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Analysis of the extent of genetic variation within genetic resources is important for diversity preservation and also for breeders who exploit it. We investigated the recently introduced molecular marker technique of DNA diversity array technology (DArT), with the objective of characterising diversity in the likely relatively narrow genetic background of Czech malting barley cultivars. A total of 94 obsolete or registered barley cultivars and some hulless barley lines primarily of Czech origin were characterised by DArT analysis. A total of 271 polymorphic marker alleles were revealed across the analysed set of accessions, 37 of which were identified as being overrepresented; the other 234 markers were used for further analysis. The average dissimilarity value within the analysed set of accessions was 0.692. To assess how well DArT is suited for individual barley characteristic evaluation, available agronomical data from three yield field trials were used. Out of 94 barley genotypes used in the field trials that were assessed by DArTs, 41 have been grown over time as malting cultivars in the region. Similarity matrices based on Gower’s coefficient for mixed data and simple matching coefficient were used to compare DaRT and agronomical results. We demonstrate that a DArT-based similarity matrix and an agronomical data-based similarity matrix correlated well. To assess the genetic structure of the entire collection, K-means and simple matching coefficient clustering were used. Statistical analysis confirmed the power of the DArT system, in fact they efficiently grouped old genetic resources and modern cultivars in the expected way. Our results show that the level of genetic diversity has not changed substantially over time, but significant shifts in allelic frequency have occurred. In addition, a DArT-based dendrogram and principal component analysis (PCA) plots clearly demonstrated the impact of breeding practices on the diversity of Czech spring malting barley cultivars over time.  相似文献   
We compared histochemical and immunohistochemical staining as well as fluorochrome labeling in murine bone specimens that were fixed with 10% neutral buffered formalin to those fixed with HistoChoice®. We showed that sections from undecalcified tibiae fixed for 4 h in HistoChoice® resulted in enhanced toluidine blue and Von Kossa histochemical staining compared to formalin fixation. HistoChoice® produced comparable or improved staining for alkaline phosphatase. Acid phosphatase localization was better in formalin fixed specimens, but osteoclasts were visuralized more easily in HistoChoice® fixed specimens. As expected, immunohistochemical labeling was antibody dependent; some antibodies labeled better in HistoChoice® fixed specimens while others were better in formalin fixed specimens. Toluidine blue, Von Kossa, and alkaline phosphatase staining of sections fixed for 12 h produced sections that were similar to 4 h fixed sections. Fixation for 12 h preserved acid phosphatase activity better. Increasing fixation to 12 h affected immunolocalization differentially. Bone sialoprotein labeling in HistoChoice® fixed specimens was comparable to formalin fixed samples. On the other hand, after 12 h formalin fixation, osteocalcin labeling was comparable to HistoChoice®. For most histochemical applications, fixing murine bone specimens for 4 h with HistoChoice® yielded superior staining compared to formalin fixation. If immunohistochemical localization is desired, however, individual antibodies must be tested to determine which fixation process retains antigenicity better. In addition, there was no detectable difference in the intensity of fluorochrome labeling using either fixative. Finally, fixation duration did not alter the intensity of labeling.  相似文献   
The genetic variability of the duration of leaf senescence during grain filling has been shown to affect both carbon and nitrogen acquisition. In particular, maintaining green leaves during grain filling possibly leads to increased grain yield, but its associated effect on grain protein concentration has not been studied. The aim of this study was to dissect the genetic factors contributing to correlations observed at the phenotypic level between leaf senescence during grain filling, grain protein concentration, and grain yield in winter wheat. With this aim in view, an analysis of quantitative trait locus (QTL) co-locations for these traits was carried out on a doubled haploid mapping population grown in a large multienvironment trial network. Pleiotropic QTLs affecting leaf senescence and grain yield and/or grain protein concentration were identified on chromosomes 2D, 2A, and 7D. These were associated with QTLs for anthesis date, showing that the phenotypic correlations with leaf senescence were mainly explained by flowering time in this wheat population. Study of the allelic effects of these pleiotropic QTLs showed that delaying leaf senescence was associated with increased grain yield or grain protein concentration depending on the environments considered. It is proposed that this differential effect of delaying leaf senescence on grain yield and grain protein concentration might be related to the nitrogen availability during the post-anthesis period. It is concluded that the benefit of using leaf senescence as a selection criterion to improve grain protein concentration in wheat cultivars may be limited and would largely depend on the targeted environments, particularly on their nitrogen availability during the post-anthesis period.  相似文献   
Transgenic locus composition and T-DNA linkage configuration were assessed in a population of rice plants transformed using the dual-binary vector system pGreen (T-DNA containing the bar and gus genes)/pSoup (T-DNA containing the aphIV and gfp genes). Transgene structure, expression and inheritance were analysed in 62 independently transformed plant lines and in around 4,000 progeny plants. The plant lines exhibited a wide variety of transgenic locus number and composition. The most frequent form of integration was where both T-DNAs integrated at the same locus (56% of loci). When single-type T-DNA integration occurred (44% of loci), pGreen T-DNA was preferentially integrated. In around half of the plant lines (52%), the T-DNAs integrated at two independent loci or more. In these plants, both mixed and single-type T-DNA integration often occurred concurrently at different loci during the transformation process. Non-intact T-DNAs were present in 70–78% of the plant lines causing 14–21% of the loci to contain only the mid to right border part of a T-DNA. In 53–66% of the loci, T-DNA integrated with vector backbone sequences. Comparison of transgene presence and expression in progeny plants showed that segregation of the transgene phenotype was not a reliable indicator of either transgene inheritance or T-DNA linkage, as only 60–80% of the transgenic loci were detected by the expression study. Co-expression (28% of lines) and backbone transfer (53–66% of loci) were generally a greater limitation to the production of marker-free T1 plants expressing the gene of interest than co-transformation (71% of lines) and unlinked integration (44% of loci).  相似文献   
