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The ability of two strains of Lactobacillus acidophilus, CRL 640 and CRL 800, to survive and retain their biological activities under frozen storage was determined. Freezing and thawing, as well as frozen storage, damaged the cell membrane, rendering the microorganisms sensitive to sodium chloride and bile salts. Both lactic acid production and proteolytic activity were depressed after 21 days at -20 degreesC, whereas beta-galactosidase activity per cell unit was increased. Cell injury was partially overcome after repair in a salt-rich medium. Copyright 1998 Academic Press.  相似文献   
The relationship between dental morphology, sex, body length and age of small cetaceans can be used to determine ontogeny, sexual dimorphism and geographical variation. The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between dental morphology, sex, body size and age. A total of 91 specimens of P. blainvillei and 80 specimens of S. fluviatilis accidentally captured in fisheries or stranded in northern Rio de Janeiro (21 masculine37'-22 masculine25'S), from September 1988 to November 1996 were analysed. The teeth root diameter in P. blainvillei was significantly different between the sex; the values for females were larger than males. In neither species aid we observed significant in variations dimension and number of teeth, thickness of dentine and cemental layers and in the maximum width of cement as a function of body size. Age was related to increases in tooth length, root and cingulum diameters, and maximum width of cement in individuals of P. blainvillei, and tooth and crown lengths and maximum width of cement in individuals of S. fluviatilis. The observation of a linear growth between maximum width of cement and age in both species indicates that the equations obtained can be used to estimate relative age in P. blainvillei and S. fluviatilis in northern of Rio de Janeiro.  相似文献   
Rates of nucleotide substitution for nuclear genes are thought to be governed primarily by the number of germ line replication events (the so-called "generation time" hypothesis). In contrast, rates of mitochondrial DNA evolution appear to be set primarily by DNA damage pathways of mutation mediated by mutagenic by-products of oxidative phosphorylation (the so-called "metabolic-rate" hypothesis). Comparison of synonymous substitution rates estimated for the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene and nuclear-encoded dlx, hsp70, and RAG-1 genes in mammals and sharks shows that rates of molecular evolution for sharks are approximately an order of magnitude slower than those for mammals for both nuclear and mitochondrial genes. In addition, there is significant positive covariation of substitution rate for mitochondrial and nuclear genes within sharks. These results, interpreted in light of the pervasiveness of DNA damage by mutagenic by-products of oxygen metabolism to both nuclear and mitochondrial genes and coupled with increasing evidence for cross-genome activity of DNA repair enzymes, suggest that molecular clocks for mitochondrial and nuclear genes may be set primarily by common mutational mechanisms.   相似文献   
Bryce, J. H. and ap Rees, T. 1985. Comparison of the respiratorymetabolism of Plantago lanceolata L. and Plantago major L.—J.exp. Bot. 36 1559–1565. The aim of this work was to discover if the respiratory metabolismof the roots of Plantago lanceolata L. differed from that ofthe roots of Plantago major L. Measurements of oxygen uptakeand dry weight of excised root systems during growth of seedlingsprovided evidence that the two species differed in the amountof respiration needed to support a given increase in dry weight.Excised root systems were given a 6-h pulse in [U-14C]sucrosefollowed by a 16.5-h chase in sucrose. The detailed distributionof 14C amongst the major components of the roots at the endof the pulse and the chase revealed no significant differencebetween the two species. Patterns of 14CO2 production from [1-14C],[2-14C], [3,4-14C], and [6-14C]glucose of excised root systemsfrom plants of three ages were similar for the two species.It is suggested that there is no conclusive evidence for anysignificant inherent difference in the respiratory metabolismof the roots of the two species. Key words: 14C sugar metabolism, respiration, roots, Plantago  相似文献   
Rapid recycling of triose phosphates in oak stem tissue   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
We report the carbon-13 and oxygen-18 isotope ratios in cellulose from the early and late wood of pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.). The δ13 C value of the early wood correlates best with that of the late wood of the previous year. The δ18O value of the early wood correlates best with that of the late wood of the same year. We suggest that a biochemical explanation of these data is that there is a rapid cycle between hexose monophosphates and triose phosphates in oak stem tissue during cellulose synthesis. Evidence in support of this explanation is provided by the intramolecular distribution of 14C in labelled fructose extracted from cores of wood that had been supplied with [1?14C]- and [6-14C]glucose.  相似文献   
From a single aflatoxin B1 oxime — bovine serum albumin conjugate, polyclonal and monoclonal antibody preparations were produced. The four rabbit polyclonal antisera were specific for aflatoxin Bi in a microtitration plate enzyme — linked immunosorbent assay. The monoclonal antibodies showed a wide range of differing specificities, recognizing, for example, aflatoxins B1, B2, G1 and G2; B1 and B2; B1 and G1; and G1 alone. No antibody preparations reacted with aflatoxin M1. The significance of these results to the strategy of anti-aflatoxin antibody production for use in quantitative enzyme immunoassays is discussed.  相似文献   


