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Fatty acid ethyl esters are secondary metabolites produced by Saccharomyces cerevisiae and many other fungi. Their natural physiological role is not known but in fermentations of alcoholic beverages and other food products they play a key role as flavor compounds. Information about the metabolic pathways and enzymology of fatty acid ethyl ester biosynthesis, however, is very limited. In this work, we have investigated the role of a three-member S. cerevisiae gene family with moderately divergent sequences (YBR177c/EHT1, YPL095c/EEB1, and YMR210w). We demonstrate that two family members encode an acyl-coenzymeA:ethanol O-acyltransferase, an enzyme required for the synthesis of medium-chain fatty acid ethyl esters. Deletion of either one or both of these genes resulted in severely reduced medium-chain fatty acid ethyl ester production. Purified glutathione S-transferase-tagged Eht1 and Eeb1 proteins both exhibited acyl-coenzymeA:ethanol O-acyltransferase activity in vitro, as well as esterase activity. Overexpression of Eht1 and Eeb1 did not enhance medium-chain fatty acid ethyl ester content, which is probably due to the bifunctional synthesis and hydrolysis activity. Molecular modeling of Eht1 and Eeb1 revealed the presence of a alpha/beta-hydrolase fold, which is generally present in the substrate-binding site of esterase enzymes. Hence, our results identify Eht1 and Eeb1 as novel acyl-coenzymeA:ethanol O-acyltransferases/esterases, whereas the third family member, Ymr210w, does not seem to play an important role in medium-chain fatty acid ethyl ester formation.  相似文献   
Recent developments in cellular and molecular biology require the accurate quantification of DNA and RNA in large numbers of samples at a sensitivity that enables determination on small quantities. In this study, five current methods for nucleic acid quantification were compared: (i) UV absorbance spectroscopy at 260 nm, (ii) colorimetric reaction with orcinol reagent, (iii) colorimetric reaction based on diphenylamine, (iv) fluorescence detection with Hoechst 33258 reagent, and (v) fluorescence detection with thiazole orange reagent. Genomic DNA of three different microbial species (with widely different G+C content) was used, as were two different types of yeast RNA and a mixture of equal quantities of DNA and RNA. We can conclude that for nucleic acid quantification, a standard curve with DNA of the microbial strain under study is the best reference. Fluorescence detection with Hoechst 33258 reagent is a sensitive and precise method for DNA quantification if the G+C content is less than 50%. In addition, this method allows quantification of very low levels of DNA (nanogram scale). Moreover, the samples can be crude cell extracts. Also, UV absorbance at 260 nm and fluorescence detection with thiazole orange reagent are sensitive methods for nucleic acid detection, but only if purified nucleic acids need to be measured.  相似文献   
The anostracan Phallocryptus spinosa has an almost exclusively palearctic distribution. The Makgadikgadi Pans area in Botswana represents the only distribution record south of the Sahara. In this ephemeral wetland, it is an important food item in the diet of migrating birds. By studying egg bank characteristics (such as depth and density) and hatching requirements, we investigated the persistence of this sub-Saharan population. At localities in the middle and north basin of Sua Pan, sediment cores were taken along a transect, and dormant eggs were isolated. Densities of the active dormant egg bank ranged from 833 to 31449 dormant eggs m−2, indicating that this species is well established. Most of the dormant eggs were found in the top 4 cm of the sediments, and densities decreased to zero at a depth of 13 cm. Considering the expected low sedimentation rate, the presence of dormant eggs down to 13 cm indicates long-time occurrence of P. spinosa in the Makgadikgadi Pans area. We observed high hatching fractions (up to 85%) at a temperature of 22 °C and a salinity of 5 ppt. A second anostracan species, Branchinella ornata, co-occurred with P. spinosa in our study site. This population also had a large active dormant egg bank (ranging from 6634 to 50557 dormant eggs m−2) with dormant eggs present until a depth of about 11 cm. This pattern indicates a long-time co-occurrence of P. spinosa and B. ornata.  相似文献   
