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In experiments designed to characterize the basis of amyloid fibril stability through mutational analysis of the Abeta (1-40) molecule, fibrils exhibit consistent, significant structural malleability. In these results, and in other properties, amyloid fibrils appear to more resemble plastic materials generated from synthetic polymers than globular proteins. Thus, like synthetic polymers and plastics, amyloid fibrils exhibit both polymorphism, the ability of one polypeptide to form aggregates of different morphologies, and isomorphism, the ability of different polypeptides to grow into a fibrillar amyloid morphology. This view links amyloid with the prehistorical and 20th century use of proteins as starting materials to make films, fibers, and plastics, and with the classic protein fiber stretching experiments of the Astbury group. Viewing amyloids from the point of view of the polymer chemist may shed new light on a number of issues, such as the role of protofibrils in the mechanism of amyloid formation, the biological potency of fibrils, and the prospects for discovering inhibitors of amyloid fibril formation.  相似文献   
Identification of conditions for guided and specific differentiation of human stem cell and progenitor cells is important for continued development and engineering of in vitro cell culture systems for use in regenerative medicine, drug discovery, and human toxicology. Three-dimensional (3D) and organotypic cell culture models have been used increasingly for in vitro cell culture because they may better model endogenous tissue environments. However, detailed studies of stem cell differentiation within 3D cultures remain limited, particularly with respect to high-throughput screening. Herein, we demonstrate the use of a microarray chip-based platform to screen, in high-throughput, individual and paired effects of 12 soluble factors on the neuronal differentiation of a human neural progenitor cell line (ReNcell VM) encapsulated in microscale 3D Matrigel cultures. Dose–response analysis of selected combinations from the initial combinatorial screen revealed that the combined treatment of all-trans retinoic acid (RA) with the glycogen synthase kinase 3 inhibitor CHIR-99021 (CHIR) enhances neurogenesis while simultaneously decreases astrocyte differentiation, whereas the combined treatment of brain-derived neurotrophic factor and the small azide neuropathiazol enhances the differentiation into neurons and astrocytes. Subtype specification analysis of RA- and CHIR-differentiated cultures revealed that enhanced neurogenesis was not biased toward a specific neuronal subtype. Together, these results demonstrate a high-throughput screening platform for rapid evaluation of differentiation conditions in a 3D environment, which will aid the development and application of 3D stem cell culture models.  相似文献   
International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics - Antimicrobial peptides are one of the important components of innate immune defense system and play a critical role in controlling...  相似文献   
Hemolytic uremic syndrome (eHUS) is a severe complication of human infections with Shiga toxins (Stxs)‐producing Escherichia coli. A key step in the pathogenesis of eHUS is the interaction of Stxs with blood components before the targeting of renal endothelial cells. Here, we show that a single proteolytic cleavage in the Stx2a A‐subunit, resulting into two fragments (A1 and A2) linked by a disulfide bridge (cleaved Stx2a), dictates different binding abilities. Uncleaved Stx2a was confirmed to bind to human neutrophils and to trigger leukocyte/platelet aggregate formation, whereas cleaved Stx2a was ineffective. Conversely, binding of complement factor H was confirmed for cleaved Stx2a and not for uncleaved Stx2a. It is worth noting that uncleaved and cleaved Stx2a showed no differences in cytotoxicity for Vero cells or Raji cells, structural conformation, and contaminating endotoxin. These results have been obtained by comparing two Stx2a batches, purified in different laboratories by using different protocols, termed Stx2a(cl; cleaved toxin, Innsbruck) and Stx2a(uncl; uncleaved toxin, Bologna). Stx2a(uncl) behaved as Stx2a(cl) after mild trypsin treatment. In this light, previous controversial results obtained with purified Stx2a has to be critically re‐evaluated; furthermore, characterisation of the structure of circulating Stx2a is mandatory to understand eHUS‐pathogenesis and to develop therapeutic approaches.  相似文献   
Haemoglobinopathies including β-thalassemia and sickle cell anaemia (SCA) are considered to be classical monogenic diseases. There is considerable clinical variability between patients inheriting identical β-globin mutations. The reasons for this variability are not well understood. Previous studies have suggested that a variety of genetic determents influence different clinical phenotypes. The genetic variants that modulate HbF levels have a very strong impact on ameliorating the clinical phenotype. In the present study 6,500 blood samples from suspected cases were analysed using HPLC, ARMS-PCR, RDB techniques. Patients with β-thalassemia and SCA were classified into mild, moderate, severe according to the severity score based on Hb levels, age of onset, age at which patients received their first blood transfusion, the degree of growth retardation and splenectomy. Patients with β-thalassemia and SCA were analysed for Xmn1 polymorphism and association between this polymorphism and severity of β-thalassemia and SCA was evaluated. We found a significant difference in genotypic and allelic frequencies of Xmn1 polymorphism between mild and moderate and mild and severe cases. There was a significant difference in high and low percentage of HbF in CC, CT and TT bearing individuals. The TT bearing individuals were found to have a high percentage of HbF in β-thalassemia as well as SCA. This study confirms that increased γG-globin expression associated with Xmn1 polymorphism ameliorates the clinical severity in β-thalassemia as well as SCA in the study population.  相似文献   


