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Streptomyces lividans TK24 is a strain that naturally produces antibiotics at low levels, but dramatic overproduction of antibiotics occurs upon interruption of the ppk gene. However, the role of the Ppk enzyme in relation to the regulation of antibiotic biosynthesis remains poorly understood. In order to gain a better understanding of the phenotype of the ppk mutant, the proteomes of the wild-type (wt) and ppk mutant strains, grown for 96 h on R2YE medium limited in phosphate, were analyzed. Intracellular proteins were separated on two-dimensional (2D) gels, spots were quantified, and those showing a 3-fold variation or more were identified by mass spectrometry. The expression of 12 proteins increased and that of 29 decreased in the ppk mutant strain. Our results suggested that storage lipid degradation rather than hexose catabolism was taking place in the mutant. In order to validate this hypothesis, the triacylglycerol contents of the wt and ppk mutant strains of S. lividans as well as that of Streptomyces coelicolor M145, a strain that produces antibiotics at high levels and is closely related to S. lividans, were assessed using electron microscopy and thin-layer chromatography. These studies highlighted the large difference in triacylglycerol contents of the three strains and confirmed the hypothetical link between storage lipid metabolism and antibiotic biosynthesis in Streptomyces.  相似文献   


Termination of translation in eukaryotes requires two release factors, eRF1, which recognizes all three nonsense codons and facilitates release of the nascent polypeptide chain, and eRF3 stimulating translation termination in a GTP-depended manner. eRF3 from different organisms possess a highly conservative C region (eRF3C), which is responsible for the function in translation termination, and almost always contain the N-terminal extension, which is inessential and vary both in structure and length. In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae the N-terminal region of eRF3 is responsible for conversion of this protein into the aggregated and functionally inactive prion form.  相似文献   
To monitor gradual changes in the replication foci distribution during early S phase, different segments of newly synthesized DNA were visualized by immunocytochemical mapping of two consecutively incorporated deoxythymidine analogs in pulse-chase-pulse experiments in HeLa cells. The resulting dual-labeled fluorescence images were evaluated using cross-correlation function (CCF) analysis. General changes of CCF shape due to image deterioration caused by blur, noise, and lateral sampling (pixel size) were also discussed. Using CCF analysis of model images simulating either random initiation of new replication foci, or the firing of new foci in close proximity to completed ones, we were able to ascribe the changes in the early S replication foci distribution to the latter mechanism. In contrast to the data published previously, we monitored the dynamics of all replication foci for up to 3 h. In addition, we showed that the replication foci dynamics is well described by random walk model, so that the average de-localization of individual foci is proportional to square root of the applied chase.  相似文献   
This revision of the classification of unicellular eukaryotes updates that of Levine et al. (1980) for the protozoa and expands it to include other protists. Whereas the previous revision was primarily to incorporate the results of ultrastructural studies, this revision incorporates results from both ultrastructural research since 1980 and molecular phylogenetic studies. We propose a scheme that is based on nameless ranked systematics. The vocabulary of the taxonomy is updated, particularly to clarify the naming of groups that have been repositioned. We recognize six clusters of eukaryotes that may represent the basic groupings similar to traditional "kingdoms." The multicellular lineages emerged from within monophyletic protist lineages: animals and fungi from Opisthokonta, plants from Archaeplastida, and brown algae from Stramenopiles.  相似文献   
We used electron microscopic immunocytochemistry to examine the pattern of centriolar staining for tyrosinated or acetylated alpha-tubulin in endothelial cells during short-term incubation with thrombin. Endothelial cells isolated from human aorta (HAEC) and those isolated from umbilical vein (HUVEC) displayed an increase in the intensity of centriolar staining for acet-tubulin within 1 min after thrombin addition. A decrease in the intensity of centriolar staining for tyr-tubulin was detected in HUVEC within 1 min after thrombin addition, while in HAEC centriolar staining for tyr-tubulin became less intense only 5 min later. Mother and daughter centrioles of HUVEC cells displayed different intensity of immunostaining for acet-tubulin and showed no significant variation in the number of subdistal appendages after thrombin addition. Differently, HAEC cells had the same staining pattern of mother and daughter centrioles in both thrombin-untreated and thrombin-treated cultures. A sharp increase in the number of subdistal appendages of mother centriole occurred in HAEC within 5 min of incubation with thrombin. Our findings provided the direct evidence for centrosome involvement in the ligand-mediated signaling events and showed for the first time that ligand-dependent centrosome reorganization includes the centriole per se. Furthermore, based on our observations we would like to propose that MT-nucleating/anchoring properties of the centrosome are subject to rapid regulation by external signals such as thrombin.  相似文献   
