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A checklist of the Orchidaceae of Timor is presented, with emphasis on the eastern half of the island (East Timor), based on historical herbarium collections and recent botanical explorations. This list comprises 38 genera with 66 species, including 15 new genera and 32 new species records for this island. Moreover, four new species are described: Bulbophyllum sundaicum , Habenaria ankylocentron , Habenaria cauda‐porcelli , and Pterostylis timorensis . Of these, we consider the finding of a new species of Pterostylis to be especially noteworthy, because this species seems to be more closely related to certain Australian members of the genus than to the Malesian ones, suggesting earlier contacts of Timor with Australia. Four new synonyms are proposed: Calanthe veratrifolia var. timorensis J.J.Sm. (C. triplicata), Habenaria cornuta Span. (H. giriensis), H. grandis Benth. ex Ridl. (Peristylus goodyeroides), and H. mutica Span. (H. elongata). The best represented genus is Habenaria, with 13 species, followed by Dendrobium with four, and Bulbophyllum with three. Because of insufficient or sterile material, it was not possible to identify, or describe as new, 20 different taxa. The conservation status of the ten endemic species, plus six possible new undescribed species and two non‐endemic, but threatened, species, was assessed using the World Conservation Union (IUCN) criteria, and categories of threat were proposed. Seven endemic species are considered to be Critically Endangered and two Endangered. One of the nonendemic species is considered to be Critically Endangered, and the other Endangered. The survival of some of these species might be less insecure if an effective application of Regulation project N.2000/19 on protected areas (UNTAET/REG/2000/19) was implemented and maintained, because most of these species were collected in areas considered for protection under this Regulation. Further studies are required, however, in order to complete our knowledge of the diversity and population dynamics of this interesting part of Timor's biodiversity. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 157 , 197–215.  相似文献   
The 15q11-q13 region is characterized by high instability, caused by the presence of several paralogous segmental duplications. Although most mechanisms dealing with cryptic deletions and amplifications have been at least partly characterized, little is known about the rare translocations involving this region. We characterized at the molecular level five unbalanced translocations, including a jumping one, having most of 15q transposed to the end of another chromosome, whereas the der(15)(pter->q11-q13) was missing. Imbalances were associated either with Prader-Willi or Angelman syndrome. Array-CGH demonstrated the absence of any copy number changes in the recipient chromosome in three cases, while one carried a cryptic terminal deletion and another a large terminal deletion, already diagnosed by classical cytogenetics. We cloned the breakpoint junctions in two cases, whereas cloning was impaired by complex regional genomic architecture and mosaicism in the others. Our results strongly indicate that some of our translocations originated through a prezygotic/postzygotic two-hit mechanism starting with the formation of an acentric 15qter->q1::q1->qter representing the reciprocal product of the inv dup(15) supernumerary marker chromosome. An embryo with such an acentric chromosome plus a normal chromosome 15 inherited from the other parent could survive only if partial trisomy 15 rescue would occur through elimination of part of the acentric chromosome, stabilization of the remaining portion with telomere capture, and formation of a derivative chromosome. All these events likely do not happen concurrently in a single cell but are rather the result of successive stabilization attempts occurring in different cells of which only the fittest will finally survive. Accordingly, jumping translocations might represent successful rescue attempts in different cells rather than transfer of the same 15q portion to different chromosomes. We also hypothesize that neocentromerization of the original acentric chromosome during early embryogenesis may be required to avoid its loss before cell survival is finally assured.  相似文献   
