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BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Species of the Nepenthaceae family are under-represented in studies of leaf traits and the consequent view of mineral nutrition and limitation in carnivorous plants. This study is aimed to complement existing data on leaf traits of carnivorous plants. METHODS: Physico-chemical properties, including construction costs (CC), of the assimilatory organs (leaf and pitcher) of a guild of lowland Nepenthes species inhabiting heath and/or peat swamp forests of Brunei, Northern Borneo were determined. KEY RESULTS: Stoichiometry analyses indicate that Nepenthes species are nitrogen limited. Most traits vary appreciably across species, but greater variations exist between the assimilatory organs. Organ mass per unit area, dry matter tissue concentration (density), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), carbon, heat of combustion (H(c)) and CC values were higher in the leaf relative to the pitcher, while organ thickness, potassium (K) and ash showed the opposite trend. Cross-species correlations indicate that joint rather than individual consideration of the leaf and the pitcher give better predictive relationships between variables, signalling tight coupling and functional interdependence of the two assimilatory organs. Across species, mass-based CC did not vary with N or P, but increases significantly with tissue density, carbon and H(c), and decreases with K and ash contents. Area-based CC gave the same trends (though weaker in strength) in addition to a significant positive correlation with tissue mass per unit area. CONCLUSIONS: The lower CC value for the pitcher is in agreement with the concept of low marginal cost for carnivory relative to conventional autotrophy. The poor explanatory power of N, P or N : P ratio with CC suggests that factors other than production of expensive photosynthetic machinery (which calls for a high N input), including concentrations of lignin, wax/lipids or osmoregulatory ions like K(+), may give a better explanation of the CC variation across Nepenthes species.  相似文献   
Coastal development in Banten Bay, Indonesia, decreased seagrass coverage to only 1.5% of its surface area. We investigated the importance of seagrass as habitat for juvenile groupers (Serranidae) and snappers (Lutjanidae), by performing beam trawl hauls on a weekly basis in two seagrass locations and one mudflat area, and monthly trawl hauls in three different microhabitats (dense, mixed and patchy seagrass) in one of the seagrass locations. We studied the effects of location and microhabitat, as well as temporal patterns (diel, weekly and monthly) on the probability of occurrence and abundance of the most abundant grouper (Orange-spotted grouper, Epinephelus coioides) and snapper (Russell’s snapper, Lutjanus russellii). We found that both species were almost exclusively found in seagrass locations, with a preference for microhabitats of high complexity (dense and mixed microhabitats). L. russellii had a higher probability of catch and abundance during the night, most probably because of its ability to avoid the beam trawl during daytime sampling. In addition there was an effect of week and month on the presence and abundance of both species, but patterns were unclear, probably because of high fishing pressure on juvenile groupers and snappers by push net fishermen. Groupers and snappers mainly fed on abundant shrimps, and to a lesser extent on fish. Moreover, juveniles find protection against predators in seagrass, which confirmed the critical role of quantity and quality of seagrass areas for juvenile groupers and snappers in Banten Bay.  相似文献   

In this study, linear and mass attenuation coefficients of fabricated particleboards intended for use as phantom material were estimated using 137Cs and 60Co radiation sources. Particleboards made of Rhizophora spp. wood trunk bonded with soy flour and lignin were fabricated at a target density of 1.0 g cm?3, with and without gloss finish coating. Elemental composition of the particleboards was obtained by means of energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) spectroscopy. Experimental setups were simulated via the GATE Monte Carlo (MC) package, with particle histories of 1?×?106–1?×?107. Linear and mass attenuation coefficients obtained from measurements and GATE simulations were compared and discussed. The percentage differences between the measured and simulated linear and mass attenuation coefficients of the samples were reasonably small (2.05–4.88% for 137Cs and 3.24–5.38% for 60Co). It is shown that all the particleboards have the potential to be used as phantom materials as the attenuation coefficients measured were in good agreement with those of water (calculated with XCOM) and with those simulated with the GATE toolkit. The use of gloss finish coating also did not show any significant effect on the attenuation coefficient of the phantom material. Verification of experimental results via GATE simulations has been shown crucial in providing reliable data for energy transmission studies. Based on the results achieved in this study, it is concluded that the studied material—Rhizophora spp. wood trunk bonded with soy flour and lignin including gloss finish coating—can be used in radiation dosimetry studies.

