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Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a complex and clinically heterogeneous autoimmune disease. Currently, the relationship between pathogenic molecular drivers of disease in RA and therapeutic response is poorly understood.


We analyzed synovial tissue samples from two RA cohorts of 49 and 20 patients using a combination of global gene expression, histologic and cellular analyses, and analysis of gene expression data from two further publicly available RA cohorts. To identify candidate serum biomarkers that correspond to differential synovial biology and clinical response to targeted therapies, we performed pre-treatment biomarker analysis compared with therapeutic outcome at week 24 in serum samples from 198 patients from the ADACTA (ADalimumab ACTemrA) phase 4 trial of tocilizumab (anti-IL-6R) monotherapy versus adalimumab (anti-TNFα) monotherapy.


We documented evidence for four major phenotypes of RA synovium – lymphoid, myeloid, low inflammatory, and fibroid - each with distinct underlying gene expression signatures. We observed that baseline synovial myeloid, but not lymphoid, gene signature expression was higher in patients with good compared with poor European league against rheumatism (EULAR) clinical response to anti-TNFα therapy at week 16 (P =0.011). We observed that high baseline serum soluble intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (sICAM1), associated with the myeloid phenotype, and high serum C-X-C motif chemokine 13 (CXCL13), associated with the lymphoid phenotype, had differential relationships with clinical response to anti-TNFα compared with anti-IL6R treatment. sICAM1-high/CXCL13-low patients showed the highest week 24 American College of Rheumatology (ACR) 50 response rate to anti-TNFα treatment as compared with sICAM1-low/CXCL13-high patients (42% versus 13%, respectively, P =0.05) while anti-IL-6R patients showed the opposite relationship with these biomarker subgroups (ACR50 20% versus 69%, P =0.004).


These data demonstrate that underlying molecular and cellular heterogeneity in RA impacts clinical outcome to therapies targeting different biological pathways, with patients with the myeloid phenotype exhibiting the most robust response to anti-TNFα. These data suggest a path to identify and validate serum biomarkers that predict response to targeted therapies in rheumatoid arthritis and possibly other autoimmune diseases.

