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The consumption of fructans as a low caloric food ingredient or dietary fibre is rapidly increasing due to health benefits. Presently, the most important fructan source is chicory, but these fructans have a simple linear structure and are prone to degradation. Additional sources of high-quality tailor-made fructans would provide novel opportunities for their use as food ingredients. Sugar beet is a highly productive crop that does not normally synthesize fructans. We have introduced specific onion fructosyltransferases into sugar beet. This resulted in an efficient conversion of sucrose into complex, onion-type fructans, without the loss of storage carbohydrate content.  相似文献   
Fructans are a group of fructose-based oligo- and polysaccharides, which appear to be involved in membrane preservation during dehydration by interacting with the membrane lipids. To get further understanding of the protective mechanism, the consequences of the fructan-membrane lipid interaction for the molecular organization and dynamics in the dry state were studied. POPC and DMPC were investigated in the dry state by (2)H, (31)P NMR, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy using two types of fructan and dextran. The order-disorder transition temperature of dry POPC was reduced by 70 degrees C in the presence of fructan. Fructan increased the mobility of the acyl chains, but immobilized the lipid headgroup region. Most likely, fructans insert between the headgroups of lipids, thereby spacing the acyl chains. This results in a much lower phase transition temperature. The headgroup is immobilized by the interaction with fructan. The location of the interaction with the lipid headgroup is different for the inulin-type fructan compared to the levan-type fructan, since inulin shows interaction with the lipid phosphate group, whereas levan does not. Dextran did not influence the phase transition temperature of dry POPC showing that reduction of this temperature is not a general property of polysaccharides.  相似文献   
Temperature passively affects biological processes involved in plant growth. Therefore, it is challenging to study the dedicated temperature signalling pathways that orchestrate thermomorphogenesis, a suite of elongation growth-based adaptations that enhance leaf-cooling capacity. We screened a chemical library for compounds that restored hypocotyl elongation in the pif4-2–deficient mutant background at warm temperature conditions in Arabidopsis thaliana to identify modulators of thermomorphogenesis. The small aromatic compound ‘Heatin’, containing 1-iminomethyl-2-naphthol as a pharmacophore, was selected as an enhancer of elongation growth. We show that ARABIDOPSIS ALDEHYDE OXIDASES redundantly contribute to Heatin-mediated hypocotyl elongation. Following a chemical proteomics approach, the members of the NITRILASE1-subfamily of auxin biosynthesis enzymes were identified among the molecular targets of Heatin. Our data reveal that nitrilases are involved in promotion of hypocotyl elongation in response to high temperature and Heatin-mediated hypocotyl elongation requires the NITRILASE1-subfamily members, NIT1 and NIT2. Heatin inhibits NIT1-subfamily enzymatic activity in vitro and the application of Heatin accordingly results in the accumulation of NIT1-subfamily substrate indole-3-acetonitrile in vivo. However, levels of the NIT1-subfamily product, bioactive auxin (indole-3-acetic acid), were also significantly increased. It is likely that the stimulation of hypocotyl elongation by Heatin might be independent of its observed interaction with NITRILASE1-subfamily members. However, nitrilases may contribute to the Heatin response by stimulating indole-3-acetic acid biosynthesis in an indirect way. Heatin and its functional analogues present novel chemical entities for studying auxin biology.  相似文献   
In plants, most of the above-ground body is formed post-embryonically by the continuous organogenic potential of the shoot apical meristem (SAM). Proper function of the SAM requires maintenance of a delicate balance between the depletion of stem cell daughters into developing primordia and proliferation of the central stem cell population. Here we show that initiation and maintenance of the Arabidopsis SAM, including that of floral meristems, requires the combinatorial action of three members of the BELL-family of TALE homeodomain proteins, ARABIDOPSIS THALIANA HOMEOBOX 1 (ATH1), PENNYWISE (PNY) and POUND-FOOLISH (PNF). All three proteins interact with the KNOX TALE homeodomain protein STM, and combined lesions in ATH1 , PNY and PNF result in a phenocopy of stm mutations. Therefore, we propose that ath1 pny pnf meristem defects result from loss of combinatorial BELL-STM control. Further, we demonstrate that heterodimerization-controlled cellular localization of BELL and KNOX proteins involves a CRM1/exportin-1-mediated nuclear exclusion mechanism that is probably generic to control the activity of BELL and KNOX combinations. We conclude that in animals and plants corresponding mechanisms regulate the activity of TALE homeodomain proteins through controlled nuclear-cytosolic distribution of these proteins.  相似文献   
Improvement in photosynthesis per unit leaf area has been difficult to alter by breeding or genetic modification. We report large changes in photosynthesis in Nicotiana tabacum transformed with E. coli genes for the trehalose pathway. Significantly, photosynthetic capacity (CO2 assimilation at varying light and CO2, and quantum yield of PSII electron transport) per unit leaf area and per leaf dry weight were increased in lines of N. tabacum transformed with the E. coli gene otsA, which encodes trehalose phosphate synthase. In contrast, transformation with otsB, which encodes trehalose phosphate phosphatase or Trec, encoding trehalose phosphate hydrolase, produced the opposite effect. Changes in CO2 assimilation per unit leaf area were closely related to the amount and activity of Rubisco, but not to the maximum activities of other Calvin cycle enzymes. Alterations in photosynthesis were associated with trehalose 6-phosphate content rather than trehalose. When growth parameters were determined, a greater photosynthetic capacity did not translate into greater relative growth rate or biomass. This was because photosynthetic capacity was negatively related to leaf area and leaf area ratio. In contrast, relative growth rate and biomass were positively related to leaf area. These results demonstrate a novel means of modifying Rubisco content and photosynthesis, and the complexities of regulation of photosynthesis at the whole plant level, with potential benefits to biomass production through improved leaf area.  相似文献   
Three full-length cDNAs from alfalfa seedlings coding for hydroperoxide lyases were cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli and characterized as cytochrome P450 enzymes. The isoenzymes were specific for 13-hydroperoxy linoleic and linolenic acids and did not use the 9-hydroperoxy isomers as substrates. Because alfalfa contains both specificities, this indicates the presence of two different types of hydroperoxide lyases, each specific for one kind of substrate. The enzymes contain 480 amino acids (54 kDa) and contain an unusual, nonplastidic N-terminal sequence of 22 amino acids, which strongly reduces the enzyme activity. The only known presequence of a hydroperoxide lyase (from Arabidopsis thaliana) was considered to be a transit sequence. The reduced enzyme activity, however, indicates that the hydroperoxide lyases with N-terminal extensions could be pro-enzymes. This hypothesis is supported by the fast release of hydroperoxide lyase products by plants upon wounding. One of the isoenzymes showed a strongly decreased Vmax and Km compared to the other two. Because this is probably due to the substitution of Ser377 by Phe; the residue at position 377 seems to be important. This is the first time that sufficient quantities of hydroperoxide lyase have been obtained for characterization studies, by circumventing difficult purification procedures and degradation of the enzyme. The high expression level, easy purification, good stability and high specificity make these cloned hydroperoxide lyases excellent tools to study the reaction mechanism and structure. We postulate an integrated reaction mechanism, based on the known chemistry of cytochrome P450 enzymes. This is the first mechanism that unifies all observed features of hydroperoxide lyases.  相似文献   
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