Summary Isolated lobules of freshly delivered human term placenta were (a) subjected to an indirect immunoelectron ultracryo method in which the immunoreactivity of endogenous Immunoglobulin-G (IgG) to rabbit anti-human IgG antibody was localized with protein-A-colloidal gold and (b) extracorporeally perfused and human IgG molecules complexed to horseradish peroxidase (HRP) added to the maternal perfusate and the uptake of IgG-HRP over different perfusion durations visualized ultrastructurally by using diaminobenzidine cytochemistry. Immunoreactivity to anti-human IgG antibody was localized all along the apical plasmalemma, in apical coated and uncoated vesicles, in apical and juxtanuclear multivesicular bodies, and in basal vesicles of the syncytiotrophoblast layer of the placenta. The stroma separating the syncytiotrophoblast from the foetal endothelium as well as vesicles within the endothelium were immunoreactive. No immunoreactivity was localized in paracellular clefts of endothelia. A similar distribution of exogenous IgG-HRP was observed for the perfused placentae. When bovine IgG-HRP or HRP alone were used as control tracers no uptake was seen for the former whilst the latter was observed only in early endosomal vesicles of the syncytiotrophoblast. The pattern of localization visualized in both studies is consistent with receptor-mediated uptake of IgG by the syncytiotrophoblast and a vesicular transport of IgG across the foetal endothelium.  相似文献   
We are investigating the relation between the force pulling a kinetochore poleward and the length of the corresponding kinetochore fiber. It was recognized by Ostergren in 1950 (Hereditas 36:1-19) that the metaphase position of a chromosome could be achieved by a balance of traction forces were proportional to the distance from kinetochore to pole. For the typical chromosome (i.e., a meiotic bivalent or mitotic chromosome) with a single kinetochore fiber extending to each pole, the resultant force (RF) would equal zero when the chromosome lay at the midpoint between the two poles. For special chromosomes that have unequal numbers of kinetochore fibers extending towards opposite poles. For special chromosomes that have unequal numbers of kinetochore fibers extending towards opposite poles. For special chromosomes that have unequal numbers of kinetochore fibers extending towards opposite poles, Ostergren’s proposal suggests that RF = 0 when the chromosome is shifted closer to the pole toward which the greater number of kinetochore fibers are pulling. We have measured the force-length relationship in living spindles by analyzing the metaphase positions of experimentally generated multivalent chromosomes having three or four kinetochore fibers. Multivalent chromosomes of varied configurations were generated by γ-irradiation of nymphs of the grasshopper melanoplus differentialis, and their behavior was analyzed in living first meiotic spermocytes. The lengths of kinetochore fibers were determined from time-lapse photographs by measuring the kinetochore-to-pole distances for fully congressed chromosomes just before the onset of anaphase. In our analysis, force (F) along a single kinetochore fiber is expressed by: F = kL(exp), where k is a length-independent proportionality constant, L represents the kinetochore fiber length, and exp is an unknown exponent. The RF on a chromosome is then given by: RF = σk(i)L(i)(exp), where kinetochore fiber lengths in opposite half- spindles are given opposite sign. If forces on a metaphase chromosome are at equilibrium (RF = 0), then for asymmetrical orientations of multivalents we can measure the individual kinetochore fiber lengths (L(i)) and solve for the exponent that yields a resultant force of zero. The value of the exponent relates how the magnitude of force along a kinetochore fiber varies with its length. For six trivalents and one naturally occurring quadrivalent we calculated an average value of exp = 1.06 +/- 0.18. This result is consistent with Ostergren’s hypothesis and indicates that the magnitude of poleward traction force along a kinetochore fiber is directly proportional to the length of the fiber. Our finding suggests that the balance of forces along a kinetochore fiber may be a major factor regulating the extent of kinetochore microtubule assembly.  相似文献   
Bacteria which attack petroleum hydrocarbons in a saline medium   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Bacterial strains were isolated from California coastal areas which showed the ability to oxidize normal paraffins, iso-paraffins, and aromatic hydrocarbons in a synthetic seawater medium. The ability to utilize a particular hydrocarbon was established not only on the basis of visible bacterial growth but also through a chromatographic technique which was standardized and which could define the amount of each hydrocarbon consumed by the bacteria in a mixture. Some of the strains exhibited vigorous hydrocarbon oxidation when exposed to synthetic mixtures of hydrocarbons as well as crude oil. Under conditions of aeration and agitation, mixed cultures could destroy approximately 50% of a South Louisiana crude oil in a period of 48 hr.  相似文献   
