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Previously, we have shown that hairy root cultures of peanut provide a controlled, sustainable and scalable production system that can be induced to produce stilbenoids. However to leverage peanut hairy roots to study the biosynthesis of this polyphenolic biosynthetic pathway, growing conditions and elicitation kinetics of these tissue cultures must be defined and understood. To this end, a new peanut cv. Hull hairy root (line 3) that produces resveratrol and its prenylated analogues arachidin-1 and arachidin-3 upon sodium acetate-mediated elicitation was established. Two culture media were compared for impact on root growth and stilbenoid biosynthesis/secretion. The levels of ammonium, nitrate, phosphate and residual sugars were monitored along growth and elicitation period. A modified MS (MSV) medium resulted in higher root biomass when compared to B5 medium. The stilbenoid profile after elicitation varied depending on the age of the culture (6, 9, 12, and 15-day old). After elicitation at day 9 (exponential growth in MSV medium), over 90% of the total resveratrol, arachidin-1 and arachidin-3 accumulated in the medium. Our studies demonstrate the benefits of the hairy root culture system to study the biosynthesis of stilbenoids including valuable prenylated polyphenolic compounds.  相似文献   
To investigate low-dose/low-dose-rate effects of low-linear energy transfer (LET) ionizing radiation, we used gamma-irradiated cells adapted to grow in a three-dimensional architecture that mimics cell growth in vivo. We determined the cellular, molecular and biochemical changes in these cells. Quiescent normal human fibroblasts were irradiated with single acute or chronic doses (1-10 cGy) of (137)Cs gamma rays. Whereas exposure to an acute dose of 10 cGy increased micronucleus formation, protraction of the dose over 48 h reduced micronucleus frequency to a level similar to or lower than what occurs spontaneously. The protracted treatment also up-regulated the cellular content of the antioxidant glutathione. These changes correlated with modulation of phospho-TP53 (serine 15), a stress marker that was regulated by doses as low as 1 cGy. The DNA damage that occurred after exposure to an acute dose of 10 cGy was protected against in two ways: (1) up-regulation of cellular antioxidant enzyme activity by ectopic overexpression of MnSOD, catalase or glutathione peroxidase, and (2) inhibition of superoxide anion generation by flavin-containing oxidases. These results support a significant role for oxidative metabolism in mediating low-dose radiation effects and demonstrate that cell culture in three dimensions is ideal to investigate radiation-induced adaptive responses. Expression of connexin 43, a constitutive protein of gap junctions, and the G(1) checkpoint were more sensitive to regulation by gamma rays in cells maintained in a three-dimensional than in a two-dimensional configuration.  相似文献   
Summary Direct shoot and cormlet regeneration from leaf explants were obtained in triploid dessert banana cultivar Nanjanagud Rasabale (NR) that is classified under the group ‘Silk’ and has the genotype AAB. The response for both cormlet and direct shool formation was observed only in leaf explants obtained from shoots cultured in liquid medium but not in similar explants obtained from shoots grown on gelled medium. Shoot initiation occurred after a sequential culture of leaf (sheath) explants on modified Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with different growth regulators. In the sequence, the leaf explants were cultured first on medium with a high level (22.4 μM) of benzyladenine (BA), second on indolc-3-butyric acid (IBA) supplemented medium, and third on reduced BA medium under incubation in the dark. The highest adventitious shoot regeneration in 24% of the explants, with the number of shoots ranging from 2 to 3 per explant, occurred in the explants incubated at the first step in medium with 22.4 and 0.198 μM IBA. Further growth and complete shoot formation occurred under incubation in a 16-h photoperiod. While keeping the culture conditions constant and replacing BA with picloram (0.83–20.71 μM) in the initial step, adventious origin of cormlets occurred in 12% of the explants. However, when rhizome explants (also obtained from shoots grown in liquid medium) were cultured with various growth regulators in the first step, medium containing 2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacctic acid (7.82 μM) produced friable callus that re-differentiated into roots only. Physical forms of the medium, ie.e. agar-gelled or liquid, imparted specific effects on the extent of multiplication of leaf-regenerated shoots with no differences in morphology and growth patterns when compared to those of meristem-derived plants.  相似文献   
Glucuronoxylans with a backbone of 1,4-linked β-D-xylosyl residues are ubiquitous in the secondary walls of gymnosperms and angiosperms. Xylans have been reported to be present in hornwort cell walls, but their structures have not been determined. In contrast, the presence of xylans in the cell walls of mosses and liverworts remains a subject of debate. Here we present data that unequivocally establishes that the cell walls of leafy tissue and axillary hair cells of the moss Physcomitrella patens contain a glucuronoxylan that is structurally similar to glucuronoxylans in the secondary cell walls of vascular plants. Some of the 1,4-linked β-D-xylopyranosyl residues in the backbone of this glucuronoxylan bear an α-D-glucosyluronic acid (GlcpA) sidechain at O-2. In contrast, the lycopodiophyte Selaginella kraussiana synthesizes a glucuronoxylan substituted with 4-O-Me-α-D-GlcpA sidechains, as do many hardwood species. The monilophyte Equisetum hyemale produces a glucuronoxylan with both 4-O-Me-α-D-GlcpA and α-D-GlcpA sidechains, as does Arabidopsis. The seedless plant glucuronoxylans contain no discernible amounts of the reducing-end sequence that is characteristic of gymnosperm and eudicot xylans. Phylogenetic studies showed that the P. patens genome contains genes with high sequence similarity to Arabidopsis CAZy family GT8, GT43 and GT47 glycosyltransferases that are likely involved in xylan synthesis. We conclude that mosses synthesize glucuronoxylan that is structurally similar to the glucuronoxylans present in the secondary cell walls of lycopodiophytes, monilophytes, and many seed-bearing plants, and that several of the glycosyltransferases required for glucuronoxylan synthesis evolved before the evolution of tracheophytes.  相似文献   