Trial registration

ClinicalTrials.gov NCT01119859  相似文献   
Duck red cells in hypertonic media experience rapid osmotic shrinkage followed by gradual reswelling back toward their original volume. This uptake of salt and water is self limiting and demands a specific ionic composition of the external solution. Although ouabain (10(-4)M) alters the pattern of cation accumulation from predominantly potassium to sodium, it does not affect the rate of the reaction, or the total amount of salt or water taken up. To study the response without the complications of active Na-K transport, ouabain was added to most incubations. All water accumulated by the cells can be accounted for by net salt uptake. Specific external cation requirements for reswelling include: sufficient sodium (more than 23 mM), and elevated potassium (more than 7 mM). In the absence of external potassium cells lose potassium without gaining sodium and continue to shrink instead of reswelling. Adding rubidium to the potassium- free solution promotes an even greater loss of cell potassium, yet causes swelling due to a net uptake of sodium and rubidium followed by chloride. The diuretic furosemide (10(-3)M) inhibits net sodium uptake which depends on potassium (or rubidium), as well as inhibits net sodium uptake which depends on sodium. As a result, cell volume is stabilized in the presence of this drug by inhibition of shrinkage, at low, and of swelling at high external potassium. The response has a high apparent energy of activation (15-20 kcal/mol). We propose that net salt and water movements in hypertonic solutions containing ouabain are mediated by direct coupling or cis-interaction, between sodium and potassium so that the uphill movement of one is driven by the downhill movement of the other in the same direction.  相似文献   
Some pesticides may interfere with the female hormonal function, which may lead to negative effects on the reproductive system through disruption of the hormonal balance necessary for proper functioning. Previous studies primarily focused on interference with the estrogen and/or androgen receptor, but the hormonal function may be disrupted in many more ways through pesticide exposure. The aim of this review is to give an overview of the various ways in which pesticides may disrupt the hormonal function of the female reproductive system and in particular the ovarian cycle. Disruption can occur in all stages of hormonal regulation: 1. hormone synthesis; 2. hormone release and storage; 3. hormone transport and clearance; 4. hormone receptor recognition and binding; 5. hormone postreceptor activation; 6. the thyroid function; and 7. the central nervous system. These mechanisms are described for effects of pesticide exposure in vitro and on experimental animals in vivo. For the latter, potential effects of endocrine disrupting pesticides on the female reproductive system, i.e. modulation of hormone concentrations, ovarian cycle irregularities, and impaired fertility, are also reviewed. In epidemiological studies, exposure to pesticides has been associated with menstrual cycle disturbances, reduced fertility, prolonged time-to-pregnancy, spontaneous abortion, stillbirths, and developmental defects, which may or may not be due to disruption of the female hormonal function. Because pesticides comprise a large number of distinct substances with dissimilar structures and diverse toxicity, it is most likely that several of the above-mentioned mechanisms are involved in the pathophysiological pathways explaining the role of pesticide exposure in ovarian cycle disturbances, ultimately leading to fertility problems and other reproductive effects. In future research, information on the ways in which pesticides may disrupt the hormonal function as described in this review, can be used to generate specific hypotheses for studies on the effects of pesticides on the ovarian cycle, both in toxicological and epidemiological settings.  相似文献   
The Tapora Landcare Group, operating on the Okahukura Peninsula, has the long-term goal of making this region predator fenced. The aim of this study was to obtain information on the current status of avian biodiversity and the bird community across the band of coastal wetlands on the Okahukura Peninsula. Bird counts were conducted and playback lures used to detect three cryptic wetland species: fernbirds (Bowdleria punctata); spotless crakes (Porzana tabuensis); and banded rails (Gallirallus philippensis). Fernbirds and banded rails were detected at seven of the eight wetland sites sampled whereas spotless crakes were detected at two sites. The native species with the highest relative abundance across the eight sites were silvereyes (Zosterops lateralis) and South Island pied oystercatchers (Haematopus finschi). Changes in avian biodiversity over time in the region can now be monitored, and comprehensive long-term data on the status of avian biodiversity over time obtained.  相似文献   
It has recently been suggested that mixed-chain phosphatidylcholines with normalized chain length differences (deltaC/CL) in the range of 0.10-0.40 undergo spontaneous self-assembly in excess water at T less than Tm into the partially interdigitated bilayer and those with delta C/CL values in the range of 0.44-0.57 form, in excess water, mixed interdigitated bilayers at T less than Tm. The mixing behavior of binary mixtures of C(22):C(12)PC/C(17):C(17)PC, C(22):C(12)/C(15):C(19)PC, and C(15):C(19)PC/C(13):C(21)PC reported in this work is used to support this view. The values of delta C/CL for C(17):C(17)PC, C(15):C(19)PC, C(13):C(21)PC, and C(22):C(12)PC are 0.10, 0.15, 0.35, and 0.55, respectively. The binary mixture of C(15):C(19)PC/C(13):C(21)PC exhibits a lens-shaped phase diagram, indicating that these two identical molecular weight (MW) lipids with delta C/CL values less than 0.4 are completely miscible over the entire compositional range in both gel and liquid-crystalline phases. In contrast, the phase diagrams of C(22):C(12)PC/C(17):C(17)PC and C(22):C(12)PC/C(15):C(19)PC are eutectic, indicating immiscibility of the component lipids over a wide compositional range in the gel phase. This immiscibility of identical MW lipids in the bilayer plane can be attributed to the different packing properties of the component lipids in the bilayer at T less than Tm.  相似文献   
The pituitary response to three different doses of exogenously administered LHRH was examined in prepubertal (9-wk-old) and postpubertal (32-wk-old) male ferrets. The doses of 5, 10, and 15 ng LHRH/kg body weight tested in this study produced dose-related increases in circulating LH concentrations in both pre- and postpubertal groups. In addition, a significant effect of age on LH response was observed, with the prepubertal animals demonstrating significantly greater serum LH values in response to the two higher doses than the postpubertal males. Prepubertal ferrets also exhibited a significant increase in endogenous LH pulse amplitude in sampling periods following exogenous administration of LHRH compared to baseline pulse amplitudes in periods prior to the LHRH infusions. These results suggest that the low frequency of endogenous LH pulses previously observed in prepubertal ferrets is not due to unresponsiveness of the pituitary gland to LHRH. Thus, suppression of the hypothalamo-hypophyseal axis observed in the prepubertal ferret is probably mediated at the level of the hypothalamus.  相似文献   
Anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) are synthetic derivatives of testosterone used by over half a million adolescents in the United States for their tissue-building potency and performance-enhancing effects. AAS also affect behavior, including reports of heightened aggression and changes in sexual libido. The expression of sexual and aggressive behaviors is a function of complex interactions among hormones, social context, and the brain, which is extensively remodeled during adolescence. Thus, AAS may have different consequences on behavior during adolescence and adulthood. Using a rodent model, these studies directly compared the effects of AAS on the expression of male sexual and aggressive behaviors in adolescents and adults. Male Syrian hamsters were injected daily for 14 days with either vehicle or an AAS cocktail containing testosterone cypionate (2 mg/kg), nandrolone decanoate (2 mg/kg), and boldenone undecylenate (1 mg/kg), either during adolescence (27-41 days of age) or in adulthood (63-77 days of age). The day after the last injection, males were tested for either sexual behavior with a receptive female or agonistic behavior with a male intruder. Adolescent males treated with AAS showed significant increases in sexual and aggressive behaviors relative to vehicle-treated adolescents. In contrast, AAS-treated adults showed significantly lower levels of sexual behavior compared with vehicle-treated adults and did not show heightened aggression. Thus, adolescents, but not adults, displayed significantly higher behavioral responses to AAS, suggesting that the still-developing adolescent brain is more vulnerable than the adult brain to the adverse consequences of AAS on the nervous system and behavior.  相似文献   
Three experiments were conducted to test whether testicular hormones secreted during puberty masculinize and defeminize the expression of adult reproductive behavior. Experiment 1 tested the hypothesis that gonadal hormones during puberty masculinize behavioral responses to testosterone (T) in adulthood. Male hamsters were castrated either before puberty (noTduringP) or after puberty (TduringP). All males were implanted with a 2.5-mg T pellet 6 weeks following castration and tested once for masculine reproductive behavior 7 days after the onset of T replacement. TduringP males displayed significantly more mounts, intromissions, and ejaculations than noTduringP males. Experiment 2 tested the hypothesis that gonadal hormones during puberty defeminize behavioral responses to estrogen (EB) and progesterone (P). Eight weeks following castration, noTduringP and TduringP males were primed with EB and P and tested for lordosis behavior with a stud male. Behavioral responses of males were compared to that of ovariectomized (OVX) and hormone primed females. NoTduringP males and OVX females displayed significantly shorter lordosis latencies than TduringP males. Experiment 3 investigated whether prolonged T treatment or sexual experience could reverse the deficits in masculine behavior caused by the absence of T during puberty. Extending the T treatment from 7 to 17 days did not ameliorate the deficits in masculine behavior caused by absence of T during puberty. Similarly, when the level of sexual experience was increased from one to three tests, the deficits in masculine behavior persisted. These studies demonstrate that gonadal hormones during puberty further masculinize and defeminize neural circuits and behavioral responsiveness to steroid hormones in adulthood.  相似文献   
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