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Tactile hairs are present on all three subsegments of the antennal flagellum of the human louse. There is, in addition, a single chemoreceptor (tuft organ) on subsegment 2 and 12 or 13 chemoreceptors (one tuft organ, two pore organs and nine or ten pegs) on subsegment 3. The cuticle surrounding the bases of the pegs at the tip of the antenna is unusual in that parts of it are perforated by many fine pores. This cuticle is underlain by a thin layer of dendrites. This region may also have a chemoreceptor function.  相似文献   
The sense organs on the antennal flagella of five species of winged psocids belonging to two families of Psocoptera, Psocidae and Leptopsocidae, have been examined. All agree in possessing tactile hairs, thick-walled chemoreceptors and long, porous chemoreceptors. Thin-walled chemoreceptors were identified in all species except Metylophorous novaescotiae. Coeloconic chemoreceptors were present in all species except Echmepteryx hageni. Campaniform sense organs were found only in Metylophorus novaescotiae and Psocus leidyi.  相似文献   
Spinocerebellar ataxia type 8 (SCA8) is caused by a bidirectionally transcribed CTG·CAG expansion that results in the in vivo accumulation of CUG RNA foci, an ATG‐initiated polyGln and a polyAla protein expressed by repeat‐associated non‐ATG (RAN) translation. Although RAN proteins have been reported in a growing number of diseases, the mechanisms and role of RAN translation in disease are poorly understood. We report a novel toxic SCA8 polySer protein which accumulates in white matter (WM) regions as aggregates that increase with age and disease severity. WM regions with polySer aggregates show demyelination and axonal degeneration in SCA8 human and mouse brains. Additionally, knockdown of the eukaryotic translation initiation factor eIF3F in cells reduces steady‐state levels of SCA8 polySer and other RAN proteins. Taken together, these data show polySer and WM abnormalities contribute to SCA8 and identify eIF3F as a novel modulator of RAN protein accumulation.  相似文献   
Non-innervated macrotrichia and microtrichia, thick-walled chemoreceptors and three kinds of thin-walled chemoreceptors are present on the antennal flagellum of Frenesia missa. One of the thin-walled receptors, the plate organ, is of a type not previously recorded for any insect. About four times as many plate organs are present on the flagellum of the male as on that of the female. They occur also on the maxillary and labial palps.  相似文献   
Six types of sense organs are present on the antennal flagellum of Ctenolepisma lineata pilifera: tactile hairs, trichobothria, thick-walled chemoreceptors, small thin-walled chemoreceptors and coeloconic chemoreceptors. The number, size and distribution on the antenna of each type have been recorded. The base of the tactile hair is more complex than is that of other insects examined earlier. Trichobothria, long, slender hairs that oscillate in a gentle puff of air, are an unusal feature in insects and especially so for the antenna. The two types of thin-walled chemoreceptors differ in shape, size and in the structure of their walls and internal parts. A pocket-like depression of the floor of the cavity in which the peg of the coeloconic sense organ is set has not been found in earlier studies. Its function is unknown. The axons from the sensory neurons extend along the inner surface of the antennal epidermis as a sheet of fibers lining the antennal lumen. Near the pedicel the axons leave the epidermis and join to form the antennal nerve. A few observations on sense organs on appendages other than the antennae and some notes on behavior are included.  相似文献   
Five types of sense organs have been found on the antennal flagellum of Forficula auricularia Linnaeus: (1) tactile hairs; (2) long, thick-walled chemoreceptors; (3) short, thick-walled chemoreceptors; (4) thin-walled chemoreceptors and (5) coeloconic chemoreceptors. Earlier workers have placed the first three of these in a single class. The structural characteristics and distribution of these five kinds of sensilla on the antenna are described. All of the types except the third have been reported previously for other species but short, thick-walled chemoreceptors have not been described before. They are remarkable for the presence of (1) a broad pad-Like structure that absorbs dyes readily at the distal end of the peg and (2) a spheroid body, over a micron in diameter, on the dendrite of each olfactory neuron at the point where it narrows to assume the structure of a cilium. The antennal sense organs of a few specimens of Chelisoches morio (Fabricius), Labidura riparia (Pallas) and Euborellia annulipes (Lucas) were also examined.  相似文献   
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