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Salinity represents a major abiotic stress factor that can adversely limit the production, quality and geographical distribution of crops. In this study we focused on dedifferentiated calli with fundamental cell functions, the salt tolerance of which had not been previously examined. The experimental approach was based on activation tagging without regeneration of plants for the identification of salt-tolerant mutants of Arabidopsis. Among 62,000 transformed calli that were screened, 18 potential mutants resistant to 150 mM NaCl were obtained. Thermal asymmetric interlaced (TAIL)-PCR was performed to determine the location of T-DNA integration in the genome. In one line, referred to as salt tolerant callus 1 (stc1), expression of a gene [At4g39800: myo-inositol-1-P-synthase 1 (MIPS1)] was considerably enhanced in calli. Plants regenerated from calli showed tolerance to salt in germination and subsequent growth. Retransformation of wild-type Arabidopsis with MIPS1 conferred salt tolerance, indicating that MIPS1 is the causal gene. The over-expression of MIPS1 increased the content of total inositol. The involvement of MIPS1 in salt tolerance through the fundamental cell growth has been proved in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   


Travel overseas has recently been considered a risk factor for colonization with drug-resistant bacteria. The purpose of this study was to establish the epidemiology and risk factors associated with the acquisition of drug-resistant bacteria by Japanese travelers.


Between October 2011 and September 2012, we screened the stools of 68 Japanese returning travelers for extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL) producing Escherichia coli. All specimens were sampled for clinical reasons. Based on the results, the participants were divided into an ESBL-producing E. coli positive group (18 cases; 26%) and an ESBL-producing E. coli negative group (50 cases; 74%), and a case-control study was performed. Microbiological analyses of ESBL-producing strains, including susceptibility tests, screening tests for metallo-β-lactamase, polymerase chain reaction amplification and sequencing of bla CTX-M genes, multilocus sequence typing, and whole genome sequencing, were also conducted.


In a univariate comparison, travel to India was a risk factor (Odds Ratio 13.6, 95% Confidence Interval 3.0–75.0, p<0.0001). There were no statistical differences in the characteristics of the travel, such as backpacking, purpose of travel, interval between travel return and sampling stool, and duration of travel. Although 10 of 13 analyzed strains (77%) produced CTX-M-15, no ST131 clone was detected.


