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Folate cofactors in most cells contain polyglutamate side chains, which since the late 1940s have been assumed to be linked via their gamma-COOH groups. We report here an investigation of the structure of the polyglutamate chain attached to the folates of Escherichia coli. Folates were extracted from E. coli grown with [7-14C] p-aminobenzoate and cleaved to p-aminobenzoyl polyglutamates of varying chain lengths (pAB(Glu)n) by the method of Foo et al. (Foo, S. K., Cichowicz, D. J., and Shane, B. (1980) Anal. Biochem. 107, 109-115). The pAB(Glu)n derived from E. coli did not co-chromatograph with chemically synthesized pAB(gamma-Glu)n-Glu on several high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) systems, except for the triglutamate which did elute with pAB(gamma-Glu)2-Glu. E. coli-derived pAB(Glu)3-8 were purified by HPLC on C18 columns eluted with acetonitrile/trifluoroacetic acid, and the structures were determined through mass spectrometry, chiral amino acid analysis, and peptidase digestion experiments. Molecular weight determinations on the methyl ester derivatives of E. coli-derived pAB(Glu)n by liquid secondary ion mass spectrometry and sequence analysis using collision-activated dissociation on a tandem mass spectrometer confirmed the structures as pAB(Glu)3-8. Chiral HPLC of hydrolyzed and dansylated E. coli-derived materials, on a beta-cyclodextrin column, identified the glutamate as the L-enantiomer. pAB(Glu)n were digested with carboxypeptidase Y, which specifically cleaved glutamates linked at their alpha-carboxyls; E. coli-derived pAB(Glu)4-8 (but not synthetic pAB(gamma-Glu1-6-Glu) were sequentially digested to pAB(gamma-Glu)2-Glu. Thus, in E. coli folylpolyglutamates, glutamate residues 4-8 were each linked to the polyglutamate chain at the alpha-carboxyl of the preceding glutamate.  相似文献   
A cDNA clone of a keratin-related, intermediate filament protein, designated Endo B, was constructed from size-fractionated parietal endodermal mRNA and characterized. The 1466-nucleotide cDNA insert contains an open reading frame of 1272 nucleotides that would result in 5' and 3' noncoding sequences of 54 and 60 nucleotides, respectively. The predicted amino acid composition, molecular weight (47,400), and peptide pattern correlate well with data obtained on the isolated protein. The predicted amino acid sequence fits easily into the general domain structure suggested for all intermediate filament proteins with a unique amino-terminal head domain, a large conserved central domain of predominantly alpha-helical structure, and a relatively unique carboxyl-terminal or tail domain. Over the entire molecule, Endo B is 43% identical with human 52-kDa epidermal type I keratin. However, over two of the three regions contained in the central domain that are predicted to form coiled-coil structures, the Endo B is 54-68% identical with other type I keratin sequences. This homology, along with the presence of the completely conserved sequence DNARLAADDFR-KYE, which is found in all type I keratins, permits the unambiguous identification of Endo B as a type I keratin. Comparison of the Endo B sequence to other intermediate filament proteins reveals 22 residues which are identical in all intermediate filament proteins regardless of whether filament formation requires only one type of protein subunit (vimentin, desmin, glial fibrillar acidic protein, or a neurofilament protein) or two dissimilar types (type I and type II keratins). Endo B mRNA was detectable in RNA isolated from F9 cells treated with retinoic acid for 48 h. Approximately three to five genes homologous to Endo B were detected in the mouse genome.  相似文献   
