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Antigen binding to the B cell receptors (BCRs) induces BCR clustering, phosphorylation of BCRs by the Src family kinase Lyn, initiation of signaling, and formation of an immune synapse. We investigated B cells as they first encountered antigen on a membrane using live cell high resolution total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy in conjunction with fluorescence resonance energy transfer. Newly formed BCR microclusters perturb the local membrane microenvironment, leading to association with a lipid raft probe. This early event is BCR intrinsic and independent of BCR signaling. Association of BCR microclusters with membrane-tethered Lyn depends on Lyn activity and persists as microclusters accumulate and form an immune synapse. Membrane perturbation and BCR-Lyn association correlate both temporally and spatially with the transition of microclustered BCRs from a "closed" to an "open" active signaling conformation. Visualization and analysis of the earliest events in BCR signaling highlight the importance of the membrane microenvironment for formation of BCR-Lyn complexes and the B cell immune synapse.  相似文献   
We investigated the physiological and biochemical bases for salt tolerance in two rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars — relatively salt-tolerant ‘Dongjin’ and salt-sensitive ‘Kumnam’. Salinized hydroponic cultures were studied at the germination and seedling stages. NaCI inhibited germination more severely in ‘Kumnam’ than in ‘Dongjin’. Increasing the salt concentration also deterred growth to a larger extent in the former. Moreover, the leaves of ‘Kumnam’ exhibited greater increases in lipid peroxidation and Na+ accumulation than those of ‘Dongjin’ under stress. The activities of constitutive and salt-induced superoxide dismutase (SOD, EC and ascorbate peroxidase (AP, EC were also higher in ‘Kumnam’, while only catalase (CAT, EC activity was slightly higher in stressed plants of ‘Dongjin’. The positive correlation between leaf proline levels and NaCI concentration was more evident in ‘Kumnam’. However, ‘Dongjin’ seeds, which had higher germinability in the presence of NaCI, also contained more proline. These results suggest that the higher salt tolerance in ‘Dongjin’ seedlings could be ascribed to their lower NaCI accumulations in the leaves. This presumably is due to reductions in the uptake or transport rates of saline ions to the shoots from the roots. Finally, we believe that the higher germination rate by ‘Dongjin’ is caused by its higher seed proline content.  相似文献   
Antimicrobial activity of the 18 prenylated flavonoids, which were purified from five different medicinal plants, was evaluated by determination of MIC using the broth microdilution methods against four bacterial and two fungal microorganisms (Candida albicans, Saccaromyces cerevisiae, Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhimurium, Staphylococcus epidermis and S. aureus). Papyriflavonol A, kuraridin, sophoraflavanone D and sophoraisoflavanone A exhibited a good antifungal activity with strong antibacterial activity. Kuwanon C, mulberrofuran G, albanol B, kenusanone A and sophoraflavanone G showed strong antibacterial activity with 5–30 μg/ml of MICs. Morusin, sanggenon B and D, kazinol B, kurarinone, kenusanone C and isosophoranone were effective to only gram positive bacteria, and broussochalcone A was effective to C. albicans. IC50 values of papyriflavonol A, kuraridin, sophoraflavanone D, sophoraisoflavanone A and broussochalcone A in HepG2 cells were 20.9, 37.8, 39.1, 22.1, and 22.0 μg/ml, respectively. These results support the use of prenylated flavonoids in Asian traditional medicine to treat microbial infection and indicate a high potential for prenylated flavonoids as antimicrobial agents as well as anti-inflammatory agents.  相似文献   
Immature double-positive thymocytes are sensitive to glucocorticoid (GC)-induced apoptosis, whereas mature single-positive T cells are relatively resistant. Thymocytes seem to acquire resistance to GCs during differentiation into mature single-positive thymocytes. However, detailed knowledge concerning what determines the sensitivity of thymocytes to GCs and how GC sensitivity is regulated in thymocytes during development is lacking. We have previously reported that the murine SRG3 gene (for SWI3-related gene) is required for GC-induced apoptosis in a thymoma cell line. Herein, we provide results suggesting that the expression level of SRG3 protein determines the GC sensitivity of T cells in mice. SRG3 associates with the GC receptor in the thymus, but rarely in the periphery. Transgenic overexpression of the SRG3 protein in peripheral T cells induces the formation of the complex and renders the cells sensitive to GC-induced apoptosis. Our results also show that blocking the formation of the SRG3-GC receptor complex with a dominant negative mutant form of SRG3 decreases GC sensitivity in thymoma cells. In addition, mice overexpressing the SRG3 protein appear to be much more susceptible to stress-induced deletion of peripheral T cells than normal mice, which may result in an immunosuppressive state in an animal.  相似文献   
