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Sheep scrapie is a prototypical transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE), and the most widespread of these diseases. Experimental study of TSE infectious agents from sheep and other species essentially depends on bioassays in rodents. Transmission of natural sheep scrapie to conventional mice commonly requires one or two years. In an effort to develop laboratory models in which investigations on the sheep TSE agent would be facilitated, we have established mice and cell lines that were genetically engineered to express ovine PrP protein and examined their susceptibility to the infection. A series of transgenic mice lines (tgOv) expressing the high susceptibility allele (VRQ) of the ovine PrP gene from different constructs was expanded. Following intracerebral inoculation with natural scrapie isolates, all animals developed typical TSE neurological signs and accumulated abnormal PrP in their brain. The survival time in the highest expressing tgOv lines ranged from 2 to 7 months, depending on the isolate. It was inversely related to the brain PrP content, and essentially unchanged on further passaging. Ovine PrP transgene expression thus enhanced scrapie disease transmission from sheep to mice. Such tgOv mice may bring new opportunities for analysing the natural variation of scrapie strains and measuring infectivity. As no relevant cell culture models for agents of naturally-occurring TSE exist, we have explored various strategies in order to obtain stable cell lines that would propagate the sheep agent ex vivo without prior adaptation to rodent. In one otherwise refractory rabbit epithelial cell line, a regulable expression of ovine PrP was achieved and found to enable an efficient replication of the scrapie agent in inoculated cultures. Cells derived from sheep embryos or from tgOv mice were also used in an attempt to establish permissive cell lines derived from the nervous system. Cells engineered to express PrP proteins of a specified sequence may thus represent a promising strategy to further explore, at the cellular level, various aspects of TSE diseases.  相似文献   
The influence of dietary fatty acids on hepatic capacity of lipid synthesis and secretion was investigated in 7-week-old male turkeys. They were fed 10% of either lard (rich in saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids) or linseed oil (rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, especially 18:3n-3). Fattening was identical with both diets (0.15-0.20% of abdominal adipose tissue), but the proportion of muscle Pectoralis major was lower with linseed oil (6.6 vs. 7.4%). Specific activities of lipogenic enzymes (ME, G6PDH, ACX, and Delta9-desaturase) were not influenced by the diet, however, FAS activity was lower with linseed oil (14.3 vs. 25.4 nM NADPH fixed/min). Fasting concentrations of lipoproteins synthesized and secreted by the liver, VLDL and HDL, were also lower with linseed oil, as well as plasma concentrations of phospholipids and cholesteryl esters. However, when VLDL catabolism was inhibited by injection of an antiserum against LPL, VLDL concentration was identical in both groups (100-120 mg/l), whereas that of phospholipids and cholesteryl esters, that are transported by HDL mainly, remained lower with linseed oil. Thus, in the growing turkeys, and contrary to mammals and the chicken, feeding n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids did not decrease hepatic triglyceride synthesis and secretion, nor fattening. By contrast, in this species, n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids appear to influence mostly HDL metabolism, with a negative impact on muscular growth.  相似文献   
Analogs of substance P (H-RPKPQQFFGLM-NH(2)) incorporating a photoreactive para-benzoyl-l-phenylalanine (p-Bzl)Phe at position 4, 5, 6, 9, or 10 of the sequence have been synthesized and pharmacologically characterized previously as full NK-1 receptor agonists. In this study we show that all analogs, [BAPA(0), (p-Bzl)Phe(x), Met(O(2))(11)]SP also display high yields (40-70%) of NK-1 receptor photolabeling. To identify the site of photoinsertion in the receptor, covalent ligand/receptor complexes were digested with enzymes or chemically cleaved with cyanogen bromide and purified with streptavidin-coated magnetic beads before matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry analysis. Only the analog photoreactive at position 5 gave irreversible, reproducible, and unequivocal covalent linkage. Sequential digestions of the covalent complex, substance P analog photoreactive at position 5/NK-1 receptor, with trypsin, endo-GluC and carboxypeptidase Y, led to the identification of the tripeptide (173)TMP(175) in the second extracellular loop of the hNK-1 receptor as the site of photoinsertion. Reaction of cyanogen bromide on the pentapeptide TMPSR did not yield the expected cleavage on the carboxylic side of methionine. The high precision of mass spectrometry analysis on the mass measured led us to determine that C(gamma)H(2) of Met(174) was the site of covalent linkage of the photoreactive substance P analog. Such an insertion (photolinked ligand) on its C(gamma)H(2) renders methionine refractory to CNBr cleavage.  相似文献   
