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Oxygen uptake () and critical oxygen tension (Pcrit) were measured in resting perch Perca fluviatilis that were either fasting or digesting. Digestion caused to double (from 61 to 117 mg O2 kg?1h?1) and was associated with a rise in Pcrit (from 3·4 to 4·9 kPa), showing that the animal's digestive state must be considered when assessing the effect of hypoxia in natural conditions, and when defining optimal oxygen conditions in aquaculture.  相似文献   
The branching angle and diameter ratio in epicardial coronary artery bifurcations are two important determinants of atherogenesis. Murray's cubed diameter law and bifurcation angle have been assumed to yield optimal flows through a bifurcation. In contrast, we have recently shown a 7/3 diameter law (HK diameter model), based on minimum energy hypothesis in an entire tree structure. Here, we derive a bifurcation angle rule corresponding to the HK diameter model and critically evaluate the streamline flow through HK and Murray-type bifurcations. The bifurcations from coronary casts were found to obey the HK diameter model and angle rule much more than Murray's model. A finite element model was used to investigate flow patterns for coronary artery bifurcations of various types. The inlet velocity and pressure boundary conditions were measured by ComboWire. Y-bifurcation of Murray type decreased wall shear stress-WSS (10%-40%) and created an increased oscillatory shear index-OSI in atherosclerosis-prone regions as compared with HK-type bifurcations. The HK-type bifurcations were found to have more optimal flow patterns (i.e., higher WSS and lower OSI) than Murray-type bifurcations which have been traditionally believed to be optimized. This study has implications for changes in bifurcation angles and diameters in percutaneous coronary intervention.  相似文献   
Friedreich ataxia is the most common recessive neurodegenerative disease and is caused by reduced expression of mitochondrial frataxin. Frataxin depletion causes impairment in iron-sulfur cluster and heme biosynthesis, disruption of iron homeostasis and hypersensitivity to oxidants. Currently no pharmacological treatment blocks disease progression, although antioxidant therapies proved to benefit patients. We show that sensitivity of yeast frataxin-deficient cells to hydrogen peroxide is partially mediated by the metacaspase. Metacaspase deletion in frataxin-deficient cells results in recovery of antioxidant capacity and heme synthesis. In addition, our results suggest that metacaspase is associated with mitochondrial respiration, intracellular redox control and genomic stability.  相似文献   
We prove that the slope parameter of the ordinary least squares regression of phylogenetically independent contrasts (PICs) conducted through the origin is identical to the slope parameter of the method of generalized least squares (GLSs) regression under a Brownian motion model of evolution. This equivalence has several implications: 1. Understanding the structure of the linear model for GLS regression provides insight into when and why phylogeny is important in comparative studies. 2. The limitations of the PIC regression analysis are the same as the limitations of the GLS model. In particular, phylogenetic covariance applies only to the response variable in the regression and the explanatory variable should be regarded as fixed. Calculation of PICs for explanatory variables should be treated as a mathematical idiosyncrasy of the PIC regression algorithm. 3. Since the GLS estimator is the best linear unbiased estimator (BLUE), the slope parameter estimated using PICs is also BLUE. 4. If the slope is estimated using different branch lengths for the explanatory and response variables in the PIC algorithm, the estimator is no longer the BLUE, so this is not recommended. Finally, we discuss whether or not and how to accommodate phylogenetic covariance in regression analyses, particularly in relation to the problem of phylogenetic uncertainty. This discussion is from both frequentist and Bayesian perspectives.  相似文献   
Little is known about mate choice preferences outside Western, educated, industrialised, rich and democratic societies, even though these Western populations may be particularly unrepresentative of human populations. To our knowledge, this is the first study to test which facial cues contribute to African perceptions of African female attractiveness and also the first study to test the combined role of facial adiposity, skin colour (lightness, yellowness and redness), skin homogeneity and youthfulness in the facial attractiveness preferences of any population. Results show that youthfulness, skin colour, skin homogeneity and facial adiposity significantly and independently predict attractiveness in female African faces. Younger, thinner women with a lighter, yellower skin colour and a more homogenous skin tone are considered more attractive. These findings provide a more global perspective on human mate choice and point to a universal role for these four facial cues in female facial attractiveness.  相似文献   
