to Monstrophennium. Cladistic analysis of characters from adult morphology of all genera of Cephenniini and a large outgroup sample from Cyrtoscydmini, Eutheiini, Scydmaenini, Clidicini and Mastigini strongly supported the monophyly of Cephenniini. However, only the Cephennomicrus group comprising nine genera was strongly supported as a monophyletic clade, while only weak support was found for the previously suggested Cephennodes group and Cephennium group. Two alternative hypotheses concerning the phylogeny of Cephenniini are put forward and discussed: (i) the Cephennium group is sister to all remaining Cephenniini; or (ii) the Cephennomicrus group is sister to all remaining Cephenniini. The Neotropical genera with ‘trochantellus’ form a well‐supported clade derived from the ancestral lineage of the Cephennodes group.  相似文献   
Despite growing attention concerning therole of dissolved organic matter (DOM) inelement cycling of forest ecosystems, thecontrols of concentrations and fluxes of bothdissolved organic carbon (DOC) and nitrogen(DON) under field conditions in forest soilsremain only poorly understood. The goal ofthis project is to measure the concentrations and fluxes of DON, NH4 +, NO3 and DOC in bulkprecipitation, throughfall, forest floorleachates and soil solutions of a deciduousstand in the Steigerwald region (northernBavaria, Germany). The DOC and DONconcentrations and fluxes were highest inleachates originating from the Oa layer of theforest floor (73 mg C L–1, 2.3 mg NL–1 and about 200–350 kg C, 8–10 kg Nha–1 yr–1). They were observed to behighly variable over time and decreased in themineral topsoil (17 mg C L–1, 0.6 mg NL–1 and about 50–90 kg C, 2.0 to 2.4 kg Nha–1 yr–1). The annual variability ofDOC and DON concentrations and subsequentialDOC/DON ratios was substantial in allsolutions. The DOC and DON concentrations inthroughfall were positively correlated withtemperature. The DOC and DON concentrationsdid not show seasonality in the forest floorand mineral soil. Concentrations were notrelated to litterfall dynamics but didcorrespond in part to the input of DOC and DONfrom throughfall. The throughfall contributionto the overall element fluxes was higher forDON than for DOC. Concentrations and fluxes ofDON were significantly correlated to DOC inthroughfall and the Oi layer. However, thecorrelation was weak in Oa leachates. Inaddition, seasonal and annual variation ofDOC/DON ratios indicated different mechanismsand release rates from the forest floor forboth components. The concentrations of DOC andDON in forest floor leachates were in mostcases dependent neither on the pH value orionic strength of the solution, nor on thewater flux or temperature changes. As aconsequence, the DOC and DON fluxes from theforest floor into the mineral soil werelargely dependent on the water flux if annualand biweekly time scales are considered.  相似文献   
Rad51 and Rad54 proteins are important for the repair of double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) breaks by homologous recombination in eukaryotes. Rad51 assembles on single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) to form a helical nucleoprotein filament that performs homologous pairing with dsDNA; Rad54 stimulates this pairing substantially. Here, we demonstrate that Rad54 acts in concert with the mature Rad51-ssDNA filament. Enhancement of DNA pairing by Rad54 is greatest at an equimolar ratio relative to Rad51 within the filament. Reciprocally, the Rad51-ssDNA filament enhances both the dsDNA-dependent ATPase and the dsDNA unwinding activities of Rad54. We conclude that Rad54 participates in the DNA homology search as a component of the Rad51-nucleoprotein filament and that the filament delivers Rad54 to the dsDNA pairing locus, thereby linking the unwinding of potential target DNA with the homology search process.  相似文献   
Earlier studies have shown that thwarting of feeding behaviour in the laying hen is expressed through a specific vocalisation, the gakel-call. The first aim of this study was to investigate whether the effect of deprivation per se on the occurrence of gakel-calls can be distinguished from the effect of the additional frustration. Frustration is defined as the state of an animal that results from nonreward in the expectancy of reward. The second aim was to investigate whether the occurrence of gakel-calls is restricted to a food context or whether it can be regarded as an expression of frustration in general. For this purpose, 20 hens were deprived of food, water and dustbath. After deprivation at a fixed time, a cue was given and the hens were rewarded with access to food, water or dust during a 15-min session on 4 consecutive days. On the fifth day, they were thwarted in the associated behaviours by blocking the access to these commodities, after the hens had been presented the signal that previously preceded the reward. We then recorded behaviours that might reflect the state of frustration in three 15-min periods. The period "Pre-Frustration" started 15 min before "Frustration". This, in turn, was followed by the period "Post-frustration" in which the hens were rewarded again. Nesting behaviour was thwarted by blocking the access to the nest (Frustration) after a hen had reached the last stage of its prelaying behaviour.In the food, water and dustbath context, deprivation elicited gakel-calls. The additional frustration resulted in a higher number of gakel-calls in all contexts except the food context. However, together with the findings of previous experiments, the results of this study suggest that frustration, in general, is expressed through the gakel-call. Frustration in the nest context elicited more gakel-calls than the other contexts. This latter finding is discussed in the light of the occurrence of the gakel-call under natural circumstances.  相似文献   
An important distinction is frequently made between constitutively expressed housekeeping genes versus regulated genes. Although generally characterized by different DNA elements, chromatin architecture and cofactors, it is not known to what degree promoter classes strictly follow regulatability rules and which molecular mechanisms dictate such differences. We show that SAGA‐dominated/TATA‐box promoters are more responsive to changes in the amount of activator, even compared to TFIID/TATA‐like promoters that depend on the same activator Hsf1. Regulatability is therefore an inherent property of promoter class. Further analyses show that SAGA/TATA‐box promoters are more dynamic because TATA‐binding protein recruitment through SAGA is susceptible to removal by Mot1. In addition, the nucleosome configuration upon activator depletion shifts on SAGA/TATA‐box promoters and seems less amenable to preinitiation complex formation. The results explain the fundamental difference between housekeeping and regulatable genes, revealing an additional facet of combinatorial control: an activator can elicit a different response dependent on core promoter class.  相似文献   
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