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Regulation of expression of the genes encoding steroidogenic enzymes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In recent years it has become apparent that tropic hormones involved in steroidogenesis act to regulate the expression of the enzymes involved in the various steroidogenic pathways. This is particularly evident in the ovary where the episodic secretion of steroids throughout the ovarian cycle is regulated largely by changes in the levels of the particular enzymes involved in each step of the steroid biosynthetic pathways. Recently, the genes for the various cytochrome P450 species involved in ovarian steroidogenesis, namely cholesterol side-chain cleavage P450 (P450SCC), 17 alpha-hydroxylase P450 (P450(17 alpha], and aromatase cytochrome P450 (P450AROM) have been isolated and characterized, making it possible to study the regulation of expression at the molecular level. To this end, a series of chimeric constructs have been prepared in which fragments of the 5'-untranslated region of bovine P450(17 alpha) and P450SCC have been inserted upstream of the chloramphenicol acetyl transferase (CAT) and beta-globin reporter genes. These constructs have been used to transfect primary cultures of bovine luteal and thecal cells. The results indicate that cAMP responsiveness lies within defined regions of genes which do not contain a classical CRE, similar to previous results utilizing adrenal cells in culture. Furthermore, although constructs containing both the P450(17 alpha) and P450SCC 5'-upstream regions are expressed in both luteal and thecal cell cultures, only those containing the P450SCC sequences are expressed in luteal cells. Studies on the expression of P450AROM indicate that the promoter which is responsible for its expression in human placenta is not operative in the corpus luteum. Thus estrogen biosynthesis may be regulated by the differential use of tissue specific promoters, thus accounting for the complexity and multifactorial nature of the expression of this activity.  相似文献   
D A Maslov  L Simpson 《Cell》1992,70(3):459-467
Seventeen kinetoplast minicircle-encoded and nine maxicircle-encoded gRNA genes have been identified. Six overlapping minicircle-encoded gRNAs mediate editing for the 5'-pan-edited MURF4 gene and two for the 5'-edited COIII gene. The pan-edited RPS12 mRNA is edited by seven minicircle-encoded gRNAs and one maxicircle-encoded gRNA. The 3'-most gRNA in each domain forms an anchor with unedited mRNA, whereas upstream gRNAs form anchors only with edited mRNA, thereby explaining the observed 3' to 5' polarity of editing within an editing domain. We suggest that a role of G-U base pairs is to allow breathing of the edited mRNA-gRNA hybrid and formation of the upstream anchor hybrid.  相似文献   
Growth and morphological changes in the stomach of newborn pigs were examined during the first 3 days after birth. The stomach grew disproportionately faster than the body as a whole during this period. The growth was due to hyperplasia and hypertrophy during the first day and mainly to hyperplasia thereafter as gastric DNA content increased progressively after birth, and the protein:DNA and RNA:DNA ratios increased only on the first day. Histological and morphometric analyses revealed that the growth was more pronounced in the gastric body region than in the cardiac and pyloric regions, and more pronounced in the mucosal layer than in other layers. The percentage of mucosal volume occupied by parietal cells (volume density) and the number of parietal cells per unit volume of gastric mucosa (numerical density) increased significantly 3 days after birth in the cardiac and body regions, but not in the pyloric region, of the stomach. The observed morphological changes coincide with the known pattern of functional maturation during the immediate postnatal period. It is suggested that a high level of circulating gastrin and oral ingestion of milk-derived growth factors in the newborn pig contribute to these changes.  相似文献   
The sequence of a partial cDNA clone corresponding to an mRNA induced in leaves of barley (Hordeum vulgare) by infection with fungal pathogens matched almost perfectly with that of a cDNA clone coding for beta-1,-3-glucanase isolated from the scutellum of barley. Western blot analysis of intercellular proteins from near-isogenic barley lines inoculated with the powdery mildew fungus (Erysiphe graminis f. sp. hordei) showed a strong induction of glucanase in all inoculated lines but was most pronounced in two resistant lines. These data were confirmed by beta-1,3-glucanase assays. The barley cDNA was used as a hybridization probe to detect mRNAs in barley, wheat (Triticum aestivum), rice (oryza sativus), and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor), which are induced by infection with the necrotrophic pathogen Bipolaris sorokiniana. These results demonstrate that activation of beta-1,3-glucanase genes may be a general response of cereals to infection by fungal pathogens.  相似文献   