Two nonallelic porcine class I MHC (SLA) genes have been isolated and characterized. Both genes are expressed in mouse L cells, directing the synthesis of class I SLA molecules that carry common monomorphic determinants but are serologically distinct. The corresponding DNA sequences have been determined. The organization of both of these genes is similar to that of other class I genes: a leader exon, three exons encoding extracellular domains, a transmembrane exon, and three intracytoplasmic exons. The two genes are highly homologous in both exon and intron segments, with average homologies of 88% and 80%, respectively. Nucleotide changes in exon 2 are clustered, whereas those in the other exons are dispersed throughout. Comparison of the swine DNA sequences with class I genes from other species reveals a generally high conservation of exons 2, 3, 4, and 6 with lower homology in the remaining protein-encoding domains. Introns are markedly less well conserved, although moderate homology is found between swine and human class I MHC genes in both introns and 3' flanking regions. Taken together with comparisons of the deduced protein sequences, these data indicate an order of swine greater than human greater than rabbit greater than mouse in the relationship of class I genes.  相似文献   
Multiple alcohol dehydrogenases (ADH) were demonstrated in Acinetobacter sp. strain HO1-N. ADH-A and ADH-B were distinguished on the basis of electrophoretic mobility, pyridine nucleotide cofactor requirement, and substrate specificity. ADH-A is a soluble, NAD-linked, inducible ethanol dehydrogenase (EDH) exhibiting an apparent Km for ethanol of 512 microM and a Vmax of 138 nmol/min. An ethanol-negative mutant (Eth1) was isolated which contained 6.5% of wild-type EDH activity and was deficient in ADH-A. Eth1 exhibited normal growth on hexadecane and hexadecanol. A second ethanol-negative mutant (Eth3) was acetaldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) deficient, having 12.5% of wild-type ALDH activity. Eth3 had threefold-higher EDH activity than the wild-type strain. ALDH is a soluble, NAD-linked, ethanol-inducible enzyme which exhibited an apparent Km for acetaldehyde of 50 microM and a Vmax of 183 nmol/min. Eth3 exhibited normal growth on hexadecane, hexadecanol, and fatty aldehyde. ADH-B is a soluble, constitutive, NADP-linked ADH which was active with medium-chain-length alcohols. Hexadecanol dehydrogenase (HDH), a soluble and membrane-bound, NAD-linked ADH, was induced 5- to 11-fold by growth on hexadecane or hexadecanol. HDH exhibited apparent Kms for hexadecanol of 1.6 and 2.8 microM in crude extracts derived from hexadecane- and hexadecanol-grown cells, respectively. HDH was distinct from ADH-A and ADH-B, since HDH and ADH-A were not coinduced; Eth1 had wild-type levels of HDH; and HDH requires NAD, while ADH-B requires NADP. NAD- and NADP-independent HDH activity was not detected in the soluble or membrane fraction of extracts derived from hexadecane- or hexadecanol-grown cells. NAD-linked HDH appears to possess a functional role in hexadecane and hexadecanol dissimilation.  相似文献   
The growth of Acinetobacter sp. strain HO1-N on hexadecanol results in the formation of intracytoplasmic membranes and intracellular rectangular inclusions containing one of the end products of hexadecanol metabolism, hexadecyl palmitate. The intracellular inclusions were purified and characterized as "wax ester inclusions" consisting of 85.6% hexadecyl palmitate, 4.8% hexadecanol, and 9.6% phospholipid, with a phospholipid-to-protein ratio of 0.42 mumol of lipid phosphate per mg of inclusion protein. The cellular lipids consisted of 69.8% hexadecyl palmitate, 22.8% phospholipid, 1.9% triglyceride, 4.7% mono- and diglyceride, 0.1% free fatty acid, and 0.8% hexadecanol, as compared with 98% hexadecyl palmitate and 1.9% triglyceride, which comprised the extracellular lipids. Cell-associated hexadecanol represented 0.05% of the exogenously supplied hexadecanol, with hexadecyl palmitate accounting for 14.7% of the total cellular dry weight. Acinetobacter sp. strain HO1-N possesses a mechanism for the intracellular packaging of hexadecyl palmitate in wax ester inclusions, which differ in structure and chemical composition from "hydrocarbon inclusions" isolated from hexadecane-grown cells.  相似文献   
The major histocompatibility complex (SLA) of the domestic pig (Sus scrofa) was regionally mapped to 7p12----q12 by in situ hybridization with an SLA class I-specific recombinant DNA probe. This localization contradicts linkage data suggesting a possible assignment of the SLA locus to porcine chromosome 15.  相似文献   