We must be aware of the possibilities of acquiring ESBL-producing E. coli during travel in order to prevent the spread of these bacteria not only in Japan but globally.  相似文献   
After repeated exposures to two successive audiovisual stimuli presented in one frequent order, participants eventually perceive a pair separated by some lag time in the same order as occurring simultaneously (lag adaptation). In contrast, we previously found that perceptual changes occurred in the opposite direction in response to tactile stimuli, conforming to bayesian integration theory (bayesian calibration). We further showed, in theory, that the effect of bayesian calibration cannot be observed when the lag adaptation was fully operational. This led to the hypothesis that bayesian calibration affects judgments regarding the order of audiovisual stimuli, but that this effect is concealed behind the lag adaptation mechanism. In the present study, we showed that lag adaptation is pitch-insensitive using two sounds at 1046 and 1480 Hz. This enabled us to cancel lag adaptation by associating one pitch with sound-first stimuli and the other with light-first stimuli. When we presented each type of stimulus (high- or low-tone) in a different block, the point of simultaneity shifted to "sound-first" for the pitch associated with sound-first stimuli, and to "light-first" for the pitch associated with light-first stimuli. These results are consistent with lag adaptation. In contrast, when we delivered each type of stimulus in a randomized order, the point of simultaneity shifted to "light-first" for the pitch associated with sound-first stimuli, and to "sound-first" for the pitch associated with light-first stimuli. The results clearly show that bayesian calibration is pitch-specific and is at work behind pitch-insensitive lag adaptation during temporal order judgment of audiovisual stimuli.  相似文献   
Valosin containing protein (VCP) mutations are the cause of hereditary inclusion body myopathy, Paget''s disease of bone, frontotemporal dementia (IBMPFD). VCP gene mutations have also been linked to 2% of isolated familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). VCP is at the intersection of disrupted ubiquitin proteasome and autophagy pathways, mechanisms responsible for the intracellular protein degradation and abnormal pathology seen in muscle, brain and spinal cord. We have developed the homozygous knock-in VCP mouse (VCPR155H/R155H) model carrying the common R155H mutations, which develops many clinical features typical of the VCP-associated human diseases. Homozygote VCPR155H/R155H mice typically survive less than 21 days, exhibit weakness and myopathic changes on EMG. MicroCT imaging of the bones reveal non-symmetrical radiolucencies of the proximal tibiae and bone, highly suggestive of PDB. The VCPR155H/R155H mice manifest prominent muscle, heart, brain and spinal cord pathology, including striking mitochondrial abnormalities, in addition to disrupted autophagy and ubiquitin pathologies. The VCPR155H/R155H homozygous mouse thus represents an accelerated model of VCP disease and can be utilized to elucidate the intricate molecular mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of VCP-associated neurodegenerative diseases and for the development of novel therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   
We present a stochastic formulation for a partial neural circuit of Caenorhabditis elegans. This study is concerned with how to reduce the degree of freedom in a large neural circuit. In the presented formulation, neurons in the whole neural circuit are divided into two complementary groups. One is the neurons which are mainly associated with a certain behavior, and the other is the remaining neurons of C. elegans. In an ordinary study on a partial neural circuit, the influence of the latter (the remaining neurons) on the former (the associated neurons) is completely neglected. In the presented formulation, however, the influence is expressed by a stochastic variable. The structure of the ensemble for the stochastic variable is appropriately evaluated by the neural connectivity of C. elegans since the neural connectivity of C. elegans has been completely determined. In this way, the degree of freedom is effectively reduced. We apply the presented formulation to determine the synaptic signs in the touch sensitivity circuit of C. elegans. The synaptic signs are determined to satisfy the locomotory behaviors in C. elegans. We find that the influence of the remaining neurons on the touch sensitivity circuit is important to determine the synaptic signs.  相似文献   
Prolactin (PRL) is the primary hormone that, in conjunction with local factors, leads to lobuloalveolar development during pregnancy. Recently, receptor activator of NF-kappaB ligand (RANKL) has been identified as one of the effector molecules essential for lobuloalveolar development. The molecular mechanisms by which PRL may induce RANKL expression have not been carefully examined. Here we report that RANKL expression in the mammary gland is developmentally regulated and dependent on PRL and progesterone, whereas its receptor RANK (receptor activator of NF-kappaB) and decoy receptor osteoprotegerin (OPG) are constitutively expressed at all stages in both normal (PRL+/-) and prolactin knockout (PRL-/-) mice. In vitro, PRL markedly increased RANKL expression in primary mammary epithelial cells and RANKL-luciferase reporter activity in CHOD6 cells, which constitutively express the PRL receptor. We identified a gamma-interferon activation sequence (GAS) in the region between residues -965 to -725 of the RANKL promoter, which conferred a PRL response. Using dominant negative mutants of recombinant Jak2 and Stat5 in CHOD6 cells, and by reconstituting the Jak2/Stat5 pathway in COS7 cells, we determined that Jak2 and Stat5a are essential for the PRL-induced RANKL expression in mammary gland.  相似文献   
A bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) labeled DNA probe was used for in situ hybridization at the electron microscopic (EM) level. A BrdU labeled DNA probe was hybridized in situ to cryostat sections of paraformaldehyde fixed OCT compound embedded cultured HL-60 cells. After hybridization, some sections were incubated with FITC-conjugated anti-BrdU monoclonal antibody for fluorescence microscopy (FM). and others were embedded in Quetol for electron microscopy (EM). The ultrathin sections of Quetol-embedded specimens were incubated with the anti-BrdU monoclonal antibody and the immunoglobulin: gold colloid. In both FM and EM studies, the signals were concentrated in the rough endoplasmic reticulum. Moreover, some label was arranged from the nucleus to the cytoplasm at the EM level. Relatively simple methods using the BrdU labeled DNA probe for the detection of the defined nucleic acid sequence with reasonable tissue preservation and high resolution are described here. This method may be useful for developmental and disease related studies of specific mRNA in cells and tissues.  相似文献   
Hypocalcemic effect in rats of eel calcitonin was more persistent that that of porcine calcitonin and it was as persistent as that of salmon calcitonin I. Eel calcitonin was more stable than porcine or salmon calcitonin I when incubated in vitro with rat or human serum. Incubation in vitro with rat kidney or liver extract for 1 hour at 37 degrees C caused an almost complete inactivation of porcine calcitonin. On the other hand, both eel and salmon calcitonin I were inactivated less markedly and in the similar manner. The relationship between the hypocalcemic effect of calcitonins and the inactivation is discussed.  相似文献   
A procedure for preparing basolateral membrane vesicles from rat renal cortex was developed by differential centrifugation and Percoll density gradient centrifugation, and the uptake of d-[3H]glucose into these vesicles was studied by a rapid filtration technique. (Na+ + K+)-ATPase, the marker enzyme for basolateral membranes, was enriched 22-fold compared with that found in the homogenate. The rate of d-glucose uptake was almost unaffected by Na+ gradient (no overshoot).  相似文献   
Induction of interferon for a kind of dairy lactic acid bacteria, Lactobacillus acidophilus (L. acidophilus), was investigated in murine peritoneal macrophage (M phi) cultures. Lactobacillus acidophilus JCM 1034, 1132T, 1229 and 2125 induced IFN (12-34 I.U./ml) in M phi cultures in vitro. Strain 1132T- and 2125-induced IFNs were characterized as IFN alpha/beta by treatment with anti-IFNs serum. The results indicate that the inducing activity of IFNs may be one of the available biological parameters for designating the dairy products containing L. acidophilus as "physiologically functional foods."  相似文献   
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