The complete amino acid sequence of the cardiac stimulatory and haemolytic protein tenebrosin-C, from the Australian sea anemone Actinia tenebrosa, has been determined by Edman degradation of the intact molecule and fragments produced by treatment of the polypeptide chain with cyanogen bromide and enzymatic cleavage with endoproteinase Asp-N, thermolysin and trypsin. The molecule is a single-chain polypeptide consisting of 179 amino acid residues with a calculated molecular mass of 19,797 Da. Tenebrosin-C shows a high degree of amino acid sequence similarity (63%) with Stoichactis helianthus cytolysin III [Blumenthal, K. M. and Kem, W. R. (1983) J. Biol. Chem. 258, 5574-5581] and is identical to a partial sequence (90 residues) reported for equinatoxin, a cardiostimulatory and haemolytic protein isolated from the European sea anemone Actinia equina [Ferlan, I. and Jackson, K. (1983) Toxicon Suppl. 3, 141-144]. No amino acid sequence similarity was detected between tenebrosin-C and other protein sequences stored in available databases. The predicted secondary structure of tenebrosin-C suggests that it is a compact, highly structured molecule.  相似文献   
During somatic growth in adult Locusta migratoria L. there are variations in the responsiveness of chemosensilla on the maxillary palps. Relative changes in chemosensitivity to amino acids and sucrose are consistent with relative changes in protein and carbohydrate ingestion. There is a decline throughout the somatic growth phase in the proportion of sensilla responding to stimulation. In those sensilla which respond, there is a decline in the firing rate to amino acids, while sucrose responsiveness declines to a lesser degree. We suggest that variations in the levels of nutrients in the storage tissues, especially the haemolymph, arising from changes in the demand for protein and carbohydrate for growth, directly or indirectly, influence gustatory sensitivity.
Résumé Pendant la croissance de L. migratoria L. les réactions aux acides aminés et aux sucres des sensilles chimiques des palpes maxillaires changent. Ces changements relatifs de la sensibilité chimique à ces deux aliments correspondent aux modifications dans l'ingestion de protéines et d'hydrates de carbone par cet insecte. La diminution de la réponse aux acides aminés est liée à la fois au nombre de sensilles qui réagissent et à leur taux de réaction. La sensibilité des sensilles au sucrose varie moins profondément et implique uniquement des modifications du nombre de sensilles réagissant. Nous suggérons que des variations de la teneur en éléments nutritifs de l'haemolymphe, dues à des modifications de la demande en protéines et en glucides nécessaires à la croissance, influent sur la sensibilité gustative.
The rate of decrease of mean metacarpal cortical width was assessed by sequential radiographic morphometry for each hand separately in a series of 46 right-handed postmenopausal women observed for 222 patient-years. For the left hand, the mean rate was 0.0331 ± 0.0053 mm/year and for the right, 0.0310 ± 0.0060 mm/year. The difference between the hands in the rate of decrease was not significant. It is concluded that the higher work load of the dominant hand has no effect on the rate of bone loss from the metacarpals of postmenopausal women.  相似文献   
We have constructed hybrid proteins in which the toxic A chains of ricin or diptheria toxin have been linked to either asialofetuin, fetuin, or epidermal growth factor (EGF). Both ASF-RTA and ASF-DTA are potent toxins on cultured rat hepatocytes, cells that display the asialoglycoprotein receptor. Toxicity of these two compounds is restricted to hepatocytes and can be blocked by asialoglycoproteins but not the native glycoproteins or asialoagalactoglycoprotein derivatives, indicating that the toxicity of the conjugates is mediated by the hepatic asialoglycoprotein receptor. The EGF-RTA conjugate is an extremely potent toxin on cells that can bind the hormone, but is only poorly effective on cells that are unable to bind EGF. The EGF-DTA conjugate, in contrast, is unable to kill 3T3 cells and is at least two orders of magnitude less effective than EGF-RTA on A431 cells, a cell line with 1-2 X 10(6) EGF receptors per cell. However, when EGF-RTA and EGF-DTA were tested on primary liver hepatocyte cultures, which were susceptible to both ASF-RTA and ASF-DTA, both EGF conjugates were potent toxins. Sensitivity of the hepatocyte cultures to ricin toxicity increases slightly during a 52-hr culture period. In contrast, sensitivity to EGF-RTA and ASF-RTA decline dramatically during this period. Receptors for both ligands remain plentiful on the cell surface during this time.  相似文献   
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