Spontaneous meiotic mutations of winter rye Secale cereale L. (2n = 14) were revealed in inbred F2 progenies, which were obtained by self-pollination of F1 hybrids resulting from crosses of individual plants of cultivar Vyatka or weedy rye with plants of self-fertile inbred lines. The mutations cause partial or complete sterility, and are maintained in heterozygote condition. Six types of mutations were distinguished as the result of cytological analysis of meiosis and genetic analysis. (1) Plants with nonallelic asynaptic mutations sy1 and sy9 lacked bivalents in 96.8 and 67.0% metaphase I cells, respectively, formed only axial elements but not the mature synaptonemal complex (SC), and had defects in telomere clustering in early prophase I. (2) Weak asynaptic mutant sy3 showed incomplete synapsis at the start of SC degradation at diplotene and lower chiasma number; yet only 2% meiocytes lacked bivalents in MI. (3) Mutations sy2, sy6, sy7, sy8, sy10, and sy19 caused nonhomologous synapsis; i.e., a varying number of univalents and occasional multivalents were observed in MI, which was preceded by switches of pairing partners and fold-back synapsis at mid-prophase I. (4) Mutation mei6 led to the formation of protrusions and minor branched structures of the SC lateral elements. (5) Allelic mutations mei8 and mei8-10 caused irregular chromatin condensation along the chromosome length in prophase I, which was accompanied by chromosome sticking and fragmentation in MI. (6) Allelic mutations mei5 and mei10 determined chromosome supercondensation, caused the disturbance of meiotic spindle assembly, arrested meiosis at various stages but did not affect formation of the pollen wall, thus arrested meiocytes got covered with the pollen wall. Analysis of double mutants revealed recessive epistatic interactions for some mutations; the epistatic group was sy9 > sy1 > sy3 > sy19. This reflects the sequence of meiotic events controlled by the corresponding genes. The expression of sy2 and sy19 proved to be modified by additional genes. Most meiotic mutations found in rye have analogs in other plants.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Malignant small bowel tumors are very rare and leiomyosarcoma accounts for less than 15% of the cases. Management of these tumors is challenging in view of nonspecific symptoms, unusual presentation and high incidence of metastasis. In this case report, an unusual presentation of jejunal sarcoma and management of liver metastasis with radiofrequency ablation (RFA) is discussed. CASE PRESENTATION: A 45-year-old male presented with anemia and features of small bowel obstruction. Operative findings revealed a mass lesion in jejunum with intussusception of proximal loop. Resection of bowel mass was performed. Histopathological findings were suggestive of leiomyosarcoma. After 3-years of follow-up, the patient developed recurrence in infracolic omentum and a liver metastasis. The omental mass was resected and liver lesion was managed with radiofrequency ablation. CONCLUSION: Jejunal leiomyosarcoma is a rare variety of malignant small bowel tumor and a clinical presentation with intussusception is unusual. We suggest that an aggressive management approach using a combination of surgery and a newer technique like RFA can be attempted in patients with limited metastatic spread to liver to prolong the long-term survival in a subset of patients.  相似文献   
The lifetimes of fluorescent components of matrix NADH in isolated porcine heart mitochondria were investigated using time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy. Three distinct lifetimes of fluorescence were resolved: 0.4 (63%), 1.8 (30%), and 5.7 (7%) ns (% total NADH). The 0.4 ns lifetime and the emission wavelength of the short component were consistent with free NADH. In addition to their longer lifetimes, the remaining pools also had a blue-shifted emission spectrum consistent with immobilized NADH. On the basis of emission frequency and lifetime data, the immobilized pools contributed >80% of NADH fluorescence. The steady-state kinetics of NADH entering the immobilized pools was measured in intact mitochondria and in isolated mitochondrial membranes. The apparent binding constants (K(D)s) for NADH in intact mitochondria, 2.8 mM (1.9 ns pool) and >3 mM (5.7 ns pool), were on the order of the estimated matrix [NADH] (approximately 3.5 mM). The affinities and fluorescence lifetimes resulted in an essentially linear relationship between matrix [NADH] and NADH fluorescence intensity. Mitochondrial membranes had shorter emission lifetimes in the immobilized poo1s [1 ns (34%) and 4.1 ns (8%)] with much higher apparent K(D)s of 100 microM and 20 microM, respectively. The source of the stronger NADH binding affinity in membranes is unknown but could be related to high order structure or other cofactors that are diluted out in the membrane preparation. In both preparations, the rate of NADH oxidation was proportional to the amount of NADH in the long lifetime pools, suggesting that a significant fraction of the bound NADH might be associated with oxidative phosphorylation, potentially in complex 1.  相似文献   
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