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Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a prototype tumor wherein angiogenesis plays a vital role in its progression. The role of VEGF, a major angiogenic factor in HCC is known; however, the role of anti-angiogenic factors simultaneously with the angiogenic factors has not been studied before. Hence, in this study, the serum levels of major angiogenic [Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF), angiopoietin-2 (Ang-2)] and anti-angiogenic (endostatin, angiostatin) factors were analyzed and correlated with clinico-radiological features and with outcome. A total of 150 patients (50 HCC, 50 cirrhosis and 50 chronic hepatitis) and 50 healthy controls were enrolled in this study. Serum levels of VEGF, Ang-2, endostatin, and angiostatin were estimated by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. HCC shows significantly elevated serum levels of angiogenic factors VEGF and Ang-2 and of anti-angiogenic factors endostatin and angiostatin. ROC curve analysis for serum VEGF yielded an optimal cut-off value of 225.14 pg/ml, with a sensitivity of 78 % and specificity of 84.7 % for a diagnosis of HCC and its distinction from other group. Using this value, the univariate and multivariate analysis revealed significantly poor outcome in patients with higher levels of serum VEGF (p = 0.009). Combinatorial analysis revealed that patients with higher levels of both angiogenic and anti-angiogenic factors showed poor outcome. Serum VEGF correlates with poor survival of HCC patients and, therefore, serves as a non-invasive biomarker of poor prognosis. Moreover, elevated levels of anti-angiogenic factors occur endogenously in HCC patients.  相似文献   
It has been shown that over-expression of Special AT-rich binding protein 1 (SATB1) in breast cancer predicts a poor prognosis. This study was aimed at investigating the effects of silencing SATB1 on mesenchymal derived human osteosarcoma U2OS cells and the underlying mechanisms. The expressions of SATB1 and the related genes in the cells were detected by qRT-PCR and/or Western Blotting. SATB1 silencing was achieved by stable transfection with the vectors expressing small hairpin RNA versus SATB1. Cell proliferation was detected in a microplate reader with Cell Counting Kit-8 and the cell cycle was analyzed by flow cytometry using a cell cycle detection kit. The study found that SATB1 was particularly over-expressed in human osteosarcoma U2OS. Silencing SATB1 inhibited the proliferation of U2OS. It was found that inhibition of cell proliferation resulted from cell cycle arrest due to down-regulated expression of CFGF and JunB. The over-expression of SATB1 is responsible for abnormal proliferation of mesenchymal derived human Osteosatcoma U2OS cells, indicating that silencing SATB1 expression in the cells might be developed as an efficient osteosarcoma therapy. CTGF and JunB were involved in SATB1-mediated proliferation of U2OS cells.  相似文献   

Integrated ichnology, sedimentology and sequence stratigraphy of the Lower Quartzite Member to the Arkosic Sandstone Member of the Koti Dhaman Formation (Cambrian Series 2, Stage 4), Tal Group, Nigali Dhar Syncline, Lesser Himalayan lithotectonic zone are presented. Trilobite traces of Gondwanan affinity i.e., Cruziana salomonis, Cruziana fasciculata, Rusophycus dispar and Rusophycus burjensis are recorded along with Arenicolites isp. and Skolithos isp. from the Lower Quartzite Member. A rich and diverse ichnoassemblage attributed to the Cruziana ichnofacies is described for the first time from the Arkosic Sandstone Member of the same formation. Seven ichnofossil assemblages, i.e., Cruziana-Rusophycus, Planolites-Palaeophycus, Cruziana problematica, Diplichnites, Cochlichnus anguineus, Bergaueria perata and Psammichnites gigas have been recognized in the Lower Quartzite to Arkosic Sandstone members of the Koti Dhaman Formation. Seven sedimentary facies i.e., sandstone–shale facies (FT1), cross-bedded (trough and planar) sandstone (FT2), bedded sandstone facies (FT3), shale facies (FT4), shale–sandstone facies (FT5), shale-rippled sandstone facies (FT6) and planar and trough cross-laminated sandstone (FT7) and four facies associations FA1-FA4 are identified in the Koti Dhaman Formation. The formation contains shallowing upward parasequences of a tidal flat complex. Overall, two major events are recognized: i) the break in sedimentation between the Lower Quartzite Member and the overlying Shale Member probably related to forced-regressive event and ii) the facies shift from FT6 to FT7 of the Arkosic Sandstone Member represents an erosive transgressive event; the surface is interpreted as wave ravinement surface, which also serves as a sequence boundary. Integrated ichnology, sedimentology and sequence stratigraphic studies indicate that the Lower Quartzite Member was deposited in a shallow subtidal sand sheet complex and tidal flat complex; the Shale Member was deposited in a mud flat setting of a tidal flat complex, and the Arkosic Sandstone Member in a mixed-flat (tidal flat complex) to sand sheet complex front and margin (subtidal sand sheet complex). Overall, the lower to middle part of the Koti Dhaman Formation represents a tide-dominated shallow subtidal–intertidal to mud-flat subenvironments of the tidal flat complex. A palaeogeographic reconstruction of lower Cambrian (516–514?Ma) is presented based on the distribution of trilobite traces from the Lesser Himalaya and the Bikaner–Nagaur area of Peninsular India (eastern Gondwana), Egypt, Jordan, Turkey (western Gondwana) and Canada (Avalonia).  相似文献   
【目的】探明危害我国柑橘的实蝇种类以及柑橘大实蝇Bactrocera minax不同地理种群和不同寄主种群的遗传多样性。【方法】利用mtDNA COI基因对危害柑橘的果实蝇进行种类鉴定,采用MEGA软件对其中28个地理种群的535头果实蝇COI基因片段(约505 bp)序列进行比对,分析种间及种内遗传距离,构建系统发育树。使用DnaSP软件分析柑橘大实蝇不同地理种群和不同寄主种群的遗传多样性。【结果】从柑橘虫果内共鉴定出4种实蝇,分别为柑橘大实蝇B.minax、桔小实蝇B.dorsalis、蜜柑大实蝇B.tsuneonis和瑞丽果实蝇B.ruiliensis。这4种实蝇的种间遗传距离为0.0264~0.2410,种内遗传距离为0.0000~0.0140,种间与种内遗传距离没有重叠区域。单个柑橘虫果内一般仅有1种实蝇,极个别柑橘果实可同时被两种实蝇危害(4/43);在这些为害柑橘的实蝇种类中,以柑橘大实蝇的个体数量比例最大,占90.70%。柑橘大实蝇地理种群遗传多样性高,28个种群共有17个单倍型。【结论】柑橘大实蝇是所调查地区柑橘实蝇的绝对优势种,其种群遗传分化程度较高,扩散危害风险大。本研究结果对柑橘果实蝇类的监测和防控具有重要意义。  相似文献   
Chander J  Singla N  Gulati N  Sood S 《Mycopathologia》2011,171(6):431-434
A case of exogenous fungal endophthalmitis due to Fusarium sacchari is being reported. It has never been reported in this clinical entity before; hence, to the best of our knowledge, this is first report of F. sacchari as a cause of exogenous fungal endophthalmitis and also the first time when this fungus has been isolated from an Indian patient.  相似文献   
以郁金香的两个品种‘朱迪斯'(‘Judith Leyster')和‘大笑'(‘Big Smile')为材料,采用石蜡切片法确定其花芽分化进程,并测定花芽分化期鳞茎内碳水化合物和可溶性蛋白质含量的变化。结果表明,郁金香花芽分化过程中,两个品种的碳水化合物含量的变化趋势较为接近。随着鳞茎含水量的下降,可溶性总糖和可溶性蛋白含量均呈先增加后减少的趋势。淀粉含量的变化呈现波动性,而淀粉酶活性则持续增强并在后期达到稳定水平。鳞片中可溶性糖含量和淀粉酶活性同时增加是郁金香花芽形态分化启动的标志。相比于外层鳞片,内层鳞片是为花芽原基生长发育提供营养物质的首要场所。  相似文献   
小麦谷蛋白赋于面筋弹性,其亚基组成类型对加工品质有着重要的决定作用。采用一对杂交组合(烟农19×安农9914)的后代,随机选择至F3,种植871个F4穗系,分别检测了高分子量麦谷蛋白亚基(high molecular weight glutenin subunits,HMW-GS)、低分子量麦谷蛋白亚基(low molecular weight glutenin subunits,LMW-GS)组成、SDS沉降值和和面图指标,分析了麦谷蛋白等位亚基及其相互作用对品质的影响。结果表明:该群体麦谷蛋白组成仅在Glu-A1(1亚基或N亚基)与Glu-B1(14 15亚基或17 18亚基)位点有差异。Glu-A1位点1亚基的SDS沉降值显著高于N亚基,1亚基的峰高、7 min尾高显著大于N亚基,而在和面时间、7 min带宽以及衰落角(耐揉性),两亚基间差异不显著。Glu-B1位点亚基间SDS沉降值17 18>14 15/17 18>14 15,和面时间、7 min带宽两个指标17 18亚基显著高于14 15亚基,衰落角显著小于14 15亚基,峰高和7 min尾高差异不显著。对Glu-A1和Glu-B1两位点互作,除7 min带宽互作达5%显著水平外,其它四个指标均未达显著水平。1亚基相对于N亚基,17 18亚基相对于14 15亚基,虽以SDS沉降值为标准其效应相当,但两者却作用于面团的不同性能。  相似文献   
中亚热带不同森林更新方式生态酶化学计量特征   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
了解土壤生态化学计量特征对预测不同生态系统养分变化、功能以及植物生产力具有重要意义。森林更新是维持中亚热带森林生态系统可持续发展的重要手段。选取福建省三明市陈大林业采育场3种不同森林更新方式进行研究,包括米槠次生林(SF)、米槠人工促进天然更新林(AR)和杉木人工林(CF),测定其土壤理化性质及土壤3种酶,计算酶化学计量。结果显示:1)AR的土壤总氮、全磷、铵态氮含量以及含水量最高(P < 0.05),土壤有效磷的含量则是CF最高(P < 0.05);2)生态酶化学计量结果表明AR的土壤微生物处于氮限制状态,CF的土壤微生物处于磷限制状态;3)冗余分析表明,土壤含水量和铵态氮是驱动不同森林更新方式土壤生态酶化学计量变异的重要环境因子。研究表明,人促更新方式更有利于土壤有效氮的积累,而人工林则有利于土壤有效磷积累,这可能与造林树种有关。土壤生态酶化学计量更易受到土壤含水量以及有效性养分的驱动,而与土壤化学计量未呈现良好的耦合性。  相似文献   
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