The role of extracellular proteolysis in innate and adaptive immunity and the interplay between cytokines, chemokines and proteinases are gradually becoming recognized as critical factors in autoimmune processes. Many of the involved proteinases, including those of the plasminogen activator and matrix metalloproteinase cascades, and also several cytokines and chemokines, are glycoproteins. The stability, interactions with inhibitors or receptors, and activities of these molecules are fine-controlled by glycosylation. We studied gelatinase B or matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) as a glycosylated enzyme involved in autoimmunity. In the joints of rheumatoid arthritis patients, CXC chemokines, such as interleukin-8/CXCL8, recruit and activate neutrophils to secrete prestored neutrophil collagenase/MMP-8 and gelatinase B/MMP-9. Gelatinase B potentiates interleukin-8 at least tenfold and thus enhances neutrophil and lymphocyte influxes to the joints. When cartilage collagen type II is cleaved at a unique site by one of several collagenases (MMP-1, MMP-8 or MMP-13), it becomes a substrate of gelatinase B. Human gelatinase B cleaves the resulting two large collagen fragments into at least 33 peptides of which two have been shown to be immunodominant, i.e., to elicit activation and proliferation of autoimmune T cells. One of these two remnant epitopes contains a glycan which is important for its immunoreactivity. In addition to the role of gelatinase B as a regulator in adaptive immune processes, we have also demonstrated that it destroys interferon-beta, a typical innate immunity effector molecule and therapeutic cytokine in multiple sclerosis. Furthermore, glycosylated interferon-beta, expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells, was more resistant to this proteolysis than recombinant interferon-beta from bacteria. These data not only prove that glycosylation of proteins is mechanistically important in the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases, but also show that targeting of glycosylated proteinases or the use of glycosylated cytokines seems also critical for the treatment of autoimmune diseases.  相似文献   
The ATP synthase in chromatophores of Rhodobacter caspulatus can effectively generate a transmembrane pH difference coupled to the hydrolysis of ATP. The rate of hydrolysis was rather insensitive to the depletion of ADP in the assay medium by an ATP regenerating system (phospho-enol-pyruvate (PEP) and pyruvate kinase (PK)). The steady state values of DeltapH were however drastically reduced as a consequence of ADP depletion. The clamped concentrations of ADP obtained using different PK activities in the assay medium could be calculated and an apparent Kd approximately 0.5 microM was estimated. The extent of proton uptake was also strongly dependent on the addition of phosphate to the assay medium. The Kd for this effect was about 70 microM. Analogous experiments were performed in membrane fragment from Escherichia coli. In this case, however, the hydrolysis rate was strongly inhibited by Pi, added up to 3 mM. Inhibition by Pi was nearly completely suppressed following depletion of ADP. The Kd's for the ADP and Pi were in the micromolar range and submillimolar range, respectively, and were mutually dependent from the concentration of the other ligand. Contrary to hydrolysis, the pumping of protons was rather insensitive to changes in the concentrations of the two ligands. At intermediate concentrations, proton pumping was actually stimulated, while the hydrolysis was inhibited. It is concluded that, in these two bacterial organisms, ADP and phosphate induce a functional state of the ATP synthase competent for a tightly coupled proton pumping, while the depletion of either one of these two ligands favors an inefficient (slipping) functional state. The switch between these states can probably be related to a structural change in the C-terminal alpha-helical hairpin of the epsilon-subunit, from an extended conformation, in which ATP hydrolysis is tightly coupled to proton pumping, to a retracted one, in which ATP hydrolysis and proton pumping are loosely coupled.  相似文献   
Gene flow and functional connectivity in the natterjack toad   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Functional connectivity is a key factor for the persistence of many specialist species in fragmented landscapes. However, connectivity estimates have rarely been validated by the observation of dispersal movements. In this study, we estimated functional connectivity of a real landscape by modelling dispersal for the endangered natterjack toad (Bufo calamita) using cost distance. Cost distance allows the evaluation of 'effective distances', which are distances corrected for the costs involved in moving between habitat patches in spatially explicit landscapes. We parameterized cost-distance models using the results of our previous experimental investigation of natterjack's movement behaviour. These model predictions (connectivity estimates from the GIS study) were then confronted to genetic-based dispersal rates between natterjack populations in the same landscape using Mantel tests. Dispersal rates between the populations were inferred from variation at six microsatellite loci. Based on these results, we conclude that matrix structure has a strong effect on dispersal rates. Moreover, we found that cost distances generated by habitat preferences explained dispersal rates better than did the Euclidian distances, or the connectivity estimate based on patch-specific resistances (patch viscosity). This study is a clear example of how landscape genetics can validate operational functional connectivity estimates.  相似文献   
