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After brain stroke microglia/macrophages (M/M) undergo rapid activation with dramatic morphological and phenotypic changes that include expression of novel surface antigens and production of mediators that build up and maintain the inflammatory response. Emerging evidence indicates that M/M are highly plastic cells that can assume classic pro-inflammatory (M1) or alternative anti-inflammatory (M2) activation after acute brain injury. However a complete characterization of M/M phenotype marker expression, their colocalization and temporal evolution in the injured brain is still missing.Immunofluorescence protocols specifically staining relevant markers of M/M activation can be performed in the ischemic brain. Here we present immunofluorescence-based protocols followed by three-dimensional confocal analysis as a powerful approach to investigate the pattern of localization and co-expression of M/M phenotype markers such as CD11b, CD68, Ym1, in mouse model of focal ischemia induced by permanent occlusion of the middle cerebral artery (pMCAO). Two-dimensional analysis of the stained area reveals that each marker is associated to a defined M/M morphology and has a given localization in the ischemic lesion. Patterns of M/M phenotype marker co-expression can be assessed by three-dimensional confocal imaging in the ischemic area. Images can be acquired over a defined volume (10 μm z-axis and a 0.23 μm step size, corresponding to a 180 x 135 x 10 μm volume) with a sequential scanning mode to minimize bleed-through effects and avoid wavelength overlapping. Images are then processed to obtain three-dimensional renderings by means of Imaris software. Solid view of three dimensional renderings allows the definition of marker expression in clusters of cells. We show that M/M have the ability to differentiate towards a multitude of phenotypes, depending on the location in the lesion site and time after injury.  相似文献   
Edmond H. Fischer was awarded the 1992 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his joint research with Edwin G. Krebs on reversible protein phosphorylation. The two Classics reprinted here relate some of Fischer and Krebs'' early discoveries in their phosphorylase researchPhosphorylase Activity of Skeletal Muscle Extracts (Krebs, E. G., and Fischer, E. H. (1955) J. Biol. Chem. 216, 113–120)Conversion of Phosphorylase b to Phosphorylase a in Muscle Extracts (Fischer, E. H., and Krebs, E. G. (1955) J. Biol. Chem. 216, 121–132)Edmond H. Fischer was born in Shanghai, China in 1920. He was sent to boarding school in Switzerland at age 7, and in 1935, he entered Geneva''s Collège de Calvin. There, he became friends with his classmate Wilfried Haudenschild, and together, they decided that one of them should go into the sciences and the other into medicine so they could cure the world of all ills. Fischer chose science.Open in a separate windowEdmond H. FischerJust before the start of World War II, Fischer completed high school and entered the School of Chemistry at the University of Geneva. He earned two Licences ès Sciences, one in biology, the other in chemistry, and 2 years later, he was awarded a Diploma of “Ingénieur Chimiste.” For his thesis, he worked with Kurt H. Meyer on the purification of amylase from hog and human pancreas, as well as saliva and several strains of bacteria.In 1950, Fischer went to the United States to do a postdoctoral fellowship with Paul Karrer at CalTech. However, when he arrived in Pasadena he received a letter from Journal of Biological Chemistry (JBC) Classic author Hans Neurath (1), chairman of the department of biochemistry at the University of Washington, offering him an assistant professorship in his department. Fischer visited Seattle and accepted the offer, in part because the surrounding mountains, forests, and lakes reminded him of his native Switzerland.Within 6 months of his arrival, Fischer started working on glycogen phosphorylase with Edwin G. Krebs, who was featured in a previous JBC Classic (2). Krebs had trained with JBC Classic authors Carl and Gerty Cori who had discovered that muscle phosphorylase exists in two forms, phosphorylase a, which was easily crystallized and was active without the addition of AMP, and phosphorylase b, a more soluble protein, which was inactive without AMP (3). They believed that AMP served some kind of co-factor function for the enzyme, facilitating its transition between the two forms.However, in Geneva, Fischer had purified potato phosphorylase, which had no AMP requirement. Because it seemed unlikely that muscle phosphorylase but not potato phosphorylase would require AMP as a co-factor, Fischer and Krebs decided to try to elucidate the role of AMP in the phosphorylase reaction. They never discovered what the nucleotide was doing (this problem was solved several years later when Jacques Monod proposed his allosteric model for the regulation of enzymes), but they did discover that muscle phosphorylase was regulated by an enzyme-catalyzed phosphorylation-dephosphorylation reaction.The two JBC Classics reprinted here relate some of Fischer and Krebs'' early discoveries in their phosphorylase research. In the first Classic, the pair performed experiments to determine whether environmental temperature affects the phosphorylase content of skeletal muscle. They were unable to detect any temperature effects, but they did make the surprising discovery that the muscle extracts contained mainly phosphorylase b rather than phosphorylase a. The pair concluded that “If resting muscle contains mainly phosphorylase b… then pronounced activation of the phosphorylase reaction under various conditions is possible.”The second JBC Classic was printed back-to-back with the first. In it, Krebs and Fischer examine the requirements for the phosphorylase conversion and present evidence that the conversion of phosphorylase b to a in cell-free muscle extracts requires a nucleotide containing high energy phosphate and a divalent metal ion. However, they state that “whether this implies that during conversion there is a direct phosphorylation of the enzyme or the formation of an ‘active’ intermediate cannot be stated at this time. It is also possible that the function of ATP is concerned with the synthesis of a prosthetic group.”Similar work was being carried out on liver phosphorylase at approximately the same time by Earl Sutherland. As discussed in a previous JBC Classic (4), Sutherland discovered the second messenger cyclic AMP (cAMP), which he showed promoted the phosphorylation and activation of phosphorylase. The way in which cAMP promoted phosphorylase activation was eventually elucidated when Krebs and Fischer discovered phosphorylase kinase, which was responsible for phosphorylating phosphorylase. Phosphorylase kinase itself existed in a highly activated phosphorylated form and a less active nonphosphorylated form.As a result of the significance of their studies, Krebs and Fischer were awarded the 1992 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine “for their discoveries concerning reversible protein phosphorylation as a biological regulatory mechanism.”In addition to the Nobel Prize, Fischer has received many awards and honors in recognition of his contributions to science. These include the Werner Medal from the Swiss Chemical Society, the Lederle Medical Faculty Award, the Prix Jaubert from the University of Geneva, and jointly with Krebs, the Senior Passano Award and the Steven C. Beering Award from Indiana University. Fischer was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1972 and to the National Academy of Sciences in 1973.1  相似文献   
Scientific evidence supports the use of common reference intervals (RIs) for many general chemistry analytes, in particular those with sound calibration and traceability in place. Already the Nordic countries and United Kingdom have largely achieved harmonised RIs. Following a series of workshops organised by the Australasian Association of Clinical Biochemists (AACB) between 2012 and 2014 at which an evidence-based approach for determination of common intervals was developed, pathology organisations in Australia and New Zealand have reached a scientific consensus on what adult and paediatric intervals we should use across Australasia. The aim of this report is to describe the processes that the AACB and the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia have taken towards recommending the implementation of a first panel of common RIs for use in Australasia.  相似文献   