Cardiac hormone atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) and its receptor natriuretic peptide receptor-A (NPR-A) system acts as an intrinsic negative regulator of abnormal extracellular matrix (ECM) remodeling in the heart. However, the underlying mechanism by which ANP/NPR-A system opposes the ECM remodeling in the diseased heart is not well understood. Here, we investigated the anti-fibrotic mechanism of ANP/NPR-A in fibrotic agonist Angiotensin- II (ANG II)-treated adult cardiac fibroblast (CF) cells. Normal and NPR-A-suppressed adult CF cells were treated with ANG II (10?7 M) in the presence and absence of ANP (10?8 M) for 24 h. Total collagen concentration, activity and expression of MMP-2 and MMP-9, and nuclear translocation of Nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-κB-p50) were studied. NPR-A-suppressed adult CF cells exhibited a more pronounced increase in collagen production, ROS generation, and NF-κB-p50 nuclear translocation as compared to adult CF cells treated with agonist alone. ANP co-treatment significantly reverses the agonist-induced above changes in normal adult CF cells, while it failed to reverse the agonist-induced collagen synthesis in the NPR-A-suppressed adult CF cells. The cGMP analog (8-bromo-cGMP) treatment significantly attenuated the agonist-induced collagen synthesis both in normal and NPR-A-suppressed adult cells. The results of this study suggest that ANP/NPR-A signaling system antagonizes the agonist-induced collagen synthesis via suppressing the activities of MMP-2, MMP-9, ROS generation, and NF-κB nuclear translocation mechanism.  相似文献   
The muscle collagen of marine prawn,Penaeus indicus, was isolated by limited pepsin digestion. Based on selective salt precipitation, amino acid composition and gel electrophoretic pattern, the major collagen was found to be a homotrimer of á 1 chain, similar to type V collagen of vertebrates. Electron microscopy of reconstituted fibrils, made for the first time from a crustacean species, revealed a characteristic 64 nm periodicity. Biochemical studies indicate a less than normal amount of associated carbohydrates and an increased alanine content The major collagen had a denatu ration temperature of 37°C with an intrinsic viscosity of 11.3 dl/g. Spectral characteristics of the major collagen were studied. Results suggest the presence of genetically distinct collagen types and acid resistant cross links in crustacean muscle.  相似文献   
C M Venkatachalam 《Biopolymers》1968,6(10):1425-1436
The general conformations of a system of three linked peptide units are studied, and it is found that there are three types of conformations which contain NH…O hydrogen bonding between the first and the third units. One of them is part of a 310-helix, while the other two arc nonhelical. The two nonhelical conformations are very similar, and in both the cases the peptide chain turns around, reversing the direction of progress. Such a conformation can therefore occur in the region where a polypeptide chain folds back on itself, as in the cross-β structure. The method of representing these interesting tripeptide conformations in a (?,ψ) map is described. Examples of such hydrogen-bonded, nonhelical conformations which occur in peptides and proteins are discussed—e.g., in cyclohexaglyeyl, an open tetrapeptide Gly-L -Pro-L -Leu-Gly, and in parts of the lysozyme chain.  相似文献   
Development of improved fluorescent voltage indicators is a key challenge in neuroscience, but progress has been hampered by the low throughput of patch-clamp characterization. We introduce a line of non-fluorescent HEK cells that stably express NaV 1.3 and KIR 2.1 and generate spontaneous electrical action potentials. These cells enable rapid, electrode-free screening of speed and sensitivity of voltage sensitive dyes or fluorescent proteins on a standard fluorescence microscope. We screened a small library of mutants of archaerhodopsin 3 (Arch) in spiking HEK cells and identified two mutants with greater voltage-sensitivity than found in previously published Arch voltage indicators.  相似文献   
A rapid and efficient method for in vitro direct plant regeneration from immature leaf roll explants of Saccharum officinarum L. (sugarcane) cv. Co 86032 was developed by the application of exogenous polyamines (PA). The effect of explant source from apical meristems and pre-culture of explants in the dark on shoot regeneration was studied. Adventitious shoot regeneration occurred on the proximal regions of immature leaf roll explants when pre-incubated in the dark for 2 wk and the regeneration response was decreased from the middle to distal end. A higher number of direct shoots (130 primary shoots explant?1) and multiple shoots (657 secondary shoots explant?1), were obtained with a combination of spermidine (103.27 μM), spermine (49.42 μM), and putrescine (31.04 μM) along with plant growth regulators. Shoot induction was increased up to twofold and multiplication was increased up to threefold in the medium supplemented with PA. Profuse rooting was observed in putrescine (93.12 μM), spermidine (68.84 μM), and spermine (24.71 μM), with mean number of 57 roots. A twofold increase in the number of roots was observed in medium supplemented with PA with respect to control cultures, which facilitated the successful transplantation and acclimatization process of in vitro propagated sugarcane plants. Histology and scanning electron microscopy analyses supported adventitious direct shoot regeneration from immature leaf roll explants. The genetic stability of in vitro regenerated plants was confirmed using start codon targeted polymorphism marker system.  相似文献   
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