In the human, hepatic steatosis can be associated with an imbalance between synthesis, secretion and storage of hepatic lipids, and exhibits a genetic susceptibility. The effect of overfeeding on hepatic lipid channelling was investigated in two genotypes of ducks that differ in their susceptibility to fatty liver, i.e. the common duck, Anas platyrhynchos, and the Muscovy duck, Cairina moschata. Before overfeeeding, the Muscovy duck exhibited a lower subcutaneous adiposity and a higher muscular development, whereas hepatic composition was similar in both genotypes (>5% lipids and triglycerides accounting for 6–10% lipids). In the plasma lipoprotein profile, HDL predominated (5.5–7.8 g/l) over VLDL (0.09–0.25 g/l) and LDL (0.65–1.06 g/l). All lipid and lipoprotein concentrations were lower in the Muscovy duck. In response to overfeeding, the Muscovy duck exhibited a higher degree of hepatic steatosis (62 vs. 50% lipids), and a lower increase in adiposity and in the concentration of plasma triglycerides (6-fold vs. 10-fold) and VLDL (23-fold vs. 34-fold). Thus, certain genotypes may be more responsive to the dietary induction of fatty liver because of a less efficient channelling of hepatic lipids towards secretion into plasma and adipose storage, and the duck may represent a suitable model in which to study the development of hepatic steatosis and its pathogenesis.  相似文献   
The synthesis of monodispersed magnetic silica nanoparticles (MSN) is described using a water-in-oil reverse microemulsion system that does not require the use of co-surfactants. Sodium silicate, Tween 20 as a neutral surfactant and 1-butanol as the organic phase were used. There are several advantages of the proposed method including a saturation magnetization value of 10 emu/g for the particles obtained, uniformity of size and that they are easily functionalized to bind urease covalently. Moreover, the intra-day, inter-day and long-term stability results confirm that the procedure was successful and the enzyme-linked MSNs were stable over repeated uses and storage retaining more than 75 % activity after 4 months.  相似文献   


The Commission on Investing in Health published its report, GlobalHealth2035, in 2013, estimating an investment case for a grand convergence in health outcomes globally. In support of the drafting of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we estimate what the grand convergence investment case might achieve—and what investment would be required—by 2030.

Methods and Findings

Our projection focuses on a sub-set of low-income (LIC) or lower-middle-income countries (LMIC). We start with a country-based (bottom-up) analysis of the costs and impact of scaling up reproductive, maternal, and child health tools, and select HIV and malaria interventions. We then incorporate global (top-down) analyses of the costs and impacts of scaling up existing tools for tuberculosis, additional HIV interventions, the costs to strengthen health systems, and the costs and benefits from scaling up new health interventions over the time horizon of this forecast. These data are then allocated to individual countries to provide an aggregate projection of potential cost and impact at the country level. Finally, incremental costs of R&D for low-income economies and the costs of addressing NTDs are added to provide a global total cost estimate of the investment scenario.


Compared with a constant coverage scenario, there would be more than 60 million deaths averted in LIC and 70 million deaths averted in LMIC between 2016 and 2030. For the years 2015, 2020, 2025, and 2030, the incremental costs of convergence in LIC would be (US billion) $24.3, $21.8, $24.7, and $27, respectively; in LMIC, the incremental costs would be (US billion) $34.75, $38.9, $48.7, and $56.3, respectively.


Key health outcomes in low- and low-middle income countries can significantly converge with those of wealthier countries by 2030, and the notion of a “grand convergence” may serve as a unifying theme for health indicators in the SDGs.  相似文献   
Thirty one families with Alport syndrome including 3 families with associated syndromes were studied. The location of the COL4A5 gene, responsible for the Alport syndrome, was determined by linkage analysis with eight probes of the Xq arm and by a radiation hybrid panel. Concordant data indicated the localization of the Alport gene between DXS17 and DXS11. Four deletions and one single base mutation of the COL4A5 gene were detected. Homogeneity tests failed to show any evidence of genetic heterogeneity superimposed on clinical heterogeneity for ophthalmic signs and end-stage renal disease age.  相似文献   