彭金荣  孙册 《昆虫学报》1991,(2):135-140
蓖麻蚕Philosamia cynthia ricni血淋巴含两种凝集素,一种凝集兔新鲜红血球,凝血活力被L-鼠李糖和D-半乳糖抑制;另一种凝集戊二醛固定的人和鸡的红血球,凝血活力被岩藻糖抑制.它们在蚕的不同生长阶段及在蚕体各组织中的分布和凝血活力显著不同.血淋巴中这两种凝集素的凝血活力明显比其他组织中高.卵中测不到这两种凝集素活力.本文对这两种凝集素在蚕体中可能的生理功能进行了讨论.  相似文献   
Climate change associated sea‐level rise (SLR) is expected to have profound impacts on coastal areas, affecting many species, including sea turtles which depend on these habitats for egg incubation. Being able to accurately model beach topography using digital terrain models (DTMs) is therefore crucial to project SLR impacts and develop effective conservation strategies. Traditional survey methods are typically low‐cost with low accuracy or high‐cost with high accuracy. We present a novel combination of drone‐based photogrammetry and a low‐cost and portable real‐time kinematic (RTK) GPS to create DTMs which are highly accurate (<10 cm error) and visually realistic. This methodology is ideal for surveying coastal sites, can be broadly applied to other species and habitats, and is a relevant tool in supporting the development of Specially Protected Areas. Here, we applied this method as a case‐study to project three SLR scenarios (0.48, 0.63 and 1.20 m) and assess the future vulnerability and viability of a key nesting habitat for sympatric loggerhead (Caretta caretta) and green turtle (Chelonia mydas) at a key rookery in the Mediterranean. We combined the DTM with 5 years of nest survey data describing location and clutch depth, to identify (a) regions with highest nest densities, (b) nest elevation by species and beach, and (c) estimated proportion of nests inundated under each SLR scenario. On average, green turtles nested at higher elevations than loggerheads (1.8 m vs. 1.32 m, respectively). However, because green turtles dig deeper nests than loggerheads (0.76 m vs. 0.50 m, respectively), these were at similar risk of inundation. For a SLR of 1.2 m, we estimated a loss of 67.3% for loggerhead turtle nests and 59.1% for green turtle nests. Existing natural and artificial barriers may affect the ability of these nesting habitats to remain suitable for nesting through beach migration.  相似文献   
To investigate the effect of matrix attachment regions (MARs) on transgene expression levels and stability in cereal crops, we generated 83 independent transgenic rice callus lines containing a gusA expression cassette either as a simple expression unit, or flanked with MARs from tobacco (Rb7) or yeast (ARS1). Transgenic rice plants were regenerated from these callus lines and analysed at the structural and expression levels over two generations. In the first generation (T0), both Rb7 and ARS1 MARs significantly increased transgene expression levels. In the populations of plants containing MARs, we observed a significant reduction in the number of non-expressing lines compared to the population of plants without MARs. However, variation in β-glucuronidase (GUS) expression levels between independent lines was similar both in the presence and absence of flanking MARs. In the presence of MARs, GUS activity increased in proportion to transgene copy number up to 20 copies, but was generally reduced in lines carrying a higher copy number. In the population of plants without MARs, there was no correlation between expression level and transgene copy number. In the second generation (T1), transgene expression levels were significantly correlated with those of the T0 parents. The Rb7 MARs significantly improved the stability of transgene expression levels over two generations, and therefore appear to offer protection against transgene silencing. Our study shows that the exploitation of MARs may be an important strategy for stabilising transgene expression levels in genetically engineered cereals.  相似文献   
ß(1–3) glucans are a diverse range of carbohydrate polymers of differing lengths and structures that make up the cell walls of yeast, fungi, algae and some plants and activate innate immune responses in plants, invertebrates and higher animals. Consequently glucans are often used as dietary immunostimulants in commercial feeds for aquacultured fish species. The present study investigates the capability of purified glucans of differing structures and configurations, including curdlan, paramylon, laminarin and purified yeast ß glucan to activate innate immunity in vitro using barramundi pronephros macrophages as a model, and compares them to Zymosan, a complex mixture derived from yeast cell walls, and lipopolysaccharide from Gram negative bacteria. All of the glucans were able to stimulate respiratory burst in barramundi macrophages at concentrations of 100 μg/mL and 1000 μg/mL, with curdlan eliciting the highest respiratory burst response at 1000 μg/mL. LPS and Zymosan were the only immunostimulants tested that could prime barramundi macrophages by incubating with low concentrations (0.1 and 1 μg/mL) for 24 h before triggering respiratory burst with PMA, suggesting teleost macrophages may not prime through the glucan receptor. As glucans are used as dietary immunostimulants, the pH of the barramundi stomach was assayed for 6 h following feeding and indicated that pH was as low as 2 for up to 6 h. Treating the glucans with dilute HCl at pH 2 completely neutralised their macrophage-activating capability. These results are important as they indicate that glucans do not prime barramundi macrophages but will activate them at high concentrations. However, it is debatable whether glucans will have any effect on macrophages if administered in the diet due to the combination of high concentration required and probable hydrolysis of the polymer structures as they pass through the acid environment of the stomach.  相似文献   
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