Commensal symbionts, thought to be intermediary amid obligate mutualists and facultative parasites, offer insight into forces driving the evolutionary transition into mutualism. Using macroarrays developed for a close relative, Escherichia coli, we utilized a heterologous array hybridization approach to infer the genomic compositions of a clade of bacteria that have recently established symbiotic associations: Sodalis glossinidius with the tsetse fly (Diptera, Glossina spp.) and Sitophilus oryzae primary endosymbiont (SOPE) with the rice weevil (Coleoptera, Sitophilus oryzae). Functional biologies within their hosts currently reflect different forms of symbiotic associations. Their hosts, members of distant insect taxa, occupy distinct ecological niches and have evolved to survive on restricted diets of blood for tsetse and cereal for the rice weevil. Comparison of genome contents between the two microbes indicates statistically significant differences in the retention of genes involved in carbon compound catabolism, energy metabolism, fatty acid metabolism, and transport. The greatest reductions have occurred in carbon catabolism, membrane proteins, and cell structure-related genes for Sodalis and in genes involved in cellular processes (i.e., adaptations towards cellular conditions) for SOPE. Modifications in metabolic pathways, in the form of functional losses complementing particularities in host physiology and ecology, may have occurred upon initial entry from a free-living to a symbiotic state. It is possible that these adaptations, streamlining genomes, act to make a free-living state no longer feasible for the harnessed microbe.  相似文献   
Metachromatic leukodystrophy (MLD) is a recessive autosomal disease which is biochemically characterized by an accumulation of sulfatides (sulfogalactosylceramides) mainly in oligodendrocytes and macrophages/microglia. The deficient enzyme is a lysosomal hydrolase, cerebroside sulfate sulfatase (arylsulfatase A). MLD is both a dysmyelinating and a demyelinating disease. The main clinical forms are infantile or juvenile, but some forms appear at adulthood. This disease involves also neuronal cells as sulfatides are also present in neurons in which the defect in degradation occurs also. We have studied 12 cases of adult MLD and clearly distinguished two clinical forms. One of them was characterized by mainly central nervous system motor signs (pyramidal, cerebellar, and seldom dystonia) and a peripheral neuropathy. The other form always started by behavioural abnormalities with modifications of mood, peculiar social reactions; a progressive mental deterioration occurred also. The diagnosis of schizophrenia was often mentioned. Most of these patients remained for many years without any neurological symptoms, and the diagnosis was only made when neurological signs appeared, or when Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) was performed. MRI showed a diffuse demyelination, bilateral and often symmetrical, which could be temporarily limited to the periventricular areas. The diagnosis of adult MLD was biochemical, evidencing the low activity of arylsulfatase A (ASA) and sulfatide accumulation. To determine the respective participation of neurons and glial cells in the physiopathology of both the motor forms and the psycho-cognitive forms, our first approach was to search for mutations differing according to the clinical status. Motor forms involved the major adult ASA mutation P426L in a homozygote form in contrast to psycho-cognitive forms which involved as a compound heterozygote a specific I179S mutation.  相似文献   
Dog plasma and prenodal peripheral lymph apoA-I distribution was examined by nondenaturing gradient gel electrophoresis-immunoblot analysis. In control dogs, plasma apoA-I could be localized to two distinct populations of particles with modal diameters of 8.4 nm and 10.4 nm. The smaller sized population accounted for over 50% of plasma apoA-I. Peripheral lymph apoA-I distribution was significantly different. The percentage of apoA-I localized to the 10.4 nm population was reduced by 40% and the modal diameter of the smaller HDL apoA-I population was significantly decreased by 0.1 nm. Additionally, peripheral lymph apoA-I could be localized to particles smaller than albumin (lipoprotein-unassociated apoA-I). The presence of lipoprotein-unassociated apoA-I particles was confirmed by gel filtration chromatography. Immunoblots of column fractions subjected to agarose electrophoresis revealed that these particles had slow pre-beta electrophoretic mobility. In dogs fed an atherogenic diet, lipoprotein-unassociated apoA-I particles with slow pre-beta electrophoretic mobility could be found in both plasma and peripheral lymph. With increasing degree of hypercholesterolemia, the relative amount of plasma lipoprotein-unassociated apoA-I tended to increase. In peripheral lymph, an increasing degree of hypercholesterolemia was associated with a decrease in the relative amount of lipoprotein-unassociated apoA-I. Instead, a population of large apoA-I particles (11-25 nm) became increasingly prominent.  相似文献   
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