Micro (mi)RNAs are important regulators of plant development. Across plant lineages, Dicer-like 1 (DCL1) proteins process long ds-like structures to produce micro (mi) RNA duplexes in a stepwise manner. These miRNAs are incorporated into Argonaute (AGO) proteins and influence expression of RNAs that have sequence complementarity with miRNAs. Expression levels of AGOs are greatly regulated by plants in order to minimize unwarranted perturbations using miRNAs to target mRNAs coding for AGOs. AGOs may also have high promoter specificity-sometimes expression of AGO can be limited to just a few cells in a plant. Viral pathogens utilize various means to counter antiviral roles of AGOs including hijacking the host encoded miRNAs to target AGOs. Two host encoded miRNAs namely miR168 and miR403 that target AGOs have been described in the model plant Arabidopsis and such a mechanism is thought to be well conserved across plants because AGO sequences are well conserved.


We show that the interaction between AGO mRNAs and miRNAs is species-specific due to the diversity in sequences of two miRNAs that target AGOs, sequence diversity among corresponding target regions in AGO mRNAs and variable expression levels of these miRNAs among vascular plants. We used miRNA sequences from 68 plant species representing 31 plant families for this analysis. Sequences of miR168 and miR403 are not conserved among plant lineages, but surprisingly they differ drastically in their sequence diversity and expression levels even among closely related plants. Variation in miR168 expression among plants correlates well with secondary structures/length of loop sequences of their precursors.


Our data indicates a complex AGO targeting interaction among plant lineages due to miRNA sequence diversity and sequences of miRNA targeting regions among AGO mRNAs, thus leading to the assumption that the perturbations by viruses that use host miRNAs to target antiviral AGOs can only be species-specific. We also show that rapid evolution and likely loss of expression of miR168 isoforms in tobacco is related to the insertion of MITE-like transposons between miRNA and miRNA* sequences, a possible mechanism showing how miRNAs are lost in few plant lineages even though other close relatives have abundantly expressing miRNAs.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-1049) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
NDR (nuclear Dbf-2-related) kinases constitute key regulatory nodes in signaling networks that control multiple biological processes such as growth, proliferation, mitotic exit, morphogenesis, and apoptosis. Two NDR pathways called the septation initiation network (SIN) and the morphogenesis Orb6 network (MOR) exist in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. The SIN promotes cytokinesis, and the MOR drives cell separation at the end of cytokinesis and polarized growth during interphase. We showed previously that cross talk exists between these two pathways, with the SIN inhibiting the MOR during cytokinesis through phosphorylation of the MOR component Nak1 by the SIN Sid2 kinase. The reason for this inhibition remained uncertain. We show here that failure to inhibit MOR signaling during cytokinesis results in cell lysis at the site of septum formation. Time-lapse analysis revealed that MOR signaling during cytokinesis causes cells to prematurely initiate septum degradation/cell separation. The cell lysis phenotype is due to premature initiation of cell separation because it can be rescued by mutations in genes required for cell separation/septum degradation. We also shed further light on how the SIN inhibits the MOR. Sid2 phosphorylation of the MOR proteins Sog2 and Nak1 is required to prevent cell lysis during cytokinesis. Together, these results show that SIN inhibition of the MOR enforces proper temporal ordering of cytokinetic events.  相似文献   
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