Bothrops atrox is responsible for the majority of snakebite accidents in the Brazilian Amazon region. Previous studies have demonstrated that the biological and pharmacological activities of B. atrox venom alter with the age of the animal. Here, we present a comparative proteome analysis of B. atrox venom collected from specimens of three different stages of maturation: juveniles, sub-adults and adults.  相似文献   
To determine whether oxymetholone increases lean body mass (LBM) and skeletal muscle strength in older persons, 31 men 65-80 yr of age were randomized to placebo (group 1) or 50 mg (group 2) or 100 mg (group 3) daily for 12 wk. For the three groups, total LBM increased by 0.0 +/- 0.6, 3.3 +/- 1.2 (P < 0.001), and 4.2 +/- 2.4 kg (P < 0.001), respectively. Trunk fat decreased by 0.2 +/- 0.4, 1.7 +/- 1.0 (P = 0.018), and 2.2 +/- 0.9 kg (P = 0.005) in groups 1, 2, and 3, respectively. Relative increases in 1-repetition maximum (1-RM) strength for biaxial chest press of 8.2 +/- 9.2 and 13.9 +/- 8.1% in the two active treatment groups were significantly different from the change (-0.8 +/- 4.3%) for the placebo group (P < 0.03). For lat pull-down, 1-RM changed by -0.6 +/- 8.3, 8.8 +/- 15.1, and 18.4 +/- 21.0% for the groups, respectively (1-way ANOVA, P = 0.019). The pattern of changes among the groups for LBM and upper-body strength suggested that changes might be related to dose. Alanine aminotransferase increased by 72 +/- 67 U/l in group 3 (P < 0.001), and HDL-cholesterol decreased by -19 +/- 9 and -23 +/- 18 mg/dl in groups 2 and 3, respectively (P = 0.04 and P = 0.008). Thus oxymetholone improved LBM and maximal voluntary muscle strength and decreased fat mass in older men.  相似文献   
Administration of replacement doses of testosterone to healthy hypogonadal men and supraphysiological doses to eugonadal men increases muscle size. To determine whether testosterone-induced increase in muscle size is due to muscle fiber hypertrophy, 61 healthy men, 18-35 yr of age, received monthly injections of a long-acting gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonist to suppress endogenous testosterone secretion and weekly injections of 25, 50, 125, 300, or 600 mg testosterone enanthate (TE) for 20 wk. Thigh muscle volume was measured by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan, and muscle biopsies were obtained from vastus lateralis muscle in 39 men before and after 20 wk of combined treatment with GnRH agonist and testosterone. Administration of GnRH agonist plus TE resulted in mean nadir testosterone concentrations of 234, 289, 695, 1,344, and 2,435 ng/dl at the 25-, 50-, 125-, 300-, and 600-mg doses, respectively. Graded doses of testosterone administration were associated with testosterone dose and concentration-dependent increase in muscle volume measured by MRI (changes in vastus lateralis volume, -4, +7, +15, +32, and +48 ml at 25-, 50-, 125-, 300-, and 600-mg doses, respectively). Changes in cross-sectional areas of both type I and II fibers were dependent on testosterone dose and significantly correlated with total (r = 0.35, and 0.44, P < 0.0001 for type I and II fibers, respectively) and free (r = 0.34 and 0.35, P < 0.005) testosterone concentrations during treatment. The men receiving 300 and 600 mg of TE weekly experienced significant increases from baseline in areas of type I (baseline vs. 20 wk, 3,176 +/- 186 vs. 4,201 +/- 252 microm(2), P < 0.05 at 300-mg dose, and 3,347 +/- 253 vs. 4,984 +/- 374 microm(2), P = 0.006 at 600-mg dose) muscle fibers; the men in the 600-mg group also had significant increments in cross-sectional area of type II (4,060 +/- 401 vs. 5,526 +/- 544 microm(2), P = 0.03) fibers. The relative proportions of type I and type II fibers did not change significantly after treatment in any group. The myonuclear number per fiber increased significantly in men receiving the 300- and 600-mg doses of TE and was significantly correlated with testosterone concentration and muscle fiber cross-sectional area. In conclusion, the increases in muscle volume in healthy eugonadal men treated with graded doses of testosterone are associated with concentration-dependent increases in cross-sectional areas of both type I and type II muscle fibers and myonuclear number. We conclude that the testosterone induced increase in muscle volume is due to muscle fiber hypertrophy.  相似文献   
The egg jelly coats of sea urchins contain sulfated fucans which bind to a sperm surface receptor glycoprotein to initiate the signal transduction events resulting in the sperm acrosome reaction. The acrosome reaction is an ion channel regulated exocytosis which is an obligatory event for sperm binding to, and fusion with, the egg. Approximately 90% of individual females of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus spawned eggs having only one of two possible sulfated fucan electrophoretic isotypes, a slow migrating (sulfated fucan I), or a fast migrating (sulfated fucan II) isotype. The remaining 10% of females spawned eggs having both sulfated fucan isotypes. The two sulfated fucan isotypes were purified from egg jelly coats and their structures determined by NMR spectroscopy and methylation analysis. Both sulfated fucans are linear polysaccharides composed of 1-->3-linked alpha-L-fucopyranosyl units. Sulfated fucan I is entirely sulfated at the O -2 position but with a heterogeneous sulfation pattern at O -4 position. Sulfated fucan II is composed of a regular repeating sequence of 3 residues, as follows: [3-alpha-L-Fuc p - 2,4(OSO3)-1-->3-alpha-L-Fuc p -4(OSO3)-1-->3-alpha-L-Fuc p -4(OSO3)- 1]n. Both purified sulfated fucans have approximately equal potency in inducing the sperm acrosome reaction. The significance of two structurally different sulfated fucans in the egg jelly coat of this species could relate to the finding that the sperm receptor protein which binds sulfated fucan contains two carbohydrate recognition modules of the C-type lectin variety which differ by 50% in their primary structure.   相似文献   
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