Influenza B virus causes significant disease but remains understudied in tropical regions. We sequenced 72 influenza B viruses collected in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, from 1995 to 2008. The predominant circulating lineage (Victoria or Yamagata) changed every 1 to 3 years, and these shifts were associated with increased incidence of influenza B. We also found poor lineage matches with recommended influenza virus vaccine strains. While most influenza B virus lineages in Malaysia were short-lived, one circulated for 3 to 4 years.  相似文献   
The flaviviral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) is an attractive drug target. To discover new inhibitors of dengue virus RdRp, the authors have developed a fluorescence-based alkaline phosphatase-coupled polymerase assay (FAPA) for high-throughput screening (HTS). A modified nucleotide analogue (2'-[2-benzothiazoyl]-6'-hydroxybenzothiazole) conjugated adenosine triphosphate (BBT-ATP) and 3'UTR-U(30) RNA were used as substrates. After the polymerase reaction, treatment with alkaline phosphatase liberates the BBT fluorophore from the polymerase reaction by-product, BBT(PPi), which can be detected at excitation and emission wavelengths of 422 and 566 nm, respectively. The assay was evaluated by examining the time dependency, assay reagent effects, reaction kinetics, and signal stability and was validated with 3'dATP and an adenosine-nucleotide triphosphate inhibitor, giving IC(50) values of 0.13 μM and 0.01 μM, respectively. A pilot screen of a diverse compound library of 40,572 compounds at 20 μM demonstrated good performance with an average Z factor of 0.81. The versatility and robustness of FAPA were evaluated with another substrate system, BBT-GTP paired with 3'UTR-C(30) RNA. The FAPA method presented here can be readily adapted for other nucleotide-dependent enzymes that generate PPi.  相似文献   
Imatinib mesylate (IM), a well-established gold standard drug in the treatment of chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML), is a synthetic tyrosine kinase inhibitor. Despite excellent efficacy, a significant number of patients on IM therapy develop resistance to IM. Currently, great focus has been laid on the effect of interindividual pharmacogenetic variability on IM treatment responses. IM uptake is mediated by the hOCT1 protein encoded by the solute carrier 22 gene (SLC22A1). The current study investigated the impact of few single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of SLC22A1 on mediating resistance and/or good response to IM among 278 Malaysian CML patients (146 IM-resistant group and 132 IM good response group) undergoing IM therapy on 400 mg daily. Our results showed that the allelic frequencies of heterozygous (CG) and homozygous variant (GG) genotypes of SLC22A1 C480G were significantly higher in the IM-resistant group compared with the IM good response group (41.8% versus 30.3% and 10.9% versus 4.5% with P values of 0.047 and 0.048, respectively). On evaluating the association of genotypes with risk of IM resistance development, heterozygous (CG) and homozygous (GG) variant genotypes showed significantly higher risk for developing resistance to IM treatment with odds ratio (OR): 1.901 (95% confidence interval (CI): 1.142–3.163, \(P=0.013\)) and 3.324 (95% CI: 1.235–8.947, \(P=0.017\)), respectively. Two SNPs and two insertions/deletions were detected in exon 7 of SLC22A1. For exon 7, 1222AA carriers together with the presence of both the 8-bp insertion and 3-bp deletion, and M420del alleles showed higher possibility of developing resistance towards IM treatment. Our results warrant the need of genotyping this SNP in terms of modulating IM treatment in CML patients.  相似文献   
Apoptosis is a programed cell death that is vital for tissue homeostasis. However, embryo apoptosis had been known to be related to embryo fragmentation which should be avoided in in vitro fertilization (IVF). The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relationship of embryo apoptosis with the grade of immature oocytes and cleavage stage of in vitro produced (IVP) cattle embryos. This study consisted of 345 oocytes collected through ovary slicing. Immature oocytes were graded as A, B and C. This grading was based on cumulus cell thickness and compactness. All oocytes then underwent an in vitro maturation (IVM) procedure. An IVF was done 24 h after IVM culture. Prior to staining, stage of cleaved embryos was determined and classified as either 2, 4, 8 or >8-cell embryo stage. Apoptosis status of cleaved IVP embryos was determined by using annexin V-FITC staining technique at 48 and 72 h post insemination (hpi). Apoptosis status for each embryo was classified as either early or late. The result showed that there was no significant difference (p > 0.05) of apoptosis status among grade A, B and C embryos. All grades of oocytes showed embryo apoptosis where 1.5% late apoptosis for grade A, 4.5% and 10.4% of early and late apoptosis for grade B and grade C. Early apoptosis was not seen in grade A embryo. We also noted no significant difference (p > 0.05) of apoptosis status between 2, 4, 8 and >8-cell embryo stage. Early apoptosis was also not seen in >8-cell stage. Even though there were no differences in apoptosis expression between the three classes, the cleavage rate of grade A oocytes was significantly higher (p < 0.01) than grade B and grade C. In conclusion, the apoptosis expression in the embryo can occur regardless of the oocyte quality and the cleavage stage of the embryo produced.Abbreviations: ART, assisted reproductive technologies; BO, Brackett and Oliphant; BSA, bovine serum albumin; CaI, calcium ionophore; CC, cumulus cells; COC, cumulus–oocyte complex; CO2, carbon dioxide; CR1aa, Charles Rosenkran’s 1 amino acid; DNA, deoxyribonucleic acid; DO, denuded oocyte; EA, early apoptosis; FBS, fetal bovine serum; FITC, fluorescein isothiocyanate; FSH, follicle stimulating hormone; GSH, glutathione; hpi, hours post insemination; IVC, in vitro culture; IVF, in vitro fertilization; IVM, in vitro maturation; IVP, in vitro produced; LA, late apoptosis; LH, luteinizing hormone; PBS, phosphate buffered saline; PI, propidium iodide; PS, phosphatidylserine; TUNEL, terminal deoxynucleotidyl transfer-mediated dUTP nick end-labeling.  相似文献   
A study was undertaken to examine the effect of temperature, moisture and storage time on the accumulation of free fatty acid in the rice bran. Rice bran stored at room temperature showed that most triacylglyceride was hydrolyzed and free fatty acid (FFA) content was raised up to 76% in six months. A two-step acid-catalyzed methanolysis process was employed for the efficient conversion of rice bran oil into fatty acid methyl ester (FAME). The first step was carried out at 60 degrees C. Depending on the initial FFA content of oil, 55-90% FAME content in the reaction product was obtained. More than 98% FFA and less than 35% of TG were reacted in 2 h. The organic phase of the first step reaction product was used as the substrate for a second acid-catalyzed methanolysis at 100 degrees C. By this two-step methanolysis reaction, more than 98% FAME in the product can be obtained in less than 8 h. Distillation of reaction product gave 99.8% FAME (biodiesel) with recovery of more than 96%. The residue contains enriched nutraceuticals such as gamma-oryzanol (16-18%), mixture of phytosterol, tocol and steryl ester (19-21%).  相似文献   
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