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Ghrelin is a 28-residue peptide hormone that is principally released from the stomach during fasting and prior to eating. Two forms are present in human plasma: the unmodified peptide and a less abundant acylated version, in which octanoic acid is attached to the third residue, a serine, via an ester linkage. The acylated form of ghrelin acts as a ligand for the growth hormone secretagogue receptor and can stimulate the release of growth hormone from the pituitary gland. It also initiates behavioral and metabolic adaptations to fasting. Here we show that an immobilized form of ghrelin specifically binds a species of high density lipoprotein associated with the plasma esterase, paraoxonase, and clusterin. Both free ghrelin and paraoxon, a substrate for paraoxonase, can inhibit this interaction. An endogenous species of ghrelin is found to co-purify with high density lipoprotein during density gradient centrifugation and subsequent gel filtration. This interaction links the orexigenic peptide hormone ghrelin to lipid transport and metabolism. Furthermore, the interaction of the esterified hormone ghrelin with a species of HDL containing an esterase suggests a possible mechanism for the conversion of ghrelin to des-acyl ghrelin.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Among adrenergic receptor subtypes that regulate lipid mobilization, the alpha2-adrenergic receptor is involved in the inhibition of fatty acid mobilization from adipose tissue. A C-1291G polymorphism is located in the alpha2-adrenergic receptor gene (ADRA2A) but no association with body fat accumulation has been reported yet. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Body mass index (BMI), fat mass (FAT), percentage body fat (%FAT), trunk-to-extremity skinfold ratio (TER), sum of eight skinfolds (SF8), and abdominal subcutaneous (ASF), visceral (AVF), and total (ATF) fat areas assessed by CT scan have been measured in adult sedentary white (n = 503) and black (n = 276) subjects participating in the HERITAGE Family Study. Association between the C-1291G polymorphism and each phenotype was tested separately in men and women of each race using ANCOVA with the effects of age as covariate in addition to the effects of BMI for TER and of FAT for AVF, ASF, and ATF. RESULTS: The allele frequencies of the ADRA2A C-1291G polymorphism differed between races. No association was observed in white subjects, except for a moderate effect of the polymorphism accounting for less than 1% of the variance in AVF and ATF in women. In black subjects, however, the G-1291 allele was found to be associated with an increase of TER in men (3.8% of variance accounted for by the polymorphism), while in black women it was associated with a decrease in TER (2.9%) and in AVF (2.5%). CONCLUSION: These results suggest a role for the ADRA2A gene in determining the propensity to store fat in the abdominal area, independently of total body fatness.  相似文献   
The objective of the present study was to determine if the neurotropin receptors trkC and trkA are involved in embryonic testis development. These receptors bind neurotropin 3 and nerve growth factor, respectively. The hypothesis tested was that the absence of trkC or trkA receptors will have detrimental effects on testis development and morphology. The trkA and trkC homozygote knockout (KO) mice generally die either at or shortly after birth. Therefore, heterozygote mice were mated to obtain homozygote gene KO mice at Embryonic Day (E) 13, E14, E17, and E19 of gestation, with E0 being the plug date. Gonads from approximately 80 embryos were collected and fixed, and each embryo was genotyped. To determine gonadal characteristics for each genotype, the number of germ cells, number of seminiferous cords, seminiferous cord area, and interstitial area were calculated at each developmental age. Germ cell numbers varied in trkA gene KO mice from those of wild-type mice at each age evaluated. In trkC gene KO mice, differences were detected in germ cell numbers when compared to wild-type mice at E17 and E19. At E19, germ cell numbers were reduced in both trkA and trkC gene KO mice when compared to wild-type animals. Apoptosis was evaluated in testes of wild-type, trkC gene KO, and trkA gene KO mice to determine if the alteration in germ cell numbers at each developmental age was influenced by different patterns of germ cell survival or apoptosis. No differences were found in germ cell apoptosis during embryonic testis development. Interestingly, trkA gene KO mice that survived to Postnatal Day 19 had a 10-fold increase in germ cell apoptosis when compared to germ cells in wild-type mice. Evaluation of other morphological testis parameters demonstrated that trkC KO testes had reduced interstitial area at E13, reduced number of seminiferous cords at E14, and reduced seminiferous cord area at E19. The trkA gene KO testes had a reduction in the number of seminiferous cords at E14. Histology of both trkA and trkC gene KO testes demonstrated that these gonads appear to be developmentally delayed when compared to their wild-type testis counterparts at E13 during testis development. The current study demonstrates that both trkA and trkC neurotropin receptors influence germ cell numbers during testis development and events such as seminiferous cord formation.  相似文献   