Plants have inducible defenses to combat attacking organisms. Hence, some herbivores have adapted to suppress these defenses. Suppression of plant defenses has been shown to benefit herbivores by boosting their growth and reproductive performance.


We observed in field-grown tomatoes that spider mites (Tetranychus urticae) establish larger colonies on plants already infested with the tomato russet mite (Aculops lycopersici). Using laboratory assays, we observed that spider mites have a much higher reproductive performance on russet mite-infested plants, similar to their performance on the jasmonic acid (JA)-biosynthesis mutant def-1. Hence, we tested if russet mites suppress JA-responses thereby facilitating spider mites. We found that russet mites manipulate defenses: they induce those mediated by salicylic acid (SA) but suppress those mediated by JA which would otherwise hinder growth. This suppression of JA-defenses occurs downstream of JA-accumulation and is independent from its natural antagonist SA. In contrast, spider mites induced both JA- and SA-responses while plants infested with the two mite species together display strongly reduced JA-responses, yet a doubled SA-response. The spider mite-induced JA-response in the presence of russet mites was restored on transgenic tomatoes unable to accumulate SA (nahG), but russet mites alone still did not induce JA-responses on nahG plants. Thus, indirect facilitation of spider mites by russet mites depends on the antagonistic action of SA on JA while suppression of JA-defenses by russet mites does not. Furthermore, russet mite-induced SA-responses inhibited secondary infection by Pseudomonas syringae (Pst) while not affecting the mite itself. Finally, while facilitating spider mites, russet mites experience reduced population growth.


Our results show that the benefits of suppressing plant defenses may diminish within communities with natural competitors. We show that suppression of defenses via the JA-SA antagonism can be a consequence, rather than the cause, of a primary suppression event and that its overall effect is determined by the presence of competing herbivores and the distinct palette of defenses these induce. Thus, whether or not host-defense manipulation improves an herbivore’s fitness depends on interactions with other herbivores via induced-host defenses, implicating bidirectional causation of community structure of herbivores sharing a plant.
Highlights? Distinct clock neurons mediate synchronization to high or low temperature cycles ? CRY counteracts the effects of temperature cycles on the molecular circadian clock ? Without CRY, dorsal clock neurons mediate synchronization to all temperature cycles ? CRY’s function in Zeitgeber integration is partially non-cell autonomous  相似文献   
Several stilbenes, related to known resveratrol, have been synthesized and tested for their anticancer effect on HL60 leukemia cell line, taking particular care of the cell cycle analysis. The most potent compound was the known (Z)-3,4',5-trimethoxystilbene (6b) which was active as apoptotic agent at 0.24 microM. Differently from other stilbenes (including resveratrol) that induced a prevalent recruitment of cells in S phase of cell cycle, we found a peculiar behavior of 6b that caused a decrease of cells in all phases of cell cycle (G0-G1, S, and G2-M) and a proportional increase of apoptotic cells. The potent pro-apoptotic activity shown by compound 6b and its effects on cell cycle make this compound of great interest for further investigations.  相似文献   
Recent data shed light on two novel aspects of the mitochondria-Ca2+ liaison. First, it was extensively investigated how Ca2+ handling is controlled by mitochondrial shape, and positioning; a playground also of cell death and survival regulation. On the other hand, significant progress has been made to explore how intra- and near-mitochondrial Ca2+ signals modify mitochondrial morphology and cellular distribution. Here, we shortly summarize these advances and provide a model of Ca2+-mitochondria interactions.  相似文献   
The two main allelic variants of the Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) pantophysin I (Pan I) locus have different frequencies within different cod stocks. The Dra I polymorphism which distinguishes the two alleles can thus be used for discrimination of coastal and offshore cod populations. We present a new method for Pan I genotyping using fluorescent allele‐specific duplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR). This method is more rapid, reliable and cost‐effective than the previously published method and it is not affected by DNA source and quality. This improvement is important for studies demanding high throughput and accuracy of Pan I genotyping  相似文献   
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