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PDZ domains are protein-protein interaction modules that recognize specific C-terminal sequences to assemble protein complexes in multicellular organisms. By scanning billions of random peptides, we accurately map binding specificity for approximately half of the over 330 PDZ domains in the human and Caenorhabditis elegans proteomes. The domains recognize features of the last seven ligand positions, and we find 16 distinct specificity classes conserved from worm to human, significantly extending the canonical two-class system based on position -2. Thus, most PDZ domains are not promiscuous, but rather are fine-tuned for specific interactions. Specificity profiling of 91 point mutants of a model PDZ domain reveals that the binding site is highly robust, as all mutants were able to recognize C-terminal peptides. However, many mutations altered specificity for ligand positions both close and far from the mutated position, suggesting that binding specificity can evolve rapidly under mutational pressure. Our specificity map enables the prediction and prioritization of natural protein interactions, which can be used to guide PDZ domain cell biology experiments. Using this approach, we predicted and validated several viral ligands for the PDZ domains of the SCRIB polarity protein. These findings indicate that many viruses produce PDZ ligands that disrupt host protein complexes for their own benefit, and that highly pathogenic strains target PDZ domains involved in cell polarity and growth.  相似文献   
Galactosemia type 2 is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by the deficiency of galactokinase (GALK) enzyme due to missense mutations in GALK1 gene, which is associated with various manifestations such as hyper galactosemia and formation of cataracts. GALK enzyme catalyzes the adenosine triphosphate (ATP)–dependent phosphorylation of α‐d ‐galactose to galactose‐1‐phosphate. We searched 4 different literature databases (Google Scholar, PubMed, PubMed Central, and Science Direct) and 3 gene‐variant databases (Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man, Human Gene Mutation Database, and UniProt) to collect all the reported missense mutations associated with GALK deficiency. Our search strategy yielded 32 missense mutations. We used several computational tools (pathogenicity and stability, biophysical characterization, and physiochemical analyses) to prioritize the most significant mutations for further analyses. On the basis of the pathogenicity and stability predictions, 3 mutations (P28T, A198V, and L139P) were chosen to be tested further for physicochemical characterization, molecular docking, and simulation analyses. Molecular docking analysis revealed a decrease in interaction between the protein and ATP in all the 3 mutations, and molecular dynamic simulations of 50 ns showed a loss of stability and compactness in the mutant proteins. As the next step, comparative physicochemical changes of the native and the mutant proteins were carried out using essential dynamics. Overall, P28T and A198V were predicted to alter the structure and function of GALK protein when compared to the mutant L139P. This study demonstrates the power of computational analysis in variant classification and interpretation and provides a platform for developing targeted therapeutics.  相似文献   
Hemolytic uremic syndrome (eHUS) is a severe complication of human infections with Shiga toxins (Stxs)‐producing Escherichia coli. A key step in the pathogenesis of eHUS is the interaction of Stxs with blood components before the targeting of renal endothelial cells. Here, we show that a single proteolytic cleavage in the Stx2a A‐subunit, resulting into two fragments (A1 and A2) linked by a disulfide bridge (cleaved Stx2a), dictates different binding abilities. Uncleaved Stx2a was confirmed to bind to human neutrophils and to trigger leukocyte/platelet aggregate formation, whereas cleaved Stx2a was ineffective. Conversely, binding of complement factor H was confirmed for cleaved Stx2a and not for uncleaved Stx2a. It is worth noting that uncleaved and cleaved Stx2a showed no differences in cytotoxicity for Vero cells or Raji cells, structural conformation, and contaminating endotoxin. These results have been obtained by comparing two Stx2a batches, purified in different laboratories by using different protocols, termed Stx2a(cl; cleaved toxin, Innsbruck) and Stx2a(uncl; uncleaved toxin, Bologna). Stx2a(uncl) behaved as Stx2a(cl) after mild trypsin treatment. In this light, previous controversial results obtained with purified Stx2a has to be critically re‐evaluated; furthermore, characterisation of the structure of circulating Stx2a is mandatory to understand eHUS‐pathogenesis and to develop therapeutic approaches.  相似文献   