The ovary contains a pool of primordial follicles containing oocytes arrested in meiosis that are the source of developing follicles for the female. Growth and differentiation factor-9 (GDF-9) is a member of the transforming growth factor beta superfamily of growth factors, and follicles of GDF-9 knockout mice arrest in the primary stage of development. The effect of GDF-9 treatment on the primordial to primary follicle transition and on subsequent follicle progression was examined using a rat ovary organ culture system. Ovaries from 4-day-old rats were cultured under serum-free conditions in the absence or presence of growth factors. GDF-9 treatment caused a decrease in the proportion of stage 1 early primary follicles and a concomitant increase in the proportion of stage 2 mature primary follicles. GDF-9 did not effect primordial follicles or stage 0 to stage 1 follicle transition. GDF-9 also did not influence stage 3 or 4 secondary follicle numbers. Isolated antral follicle granulosa and theca cell cultures were used to analyze the actions of GDF-9. GDF-9 treatment did not directly influence either granulosa or theca cell proliferation. The ability of GDF-9 to influence the expression of another growth factor was examined. GDF-9 treatment increased kit ligand (KL) mRNA expression in bovine granulosa cells after 2 days of culture. Ovaries from 4-day-old rats were also cultured with or without GDF-9 treatment, and total ovary expression of KL mRNA was increased by GDF-9. In summary, GDF-9 was found to promote the progression of early primary follicle development but did not influence primordial follicle development. The actions of GDF-9 on specific stages of follicle development may in part be mediated through altering the expression of KL.  相似文献   
Evidence suggests that estrogen modulates growth hormone (GH) release and that GH plays an important role in follicular and ovulatory processes. How estradiol affects GH secretion is unclear. Having verified that there is a coincident surge of GH at the time of the preovulatory LH surge, immunocytochemical studies incorporating high-temperature antigen retrieval were used to determine whether GH-releasing hormone (GHRH) neurons, somatotropes, or both, expressed estrogen receptor alpha (ER), in the ewe. Although GHRH neurons were surrounded by many ER cells, they did not express immunocytochemically detectable ERs. In contrast to gonadotropes, in which the majority expressed ERs, few somatotropes were estrogen receptive. These data suggest that estrogen does not act directly on GHRH neurons to influence GH secretion, and any direct effect on pituitary GH release, through the ERalpha, may be small.  相似文献   
The neuroendocrine reproductive and stress axes are known to be closely linked, but the mechanisms underlying these links remain poorly understood. In the ovine brain, GnRH neurons do not contain type II glucocorticoid (GR), progesterone (PR), or alpha estrogen (ERalpha) receptors. We sought to determine whether PR, ERalpha, and GR coexist within the same hypothalamic neurons. A triple immunocytochemical study, involving antisera raised in three different species, was performed on cryostat sections from ovariectomized ewes treated either with estradiol and progesterone or with progesterone alone. All PR-immunoreactive neurons contained ERalpha, and about 95% of ERalpha were PR immunoreactive in the preoptic area and arcuate nucleus. Although the PR with ERalpha colocalization ratio was not affected by the steroid treatments, immunolabeling for PR was weaker in animals that did not receive estradiol. Numerous PR- and ERalpha-immunoreactive cells contain GR. PR+ERalpha+GR-immunoreactive cells represent 70% of PR, 65% of ERalpha, and 72% of GR in the preoptic area and 70% of PR, 66% of ERalpha, and 63% of GR in the arcuate nucleus. These results suggest that estrogen, progesterone, and glucocorticoids may influence the activity of the same neurons to modulate both reproductive and stress axes.  相似文献   
The serpins (SERine Proteinase INhibitors) are a family of proteins with important physiological roles, including but not limited to the inhibition of chymotrypsin-like serine proteinases. The inhibitory mechan- ism involves a large conformational change known as the S-->R (stressed-->relaxed) transition. The largest structural differences occur in a region around the scissile bond called the reactive centre loop: In the native (S) state, the reactive centre is exposed, and is free to interact with proteinases. In inhibitory serpins, in the cleaved (R) state the reactive centre loop forms an additional strand within the beta-sheet. The latent state is an uncleaved state in which the intact reactive centre loop is integrated into the A sheet as in the cleaved form, to give an alternative R state.The serpin structures illustrate detailed control of conformation within a single protein. Serpins are also an unusual family of proteins in which homologues have native states with different folding topologies. Determination of the structures of inhibitory serpins in multiple conformational states permits a detailed analysis of the mechanism of the S-->R transition, and of the way in which a single sequence can form two stabilised states of different topology.Here we compare the conformations of alpha(1)-antitrypsin in native and cleaved states. Many protein conformational changes involve relative motions of large rigid subunits. We determine the rigid subunits of alpha(1)-antitrypsin and analyse the changes in their relative position and orientation. Knowing that the conformational change is initiated by cleavage at the reactive centre, we describe a mechanism of the S-->R transition as a logical sequence of mechanical effects, even though the transition likely proceeds in a concerted manner.  相似文献   