Hirudin is a potent thrombin inhibitor originally derived from the medicinal leech, Hirudo medicinalis. Owing to its high affinity and specificity for thrombin, hirudin has been intensively investigated for research and therapeutic purposes. The investigation of hirudin has contributed greatly to the understanding of the mode of action of thrombin and the clotting system. Hirudin and several hirudin analogues have also been demonstrated to have several advantages as a highly specific anticoagulant over the most widely used drug, heparin. Due to the great demand for hirudin in physicochemical and clinical studies, various recombinant systems have been developed, using bacteria, yeasts, and higher eukaryotes, to obtain the biologically active hirudin in significant quantities. After 10 years of clinical applications, two recombinant hirudins and a hirudin analogue have gained marketing approval from the United States Food and Drug Administration, for several applications. Clinical trials are currently ongoing for other treatments for thrombotic disease. As a consequence, it is conceivable that hirudin may expand its therapeutic utility over heparin in the near future.  相似文献   
Sohn  C. H. 《Journal of phycology》2003,39(S1):53-54
In the recent years, there has been increasing demand of nutritive and health foods in Korea. Species diversification is needed in order for seaweed aquaculture to take advantage of these expanding markets. With this in mind, the cultivation of Capsosiphon fulvescens and Costaria costata , was successfully developed. Capsosiphon fulvescens is a filamentous chlorophycean alga growing in the upper littoral regions of the rocky-shore. It has been used as food in the form of soup with oysters along the Southwestern Coast of Korea. After the development of artificial ¡ seed¡± production (control of light, photoperiod and temperature of parthogenetic gametes), pilot scale, and then large scale, cultivation techniques were established for mass culture of this species. In 2001, the retail price was about $6.2/kg fresh wt with a total production of 770 ton. Costaria costata , a phaeophycean alga, was initially cultivated along the Eastern Coast of Korea. It has now been transplanted successfully to culture grounds along the Southern Coast. The cultivation techniques are very similar to Undaria and Laminaria, ie. long line techniques. It¡¯price is about $1.7/kg fresh wt with total production of 2,000 ton. An overview of these new maricultures technologies that have lead to the successful expansion of the seaweed industry in Korea will be presented.  相似文献   
Kim  K.Y.  Cho  Y.S.  Sohn  B.K.  Park  R.D.  Shim  J.H.  Jung  S.J.  Kim  Y.W.  Seong  K.Y. 《Plant and Soil》2002,238(2):267-272
Growth response of hot pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) inoculated with the arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungus, Glomus intraradices Schenck and Smith was evaluated in a greenhouse study. Three treatments in a soil-based medium amended with rock phosphate were: (1) control (CON), (2) inoculation of G. intraradices as a freshly prepared soil mixture of spores, hyphae and colonized roots of Sorghum vulgare (FM), and (3) inoculation of the fungus as cold-stored mixed inoculum (CM). Colonization at 14 weeks after inoculation with CM was 42.5%, but was significantly lower with FM (14.5%). Inoculation with G. intraradices as FM and CM increased growth of pepper, and total phosphorus and nitrogen uptake in shoots and roots compared with the CON treatment. Inoculation with CM resulted in significant increases in plant dry weight and chlorophyll concentration compared to the FM and CON treatments. Acid phosphatase activity in the rhizosphere was generally increased by AM fungal treatments. Highest acid phosphatase activity occurred at 14 weeks after inoculation with CM. Alkaline phosphatase activity in the CM treatment was significantly higher compared to that in CON and FM treatments throughout the growth period. Thus, cold storage of mixed inoculum enhanced colonization and growth-promoting activity of G. intraradices compared to freshly prepared inoculum.  相似文献   
Despite its small size, profilin is an amazingly diverse and sophisticated protein whose precise role in cells continues to elude the understanding of researchers 15 years after its discovery. Its ubiquity, abundance and necessity for life in more evolved organisms certainly speaks for its exterme importance in cell function. So far, three ligands for profilin have been well-characterized in vitro: actin monomers, membrane polyphosphoinositides and poly-L-proline. In the years following its discovery, profilin's role in vivo progressed from that of a simple actin-binding protein which inhibits actin polymerization, to one which, as an important regulator of the cytoskeleton, can even promote actin polymerization under the appropriate circumstances. In addition, interactions with components of the phosphatidylinositol cycle and the RAS pathway in yeast implicate profilin as an important link through which the actin cytoskeleton is able to communicate with major signaling pathways.  相似文献   
We have discussed the possible hydrogen bonding mode of adenine-uracil base dimers and peptide side chains, together with their characteristic effects on the stability of adenine-uracil base pairing in chloroform solution by using proton nuclear magnetic resonance methods, where acetamide and butyric acid were used as a model of residues of glutamine and glutamic acid, respectively, and were added to an adenine-uracil equimolar mixture. The stability of base pairing was affected significantly when the model compounds approached the adenine-uracil base pairs; that is, the Hoogsteen type was destroyed, while the Watson-Crick type was formed more favorably.  相似文献   
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