Malacosporeans represent a small fraction of myxozoan biodiversity with only two genera and three species described. They cycle between bryozoans and freshwater fish. In this study, we (i) microscopically examine and screen different freshwater/marine fish species from various geographic locations and habitats for the presence of malacosporeans using PCR; (ii) study the morphology, prevalence, host species/habitat preference and distribution of malacosporeans; (iii) perform small subunit/large subunit rDNA and Elongation factor 2 based phylogenetic analyses of newly gathered data, together with all available malacosporean data in GenBank; and (iv) investigate the evolutionary trends of malacosporeans by mapping the morphology of bryozoan-related stages, host species, habitat and geographic data on the small subunit rDNA-based phylogenetic tree. We reveal a high prevalence and diversity of malacosporeans in several fish hosts in European freshwater habitats by adding five new species of Buddenbrockia and Tetracapsuloides from cyprinid and perciform fishes. Comprehensive phylogenetic analyses revealed that, apart from Buddenbrockia and Tetracapsuloides clades, a novel malacosporean lineage (likely a new genus) exists. The fish host species spectrum was extended for Buddenbrockia plumatellae and Buddenbrockia sp. 2. Co-infections of up to three malacosporean species were found in individual fish. The significant increase in malacosporean species richness revealed in the present study points to a hidden biodiversity in this parasite group. This is most probably due to the cryptic nature of malacosporean sporogonic and presporogonic stages and mostly asymptomatic infections in the fish hosts. The potential existence of malacosporean life cycles in the marine environment as well as the evolution of worm- and sac-like morphology is discussed. This study improves the understanding of the biodiversity, prevalence, distribution, habitat and host preference of malacosporeans and unveils their evolutionary trends.  相似文献   
Ramesh S  Bharath MM  Chandra NR  Rao MR 《FEBS letters》2006,580(25):5999-6006
A comparison of the globular domain sequences of the somatic H1d and testis-specific H1t revealed a single substitution of lysine 52 in H1d to glutamine 54 in H1t, which is one of the three crucial residues within the second DNA binding site. The globular domains of both histones were modeled using the crystal structure of chicken GH5 as a template and was also docked onto the nucleosome structure. The glutamine residue in histone H1t forms a hydrogen bond with main chain carbonyl of methionine-52 (in H1t) and is spatially oriented away from the nucleosome dyad axis. A consequence of this change was a lower affinity of recombinant histone H1t towards Four-way junction DNA and reconstituted 5S mononucleosomes. When Gln-54 in Histone H1t was mutated to lysine, its binding affinity towards DNA substrates was comparable to that of histone H1d. The differential binding of histones H1d and H1t towards reconstituted mononucleosomes was also reflected in the chromatosome-stop assay.  相似文献   
Many normal adult tissues contain rare stem cells with extensive self-maintaining regenerative potential. During development, the stem cells of the hematopoietic and neural systems undergo intrinsically specified changes in their self-renewal potential. In the mouse, mammary stem cells with transplantable regenerative activity are first detectable a few days before birth. They share some phenotypic properties with their adult counterparts but are enriched in a subpopulation that displays a distinct gene expression profile. Here we show that fetal mammary epithelial cells have a greater direct and inducible growth potential than their adult counterparts. The latter feature is revealed in a novel culture system that enables large numbers of in vitro clonogenic progenitors as well as mammary stem cells with serially transplantable activity to be produced within 7 days from single fetal or adult input cells. We further show that these responses are highly dependent on novel factors produced by fibroblasts. These findings provide new avenues for elucidating mechanisms that regulate normal mammary epithelial stem cell properties at the single-cell level, how these change during development, and how their perturbation may contribute to transformation.  相似文献   
Next-generation sequencings platforms coupled with advanced bioinformatic tools enable re-sequencing of the human genome at high-speed and large cost savings. We compare sequencing platforms from Roche/454(GS FLX), Illumina/HiSeq (HiSeq 2000), and Life Technologies/SOLiD (SOLiD 3 ECC) for their ability to identify single nucleotide substitutions in whole genome sequences from the same human sample. We report on significant GC-related bias observed in the data sequenced on Illumina and SOLiD platforms. The differences in the variant calls were investigated with regards to coverage, and sequencing error. Some of the variants called by only one or two of the platforms were experimentally tested using mass spectrometry; a method that is independent of DNA sequencing. We establish several causes why variants remained unreported, specific to each platform. We report the indel called using the three sequencing technologies and from the obtained results we conclude that sequencing human genomes with more than a single platform and multiple libraries is beneficial when high level of accuracy is required.  相似文献   
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