Juvenile hormone synthesis by corpora allata is regulated partly by allatostatin containing nerves from the brain that innervate the corpora cardiaca and the corpora allata. To investigate whether NO also participates in the regulation of juvenile hormone synthesis, antibody against NO synthase and the histochemical test for NADPH diaphorase activity, a marker for NO synthase, were applied to the corpora cardiaca-corpora allata of Diploptera punctata. Strong NADPH diaphorase activity occurred in corpus allatum cells but not in nerve fibers in the corpora allata or corpora cardiaca. In contrast, NO immunoreactivity occurred in nerves in the corpora cardiaca but not within the corpora allata. NO and allatostatin were not colocalized. NO synthase and NADPH diaphorase activity were localized in similar areas of the subesophageal ganglion and cells in the pars intercerebralis of the brain. Positive correlation of the quantity of NADPH diaphorase activity with juvenile hormone synthesis during the gonadotrophic cycle and lack of such correlation in subesophageal ganglia suggest that NADPH diaphorase activity reflects the necessity of NADPH in the pathway of juvenile hormone synthesis. These data suggest that NO is unlikely to play a significant role in the regulation of the corpora allata.  相似文献   
Indexes of heart rate variability (HRV) based on linear stochastic models are independent risk factors for arrhythmic death (AD). An index based on a nonlinear deterministic model, a reduction in the point correlation dimension (PD2i), has been shown in both animal and human studies to have a higher sensitivity and specificity for predicting AD. Dimensional reduction subsequent to transient ischemia was examined previously in a simple model system, the intrinsic nervous system of the isolated rabbit heart. The present study presents a new model system in which the higher cerebral centers are blocked chemically (ketamine inhibition of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors) and the system is perturbed over a longer 15-min interval by continuous hemorrhage. The hypothesis tested was that dimensional reduction would again be evoked, but in association with a more complex relationship between the system variables. The hypothesis was supported, and we interpret the greater response complexity to result from the larger autonomic superstructure attached to the heart. The complexities observed in the nonlinear heartbeat dynamics constitute a new genre of autonomic response, one clearly distinct from a hardwired reflex or a cerebrally determined defensive reaction.  相似文献   
In vivo DNA damage in gastric epithelial cells   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A number of risk factors have been linked epidemiologically with gastric cancer, but studies of DNA damage in gastric epithelial cells are limited. The comet assay is a simple technique for determining levels of DNA damage in individual cells. In this study, we have validated the comet assay for use in epithelial cells derived directly from human gastric biopsies, determined optimal conditions for biopsy digestion and investigated the effects of oxidative stress and digestion time on DNA damage. Biopsies taken at endoscopy were digested using combinations of pronase and collagenase, ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid (EDTA) and vigorous shaking. The resultant cell suspension was assessed for cell concentration and epithelial cell and leukocyte content. A score for DNA damage, the comet %, was derived from the cell suspension, and the effect of various digestion conditions was studied. Cells were incubated with H(2)O(2) and DNA damage was assessed. Pronase and collagenase provided optimum digestion conditions, releasing 1. 12x10(5) cells per biopsy, predominantly epithelial. Of the 23 suspensions examined, all but three had leukocyte concentrations of less than 20%. The comet assay had high inter-observer (6.1%) and inter-assay (4.5%) reproducibility. Overnight storage of the biopsy at 4 degrees C had no significant effect on DNA migration. Comet % increased from a median of 46% in untreated cells to 88% in cells incubated for 45 min in H(2)O(2) (p=0.005). Serial 25-min digestions were performed on biopsies from 13 patients to release cells from successively deeper levels in the crypt. Levels of DNA migration were significantly lower with each digestion (r=-0.94, p<0.001), suggesting that DNA damage is lower in younger cells released from low in the gastric crypt. The comet assay is a reproducible measure of DNA damage in gastric epithelial cells. Damage accumulates in older, more superficial cells, and can be induced by oxidative stress.  相似文献   
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