Megadromus guerinii, an endemic carabid beetle (Carabidae), is the most common carabid throughout its restricted range on Banks Peninsula, a formation of extinct volcanoes in Canterbury, New Zealand. This study characterises the small-scale phylogeographic patterns of M. guerinii across the formerly volcanically active Banks Peninsula using mitochondrial and ribosomal genes. Between the eastern and western areas of the peninsula, the mitochondrial, but not nuclear, DNA has a well-defined geographic distribution. Specifically, mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (CO1) identifies two distinct groups (> 6% divergence between eastern and western beetles) while ribosomal genes show no discernible pattern. Whether such a pattern represents male-biased dispersal, Wolbachia infection, a recent range expansion of a divergent lineage, or a deeper historic separation is explored. There is potential that male-biased dispersal could have occurred. Wolbachia infection was not detected. We conclude that historical processes have likely separated taxa in the eastern and western peninsula.  相似文献   
Summary Selected lobules of term human placenta were extracorporeally perfused and human immunoglobulin-G complexed to horseradish peroxidase (IgG-HRP) was added to the maternal perfusate. After different durations of perfusion IgG-HRP was visualised by use of diamino-benzidine cytochemistry. Within the first 10 min of perfusion IgG-HRP was found bound to microvilli and coated pits of the syncytiotrophoblast; internalisation into coated vesicles and tubulo-vesicular bodies was also observed. Subsequently, IgG-HRP was found in multivesicular bodies and by 30 min appeared in basal vesicles, the frequency of the latter event increasing with time. No routing of IgG-HRP into Golgi regions or lysosomes could be detected. By 60 min IgG-HRP was found in a few caveolae of fetal endothelium of both terminal and intermediate villi. IgG-HRP was not found in intercellular clefts of the endothelium. The pattern of uptake and routing observed suggests a receptor-mediated transcytosis of IgG-HRP across the syncytiotrophoblast and a transcellular pathway through the endothelium.  相似文献   
Nostoc commune Vaucher (a cyanobacterium) is a very conspicuous terrestrial primary producer in Victoria Land, continental Antarctica. Because polar ecosystems are considered to be especially sensitive to environmental changes, understanding the environmental constraints on net carbon (C) fixation by N. commune is necessary to determine the effects of environmental changes on the ecological functioning of ice‐free areas of the continent. A model describing net C fixation in terrestrial populations of N. commune in an Antarctic dry valley was constructed using field and laboratory measurements in which N. commune colonies were exposed to different combinations of incident irradiance (400–700 nm), temperature, and degree of desiccation. For desiccated N. commune mats with water content ≤ 30% saturation, net C fixation was highly variable between replicates and could not be modelled. However, for colonies at > 30% saturation, rates of net C fixation and dark respiration depended strongly on irradiance and temperature. Net C fixation reached a maximum rate of 21.6 μg C m− 2 s− 1 at irradiance of approximately 250 μmol m− 2 s− 1 and the optimum temperature of 20.5 °C. Agreement between predicted short‐term net C fixation and field and laboratory measurements allowed estimation of total seasonal fixation, using previously published environmental data. Annual net C fixation was estimated in the range 14.5–21.0 g C fixed m− 2Nostoc mat, depending on year/season. Estimates for different seasons correlated with thermal time (accumulated hours above 0 °C during the year) rather than irradiance, in contrast to communities in local lacustrine environments, where irradiance is the main driver of primary productivity. In the terrestrial habitat, N. commune appears to compromise between an ability to capitalize on short periods of higher temperature and efficient utilization of lower irradiance at low temperature. The relationship between thermal time and net annual C fixation by N. commune is strongly linear.  相似文献   
Hunting in Spain represents an imperfect market in which some hunters pay a price that is below what would be paid or they simply do not pay a market price. This article evidences the welfare that hunting activities provide to hunters in the forests of southern Spain. To do so, a contingent valuation survey of 557 hunters was conducted, and their maximum willingness to pay (WTP) to maintain their hunting activity over a hunting season was obtained. Bids were established according to the individual expenditure in the hunting market, thereby incorporating heterogeneity into the very design of the valuation exercise. The results show an additional WTP of 212 euros per hunter during the 2009–2010 hunting season, meaning 24% above their actual mean expenditure during that season. Likewise, the research shows how small game hunters are the ones who, in relative terms, would be willing to pay more for the hunting services.  相似文献   
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