Freshly dissociated cells from the stomach muscularis of the toad Bufo marinus have been employed to carry out a systematic set of electrophysiological studies on the membrane properties of smooth muscle. The existence of Ca2+-activated K+ channels became apparent during the first studies under current clamp. In subsequent studies under voltage clamp, a Ca2+-activated. TEA-sensitive outward current was evident, and it was more than an order of magnitude larger than any other current observed in the cells. The channel responsible, at least in part, for this large outward current has been identified on the basis of single-channel records, and some of its main characteristics have been studied. It is similar in many respects to the large-conductance, Ca2+-activated K+ channel seen in other preparations. This channel has now been found in a considerable diversity of smooth muscle types.  相似文献   
1-Methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP), a thermal breakdown product of a meperidine-like narcotic used by drug abusers as a heroin substitute, produces Parkinsonian symptoms in humans and primates. The nigrostriatal toxicity is not due to MPTP itself but to one or more oxidation products resulting from the action of monoamine oxidase (MAO) on this tertiary allylamine. Both MAO A and B catalyse the oxidation of MPTP to the 1-methyl-4-phenyl-2,3-dihydropyridinium species (MPDP+), which undergoes further oxidation to the fully aromatic 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium species (MPP+). These bio-oxidations are blocked by selective inhibitors of MAO A and B. Additionally, MPTP, MPDP+ and MPP+ are competitive inhibitors of MAO A and B. The A form of the enzyme is particularly sensitive to this type of reversible inhibition. Both MAO A and B also are irreversibly inactivated by MPTP and MPDP+, but not by MPP+. This inactivation obeys the characteristics of a mechanism-based or 'suicide' process. The inactivation, which is accompanied by the incorporation of radioactivity from methyl-labelled MPTP, is likely to result from covalent modification of the enzyme.  相似文献   
To investigate the role of satellite DNA in eukaryotic genomes, we isolated from an African green monkey (Cercopithecus aethiops) genomic library cloned segments containing the previously described deca-satellite linked to low-copy-number genomic sequences. Three such clones were obtained. The low-copy-number sequences in the three clones do not cross-hybridize suggesting that they derive from different genomic loci. The structure of one of the clones, λAMkA, is described in detail. Subcloned segments containing the low-copy-number sequences from λAMkA anneal to monkey, human and mouse genomic DNA. The subcloned probes were used to select clones containing homologous sequences from a second, independent monkey library as well as from human and mouse genomic libraries. Several of the newly isolated monkey clones hybridized to probes containing the species-specific deca- and -satellites, confirming the genomic association of the low-copy-number sequence in λAMkA with satellite DNA. Moreover, several of the human and mouse clones hybridized to species-specific human and mouse satellite DNAs, respectively. These experiments indicate that the low-copy-number sequence in λMkA and its association with satellite DNA is conserved in primates and rodents.  相似文献   
An igapó forest near the confluence of Rio Tarumã Mirim (Tarumãzinho) and Rio Negro has been studied. It is a typical ectotroph forest with a raw humus layer and suppressed litter decomposing activity by Higher (i.e., carpophore-producing) Fungi. The number of the latter is about one-fifth of that observed in the (anectotrophic) terra firme forest. All ectotrophically mycorrhizal fungi observed belonged in three families:Amanitaceae, Boletaceae, Russulaceae. Leguminosae are dominant, and of theseAldina latifolia andSwartzia cf.polyphylla were demonstrably ectomycorrhizal. The scarcity of mineral nutrients in the soils of igapó, campinarana and campina is overcome by direct cycling through ectomycorrhizae. This is in contrast to other black- and white-water inundated forest communities in Amazonia.Litter Decomposition and Ectomycorrhiza in Amazonian Forests3. Previous contributions seeSinger & Araujo (1979) andSinger & al. (1983).  相似文献   
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