This 15-year study aimed to determine the role of the main viruses responsible for acute infantile gastroenteritis cases in a day care center in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. From 1994 to 2008, 539 fecal samples were obtained from 23 outbreaks as well as sporadic cases that occurred in this period. The detection of Rotavirus group A (RVA), norovirus (NoV) and astrovirus (AstV) was investigated both by classical and molecular methods of viral detection. RVA was detected by enzymatic immune assay and/or polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and genotyped by using semi-nested multiplex PCR. NoV and AstV were subsequently tested by real time PCR in all RVA-negative samples and genotyped throughout genome sequencing. Three protocols for molecular characterization of NoV nucleotide sequencing were performed with the partial nucleotide sequencing of genomic regions known as region B (polymerase gen), C and D (capsid gen).Viruses were identified in 47.7% (257/539) of the cases, and the detection rates of RVA, NoV and AstV in16.1% (87/539), 33.4% (151/452), and 6.3% (19/301), respectively. Most gastroenteritis cases were reported in autumn and winter, although NoV presented a broader monthly distribution. Viruses' detection rates were significantly higher among children aged less than 24 months old, although NoV cases were detected in all age groups. RVA genotypes as G1P[8], G9P[8], G2P[4], G3P[8] and G1+G3P[8] and RVA was no longer detected after 2005. NoV characterization revealed genotypes variability circulating in the period as GI.2, GI.3, GI.8 GII.2, GII.3, GII.4, GII.4 variants 2001 and 2006b, GII.6, GII.7, GII.12 and GII.17. AstV genotypes 1, 2, 4 and 5 were also characterized. Those data demonstrate the impact of NoV infection in cases of infantile gastroenteritis, surpassing RVA infection responsible for high morbidity rate in children under five years old.  相似文献   
We present a comprehensive characterization of the nucleoside N-ribohydrolase (NRH) family in two model plants, Physcomitrella patens (PpNRH) and maize (Zea mays; ZmNRH), using in vitro and in planta approaches. We identified two NRH subclasses in the plant kingdom; one preferentially targets the purine ribosides inosine and xanthosine, while the other is more active toward uridine and xanthosine. Both subclasses can hydrolyze plant hormones such as cytokinin ribosides. We also solved the crystal structures of two purine NRHs, PpNRH1 and ZmNRH3. Structural analyses, site-directed mutagenesis experiments, and phylogenetic studies were conducted to identify the residues responsible for the observed differences in substrate specificity between the NRH isoforms. The presence of a tyrosine at position 249 (PpNRH1 numbering) confers high hydrolase activity for purine ribosides, while an aspartate residue in this position confers high activity for uridine. Bud formation is delayed by knocking out single NRH genes in P. patens, and under conditions of nitrogen shortage, PpNRH1-deficient plants cannot salvage adenosine-bound nitrogen. All PpNRH knockout plants display elevated levels of certain purine and pyrimidine ribosides and cytokinins that reflect the substrate preferences of the knocked out enzymes. NRH enzymes thus have functions in cytokinin conversion and activation as well as in purine and pyrimidine metabolism.Nucleoside hydrolases or nucleoside N-ribohydrolases (NRHs; EC 3.2.2.-) are glycosidases that catalyze the cleavage of the N-glycosidic bond in nucleosides to enable the recycling of the nucleobases and Rib (Fig. 1A). The process by which nucleosides and nucleobases are recycled is also known as salvaging and is a way of conserving energy, which would otherwise be needed for the de novo synthesis of purine- and pyrimidine-containing compounds. During the salvage, bases and nucleosides can be converted into nucleoside monophosphates by the action of phosphoribosyltransferases and nucleoside kinases, respectively, and further phosphorylated into nucleoside diphosphates and triphosphates (Moffatt et al., 2002; Zrenner et al., 2006; Fig. 1B). Uridine kinase and uracil phosphoribosyl transferase are key enzymes in the pyrimidine-salvaging pathway in plants (Mainguet et al., 2009; Chen and Thelen, 2011). Adenine phosphoribosyltransferase and adenosine kinase (ADK) are important in purine salvaging (Moffatt and Somerville, 1988; Moffatt et al., 2002), and their mutants cause reductions in fertility or sterility, changes in transmethylation, and the formation of abnormal cell walls. In addition, both enzymes were also reported to play roles in cytokinin metabolism (Moffatt et al., 1991, 2000; von Schwartzenberg et al., 1998; Schoor et al., 2011). Cytokinins (N6-substituted adenine derivatives) are plant hormones that regulate cell division and numerous developmental events (Mok and Mok, 2001; Sakakibara, 2006). Cytokinin ribosides are considered to be transport forms and have little or no activity.Open in a separate windowFigure 1.A, Scheme of the reactions catalyzed by plant NRHs when using purine (inosine), pyrimidine (uridine), and cytokinin (iPR) ribosides as the substrates. B, Simplified schematic overview of cytokinin, purine, and pyrimidine metabolism in plants. The diagram is adapted from the work of Stasolla et al. (2003) and Zrenner et al. (2006) with modifications. The metabolic components shown are as follows: 1, cytokinin nucleotide phosphoribohydrolase; 2, adenine phosphoribosyltransferase; 3, adenosine kinase; 4, 5′-nucleotidase; 5, adenosine phosphorylase; 6, purine/pyrimidine nucleoside ribohydrolase; 7, cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase; 