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A laccase from the thermophilic fungus Melanocarpus albomyces was shown to bind to softwood and pure microcrystalline cellulose. The binding isotherm fitted well the Langmuir type one-site binding model. The adsorption parameters indicated that M. albomyces laccase binds with high affinity to cellulose with a relatively low maximum binding capacity, as compared to the values for various cellulases. The binding was shown to be reversible and not influenced by non-specific protein or 0.1-0.5 M Na2SO4. No binding was detected with laccases from Trametes hirsuta or Mauginiella sp., which suggests that binding to cellulose is typical for only some laccases.  相似文献   
Lactobacillus crispatus is a common member of the beneficial microbiota present in the vertebrate gastrointestinal and human genitourinary tracts. Here, we report the genome sequence of L. crispatus ST1, a chicken isolate displaying strong adherence to vaginal epithelial cells.Lactobacillus crispatus can persist in the vertebrate gastrointestinal tract and is among the most prevalent species of the Lactobacillus-dominated human vaginal microbiota (2, 9, 13, 14). It belongs to the so-called acidophilus group (3), which has attracted interest because some of its species are important factors in the production of fermented foods (12) and some can, at least transiently, colonize the human host (2, 9, 13, 14). Moreover, some specific strains, mainly L. acidophilus NCFM and L. johnsonii NCC 533, have received prominence as intestinal-health-promoting microbes (4). Although the genomes of seven members of the acidophilus complex have been sequenced to date (12), the genome sequences of L. crispatus and other predominant lactobacillar species in the urogenital flora have mostly remained obscure. Vaginal lactobacilli can have an important role in controlling the health of the host (2, 14). They can, for example, positively influence and stabilize the host''s vaginal microbiota via the production of compounds that are acidic or exert a direct inhibiting action toward pathogenic bacteria (2, 14). In addition to the antimicrobial compounds, the competitive exclusion of pathogens is another mechanism by which the host''s microbiota can be balanced (2). L. crispatus ST1 was originally isolated from the crop of a chicken, and PCR profiling of L. crispatus isolates has verified it to be an abundant colonizer of the chicken crop (6, 8). It also displays a strong protein-dependent adhesion to the epithelial cells of the human vagina and has been shown to inhibit the adhesion of avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (6, 7).The genome was sequenced (18× coverage) using a 454 pyrosequencer with GS FLX chemistry (Roche). The contig order was confirmed and gaps were filled by sequencing PCR fragments from the genomic DNA template using ABI 3730 and Big Dye chemistry (Applied Biosystems). Genomic data were processed using the Staden Package (11) and gsAssembler (Roche). Coding sequences (CDSs) were predicted using Glimmer3 (5) followed by manual curation of the start sites. The remaining intergenic regions were reanalyzed for missed CDSs by using BlastX (1). Annotation transfer was performed based on a BlastP search, followed by Blannotator analysis using default settings (http://ekhidna.biocenter.helsinki.fi/poxo/blannotator) and manual verification. Orthologous groups between the different lactobacillar proteomes were identified using OrthoMCL (10).The genome of L. crispatus ST1 consists of a single circular chromosome 2.04 Mbp in size, with an overall G+C content of 37%, without any plasmids. There are 64 tRNA genes, 4 rRNA operons, and 2 CRISPR loci. Out of the 2,024 predicted CDSs, a putative function was assigned to 77%, whereas 10% of the CDSs were annotated as conserved and 13% as novel. Based on the orthologous grouping, 302 (15%) of the CDSs encoded by ST1 have no detectable homologs in any of the Lactobacillus proteomes published to date.  相似文献   
Prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) alters adult neurogenesis and the neurogenic response to stress in male rats. As the effects of stress on neurogenesis are sexually dimorphic, the present study investigated the effects of PAE on adult hippocampal neurogenesis under both nonstressed and stressed conditions in female rats. Pregnant females were assigned to one of three prenatal treatments: (1) alcohol (PAE)—liquid alcohol (ethanol) diet ad libitum (36% ethanol-derived calories); (2) pair-fed—isocaloric liquid diet, with maltose–dextrin substituted for ethanol, in the amount consumed by a PAE partner (g/kg body wt/day of gestation); and (3) control—lab chow ad libitum. Female offspring were assigned to either nonstressed (undisturbed) or stressed (repeated restraint stress for 9 days) conditions. On day 10, all rats were injected with bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) and perfused either 24 hours (cell proliferation) or 3 weeks (cell survival) later. We found that PAE did not significantly alter cell proliferation or survival, whereas females from the pair-fed condition exhibited elevated levels of cell survival compared to control females. Importantly, however, the proportion of both new neurons and new glial cells in the hippocampal dentate gyrus was reduced in PAE compared to control females. Exposure to stress did not alter neurogenesis in any of the prenatal treatment groups. In summary, compared to females from the control condition, prenatal dietary restriction enhanced the survival of new neurons, whereas PAE altered the differentiation of newly produced cells in the adult dentate gyrus. Alterations in hippocampal neurogenesis following PAE may contribute to learning and memory deficits seen in individuals with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders.  相似文献   