Natural populations of the bloom forming cyanobacterium Microcystis are typically composed of several distinct genotypes. Using Microcystis strains that differ in growth rate, microcystin production and colony formation, we conducted a laboratory experiment in the presence and absence of a grazer, the water flea Daphnia, to investigate whether interactions among strains can be predicted from functional traits, and whether the outcome of competition between strains is influenced by a grazer. Two toxic and two non‐toxic Microcystis strains, isolated from a single lake, were grown during four weeks as single strains, in all possible combinations of two strains and all together, in the presence and absence of Daphnia magna. The relative abundance of strains in the populations was assessed using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis, and the growth rate of each strain in mixed populations was compared to its growth rate in monoculture to determine interactions between strains. The observed interactions were strain‐specific, and the relative abundances of strains in mixed populations could be partially explained by taking toxicity and colony formation into account. Importantly, some of the interactions were strongly altered by the presence of Daphnia. Daphnia induced colony formation in one strain, which then became a better competitor. Daphnia grazing also caused a higher evenness in the populations, both through a weakening of competitive interactions as well as by facilitation effects. Strong facilitation effects were due to non‐toxic strains benefiting from the protection offered by toxic strains in the presence of predation. Overall, our results emphasize the presence of strong competitive interactions between Microcystis strains in the absence of grazing, whereas indirect positive interactions are prevalent in the presence of a generalist grazer. Our results suggest that differences in functional traits and grazer‐mediated facilitation effects may enhance coexistence of Microcystis strains, including toxic and non‐toxic strains.  相似文献   
Nodulation factor (NF) signal transduction in the legume-rhizobium symbiosis involves calcium oscillations that are instrumental in eliciting nodulation. To date, Ca2+ spiking has been studied exclusively in the intracellular bacterial invasion of growing root hairs in zone I. This mechanism is not the only one by which rhizobia gain entry into their hosts; the tropical legume Sesbania rostrata can be invaded intercellularly by rhizobia at cracks caused by lateral root emergence, and this process is associated with cell death for formation of infection pockets. We show that epidermal cells at lateral root bases respond to NFs with Ca2+ oscillations that are faster and more symmetrical than those observed during root hair invasion. Enhanced jasmonic acid or reduced ethylene levels slowed down the Ca2+ spiking frequency and stimulated intracellular root hair invasion by rhizobia, but prevented nodule formation. Hence, intracellular invasion in root hairs is linked with a very specific Ca2+ signature. In parallel experiments, we found that knockdown of the calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase gene of S. rostrata abolished nodule development but not the formation of infection pockets by intercellular invasion at lateral root bases, suggesting that the colonization of the outer cortex is independent of Ca2+ spiking decoding.  相似文献   
DNA mutations are circumvented by dedicated specialized excision repair systems, such as the base excision repair (BER), nucleotide excision repair (NER), and mismatch repair (MMR) pathways. Although the individual repair pathways have distinct roles in suppressing changes in the nuclear DNA, it is evident that proteins from the different DNA repair pathways interact [Y. Wang, D. Cortez, P. Yazdi, N. Neff, S.J. Elledge, J. Qin, BASC, a super complex of BRCA1-associated proteins involved in the recognition and repair of aberrant DNA structures, Genes Dev. 14 (2000) 927–939; M. Christmann, M.T. Tomicic, W.P. Roos, B. Kaina, Mechanisms of human DNA repair: an update, Toxicology 193 (2003) 3–34; N.B. Larsen, M. Rasmussen, L.J. Rasmussen, Nuclear and mitochondrial DNA repair: similar pathways? Mitochondrion 5 (2005) 89–108]. Protein interactions are not only important for function, but also for regulation of nuclear import that is necessary for proper localization of the repair proteins. This review summarizes the current knowledge on nuclear import mechanisms of DNA excision repair proteins and provides a model that categorizes the import by different mechanisms, including classical nuclear import, co-import of proteins, and alternative transport pathways. Most excision repair proteins appear to contain classical NLS sequences directing their nuclear import, however, additional import mechanisms add alternative regulatory levels to protein import, indirectly affecting protein function. Protein co-import appears to be a mechanism employed by the composite repair systems NER and MMR to enhance and regulate nuclear accumulation of repair proteins thereby ensuring faithful DNA repair.  相似文献   
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