8, AMP deaminase; 9, hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase; 10, inosine kinase; 11, inosine-guanosine phosphorylase; 12, IMP dehydrogenase; 13, xanthine dehydrogenase; 14, 5′-nucleotidase; 15, GMP synthase; 16, hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase; 17, guanosine deaminase; 18, guanine deaminase; 19, guanosine kinase; 20, uracil phosphoribosyltransferase; 21, uridine cytidine kinase; 22, pyrimidine 5′-nucleotidase; 23, cytidine deaminase; 24, adenosine/adenine deaminase. CK, Cytokinin; CKR, cytokinin riboside; CKRMP, cytokinin riboside monophosphate.NRHs are metalloproteins first identified and characterized in parasitic protozoa such as Trypanosoma, Crithidia, and Leishmania species that rely on the import and salvage of nucleotide derivatives. They have since been characterized in other organisms such as bacteria, yeast, and insects (Versées and Steyaert, 2003) but never in mammals (Parkin et al., 1991). They have been divided into four classes based on their substrate specificity: nonspecific NRHs, which hydrolyze inosine and uridine (IU-NRHs; Parkin et al., 1991; Shi et al., 1999); purine-specific inosine/adenosine/guanosine NRHs (Parkin, 1996); the 6-oxopurine-specific guanosine/inosine NRHs (Estupiñán and Schramm, 1994); and the pyrimidine nucleoside-specific cytidine/uridine NRHs (CU-NRHs; Giabbai and Degano, 2004). All NRHs exhibit a stringent specificity for the Rib moiety and differ in their preferences regarding the nature of the nucleobase. Crystal structures are available for empty NRH or in complex with inhibitors from Crithidia fasciculata (CfNRH; Degano et al., 1998), Leishmania major (LmNRH; Shi et al., 1999), and Trypanosoma vivax (TvNRH; Versées et al., 2001, 2002). The structures of two CU-NRHs from Escherichia coli, namely YeiK (Iovane et al., 2008) and YbeK (rihA; Muzzolini et al., 2006; Garau et al., 2010), are also available. NRHs are believed to catalyze N-glycosidic bond cleavage by a direct displacement mechanism. An Asp from a conserved motif acts as a general base and abstracts a proton from a catalytic water molecule, which then attacks the C1′ atom of the Rib moiety of the nucleoside. Kinetic isotope-effect studies on CfNRH (Horenstein et al., 1991) showed that the substrate’s hydrolysis proceeds via an oxocarbenium ion-like transition state and is preceded by protonation at the N7 atom of the purine ring, which lowers the electron density on the purine ring and destabilizes the N-glycosidic bond. A conserved active-site His is a likely candidate for this role in IU-NRHs and CU-NRHs. In the transition state, the C1′-N9 glycosidic bond is almost 2 Å long, with the C1′ atom being sp2 hybridized while the C3′ atom adopts an exo-conformation, and the whole ribosyl moiety carries a substantial positive charge (Horenstein et al., 1991).Several NRH enzymes have been identified in plants, including a uridine-specific NRH from mung bean (Phaseolus radiatus; Achar and Vaidyanathan, 1967), an inosine-specific NRH (EC and a guanosine-inosine-specific NRH, both from yellow lupine (Lupinus luteus; Guranowski, 1982; Szuwart et al., 2006), and an adenosine-specific NRH (EC from coffee (Coffea arabica), barley (Hordeum vulgare), and wheat (Triticum aestivum; Guranowski and Schneider, 1977; Chen and Kristopeit, 1981; Campos et al., 2005). However, their amino acid sequences have not been reported so far. A detailed study of the NRH gene family from Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) has recently been reported (Jung et al., 2009, 2011). The AtNRH1 enzyme exhibits highest hydrolase activity toward uridine and xanthosine. It can also hydrolyze the cytokinin riboside N6-(2-isopentenyl)adenosine (iPR), which suggests that it may also play a role in cytokinin homeostasis. However, Riegler et al. (2011) analyzed the phenotypes of homozygous nrh1 and nrh2 single mutants along with the homozygous double mutants and concluded that AtNRHs are probably unimportant in cytokinin metabolism.Here, we identify and characterize plant IU-NRHs from two different model organisms, Physcomitrella patens and maize (Zea mays), combining structural, enzymatic, and in planta functional approaches. The moss P. patens was chosen to represent the bryophytes, which can be regarded as being evolutionarily basal terrestrial plants, and is suitable for use in developmental and metabolic studies (Cove et al., 2006; von Schwartzenberg, 2009), while maize is an important model system for cereal crops. We report the crystal structures of NRH enzymes from the two plant species, PpNRH1 and ZmNRH3. Based on these structures, we performed site-directed mutagenesis experiments and kinetic analyses of point mutants of PpNRH1 in order to identify key residues involved in nucleobase interactions and catalysis. To analyze the physiological role of the PpNRHs, single knockout mutants were generated. NRH deficiency caused significant changes in the levels of purine, pyrimidine, and cytokinin metabolites relative to those seen in the wild type, illustrating the importance of these enzymes in nucleoside and cytokinin metabolism.  相似文献   
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