MOTIVATION: The rapid increase in the amount of protein sequence data has created a need for an automated identification of evolutionarily related subgroups from large datasets. The existing methods typically require a priori specification of the number of putative groups, which defines the resolution of the classification solution. RESULTS: We introduce a Bayesian model-based approach to simultaneous identification of evolutionary groups and conserved parts of the protein sequences. The model-based approach provides an intuitive and efficient way of determining the number of groups from the sequence data, in contrast to the ad hoc methods often exploited for similar purposes. Our model recognizes the areas in the sequences that are relevant for the clustering and regards other areas as noise. We have implemented the method using a fast stochastic optimization algorithm which yields a clustering associated with the estimated maximum posterior probability. The method has been shown to have high specificity and sensitivity in simulated and real clustering tasks. With real datasets the method also highlights the residues close to the active site. AVAILABILITY: Software 'kPax' is available at http://www.rni.helsinki.fi/jic/softa.html  相似文献   
The interaction between α2β1 integrin (GPIa/IIa, VLA-2) and vascular collagen is one of the initiating events in thrombus formation. Here, we describe two structurally similar sulfonamide derivatives, BTT-3033 and BTT-3034, and show that, under static conditions, they have an almost identical effect on α2-expressing CHO cell adhesion to collagen I, but only BTT-3033 blocks platelet attachment under flow (90 dynes/cm2). Differential scanning fluorimetry showed that both molecules bind to the α2I domain of the recombinant α2 subunit. To further study integrin binding mechanism(s) of the two sulfonamides, we created an α2 Y285F mutant containing a substitution near the metal ion-dependent adhesion site motif in the α2I domain. The action of BTT-3033, unlike that of BTT-3034, was dependent on Tyr-285. In static conditions BTT-3034, but not BTT-3033, inhibited collagen binding by an α2 variant carrying a conformationally activating E318W mutation. Conversely, in under flow conditions (90 dynes/cm2) BTT-3033, but not BTT-3034, inhibited collagen binding by an α2 variant expressing E336A loss-of-function mutation. Thus, the binding sites for BTT-3033 and BTT-3034 are differentially available in distinct integrin conformations. Therefore, these sulfonamides can be used to study the biological role of different functional stages of α2β1. Furthermore, only the inhibitor that recognized the non-activated conformation of α2β1 integrin under shear stress conditions effectively blocked platelet adhesion, suggesting that the initial interaction between integrin and collagen takes place prior to receptor activation.  相似文献   
Sex chromosomes are the Achilles' heel of male meiosis in mammals. Mis-segregation of the X and Y chromosomes leads to sex chromosome aneuploidies, with clinical outcomes such as infertility and Klinefelter syndrome. Successful meiotic divisions require that all chromosomes find their homologous partner and achieve recombination and pairing. Sex chromosomes in males of many species have only a small region of homology (the pseudoautosomal region, PAR) that enables pairing. Until recently, little was known about the dynamics of recombination and pairing within mammalian X and Y PARs. Here, we review our recent findings on PAR behavior in mouse meiosis. We uncovered unexpected differences between autosomal chromosomes and the X-Y chromosome pair, namely that PAR recombination and pairing occurs later, and is under different genetic control. These findings imply that spermatocytes have evolved distinct strategies that ensure successful X-Y recombination and chromosome segregation.  相似文献   
These studies provide evidence for the ability of a commercially available, defined, hyaluronan-gelatin hydrogel, HyStem-C?, to maintain both mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs) and human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) in culture while retaining their growth and pluripotent characteristics. Growth curve and doubling time analysis show that mESCs and hiPSCs grow at similar rates on HyStem-C? hydrogels and mouse embryonic fibroblasts and Matrigel?, respectively. Immunocytochemistry, flow cytometry, gene expression and karyotyping reveal that both human and murine pluripotent cells retain a high level of pluripotency on the hydrogels after multiple passages. The addition of fibronectin to HyStem-C? enabled the attachment of hiPSCs in a xeno-free, fully defined medium.  相似文献   
Detailed assessment of how the structural properties of T cell receptors affect clonal repertoires of Ag-specific cells is a prerequisite for a better understanding of human antiviral immunity. Herein we examine the alpha TCR repertoires of CD8 T cells reactive against the influenza A viral epitope M1(58-66), restricted by HLA-A2.1. Using molecular cloning, we systematically studied the impact of alpha-chain usage in the formation of T cell memory and revealed that M1(58-66)-specific, clonally diverse VB19 T cells express alpha-chains encoded by multiple AV genes with different CDR3 sizes. A unique feature of these alpha TCRs was the presence of CDR3 fitting to an AGA(G(n))GG-like amino acid motif. This pattern was consistent over time and among different individuals. Further molecular assessment of human CD4(+)CD8(-) and CD4(-)CD8(+) thymocytes led to the conclusion that the poly-Gly/Ala runs in CDR3alpha were a property of immune, but not naive, repertoires and could be attributed to influenza exposure. Repertoires of T cell memory are discussed in the context of clonal diversity, where poly-Gly/Ala runs in the CDR3 of alpha- and beta-chains might provide high levels of TCR flexibility during Ag recognition while gene-encoded CDR1 and CDR2 contribute to the fine specificity of the TCR-peptide MHC interaction.  相似文献   
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